utdrlibrary · 7 months
UT Souls' Link
Author: Yukimura-4
Summary: Another Post-Undertale comic where Asriel is saved :)
Characters: Asriel, Frisk
Status: In Progress
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utdrlibrary · 8 months
Glad to see another library creator, your doing a great service to this fandom! I help run a few of the UT-fic library's on AO3, 'Undertale fanfic library' & 'Undertale yellow fanifcs'
Hell yeah! It's not much, but it's honest work, and someone has to keep some of these things straight :D
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utdrlibrary · 9 months
have you ever read alter heaven? its a deltarune au !! i tried putting this link but it didnt work so just looking up alterheaven should work (made by axquirix)
I have not! I've added it to the blog now though :)
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utdrlibrary · 9 months
Alter Heaven
Author: Claygoat and Axquirix
Summary: A Deltarune Kris-Asriel swap au
Characters: Asriel
Status: In Progress
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utdrlibrary · 11 months
What is the STRANGEST au you've seen?
Hm, can't say I remember exactly. If you mean in Undertale specifically, I have, like, five million tags blacklisted in an effort to avoid aus I dislike.
The strangest ones in general to me are the kind you'll see like 200k+ word fics about, where the premise is, like, "Hermine Granger is a vampire who has reincarnated as Sasuke and travels back in time to when the Fourth Hokage was Killed and also there's a/b/o dynamics". Like that shit is just wild to me.
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
You are doing a true service the the fan comic community
Happy to serve o7
And thanks haha, it's super nice to be appreciated! I think I've said this before, but just be nature of this being an archive, it's not like I get much engagement
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Author: purplebehittindifferent
Summary: Focus on the relationship between Kris and the Soul as the Soul experiences connection issues.
Characters: Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Soul
Status: In Progress
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
cool looking series !! .u. i dont actually know if theres a way im suppposednto submit/suggest series os hope you dont mind this anyways its 10pm and i should be in bed gpod nigjht
Perfectly valid way to submit UTDR comics! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll add it to the blog :D
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Haha sorry for the late reply to this, but honestly no need to apologize! This absolutely made my day! I mean, that's what I made this blog for: to be a resource and collection for people to find some good comics! A lot of fanfiction is archived on fanfiction websites so they're a lot easier to find a peruse, but fancomics are usually just on various websites and much harder to find. I'm glad that people are finding my little blog and are using it!
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Review Corner - Fallen Royalty AU by Starlightshore
A HIGHLY recommended comic that I finally got around to reading. Funny story of actually got convinced to read it after checking in on a previous ask blog run by the author, planning to add it to the collection, and finding out they wrote this comic as well (the other ask blog I've decided against adding here, at least for the time being, considering the author seems no longer so proud of it). And then I stayed up until 2 in the morning reading this!
Fallen Royalty is an askblog-turned-comic (and in the works to be turned even more comic) that initially follows immediately after Pacifist Undertale, where everyone lives - and I do mean everyone. What I really like about it so far is how long has been devoted to everyone - Asgore, Toriel, Asriel, and Chara - coming to terms with the new situation they're in, how to feel about it, how it's going to affect their lives now, as well as learning about what Chara and Asriel have been up to since they've been dead (a surprise they've been up to anything). Just because everyone is a live doesn't mean things are easy or fixed or even necessarily 'good' at the moment, but hopefully with time they will be.
The colors are so nice, and I love the art style. It's very distinctive; if I'm not mistaken, the author has also drawn some animations for Undertale anniversary's, and those are always so wonderful to watch!
If I have one complaint, it's that the pacing can feel a little strange, or that some interactions are oddly convoluted, or a few things are retread that I'm not sure needed to be. I imagine a lot of that is because of the fact it was once an ask blog, so what can you do.
9/10 Extremely good, would recommend <3
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Review Corner - Ghost Switch by Clevercatchphrase
Ghost Switch features, just as the name implies, a switch between ghosts. Specifically, instead of Chara haunting Frisk, Frisk is haunted by Asriel and Chara takes over the role of flowey. I can remember seeing pages from this in the tag before, and I'm glad I finally read it! The story is very interesting, as while it follows so far more-or-less the plot of Undertale, the changes that the ghost switch brings - especially 'flowey's role in the story - are already becoming apparent in regards to what the characters do, what their goals are, and what they know.
By far though one of the things I like most about Ghost Switch is the characterization of Asriel, Chara, and Frisk. All of them are different than what I've seen before, but all feel authentically like kids, and like kids would act in the situations each find themselves in.
Overall, I'm really enjoying it so far, and I'm very excited to see where it goes!
8/10, definitely give it a chance!
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Review Corner - Dogs of Future Past by Lynxgriffin
Another classic and must-read. This takes place post-Undertale, with everyone living on the surface, with Frisk finding out about Gaster and hatching a plan with Flowey to try and find him and get him back. And they do that by using one of the souls inside of Endogeny - Greatest Dog. I don't want to give away too much, but this is an incredible story, it has everything! Gaster, the past, answering questions, DOGS, Chara, Flowey!
There are a few 'pages' that, instead of being fully illustrated, are a single picture with text, but they don't detract from the experience at all, and honestly if that's what the artists needed to do to get through it, that's fin by me. I love how all of the characters are written, every single one feels like they do in the game to me, and there's some really creative world building things that make the comic feel all the better.
10/10, Read Dogs of Future Past! And everything that Lynxgriffin has written!
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Author: Brushstrokesapocolypse
Summary: In which instead of just being a narrator who haunts Frisk, Chara appears as a more traditional ghost.
Characters: Chara, Frisk
Status: Discontinued
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Dreemurr Reborn
Author: Dreemurr-reborn
Summary: At the end of the Game, Frisk gives their soul up to Asriel so that they don't have to give up their monster form, and the two of them then proceed to grow up and share the same body.
Characters: Frisk, Asriel
Status: Complete (was supposed to get a game ending I think, but it's been a while now)
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Also y’all weren’t kidding when you said fallen royalty was crazy good
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utdrlibrary · 1 year
Damn jusy read insomnia and that shit is SO GOOD
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