utaburke-blog · 4 years
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I did. Books 1, 2, and 3 of 4 are available on all Amazons and Kindle, and soon in Leihbuecherei Kirchberg. Book 4 will be out in February 2020. #youngadultparanormal #lifeafterdeath #energy #hypnosis #silverstring #pastliferegression #areyouawake #love #allisperfect #youareneveralone #youareloved (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7TSWlVp3pa/?igshid=1nxw86huevtgs
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
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I never thought I would advertise a product but this eyebrow razor by Tinkle is unbelievable! My coworker Jane ordered it from somewhere and gave me one. I can't believe how well it works! I will definitely get more of these, just wow. They're like a power tool, I can't get over it! (at East Brunswick, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7LY-uuJkUU/?igshid=1fbeyice57uj6
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
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You only live once - No, you don't! #silverstring #pastliferegression https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ERHMSp6W_/?igshid=13l8arxpkrzr4
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
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Book 2 available on all Amazons and Kindle #pastlife #youngadultparanormal #lifeafterdeath #energy #energy #hypnosis #silverstring (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7BrbQipcsP/?igshid=267zs7v6on0r
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
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Are you awake? https://www.instagram.com/p/B68qSP2pB84/?igshid=njowxd73x7ec
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
Past life regression experience
Receiving validation for the incredible truths I’ve encountered for my “You Only Live Once, Do You?” 4-book Young Adult paranormal series (available on all Amazons and Kindle) I wrote in 2019:
On Dec 31, 2019, I took my daughter Michelle (27) to a regression (past life) hypnotist to uncover why she had such a hard time of keeping a man in her life:
Michelle told me she harbors hatred and distrust of all men since she can remember but still wanted a lasting relationship and marriage. I had the feeling she was starting to doubt herself, as if there was something wrong with her that drove men away. 2019 was a bad year for her. Three relationships (all met online) dissolved.  I had just written four young adult fiction books incorporating quantum physics, near death experiences (NDEs), reincarnation, energy, vibration, frequency, all that. Michelle was immediately on board when I suggested regression hypnosis, to find out if something happened in a previous life that blocked her spirit into this present life. She had an appointment with a recommended hypnotist, Lindsey Sass, a week later and this is what Michelle found out:
Lindsey told her she would guide her straight to the events that are relevant to her question of why she harbored such hatred and distrust toward men, instead of going through several lifetimes that would not reveal the problem. Michelle was brought back to the year 1696. She (no name was revealed, but she saw what the shoes and clothes she wore and that the roads were muddy with ruts from wagon wheels) lived on a farm in France, was married and had children (a son and was pregnant with another child). Her husband told her he was going to look for work and never came back. He abandoned his family and she was left to take care of the children. They were hungry and cold, and maybe the children died from of it because she did not see them after the initial vision. She remembers hating her husband until she died. Then she saw a woman lying on the ground and understood that she now died at a young age due to her hard life.
In her present life right now, Michelle claims she has a food addiction, and needs warmth and heat/sunshine. She distrusts all men. She has a fear of abandonment. She does not like being on a farm (Been there, done that. Not interested in a farm life).
Lindsey brought Michelle to a point during the hypnosis where she guided her to forgive her husband repeatedly, sent him love and blessings, and let him go. She also sent love to herself in an earlier life and acknowledged the hardships she endured. She sent her love and blessings. It freed her mind from negativity, lifted a weight off her shoulders, and thereby opening her up to a healthy relationship which Lindsey said she did foresee in Michelle future, but she could not see children.
In her present life, Michelle never wanted children. Maybe it is because she felt she could not be a good mother to them and they starved and froze to death.
I went for a walk during the 1.5 hour session and covered her in prayer. When I returned and Michelle came out of the room with Lindsey, both were beaming. Michelle confirmed that she found an answer and was allowed to tell me what she ‘saw.’
Lindsey said she is more than halfway done with the problem but recommended one more session which she could combine with a weight loss hypnosis. Michelle is not overweight but has to watch her weight and also plans on entering a beach body competition in July. She signed up for one more session in 3 weeks.
It will take some time to get over the past of course, but now that she is aware of why she felt rejected by the men she’d met over the years, mainly through the wall of negativity toward them, she can now direct her meditation toward complete forgiveness and attracting the right man.
There are probably other lifetimes between the 1600s and now, but the hypnotist said Michelle stayed in heaven, the resting place, for a long time.
We do not have only one soulmate, but many from past life accumulations. We can also meet the same people in different forms (bodies) over and over, according to Dr. Brian Weiss, the famous regression hypnotist.
If nothing else, at the very least, Michelle found an explanation for her deep-seated negativity and realized that it is not her fault that she failed lasting relationships so far. Now, through meditation, Reiki which she does on herself, crystals, positive thinking, forgiving, love and blessings, she is able to move on to the next frequency or plane from where she can attract a better-suited partner.
She left the old ballast in the old year, 2019, and has lightly and happily moved into the new decade.
This is where things stand on January 2, 2020.
If you do not have the time, money, or access to a regression hypnotist but would like to attract the right partner right away, meditate on forgiveness, love, and blessings and feel the weight fall off your shoulders. You need to get rid of the bad karma that is holding you back, and the best and fastest way is by forgiving. (I don’t care what he did to you, how strong a hold the hurt has on you, it is not affecting anyone but yourself. Why do you want to poison your life? Let it go). Living well is the best revenge.
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
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Teen gets glimpse of afterlife by texting dead brother.
Fifteen-year-old Max loses his brother Alex in a tragedy for which he blames himself. Max tries anything to hold on to life as it used to be but fails miserably. Instead, he discovers that the world is in the middle of a paradigm shift of such magnitude comparable only to the time when folks found out the earth is round, not flat:
Alex is not gone; he simply switched forms, and death is but an illusion…
Message for readers, especially teens, throughout the series:
You are loved. You are perfect. There is nothing to be afraid of and you are never alone.
The world is presently going through a Great Awakening, which makes this series paranormal but not fantasy. Millions of people around the world are receiving messages and signs from the other side, undergo or hear about out of body or near death experiences (NDE), receive confirmation that there is life before and after death, and that the soul/spirit continues forever; only our bodies get cast off.
Everything is energy, vibration, and frequency. Suicide does not work. If we take a short cut, we will have to come back and do it again. There is no punishment, but we cannot skip a grade.
We all agreed to the present life before birth but forgot once we were born. Life is a school and we are here to learn in order to move to a higher plane.
Those truths are tremendously helpful in guiding us through the rough spots, knowing all is as it should be, and all is perfect and well. There are no coincidences, and all happens so we can pay back old debts and continue to grow. Nothing is bad. Everything is for our benefit.
Zombies, vampires, werewolves, all that is fantasy.
What is real and important now is the awareness that the veil is getting thinner and we are granted glimpses to the other side.
For the longest time, people were afraid of getting called crazy for believing in such “nonsense,” but more and more testimonies are popping up everywhere. Doctors, scientists, housewives, students, professionals, people from all walks of life and all around the world, are stepping forward and are talking about their experiences.
I also have received mindboggling signs, several from my parents, and an absolutely crazy one from our deceased dog, Bandit. These things are real.
Originally, I had planned on writing just one book, the first one, “You Only Live Once, Do You?” but then it grew into a two, then three, and now four book series. I awakened as the characters awakened, and I did not know in the evening how the story would continue the next day. Every morning, more was revealed to me. I wrote it down the way the characters and The Source dictated it to me. I prayed about publishing the series and have received signs that it is okay to do so.
I hope my readers find comfort and entertainment in these books.
For those who know, no explanation is needed. For those who don’t know, no explanation is possible. Ram Dass
I wish you Shanti Nilaya, a Home of Peace
Uta Burke
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
Young adult paranormal fiction series
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Fifteen-year old Max loses his brother Alex in a freak accident for which he blames himself. Max spends a whole year trying to get over it and to reclaim his life, the way it was when Alex was still alive. On top of all his problems, Max loses his virginity to the wrong girl and worries about being gay, even though he has a major crush on Ellanie, his best friend’s twin sister. Then there is Mort, the most badass person Max has ever met and to whom he suddenly feels attracted to as well. He is just so damn confused. When Mort outright rejects him, Max tries to get back at him, a decision with devastating consequences. He feels as if his whole life is falling apart. Max plans to throw in the towel and join his brother on the other side, when, just in time, he awakens to a truth that is almost as good as having Alex back.
 In person.
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
You only live once - no, you don't! Available now on Kindle and Amazon
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
You Only Live Once - No, You Don't! 3rd book in the series available on Kindle and Amazon
When he was fifteen, Max lost his brother Alex in a tragedy for which he blamed himself. Max tried everything to hold on to life as it used to be but failed miserably. Over the past two years, he discovered that the world is in the middle of a paradigm shift similar to when folks found out that the earth is round, not flat: Alex is not gone; he simply switched forms, and death is but an illusion… The story of Max and Alex continues in the third book in the series. Will Alex find a way back from the dead? Read about the life-changing news Max receives, what he does about them, and how they affect everyone involved… But Max is not the only one with questions. His friends have a few issues to deal with themselves: Will Sam enter college as a virgin, his biggest fear, or will someone have compassion and help him change his status? Can we receive text messages from the other side? What happens this time at prom? Surely it can’t be worse than last year… What does Mort find out during his regression hypnosis and what does it have to do with Max? And another thing: Can you fall in love with someone so hard that after just one week of being together, you hit rock bottom when it’s over? If yes, what can you do about it?
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
Questionnaire for men, needed for book project
1) What do men want (in general and in a relationship)
2) Describe the ideal woman
3) What is a big turn off?
4) What are men afraid of?
5) What are men worried about?
6) When you see a beautiful woman, are you attracted to her or too scared to approach her?
7) Men keep saying they want to be with a model, yet women who are that beautiful are often single bc men are too scared to approach them. What gives? In your opinion, what could bridge this gap?
8) What advice would you give single women?
Your answers will stay confidential and anonymous. Please send to [email protected], thank you!
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
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Book 3 coming out before Christmas!
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utaburke-blog · 4 years
You only live once - no, you don't! Book 3 of 4 coming out before Christmas
Teen gets glimpse of afterlife by texting dead brother.
Fifteen-year-old Max loses his brother Alex in a tragedy for which he blames himself. Max tries anything to hold on to life as it used to be but fails miserably. Instead, he discovers that the world is in the middle of a paradigm shift similar to when folks found out that the earth is round, not flat:
Alex is not gone; he simply switched forms, and death is but an illusion…
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utaburke-blog · 5 years
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Fifteen-year-old Max loses his brother Alex in a tragedy for which he blames himself. Max tries anything to hold on to life as it used to be, but fails miserably. Instead, he discovers that the world is in the middle of a paradigm shift similar to when folks found out that the earth is round, not flat:
Alex is not gone; he simply switched forms, and death is an illusion…
Books 1&2 of 4 now available on Amazon and Kindle!
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utaburke-blog · 5 years
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Fifteen-year-old Max loses his brother Alex in a tragedy for which he blames himself. Max tries anything to hold on to life as it used to be, but fails miserably. Instead, he discovers that the world is in the middle of a paradigm shift similar to when folks found out that the earth is round, not flat:
Alex is not gone; he simply switched forms, and death is an illusion…
Books 1&2 of 4 now available on Amazon and Kindle!
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