urvaracenter · 2 years
Going for IVF ? Here Are Quick Tips To Improve Egg Quality!
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There's no secret to having a healthy egg. If you want to improve your egg quality for IVF, here are some steps you can take to get started.
# Improve Your Blood Flow   Oxygen-rich blood flow to the ovaries is essential for the health of the eggs. Blood flow can be improved by ensuring you stay hydrated with at least 6-8 glasses of water a day.
# Stop Smoking Studies have shown that smoking causes fertility problems and leads to future lowered fertility.
# De-Stress Stress can produce hormones like prolactin and cortisol, affecting egg quality and production.
For more information on improving on your egg quality visit-
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urvaracenter · 2 years
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urvaracenter · 2 years
Mostly, fertility or infertility in men depends on the quality and quantity of sperm. Many factors affect the fertility of sperm which makes it weaker for pregnancy. Each sperm is composed of a head, neck, and tail. Each component is also a typical size and form. Sperm cannot be made thicker, but it can be made stronger and healthier.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
Frozen Embryo Transfer - A Revolutionary Technique
What is Frozen Embryo Transfer?
Frozen embryo transfer (FET) is a process by which a woman’s eggs are collected, fertilized with the man’s sperm, and frozen. Then, in the future, when the woman is ready to become pregnant, she may undergo surgery to remove the eggs from their frozen state and implant them into her uterus. FET is considered a safe and successful way to conceive a child.
 How does Frozen Embryo Transfer work? 
This is a procedure in which doctors use frozen embryos to create a pregnancy. Frozen embryos can last for many years and can be used to create pregnancies even if the mother is not able to carry a child. Frozen embryo transfer is an excellent choice for couples who are trying to conceive, but it is not for everyone. Before undergoing this procedure, you should discuss your options with your doctor.
 Why is Frozen Embryo Transfer a popular choice for fertility treatments?
There are a number of reasons why Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is a popular choice for fertility treatments. First and foremost, it is one of the most successful methods for achieving pregnancy. In fact, it has a success rate of over 90% when used in conjunction with other fertility treatments such as Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) or artificial insemination. Another reason to choose FET over other methods is that frozen embryos are more stable than those that are stored in the mother’s womb. This means that they will remain viable for longer periods of time, which makes them a more reliable option when it comes to achieving pregnancy. Furthermore, FET can be done relatively quickly – typically within five days – which means that you won’t have to wait long before you can start trying to conceive.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
Infertility Counselling in Lucknow: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction to infertility counselling in Lucknow
Infertility counselling is a service that can help couples struggling to conceive. It can provide guidance and support as you work towards resolving any difficulties you may be experiencing. If you're considering infertility counselling in Lucknow, we highly recommend speaking with one of our expert  Dr. Richa Singh .  They will be able to provide you with the advice and support you need to get pregnant.
Types of infertility counselling
Infertility counselling can be a very helpful tool in the process of trying to conceive. There are a variety of different types of infertility counselling that can be used, depending on the needs and preferences of the individual. Some couples may prefer traditional infertility counselling, which may include discussions about fertility problems and possible treatments. Other couples may prefer more holistic approaches, which may focus on deeper issues such as stress or relationship issues.
Benefits of infertility counselling 
Counselling can help couples explore all possible options for resolving their infertility and identify any underlying issues that may be causing it. Additionally, counselling can provide support during the often difficult process of trying to conceive. If you're considering infertility counselling in Lucknow, we highly recommend speaking with one of our expert  Dr. Richa Singh.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
Life-changing Laser Assisted Hatching Treatments in Lucknow
At Urvara Fertility Center, we offer laser assisted hatching treatments in Lucknow. The process involves a simple procedure where the eggs are removed with a needle and they are then placed in an incubator. A laser is used to break open the egg so that it can hatch naturally. This is much faster than traditional methods.
A major benefit of this method is that there is no need for drugs, hormones, injections, or surgeries. All the procedures can be done on site, and the patients don’t even have to stay overnight.
If you would like to know more about the advantages of this type of treatment, please feel free to call us today!
We also provide counselling services to help people who are struggling to conceive. Our expert team will guide you every step of the way.
What Is Laser-assisted Hatching?
If you've ever seen a baby chick hatch, then you already know how important it is for a mother bird to incubate her eggs until they break open and the chicks start to emerge. The same thing happens with humans when you become pregnant. However, you don't want to do all of this on your own. Instead, you'll need to hire someone else to help you.
This is where assisted hatching comes into play.
The Procedure: How Is the Treatment Done?
In this day and age, many couples have trouble getting pregnant naturally. That's why assisted hatching is becoming more popular. So how exactly does assisted hatching work?
This procedure involves injecting sperm into an egg that hasn't been fertilised yet. This causes the egg to be stimulated so that it can start growing new cells. Assisted hatching doesn't involve any surgery, but it can take anywhere from 3 to 5 days before the baby starts developing.
You should know that assisted hatching isn’t always successful. If the eggs aren’t mature enough, they won’t respond to the injection process. If you do decide to try the method, make sure you go to a fertility clinic.
Why is assisted hatching a good idea?
If you don’t get pregnant after trying to conceive for several months, it might mean that you need to undergo another round of treatments.
The Success Rate: What Is the Success Rate of This Treatment?
You might have heard that laser assisted hatching, also known as artificial insemination by donor (AID), can help couples who want to get pregnant. However, you may be wondering how effective it really is. So let's take a look at the facts.
First of all, there are many different methods of assisted hatching. One method involves inserting an egg into the uterus and allowing it to develop naturally. Another way to achieve a pregnancy is through in vitro fertilization. This process uses a man’s sperm and a woman’s eggs. Then, the embryos are placed inside her womb.
Still another option is to use donated semen. In this case, the male provides his own sperm, but he does not actually participate in the conception process.
The final method of assisted hatching involves using donor sperm. Once again, the male doesn’t contribute anything to the process. He simply supplies the sperm.  Urvara Fertility Center  offers the best  laser assisted hatching treatments in Lucknow.
Now that you know more about the various options, you can decide what type of assisted hatching will work best for your situation.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
Why Cosmetic Gynecology Is The Perfect Solution For Women's Health Problems
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Introduction: What is cosmetic gynecology?
At its core, cosmetic surgery is only about one thing – how you look. More and more people are turning to surgical procedures to improve their feelings about themselves and their lives. This trend has caused many surgeons to start offering these types of surgeries so that patients can be satisfied with their appearance.
Many experts believe that how we view ourselves plays a big part in our sense of self-confidence. It's been said that no one will trust you very much if you don't have confidence in yourself. If your face doesn't make them say yes, why would they ever consider voting for you as president or representing them in any other way?
Your surgeon should listen to your concerns and questions and try his best to answer them. He should also take time to get to know you and learn what qualities you most like and dislike about yourself.
He may then recommend surgery options that enhance those features while decreasing/eliminating others you mention being problematic.
Women's health problems: what are they, and how can they be solved with cosmetic gynaecology?
Approximately 1 in 5 American women experiences symptoms of menopausal syndrome, including hot flashes and mood swings. Other side effects include depression, sleep apnea, heart disease, and osteoporosis.
Many believe hormonal therapy will fix these issues, but this treatment isn't safe. With its possible risks, it's recommended only as a last option.
More and more studies show that reducing hormone levels can reduce specific symptoms such as redness, fatigue, and temperature instability. This also improves the quality of life for those who suffer from them.
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The benefits of cosmetic gynaecology: better self-esteem, improved sexual function, etc.
More and more girls today are entering into sex at earlier ages. Unfortunately, many have read about abortion procedures but do not know how standard this procedure is.
Many young people believe that if they don't want to get pregnant, they undergo sterilisation surgery during puberty or hold off having sex until men leave college.
Neither approach is safe! By the time you reach 26 years old, your body has already produced 30,000 babies, half less than three months old. It needs to be put back in balance before taking any other steps.
That's why most doctors recommend delaying fertility treatments until after pregnancy plans. A balanced approach includes fertility medication and birth control; doing so helps prevent unwanted pregnancies.
However, studies show that when women use fertility medications while trying to conceive, their children are very healthy.
This makes sense because those drugs work by balancing hormones, meaning there is no excess stimulation of baby development. When doses of hormone therapy fail, as they often do initially, surgeons can perform uterine lining resection, reducing the area exposed to hormones.
Uterine remodelling procedures fix the problem by narrowing the open end of the uterus, thus allowing it to absorb more estrogen. As we mentioned, too much estrogen causes disease. With fewer cells receiving estrogens, the risk of certain diseases lowers, such as vaginal/endowment.
How to find a reputable cosmetic gynaecologist
A qualified cosmetic gynaecologist will have several things going for them. Their expertise in minimising female genitalia, including c-sections, was described above.
They will also be experts at evaluating their patients' symptoms and refer those patients to appropriate treatment such as physical therapy, exercise programs, or pain medication.
This avoids unnecessary surgeries by preventing complications from repeated surgery (multiple vaginoplasties, incisions, and tissue rearrangements).
Lastly, they will likely have impressive customer reviews online/from previous patients. You can search review sites like Yelp and Google to read other people's experiences with various doctors.
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Women finally realise they can achieve total wellness through preventive healthcare, including cancer screening tests, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) support, and dermatologic care. Many people don't realise these services can help reduce or prevent several other chronic medical conditions affecting millions of women daily.
Having access to proper dermatological care makes it easier to promote overall wellness in your life. By being aware of your PMS symptoms, you can avoid triggers that cause irritability and depression, which contribute significantly to workplace absenteeism and workload imbalances.
Chronic pain syndromes such as fibromyalgia can notoriously resist treatment, but their effectiveness seems to improve when combined with dermatological care. Early detection through routine screening makes it possible to diagnose and treat certain skin cancers sooner rather than later.
Visit the clinic and get the best IVF experience at affordable costs from the best IVF centre in Lucknow.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
Things You'll Need To Know About Treatments For Common Gynaecological Problems
When to see a Gynaecologist
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Visiting your doctor is important for getting treatment for any health condition, including gynaecological issues. If you are experiencing pain in your abdomen or back, bleeding from your menstrual period, or feeling pressure in your pelvis, visit your doctor immediately.
These conditions can be serious, so don't wait to get checked out by a physician. It's also very important to contact your doctor if you notice symptoms that require medical attention.
They will help coordinate care with you and possibly other doctors. And it is the patient's responsibility to follow their treatments fully.
Gynaecological Symptoms
The symptoms associated with common gynaecological problems will feel familiar or strange to you. These symptoms include menstrual changes, frequent urination, bladder infections, painful breasts, abdominal cramps, and more.
Menstrual changes are very familiar to most women. During puberty, before you reach adulthood, you may have already experienced many of these symptoms. Menstruation is what helps police some biological changes in your body.
It is normal to experience all those symptoms listed above at some point in your life. However, if you experience them consistently (year after year), it's a good idea to check out what's causing them.
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In general, you can expect to feel some symptoms of Gynepathology problems. Your stomach may feel tight like you ate too much food or felt sick afterwards. Feeling tired is another common symptom that comes along with these conditions.
You may also have an abnormal vaginal discharge, including mucus, blood, white cells, or yellowish secretions. It can be increased at any time during your menstrual cycle).
Other signs include pain when urinating, burning with sex, or bleeding between periods. If you experience all these symptoms, you could have one of the more serious diseases, such as cancer.
These are just signs and symptoms of a problem, not diagnosis itself. We need to look further into your history and do additional tests to make an exact diagnosis.
Tests used to diagnose endometriosis include medical imaging (such as X-rays) and ultrasound), self-reported questionnaires, and physical exams. A doctor will use questions they ask to assess how long your symptoms have been present and whether there are other contributing factors such as pelvic pain or infertility.
Treatment and Prevention
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Many treatments for women's health issues include common gynaecological problems. While they may seem confusing, most can be simple and easy to learn if you know what things to look for.
However, it is important to note that medicine has no guarantees. No treatment will work for every woman.
That being said, several treatments have been shown to improve outcomes. It is also important to consider other factors when deciding whether or not to use a treatment. Other useful treatments include metformin and the contraceptive pill.
Metformin has been used as an oral medication for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Its effectiveness at improving symptoms has led to its use off-label for overweight women without PCOS who may benefit from weight loss. The Pill contains estrogen and progesterone, which helps control menopausal hot flashes.
Medical professionals are always looking for new ways to help their patients. These days, doctors don't just rely on clinical tests to assess your health; they also use insurance companies' guidelines to decide what will prove effective treatment.
Although it may be difficult to find multiple reliable sources of information, most experts agree that organic foods can reduce the risk of some chronic diseases. Certain minerals (like selenium) and vitamins (such as vitamin A), along with certain antioxidants (say, anthocyanins), seem to protect DNA from damage which could lead to cancer.
However, no one food contains all these nutrients. And even if you could get enough of each nutrient, there's still no evidence that eating more of them would provide any benefits.
Thus, nutritionists advise people to eat various fruits and vegetables to gain access to these nutrients.
Many physicians recommend this "variety diet" because they believe it is practical and healthy.
They argue that since we live in a world where many foods are packaged together, why should our diets be limited to only those that come from nature?
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urvaracenter · 2 years
What to Do After the Embryo Transfer: Precautions and More
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After the embryo transfer, there are a few things that you need to do in order to ensure the success of the procedure. First and foremost, you need to take it easy and relax for the rest of the day. This means no strenuous activity, lifting heavy objects, or sexual intercourse. You also need to avoid drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and eating spicy food. These activities can all lead to uterine contractions which can disrupt the implantation process. 
It is also important to keep an eye on your body for any signs of infection or complications. These can include fever, chills, increased vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, or cramping. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. 
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Finally, you should continue taking all of your medications as prescribed and attend all follow-up appointments with your doctor.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
What Do You Need to Know About Blastocyst?
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Embryos develop in a special place inside a woman called the fallopian tube. The embryo is very small, only a few cells in size. It starts off in a stage of rapid cell division and growth.
After around seven days it reaches its early eight-cell stage, which is when it begins to take shape. After that, the embryo becomes a ball of 16 to 32 cells. Then, after about two weeks, the embryo is formed. This is when it moves down the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. During this time, the cells continue to divide and form a hollow sphere of tissue. This stage of the developing embryo is known as the morula (or ‘ball’).
The next stage, the blastocyst, looks similar to an overripe watermelon.
How Are Blastocysts Used in Fertility Treatments?
There are two ways that a woman can get pregnant. One way is by having sex with her partner, while the other method involves using artificial means to produce an embryo. The latter option is known as infertility treatment.
If you want to have children, then you need to make sure that you're healthy. You should also take care of your body so that you can be able to conceive naturally. If you don't know how to do this, then you might consider getting help from a professional.
One type of infertility treatment is the use of frozen embryos. This is a procedure that is done in order to preserve your eggs. When you freeze them, they will remain in a dormant state for a few years. Once you are ready, you can thaw them out and try to get pregnant.
Another type of infertility treatment is the use of donor eggs. In this case, the egg is donated by someone who is not related to you. Then, it's transferred into your uterus. Finally, you'll carry a pregnancy until birth.
What Are the Benefits of Using Blastocysts in Fertility Treatments?
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In order to have a baby, you need to be able to get pregnant. This is why many couples look into artificial insemination. Artificial insemination involves getting semen from the male partner and placing it inside the female partner.
However, this method isn't always successful. There are times when the sperm doesn't work properly, and that's where the use of frozen embryos comes in. Frozen embryos are created by taking an embryo and freezing it until later. Once it is thawed and placed back in the woman, it will grow into a fetus.
There are three main reasons that people choose to use frozen embryos. The first is that they don't want to wait for months before conceiving a child. The second reason is that they're looking for the best chance of success. And the third reason is that they simply prefer to freeze their own embryos rather than take them from someone else.
If you've been trying to conceive but haven't had any luck, then you might consider using frozen embryos in your next attempt at conception.
What Are the Risks Associated with Blastocyst Use in Fertility Treatments?
A Blastocysts in Fertility Treatments is a tiny cell that contains all the genetic information needed to form a human being. This means that it can be used to create embryos for IVF treatment. If you want to know more about this procedure, here are some facts you need to know.
There are two ways in which you can make use of these cells. The first way involves using them to produce an embryo. Once the embryo has been created, it can then be implanted into the mother's uterus. However, there are also other uses for the blastocysts. For example, they could be frozen and later thawed and transferred back to the woman's body.
Another option is to freeze the cells, and then transfer them to a donor egg in order to help the recipient have children.
Finally, you can simply destroy the cells after they are extracted from the patient.
The main advantage of this method is that it allows the patient to get pregnant without having to undergo the standard IVF process. However, this does come at a cost.
What Should Patients Know About Blastocyst Treatment in Lucknow?
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You might be wondering how you can get pregnant when your body isn't ready to have babies yet. This is why many women choose to undergo a procedure known as the Blastocyst Transfer (BT). If you're considering this option, then you'll want to read on to learn more.
In order to understand what BT involves, you need to first realize that there are two different kinds of eggs. The first type of egg is the mature egg. Mature eggs are produced by older women who are past their childbearing years. On the other hand, immature eggs are created by younger women.
These eggs will then go through a process of fertilization. Once they've been successfully fertilized, these embryos will then develop into a new life. After the embryo has developed, it's referred to as a blastocyst.
When you decide to undergo the BT, doctors will remove your ovaries and implant the blastocysts inside of them. Then, the doctor will transfer the embryos back to your uterus.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
What Questions to Ask Before Starting an Ivf Treatments
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If you are thinking about undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) then you must be aware of the risks involved. There is a chance that you might not conceive naturally even if you do all the right things. So, it’s very important to consider some of the common pitfalls that you may encounter while attempting to undergo an IVF procedure.
There are two basic categories of patients who seek assistance in this field, infertile men and women. They both face a number of challenges when it comes to conception. However, there are certain aspects of each category of patient that you need to pay attention to before getting into this type of medical treatment.
You must first look for a fertility clinic near your location. While you can’t be sure that the best results will come from your chosen center, you should try to find a clinic with experienced doctors.
Start IVF Treatment with These Questions: What Are the Risks?
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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an infertility treatment that involves removing eggs from your ovaries and placing them in a laboratory dish where sperm can be added. This mixture of cells is then placed back into your body for implantation, usually within five to seven days.
While this process sounds complicated, it actually works well when used correctly. However, there are several risks associated with the procedure. If you're considering trying to get pregnant through IVF treatments, you should know what these risks are so that you can make the right decision for yourself.
Risk #1. Embryo Loss. The first risk that you need to consider is embryo loss. While the chances of losing all of your embryos are low, they do happen. In fact, it's estimated that one in every four attempts at IVF will result in an early miscarriage. However, even when you don't lose any of the embryos, you still have a chance of getting pregnant.
How Do I Fertilize My Egg to Increase Its Chances of Success When Attempt
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If you're trying to have a baby, you might be wondering how you can increase your chances of getting pregnant. Fortunately, you don't need to worry about this. There are many ways that you can improve the odds.
One way is by using IVF treatments. If you want to know more, keep reading.
When you're looking into having an embryo implanted inside of you, you'll first need to decide on the type of treatment. You can choose between three different methods.
First, there's In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). This method involves fertilizing your eggs outside of the body, and then implanting them in the uterus.
Second, you could opt for Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), where you use a sperm sample to help fertilize the egg.
Finally, there's ICSI, which stands for intracytoplasmic sperm injection. With this procedure, you insert an individual sperm cell directly into your egg.
IVF Questions: What Could Go Wrong?
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In vitro fertilization (or IVF) is a procedure that involves taking eggs from one woman's ovaries and combining them with sperm from another man. The resulting embryo is placed into the uterus of the mother. This can be done by using either donated eggs or the patient's own eggs.
The process takes several days and can cost thousands of dollars. There are many different ways to perform an IVF treatment, but the most common method uses a combination of hormones and injections.
Here are some things you should know before undergoing this type of treatment:
1. You will need to take hormone shots every day for three weeks.
2. If your doctor doesn't use donor eggs, then he or she may recommend that you undergo egg retrieval. In order to do this, you'll have a needle inserted into your abdomen so that the doctor can retrieve the eggs that are present there.
3. Your doctor may also suggest that you have the procedure performed at a fertility clinic instead of in his office.
IVF: What to Consider Before Start Treatment
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a type of fertility treatment that involves using a woman's eggs to create embryos, which can be used to help her conceive. The procedure requires the use of hormones to stimulate ovulation, followed by the retrieval of the egg from the follicle through an ultrasound scan. After this process, the doctor will prepare the embryo and implant it into the uterus.
You should know that there are different types of IVF treatments available. There are two main options: conventional and non-conventional. Conventional methods include the standard method, where one or more mature oocytes are retrieved and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory setting. Non-conventional methods involve the use of donor eggs or frozen ovarian tissue, or both.
There is no single right way to choose between the various kinds of IVF treatments. You need to consider your personal situation, including any medical conditions you have, as well as how much time and money you want to spend on the treatment.
IVF: What Questions to Ask Before Starting Treatments?
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If you have been trying to get pregnant using in vitro fertilization (IVF) but haven't gotten any results, you might be wondering why this is happening. After all, you followed the doctor's instructions to the letter. So, what could possibly go wrong?
While there are many reasons that your treatment may fail, here are some of the most likely causes.
1. The sperm quality may be poor. If the semen sample you provide contains low numbers of healthy sperm, then it will be very difficult for them to fertilize the egg. This is especially true if you've recently ejaculated.
2. Your eggs aren't mature enough. Eggs don’t become mature until they reach the age of 35. If you're younger than that, your chances of getting pregnant with IVF are significantly lower.
3. You didn’t take the right supplements. There are certain vitamins and minerals that can help to improve fertility. For example, vitamin D helps to increase the number of sperm cells.
4. You’ve had a miscarriage.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
7 Things You Need To Stop Doing If You Are Dealing With Infertility
Stop feeling sorry for yourself
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There’s a lot of pressure these days to “have it all”- we are expected to be successful, happy, healthy, accomplished women who can handle everything on our plates.
And while I am 100% me (not someone else), there are still times when I feel like I should just give up and let someone else take over.
That is until I remember what my life was before infertility took over. Before I had kids, I wanted kids. Very deeply. And every time I would hear about another woman or family with children talking about their issues, struggles, and joys, I felt myself getting more and more disconnected from those feelings.
I didn’t have the pain that they were going through, so how could I possibly understand them?
But people need to know that it’s okay to experience grief, sadness, anxiety, and anger. It’s normal to feel all of those things, and you aren’t being strong if you don’t address them.
Stop blaming others
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This is something that I have really had to work on over the past few years. For as long as I can remember, my biggest strength has been how well I handle negative situations. However, in recent years, I have found that I am not so good at handling people who are trying to blame me or someone else for their problems.
I used to be much more patient than I am now when someone tries to pass judgment on me by saying things like “It’s your fault,” or “You shouldn’t have got pregnant if you were never going to keep it.” Now, I get very angry and frustrated when I hear these kinds of comments from people.
I was raised with two parents and a family system that values keeping everyone close together. By having other people help take care of you, you are considered weak and do not deserve love and happiness.
This is why this type of thinking always puts a damper on my life. It makes me feel bad about myself and causes me stress. I have learned to protect myself by not letting anyone say such hurtful things.
However, what I realized is that there are some people out there who just won’t let go of the negativity. They want to continue to dwell on the fact that they can’t have children instead of focusing on the many other reasons why they might not have kids.
We all have our own issues
Stop holding your partner responsible
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If you are dealing with infertility, then especially in the early stages, your partners may find things they do that hurt or make them feel worse. They might say something mean, or give up on having children as well.
You need to remember that everyone is different when it comes to being married. Both people have to work at their marriage and respect for each other.
If someone has been hurting one another, please get help from a counselor or doctor before anything else. Do not keep putting off what needs to be done.
Stop spending money you don't have
Even though dealing with infertility is difficult, you should not be forced to make large purchases such as furniture or cars. You also shouldn't be making other significant financial commitments (such as loans or credit cards) without first determining whether or not they are necessary.
If you do decide to spend money, set a budget that allows for flexibility while still being affordable. It may help you avoid excessive spending by learning how much you need to spend.
Stop talking about your problems
Even though you may feel like others understand you or what you are going through, it is not the same as having the problem yourself. Your friends and family members are not experiencing the physical pain of infertility nor the emotional distress of hearing about your struggles. They can sometimes give in to the temptation to talk about your situation either directly or indirectly by asking questions.
They might ask how far along you were when you found out you were pregnant, whether you planned to have children, or why you haven’t started a family yet.
Avoid direct conversations unless you know for sure that someone has been through fertility treatment and is currently trying to conceive. Chances are they already have a sense of sadness or disappointment about not being able to have kids themselves.
If you do find out about them wanting to have children, there are ways you can express sympathy without putting them into an uncomfortable conversation.
Ask about their plans regarding children (if they have any), but don’t make this a topic of discussion until later. Once you get a sense of what they want from life, you can move onto discussing your own thoughts around children.
Stop focusing on your health
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If you are dealing with infertility, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You may feel focused and motivated, but don’t ignore your overall health.
Your health is an important factor in how well you deal with infertile. Certain medications can cause low fertility, as can certain foods.
You may have other medical conditions that could affect your ability to conceive, without you knowing about it.
If you are taking any medicines, including over-the-counter drugs, make sure they do not interfere with your pregnancy or baby development.
Put yourself first. Deal with any issues you might have before expecting anything from your partner or trying children.
Stop eating junk
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If you are dealing with infertility, then it is very likely that your weight is an issue for you. Perhaps you have normal or even high-normal BMI, but you feel too tired and don’t want to eat healthy.
You may also be tempted to skip meals so you can grab snacks such as chips and dip or sweets like ice cream.
This adds up quickly over time – both in how much energy you have and what kind of changes you might need to make to your diet. It can also add up cost-wise by making you spend more money on food when you could probably afford to eat cheaper foods.
Diets don’t work long term. People keep telling you this, but have you ever heard of “yo-yo” diets? Well, they’re those quick fixes that take away your nutrition intake while still expecting you to lose weight.
Do yourself a favor and stop trying to figure out which diets we are talking about here. Instead, just avoid them. Sticking to our original plan here at Eat More Food will help us stay nourished and fit enough to deal with any medical issues that may arise.
Stop buying into the fake news that starving yourself is good for your health. We know that past studies show that limited nutritional options during early stages of development can lead to longer-term risks for your children.
It can also negatively affect your ability to manage your
Try yoga
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Yoga is one of many things you can do that doesn’t cost any money. It’s easy and requires little time or effort.
Yoga has been used for centuries to improve health and wellness. It’s also widely known as a way to bring peace and tranquility to your life.
Most yogis choose to perform a pose called savasana, which is a seated position with legs stretched out in front of you. Savasana is a sacred space within a yoga session where you can relax your body and mind.
Savasana is characterized by a low blood pressure and reduced stress level. It is also a place where you can let your thoughts wander without being distracted.
Another benefit of savasana is improving sleep. By doing this pose everyday, you will have better quality sleep. This may help you feel more rested and relaxed and thus reduce the burden of stress from infertility.
Go out with friends
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When you go out with friends or family, it can be difficult to separate yourself from everyone else. However, you need to make an effort to get away so that you can have some time to relax and forget your problems for a while.
It can be very hard to go out and have a good time when you’re not feeling well because of all the stress. Going out can help you feel better physically but it also helps you mentally.
If you are dealing with infertility, going out is one of the best ways to keep yourself busy. Even if you don’t like to go out, someone else will give your mind something fun to think about.
The more people who know how much pain you are in, the less private your life becomes. Your friends and family may try to help you, which can put even more stress on you. By getting outside of the house, you let your hair down.
You should still deal with them as a person, but now they aren’t the only person you can talk to. Another option isn’t just thinking about everything inside the house; you can actually go somewhere and play.
That way you and another person (or several people) can take care of each other’s needs, and yours, too. It also gives you a reason to connect with others beyond saying “hello” and "good night".
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urvaracenter · 2 years
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urvaracenter · 2 years
Schedule a visit with your doctor to get your weight and BMI measured. Your BMI indicates how much body fat you have and whether you are a healthy weight.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
Eating a 'rainbow' diet, which includes a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, is one of the greatest methods to obtain a lot of nutrition in your meals. Eating clean and balanced foods will supply you with enough nutrition to keep your reproductive system healthy.
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urvaracenter · 2 years
27.5 million couples are suffering from infertility in India and as per data every sixty couple is suffering from the problem. Infertility takes a toll on mental health and couples undergo a lot of stress while trying to concieve, says World Health Organization (WHO).
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urvaracenter · 2 years
A couple's infertility is a major problem. Hormonal changes, emotional upheaval, interpersonal tension, and anxiety are all part of the package.
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