usernames-are--dumb · 7 months
"there are only two sexes, it's literally third grade biology!" and pronouns are taught in kindergarten and you dont seem to understand those either
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usernames-are--dumb · 8 months
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
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Me, upon seeing this thumbnail on amazon prime:
“Who the hell composited this?“
“I mean…”
“Camelot looks like it’s blue, and in California.”
“Wait, wait…”
“Where the hell is ARTHUR?”
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
Man, imagine the sheer chaoticness that would’ve happened if Lancelot had stayed in Camelot and Gwen and Lancelot got together. Imagine Merlin Lance and Gwen hanging out and Merlin literally just being the third wheel to Gwen and Lance. Almost every time they all hang out together and it’s starts getting too much Merlin always uses the excuse that Arthur’s probably looking for him or that he really needs to get back to work
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
your discord pfp and your tumblr pfp are locked in a room together. what happens?
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
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"The Alfred Jewel", Anglo Saxon England, 9th century AD
from The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
the idea that being closeted is being a liar is a heterosexual propaganda that hates queer people protecting themselves. you don't have to come out if you're not safe.
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
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19th-century Swedish backstuga, or earthen cabin (click to enlarge)
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
Completely heterosexual things: A servant knowingly drank from a poisoned goblet to save a prince and later while in a painful dying state mutters said prince’s name while the prince is off disobeying his father on a suicide mission to try find a cure for said servant
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
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Run into professor Emrys and...who is this muggle?
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
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there was not a single braincell amongst the characters in this silly little show
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
I love the latest controversy in the Catholic church! Some priests haven't been doing baptism right and because they decided those are all void they gotta deal with the implication they sent people to hell as a bit of a whoopsie.
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
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Golden age
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
[ (stitch with @/sorrel.hartley) What’s the most like “chronically online” take you’ve ever seen on the internet?
I have recieved a comment telling me that it was transphobic to be comfortable with my masculine body as a nonbinary person. Like, (frustrated noise). there is so much to unpack with that take but I’m gonna focus on tiktok and tumblr’s perception of nonbinary people and how damaging that is to the community.
This idea that all nonbinary people must, like you know be fucking mullet, big eyeliner, fucking skinny, white, afab. Do you like frogs, do you like mushrooms? Shut the fuck up. I sometimes feel like my pronouns are rarely accepted because its like if you don’t look in my bio you hear my voice and it’s like, oh- Makes me so angry.
Tiktok and tumblr basically set themselves up for failure when they created this perfect perception of what a nonbinary person looks like. And god forbid if you don’t fit into that box, guess you’re not valid. Me being amab does not make me any less nonbinary and you’d think thats a given but for some people its just, you know- Do you like frogs or mushrooms? I’ll kill you, what the fuck.]
Note: The issue isn’t the people who fit the stereotypes, its the stereotypes being used to determine who’s “actually” nonbinary.
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usernames-are--dumb · 2 years
god i hate to be the one to say this but félix, agustín, and bruno makes my daddy issues go BRRRRR like LORD THEY'RE SUCH GOOD PEOPLE
Like the fact that maribel after getting caught immediately spills everything to her dad bcs she trusts him enough to not judge her for doing something arguably stupid. And agustín running after luisa when he knows she's having a mental breakdown. Standing up to abuela because his daughter comes first, even little things like cheering the loudest for antonio after the gift ceremony. He means well, that's literally his descriptor.
Félix is always so supportive to his kids, he never invalidates pepa's emotions, never says things like "calm down" like abuela did but only focuses in the outcome and trying to fix it like shooing away the clouds or pulling her away sk she doesnt get antonio wet. the smallest things like knowing camillo enough to know that he's not dolores when he was getting food when maribel (who's also lived with them their entire lives) easily made that mistake. Still super joyous even though he got married in a hurricane.
WHERE DO I BEGIN WITH BRUNO GOOD LORD. TEN YEARS. Do you know how easy it is to grow bitter and spiteful towards people who don't care about you? He spent ten years listening to people actively avoiding to discuss him with only bad reputation to carry his name but he's still full of love and stayed in the walls because HE loves THEM. And the fact that he did it for mirabel. He's garnered a bad reputation his whole life but when it comes to his 5 year old niece potentially being flagged as the black sheep, as the destroyer, he left, no questions. and he fixed the cracks from behind the walls :'((
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