uwe-promo · 11 years
Unexplored Waters Academy is a place for students who wish to expand their knowledge further without dealing with the distractions of those who are unwilling to learn. Here at Unexplored Waters, we accept nothing but the best from our students. In return for their hard work, privileges are allowed to them. With never-ending opportunities on and off the ship, there’s never a dull moment for our students! We have hired some of the best chefs in the world to cater to your needs, seeing that nourishment plays a vital role in education. To top it all off, our teachers are nothing but the best and are willing to put in extra hours to help your child.
Unexplored Waters will travel around the world, stopping along the shores of numerous foreign cities and islands. Ever wanted to see the Eiffel Tower up close and in person? Now, with our extended learning opportunities, you will get the chance! By taking advantage of our field trip plan, you will get to travel even farther into the amazing countries we stop by to see nationally recognized sites. With plenty of exposure to new cultures, foods, and people, everyone aboard will get the shot at discovering their true talents and passions. There’s nothing stopping you from following you heart here at Unexplored Waters. In fact, we encourage you to do so!
With what we’ve been saying, you probably think that this school is a drama free paradise—it’s not. As any place filled with teens, this school is filled with drama. From cat fights to breakups, there’s always something news worthy. Everyone has a secret, and we know yours. Will yours stay that way, or will someone find out and use it against you? While teens play in the sun and work to extend their knowledge, there is a stalker lurking in the shadows. No one would expect that each of these students has not just one, but multiple secrets, and the stalker knows them all. The stalker, who is known as The Secret Keeper, isn’t afraid to manipulate people using their knowledge.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
JAKE REESE is a SENIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 17 years old. Jake Reese is portrayed by DANIEL SHARMAN. His role is OPEN.
Where were you? Where were you? You abandoned me.
Jake Reese, whose real name is Pax Andrews, grew on the on tough streets—the part of town no one went to—even those who lived there. Although he was known as a pretty boy on the outside, he truly was one of the toughest guys you’ll meet. His parents left him on his own, against the world, when he was only twelve. He never really found out why, but he is thankful that they are gone. From what he can remember, they weren’t exactly the supportive, loving parents that were seen on those silly sitcoms that were shown on the TV. Jake was taking care of himself from the time they left, doing odd jobs for a while. Eventually, the small work wasn’t enough, and Jake was forced to result to stealing. The secretive boy was living by himself and posing as the son of the man next door to avoid foster care while he was still a minor. School was something he tried in, hoping to get to a point where he didn’t need to steal anymore. Supporting himself with his own money was something he dreamed of being able to do. Sadly, he had a feeling that he would never be able to afford college, leaving him at a dead-end in his life. Realizing that, he always had his acting skills in tiptop shape, taking on any persona that was needed. Avoiding the police was what he did best, especially when he was pretending not to be the robber he truly was. He was a modern-day Robin Hood; he stole from the rich and gave to the poor—himself. The boy helped out a little girl on the street once, her name was Madeline Greyback. She’d been abandoned, too. They worked together, but since she was younger, he showed the tiny brunette the ropes. Unexplored Waters Academy appeared in his life while they were running away from the jewels they had stolen from the local jewelry shop. He looked into a mailbox, pretending to be someone else. He found the letter and went to the campus, posing as a man named Jake Reese only to get away from the cops that was looking for him. Getting ahold of a fake I.D and birth certificate was easy, seeing that he knew how to make them. He is now known as Jake Reese by everyone on campus. 
Jake found ways to make payments for his junior year by working and selling drugs to the rich kids on the ship, however, he doesn’t do them. Seeing that he was at the top of his class, he was offered a scholarship. He knew that he would have to keep up his act as Jake Reese, and he’s done just that. With the money he earned, he’s gathered up enough to pay for Madeline, who was now a sophomore, to come to the ship with him. Jake doesn’t party because he prefers to keep his head down, and the same thing goes for classes. He never speaks up, just listening to everything the teachers have to say. He wants to get involved in something, but he fears that someone will discover his true identity if he puts himself out in the open.
Jake is very suave and flirtatious, while Pax is quite different. Jake doesn’t let very many people in, especially people who are popular. Betrayal is something he’d like to avoid; he chooses quiet, lonely people over those who are outgoing and love to gossip. Therefore, he seems standoff. He is very athletic and intelligent. With his bright blue eyes and slick smile, he seems to be a charmer; girls love him. His bad-boy look is an even bigger turn-on for most, but sadly, he is afraid to fall in love. Although he won’t even admit it to himself, he’s scared of being abandoned again. His parents left him, so why wouldn’t anyone else? He wants to deny his feelings for anyone, but it’s a tough task when he sees the lucky lady everyday. He wants family near him, which is why he brought Madeline along. Needless to say, he is a tortured soul looking to be let free.
Amy Stronghold caught Jake’s attention very quickly. His smile gives her butterflies, and she loves talking to him. She hopes that she’ll get to know him better this year, and he feels the same.
Jake met Madeline Reese in the streets, and they became extremely close. He’s snuck her onto the ship, faking her IDs and making her pose as his little sister. They have never told a soul their secret, and they plan to keep things that way.
When Jake gets bored, he turns to his roommate, Alex Wright, for entertainment. The energetic gentlemen always knows what to do to cure his boredom!
Jake Reese doesn’t exist, and the person pretending to be him is really Pax Andrews, an abandoned thief.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
Unexplored Waters Academy is a place for students who wish to expand their knowledge further without dealing with the distractions of those who are unwilling to learn. Here at Unexplored Waters, we accept nothing but the best from our students. In return for their hard work, privileges are allowed to them. With never-ending opportunities on and off the ship, there’s never a dull moment for our students! We have hired some of the best chefs in the world to cater to your needs, seeing that nourishment plays a vital role in education. To top it all off, our teachers are nothing but the best and are willing to put in extra hours to help your child.
Unexplored Waters will travel around the world, stopping along the shores of numerous foreign cities and islands. Ever wanted to see the Eiffel Tower up close and in person? Now, with our extended learning opportunities, you will get the chance! By taking advantage of our field trip plan, you will get to travel even farther into the amazing countries we stop by to see nationally recognized sites. With plenty of exposure to new cultures, foods, and people, everyone aboard will get the shot at discovering their true talents and passions. There’s nothing stopping you from following you heart here at Unexplored Waters. In fact, we encourage you to do so!
With what we’ve been saying, you probably think that this school is a drama free paradise—it’s not. As any place filled with teens, this school is filled with drama. From cat fights to breakups, there’s always something news worthy. Everyone has a secret, and we know yours. Will yours stay that way, or will someone find out and use it against you? While teens play in the sun and work to extend their knowledge, there is a stalker lurking in the shadows. No one would expect that each of these students has not just one, but multiple secrets, and the stalker knows them all. The stalker, who is known as The Secret Keeper, isn’t afraid to manipulate people using their knowledge.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
KADEN CHASE is a JUNIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 17 years old. Kaden Chase is portrayed by LOGAN LERMAN. His role is OPEN.
But every song’s like gold teeth, grey goose, trippin’ in the bathroom. Blood stains, ball gowns, trashin’ the hotel room, We don’t care, we’re driving Cadillacs in our dreams.
Kaden was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, into an upper class family that always had it good. Primarily, his parents didn’t give him much attention, thus resulting in him striving for any sort of attention he could get. Both of his parents worked hard to be where they were at, so when they weren’t working, they were resting from their long days. Seeing his parents prosper, Kaden always believed life was easy; that the lower class were pitied, lesser than everyone else in more ways than one. But despite his easy beginnings, he didn’t like what he had become. He was unearned in America, yet every night he was out at the club using his wealth—his parents wealth to be exact, to get drunk and tip strippers. Yes, at the young age of fifteen the brunette was going to bars with his fake ID and getting into strip clubs, but he only settled for the nicest ones in town. Reality hit him one day, and the mislead boy noticed what he’d become. He hated himself, resorting to self-harming as an outlet for that internal hatred. All that ran through his mind most days was the fact that he’d never amount to anything and that he was just a disappointment to his parents. A screw-up such as himself could never become a successful doctor like his father nor a powerful attorney like his mother. Sure, he passed classes, but not once had he ended a year with straight A’s on all four report cards. Some people lack brains and make up with it through sports, but that was yet another thing Kaden wasn’t terrific at. Struggling with confidence issues, he wished to become a humble man. He saw love only once, but it was something he would never forget. His grandfather would bring flowers home to his grandmother every monday night after work, they’d hold hands and stare into each other’s eyes longingly, and they’d refuse to separate. Not even his parents exhibited such affection, or at least not that he’d seen. He longed to find love like that one day, but realized if his attitude didn’t change, he would never find it. He found one girl, a girl that he was head over heels for, but he failed at snagging her before she was head over heels for a star football player. Finally, when he lost all hope of fixing his wrongs and finding the one, he looked for another school he could relocate to. Stumbling across Unexplored Waters Academy through a flyer hung up around his town, he talked to his parents. After long discussions about what the school had to offer, they were uneasy, but when Kaden explained his hopes of expanding his knowledge of the world, they were convinced and paid his way to the school. He chose to change schools and move to Unexplored Waters Academy for the sole purpose of finding himself and becoming something important. He believed the academy would do him good, rather than keep on his slow path of self-destruction.
Ever since coming to Unexplored Waters Academy, Kaden knew this had been a good decision. Things are slowly changing from what they had been, and the friends he’s been gaining are helping turn things around. Though he has yet to get rid of his pretentious demeanor completely, the reality of being somewhere where money doesn’t really matter is setting in and knocking him down a few pegs. He’s become more friendly and open, though still a bit reserved. His grades aren’t good, but Kaden chooses to spend his time partying and skipping class. He doesn’t think that he can learn anything about himself from the confines of a classroom.
Kaden is secretive yet is willing to open up to those who are trustworthy. He only does what he wants to do, and anything else is irrelevant to him. He is guaranteed to walk in a room with his nose in the air, but leaves with a smile on his face. He is a lost soul. He is a hopeless romantic but doesn’t know how to show it. Life has been a straight road for him, but it is about to get more hectic. Unaware yet vulnerable to the world makes Kaden, himself.
Kaden met Maya Sharma in class, but the two didn’t talk much seeing that they are both very reserved. He’s the type of guy her parents would adore, just because he is smart and rich.
The boy met upperclassmen Ross Davidson at a party one night, and the two hit it off. Now, the two are joined at the hip and attend every party together. 
Kaden has his eye on Casey Miller, and he sees her at many parties. The two have spoken before, but that was only when she was drunk. He’s too scared to talk to her when either of them is sober.
Sadly, Kaden’s parents were sued and lost much of their money. The boy no longer has their money, and he never had their attention. He works a job late on weeknights, attempting to provide for himself. 
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uwe-promo · 11 years
Unexplored Waters Academy is a place for students who wish to expand their knowledge further without dealing with the distractions of those who are unwilling to learn. Here at Unexplored Waters, we accept nothing but the best from our students. In return for their hard work, privileges are allowed to them. With never-ending opportunities on and off the ship, there’s never a dull moment for our students! We have hired some of the best chefs in the world to cater to your needs, seeing that nourishment plays a vital role in education. To top it all off, our teachers are nothing but the best and are willing to put in extra hours to help your child.
Unexplored Waters will travel around the world, stopping along the shores of numerous foreign cities and islands. Ever wanted to see the Eiffel Tower up close and in person? Now, with our extended learning opportunities, you will get the chance! By taking advantage of our field trip plan, you will get to travel even farther into the amazing countries we stop by to see nationally recognized sites. With plenty of exposure to new cultures, foods, and people, everyone aboard will get the shot at discovering their true talents and passions. There’s nothing stopping you from following you heart here at Unexplored Waters. In fact, we encourage you to do so!
With what we’ve been saying, you probably think that this school is a drama free paradise—it’s not. As any place filled with teens, this school is filled with drama. From cat fights to breakups, there’s always something news worthy. Everyone has a secret, and we know yours. Will yours stay that way, or will someone find out and use it against you? While teens play in the sun and work to extend their knowledge, there is a stalker lurking in the shadows. No one would expect that each of these students has not just one, but multiple secrets, and the stalker knows them all. The stalker, who is known as The Secret Keeper, isn’t afraid to manipulate people using their knowledge.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
JAY ‘JJ’ JACKSON is a JUNIOR at Bridgewood Academy. He is currently 17 years old. He is portrayed by JOSH HUTCHERSON. His role is OPEN.
I am becoming my own person, and nobody can take that from me.
Jay grew up in a middle class family. Money was never an issue, but there was never an excessive amount of it. He didn’t have to worry about not having things, because Jay was usually very reserved in asking for what he wanted, which meant he never really had to do without. He stood on the outskirts of each friend group, not really wanting to make a move and try and intrude to make a spot for himself. Most people called him the “teacher’s pet.” He had gone by that label as long as he could remember. He didn’t do much to break free from it, either. He would help his teachers any chance he could get, whether it be getting something for her or answering a question. He was a very helpful person, and with no real friends, he needed some sort of entertainment— or, more like something to busy himself with. It wasn’t just like this at school, his home life took a similar shape. He didn’t get much of an escape from school, though he wasn’t really trying. Most didn’t realize that he lived with his 6 siblings and parents, which is the main reason why he stayed at school and helped out all the time. When your parents couldn’t keep your name straight and your questions or just general advances for normal conversation were drowned out by your siblings, you stopped trying. Jay wanted somewhere where he wasn’t known as one familiar face of many lookalikes; he wanted to be noticed, and not like most people would. He just wanted to be able to be called the right name. His grades straight A’s, seeing that all he ever did was study. Having someone there to help him made for good study skills and an easy understanding of most scholarly material. Within this predicament, his teacher received an advertisement for Unexplored Waters Academy via mail. Believing in Jay, knowing that this was a way to have a happy life, she offered it to him. He accepted it immediately, knowing this was a way to finally break free of his boring lifestyle. His parents couldn’t have cared less whether he went or not because it meant one less child to have to keep track of. So, he packed up his things and caught the next train to San Diego, California.
Unexplored Waters Academy has been great to Jay. He thinks it’s the best thing that could have happened to him. Here, his teachers don’t confuse him for the ‘other Jacksons’, just as the Jackson. When the boat is docked, Jay finds a tennis court and practices. The sport has become his new hobby, and it helps calm him when he gets stressed out. He wants nothing more than to continue playing when he’s done with high school, but he knows that the chances are slim. To keep his scholarship, Jay spends much of his extra time studying in the ship���s library. He is still  social, but it isn’t his priority.
Jay is the dad’ in his group of friends., being so used to taking care of his younger siblings. He is a definite suck up. He does this only to get attention; attention that he has never received. This has caused him to be motivated.  Being the leader makes him worry a lot, but he doesn’t let people know it. Growing up with many people much younger than him to take care of has made him feel responsible for the teens on campus. He was forced to make decisions on his own, making him very decisive and logical. He is extremely good with numbers, and for this reason, he acts as an accountant for his friends. He is hopeful of his future, and willing to make a new start at Unexplored Waters Academy.  
Jay has kept a watchful eye on Emma Peterson since he’s arrived at Unexplored Waters. He doesn’t want her to influence the people he cares about to do the wrong things.
Red Lipstick, as Charlotte Hale was once referred to, was a girl Jay met at one of the ship’s masquerade balls. He vowed that he’d find her, and he has. The two have started becoming closer and closer since that night.
Jay’s best friend, Madeline Reese, had a crush on him for the longest time. She just recently admitted her feelings, but since then, she’s moved on. Things have become sufficiently awkward between the two.
Jay wants nothing more than to become something other than ‘the responsible one’. Some nights, nights which he claims are reserved for personal time, he goes off ship and parties with the locals.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
Unexplored Waters Academy is a place for students who wish to expand their knowledge further without dealing with the distractions of those who are unwilling to learn. Here at Unexplored Waters, we accept nothing but the best from our students. In return for their hard work, privileges are allowed to them. With never-ending opportunities on and off the ship, there’s never a dull moment for our students! We have hired some of the best chefs in the world to cater to your needs, seeing that nourishment plays a vital role in education. To top it all off, our teachers are nothing but the best and are willing to put in extra hours to help your child.
Unexplored Waters will travel around the world, stopping along the shores of numerous foreign cities and islands. Ever wanted to see the Eiffel Tower up close and in person? Now, with our extended learning opportunities, you will get the chance! By taking advantage of our field trip plan, you will get to travel even farther into the amazing countries we stop by to see nationally recognized sites. With plenty of exposure to new cultures, foods, and people, everyone aboard will get the shot at discovering their true talents and passions. There’s nothing stopping you from following you heart here at Unexplored Waters. In fact, we encourage you to do so!
With what we’ve been saying, you probably think that this school is a drama free paradise—it’s not. As any place filled with teens, this school is filled with drama. From cat fights to breakups, there’s always something news worthy. Everyone has a secret, and we know yours. Will yours stay that way, or will someone find out and use it against you? While teens play in the sun and work to extend their knowledge, there is a stalker lurking in the shadows. No one would expect that each of these students has not just one, but multiple secrets, and the stalker knows them all. The stalker, who is known as The Secret Keeper, isn’t afraid to manipulate people using their knowledge.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
ROSS DAVIDSON is a SENIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 18 years old. Ross Davidson is portrayed by DYLAN O’BRIEN. His role is OPEN.
Watch me as I dance under the spotlight. Listen to the people scream more and more ‘cause I create the feeling that keep ‘em comin’ back.
Ross has always been a strange, queer kid. His only goal in life, since the young age of seven, was to become a doctor. His parents were accepting, but they pushed him to try out other things before he got his heart set on it. They didn’t want their child to end up in the medical business and grow to hate it. The boy would follow his father, who was a doctor, to work on his bike on the weekends he was on call. Everyone around the hospital knew the small boy with the shaven hair by name, and they would often allow him into their offices when they weren’t busy. The staff would teach him things, give him tips, and encourage him to follow his dreams of becoming a doctor. As these actions continued, his parents attempted to sway him from the medical industry with sports and friends, but Ross was persistent, becoming obsessive over being the best at school and constantly learning medical terms. He even taught himself Latin, the language where most of the terms originate from, just to prepare himself for medical school. Everyone began to think he was a freak, but Ross didn’t care, letting it roll off his shoulder. He was learning what he wanted to, striving toward something that intrigued him. Finally, Ross arrived to his junior year in high school. He was eager to begin, and his parents were extremely proud of his accomplishments so far. The boy scored the highest in the school in testing, was top of his class, and kept straight A’s on his report card from freshman year on. This all changed very quickly. High school and peer pressure got to him, and by the middle of his junior year, he was going to parties and getting drunk and high every night. His grades quickly fell from A’s to F’s with almost no warning. His parents only decided to send him to a boarding school in hopes to straighten up his academics and his character. After Ross told them he’d given up the medical calling, they realized that they were wrong to try to tempt him away from it in the first place. Trying to get him back to his original wants, they found Unexplored Waters Academy, a place where scholarships to top medical schools were a piece of cake. He was allowed in because of his money and his old school record. The dean has made it his own personally job to fix the once flawless student.
Ross spends his weekends— and most often than not, weekdays— searching for good parties on campus so he can let loose. Grades aren’t his top priority, so he sort of lets things fall as they may. He somehow managed to keep them at a good enough standard to get involved in the indoor soccer league, finding a new infatuation with it. He found soccer as one thing he really strived at, and he decided to run with it— literally. His free time was spent either on the field or at the keg, and he couldn’t be happier. At least, that’s what he was telling himself. Sometimes, he catches wind of medical scenarios, and he can’t help but miss the work.
Since he arrived at Unexplored Waters, ashamed of what he had done to his future, he tried to change. He was unable to do so. His partying ways followed him to the new school, and he is still getting drunk every night, earning a bad reputation around the campus. He is outgoing, crazy, and still, very queer. He has friends, but they are just around for a fun time. He feels as if he had lost everything, and drinking is his way of getting it all back. People can hear him from across the campus; his loud voice is able to travel that far. He isn’t trying in anything except soccer, or and he isn’t even enrolled in  the right classes. He is just giving up on his chances at an ensured future. He is a sweet guy, and he even has a way with the ladies, but he just can’t seem to get a grasp on his life, leaving him single because he isn’t going anywhere.
At first, Samantha Rhodes rubbed Ross the wrong way, but now he is dying to talk to the girl. Sadly, she is fearful of him because she thinks that he is her attacker from long ago.
The boy met underclassman Kaden Chase at a party one night, and the two hit it off. Now, the two are joined at the hip and attend every party together. 
Ross is one of the few people Mike Carter puts up with, and because they are roommates, neither of them has an escape from the other. Ross ignores Mike’s protests and drags him out to parties constantly, and Mike has learned to just give in.
Ross snuck into a medical room at his dad’s hospital, and accidentally, he messed with the IVs connected to the patient. A week later, the patient was found dead. This event is what caused his drinking, and it made him give up the medical field all together.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
Unexplored Waters Academy is a place for students who wish to expand their knowledge further without dealing with the distractions of those who are unwilling to learn. Here at Unexplored Waters, we accept nothing but the best from our students. In return for their hard work, privileges are allowed to them. With never-ending opportunities on and off the ship, there’s never a dull moment for our students! We have hired some of the best chefs in the world to cater to your needs, seeing that nourishment plays a vital role in education. To top it all off, our teachers are nothing but the best and are willing to put in extra hours to help your child.
Unexplored Waters will travel around the world, stopping along the shores of numerous foreign cities and islands. Ever wanted to see the Eiffel Tower up close and in person? Now, with our extended learning opportunities, you will get the chance! By taking advantage of our field trip plan, you will get to travel even farther into the amazing countries we stop by to see nationally recognized sites. With plenty of exposure to new cultures, foods, and people, everyone aboard will get the shot at discovering their true talents and passions. There’s nothing stopping you from following you heart here at Unexplored Waters. In fact, we encourage you to do so!
With what we’ve been saying, you probably think that this school is a drama free paradise—it’s not. As any place filled with teens, this school is filled with drama. From cat fights to breakups, there’s always something news worthy. Everyone has a secret, and we know yours. Will yours stay that way, or will someone find out and use it against you? While teens play in the sun and work to extend their knowledge, there is a stalker lurking in the shadows. No one would expect that each of these students has not just one, but multiple secrets, and the stalker knows them all. The stalker, who is known as The Secret Keeper, isn’t afraid to manipulate people using their knowledge.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
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DYLAN SHOULTZ is a SENIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 18 years old. He is portrayed by MAX IRONS. His role is OPEN.
Spent seven years wishing that you’d drop the line, but I carry the thought along with you in my mind. But is this what you call a family?
Dylan Shoultz had a life that most kids could only dream about. His parents co-owned a very large and successful company called Hagnent, and because of this, money was never an issue. The real issue, an issue that few failed to see, was that Dylan rarely had the opportunity to spend quality time with his parents. Sure, they had the occasional dinner together, and sometimes they’d take vacations, but rarely did one of these events go uninterrupted by the sound of the telephone. Dylan, who was much different from most kids in his situation, found an alternative way to receive the attention he longed for. Rather than acting out and becoming the problem child, the brunette became a trophy child. He as the star of his school’s football team, and unlike most of his team, Dylan had perfect grades. By his sophomore year, Dylan was taking AP courses with the seniors and juniors at his school. He attended every social event the city had to offer with his parents, and at any chance he got, his father boasted about his seemingly perfect son. Everything was going great in his family, but then, in the blink of an eye, it all changed. An unaddressed envelop showed up in the Shoultz’s mailbox, and inside, Dylan found pictures of his own mother, who was happily married, fooling around with Hagnent’s VP. Shocked, Dylan couldn’t face his mother. Instead of going home, he let his childhood best friend, Gage, take him to a party. Even though he was a junior and a football star, Dylan had never been exposed to a situation involving underage drinking. In fact, he’d completely avoided most people who did such a thing. Sadly, Dylan, who was stressed and torn apart over the inevitable end of his parents’ marriage, succumbed to peer pressure. He doesn’t remember much of what happened, but he does know that he was passed out on the couch when the police arrived. His perfect reputation had been ruined in one night, and to make things worse, his father was still oblivious to the fact that his wife was cheating on him. With nothing more to boast about, Mr. Shoultz sent his son away to correct his wrongs and stop his rebellion. Unexplored Waters Academy had been advertised everywhere, and to his father, it was the perfect place for Dylan. With not even a second chance, Dylan was sent on his way.
Dylan, who came to Unexplored Waters Academy halfway through his junior year, is struggling to correct his wrongs. He is in his senior year, and he knows that this year is crucial for him if he wants to be as successful as his parents. He stays out of the party scene for the most part, and he refuses to drink alcohol. Studying is the central part of his daily routine, followed by working out. He’d become accustomed to hour-long visits to the gym each day during football season, and even though he no longer played, he found it to be comforting. He’s apart of clubs, makes perfect grades in his required classes, and takes as many extra online classes as he can fit into his schedule. Occasionally, Gage pulls him away from his books to have some fun, but he rarely lets it happen.
Dylan has always been persistent, starting out with his determination to become closer with his parents. His need to be their perfect child not only made him a hard-worker, but it made him realize the importance of knowledge and learning. Stemming from his father’s need to show him off, Dylan has become great with words. Because of this, talking to people has never been a problem for the boy. He knows exactly what he wants, and he plans to take the proper steps to get it. His ability to focus and achieve his goals is amazing.
Dylan has known Gage Torado since they were young. The pair as different as a cat and a dog, but they are there for each other in the end. They like to think of each other as their on-campus sibling.
Dylan and Casey Miller are extremely similar when it comes to their intelligence, and they often get into lengthy discussions on the world, government, and people. He enjoys her company quite a lot.
Dylan bonded with Maya Sharma over their need to be perfect for their parents. They both strive for excellence, and although it may sometimes be out of reach, they work together to make things happen.
Dylan is scared to love. After seeing his parents’ perfect marriage be tainted by his mother’s cheating ways, he’s afraid that the woman he loves will do the same.
DYLAN SHOULTZ is a SENIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 18 years old. He is portrayed by MAX IRONS. His role is OPEN.
Spent seven years wishing that you’d drop the line, but I carry the thought along with you in my mind. But is this what you call a family?
Dylan Shoultz had a life that most kids could only dream about. His parents co-owned a very large and successful company called Hagnent, and because of this, money was never an issue. The real issue, an issue that few failed to see, was that Dylan rarely had the opportunity to spend quality time with his parents. Sure, they had the occasional dinner together, and sometimes they’d take vacations, but rarely did one of these events go uninterrupted by the sound of the telephone. Dylan, who was much different from most kids in his situation, found an alternative way to receive the attention he longed for. Rather than acting out and becoming the problem child, the brunette became a trophy child. He as the star of his school’s football team, and unlike most of his team, Dylan had perfect grades. By his sophomore year, Dylan was taking AP courses with the seniors and juniors at his school. He attended every social event the city had to offer with his parents, and at any chance he got, his father boasted about his seemingly perfect son. Everything was going great in his family, but then, in the blink of an eye, it all changed. An unaddressed envelop showed up in the Shoultz’s mailbox, and inside, Dylan found pictures of his own mother, who was happily married, fooling around with Hagnent’s VP. Shocked, Dylan couldn’t face his mother. Instead of going home, he let his childhood best friend, Gage, take him to a party. Even though he was a junior and a football star, Dylan had never been exposed to a situation involving underage drinking. In fact, he’d completely avoided most people who did such a thing. Sadly, Dylan, who was stressed and torn apart over the inevitable end of his parents’ marriage, succumbed to peer pressure. He doesn’t remember much of what happened, but he does know that he was passed out on the couch when the police arrived. His perfect reputation had been ruined in one night, and to make things worse, his father was still oblivious to the fact that his wife was cheating on him. With nothing more to boast about, Mr. Shoultz sent his son away to correct his wrongs and stop his rebellion. Unexplored Waters Academy had been advertised everywhere, and to his father, it was the perfect place for Dylan. With not even a second chance, Dylan was sent on his way.
Dylan, who came to Unexplored Waters Academy halfway through his junior year, is struggling to correct his wrongs. He is in his senior year, and he knows that this year is crucial for him if he wants to be as successful as his parents. He stays out of the party scene for the most part, and he refuses to drink alcohol. Studying is the central part of his daily routine, followed by working out. He’d become accustomed to hour-long visits to the gym each day during football season, and even though he no longer played, he found it to be comforting. He’s apart of clubs, makes perfect grades in his required classes, and takes as many extra online classes as he can fit into his schedule. Occasionally, Gage pulls him away from his books to have some fun, but he rarely lets it happen.
Dylan has always been persistent, starting out with his determination to become closer with his parents. His need to be their perfect child not only made him a hard-worker, but it made him realize the importance of knowledge and learning. Stemming from his father’s need to show him off, Dylan has become great with words. Because of this, talking to people has never been a problem for the boy. He knows exactly what he wants, and he plans to take the proper steps to get it. His ability to focus and achieve his goals is amazing.
Dylan has known Gage Torado since they were young. The pair as different as a cat and a dog, but they are there for each other in the end. They like to think of each other as their on-campus sibling.
Dylan and Casey Miller are extremely similar when it comes to their intelligence, and they often get into lengthy discussions on the world, government, and people. He enjoys her company quite a lot.
Dylan bonded with Maya Sharma over their need to be perfect for their parents. They both strive for excellence, and although it may sometimes be out of reach, they work together to make things happen.
Dylan is scared to love. After seeing his parents’ perfect marriage be tainted by his mother’s cheating ways, he’s afraid that the woman he loves will do the same.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
Unexplored Waters Academy is a place for students who wish to expand their knowledge further without dealing with the distractions of those who are unwilling to learn. Here at Unexplored Waters, we accept nothing but the best from our students. In return for their hard work, privileges are allowed to them. With never-ending opportunities on and off the ship, there’s never a dull moment for our students! We have hired some of the best chefs in the world to cater to your needs, seeing that nourishment plays a vital role in education. To top it all off, our teachers are nothing but the best and are willing to put in extra hours to help your child.
Unexplored Waters will travel around the world, stopping along the shores of numerous foreign cities and islands. Ever wanted to see the Eiffel Tower up close and in person? Now, with our extended learning opportunities, you will get the chance! By taking advantage of our field trip plan, you will get to travel even farther into the amazing countries we stop by to see nationally recognized sites. With plenty of exposure to new cultures, foods, and people, everyone aboard will get the shot at discovering their true talents and passions. There’s nothing stopping you from following you heart here at Unexplored Waters. In fact, we encourage you to do so!
With what we’ve been saying, you probably think that this school is a drama free paradise—it’s not. As any place filled with teens, this school is filled with drama. From cat fights to breakups, there’s always something news worthy. Everyone has a secret, and we know yours. Will yours stay that way, or will someone find out and use it against you? While teens play in the sun and work to extend their knowledge, there is a stalker lurking in the shadows. No one would expect that each of these students has not just one, but multiple secrets, and the stalker knows them all. The stalker, who is known as The Secret Keeper, isn’t afraid to manipulate people using their knowledge.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
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ROSS DAVIDSON is a SENIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 18 years old. Ross Davidson is portrayed by DYLAN O’BRIEN. His role is OPEN.
Watch me as I dance under the spotlight. Listen to the people scream more and more ‘cause I create the feeling that keep ‘em comin’ back.
Ross has always been a strange, queer kid. His only goal in life, since the young age of seven, was to become a doctor. His parents were accepting, but they pushed him to try out other things before he got his heart set on it. They didn’t want their child to end up in the medical business and grow to hate it. The boy would follow his father, who was a doctor, to work on his bike on the weekends he was on call. Everyone around the hospital knew the small boy with the shaven hair by name, and they would often allow him into their offices when they weren’t busy. The staff would teach him things, give him tips, and encourage him to follow his dreams of becoming a doctor. As these actions continued, his parents attempted to sway him from the medical industry with sports and friends, but Ross was persistent, becoming obsessive over being the best at school and constantly learning medical terms. He even taught himself Latin, the language where most of the terms originate from, just to prepare himself for medical school. Everyone began to think he was a freak, but Ross didn’t care, letting it roll off his shoulder. He was learning what he wanted to, striving toward something that intrigued him. Finally, Ross arrived to his junior year in high school. He was eager to begin, and his parents were extremely proud of his accomplishments so far. The boy scored the highest in the school in testing, was top of his class, and kept straight A’s on his report card from freshman year on. This all changed very quickly. High school and peer pressure got to him, and by the middle of his junior year, he was going to parties and getting drunk and high every night. His grades quickly fell from A’s to F’s with almost no warning. His parents only decided to send him to a boarding school in hopes to straighten up his academics and his character. After Ross told them he’d given up the medical calling, they realized that they were wrong to try to tempt him away from it in the first place. Trying to get him back to his original wants, they found Unexplored Waters Academy, a place where scholarships to top medical schools were a piece of cake. He was allowed in because of his money and his old school record. The dean has made it his own personally job to fix the once flawless student.
Ross spends his weekends— and most often than not, weekdays— searching for good parties on campus so he can let loose. Grades aren’t his top priority, so he sort of lets things fall as they may. He somehow managed to keep them at a good enough standard to get involved in the indoor soccer league, finding a new infatuation with it. He found soccer as one thing he really strived at, and he decided to run with it— literally. His free time was spent either on the field or at the keg, and he couldn’t be happier. At least, that’s what he was telling himself. Sometimes, he catches wind of medical scenarios, and he can’t help but miss the work.
Since he arrived at Unexplored Waters, ashamed of what he had done to his future, he tried to change. He was unable to do so. His partying ways followed him to the new school, and he is still getting drunk every night, earning a bad reputation around the campus. He is outgoing, crazy, and still, very queer. He has friends, but they are just around for a fun time. He feels as if he had lost everything, and drinking is his way of getting it all back. People can hear him from across the campus; his loud voice is able to travel that far. He isn’t trying in anything except soccer, or and he isn’t even enrolled in  the right classes. He is just giving up on his chances at an ensured future. He is a sweet guy, and he even has a way with the ladies, but he just can’t seem to get a grasp on his life, leaving him single because he isn’t going anywhere.
At first, Samantha Rhodes rubbed Ross the wrong way, but now he is dying to talk to the girl. Sadly, she is fearful of him because she thinks that he is her attacker from long ago.
The boy met underclassman Kaden Chase at a party one night, and the two hit it off. Now, the two are joined at the hip and attend every party together. 
Ross is one of the few people Mike Carter puts up with, and because they are roommates, neither of them has an escape from the other. Ross ignores Mike’s protests and drags him out to parties constantly, and Mike has learned to just give in.
Ross snuck into a medical room at his dad’s hospital, and accidentally, he messed with the IVs connected to the patient. A week later, the patient was found dead. This event is what caused his drinking, and it made him give up the medical field all together.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
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JAY ‘JJ’ JACKSON is a JUNIOR at Bridgewood Academy. He is currently 17 years old. He is portrayed by JOSH HUTCHERSON. His role is OPEN.
I am becoming my own person, and nobody can take that from me.
Jay grew up in a middle class family. Money was never an issue, but there was never an excessive amount of it. He didn’t have to worry about not having things, because Jay was usually very reserved in asking for what he wanted, which meant he never really had to do without. He stood on the outskirts of each friend group, not really wanting to make a move and try and intrude to make a spot for himself. Most people called him the “teacher’s pet.” He had gone by that label as long as he could remember. He didn’t do much to break free from it, either. He would help his teachers any chance he could get, whether it be getting something for her or answering a question. He was a very helpful person, and with no real friends, he needed some sort of entertainment— or, more like something to busy himself with. It wasn’t just like this at school, his home life took a similar shape. He didn’t get much of an escape from school, though he wasn’t really trying. Most didn’t realize that he lived with his 6 siblings and parents, which is the main reason why he stayed at school and helped out all the time. When your parents couldn’t keep your name straight and your questions or just general advances for normal conversation were drowned out by your siblings, you stopped trying. Jay wanted somewhere where he wasn’t known as one familiar face of many lookalikes; he wanted to be noticed, and not like most people would. He just wanted to be able to be called the right name. His grades straight A’s, seeing that all he ever did was study. Having someone there to help him made for good study skills and an easy understanding of most scholarly material. Within this predicament, his teacher received an advertisement for Unexplored Waters Academy via mail. Believing in Jay, knowing that this was a way to have a happy life, she offered it to him. He accepted it immediately, knowing this was a way to finally break free of his boring lifestyle. His parents couldn’t have cared less whether he went or not because it meant one less child to have to keep track of. So, he packed up his things and caught the next train to San Diego, California.
Unexplored Waters Academy has been great to Jay. He thinks it’s the best thing that could have happened to him. Here, his teachers don’t confuse him for the ‘other Jacksons’, just as the Jackson. When the boat is docked, Jay finds a tennis court and practices. The sport has become his new hobby, and it helps calm him when he gets stressed out. He wants nothing more than to continue playing when he’s done with high school, but he knows that the chances are slim. To keep his scholarship, Jay spends much of his extra time studying in the ship’s library. He is still  social, but it isn’t his priority.
Jay is the dad’ in his group of friends., being so used to taking care of his younger siblings. He is a definite suck up. He does this only to get attention; attention that he has never received. This has caused him to be motivated.  Being the leader makes him worry a lot, but he doesn’t let people know it. Growing up with many people much younger than him to take care of has made him feel responsible for the teens on campus. He was forced to make decisions on his own, making him very decisive and logical. He is extremely good with numbers, and for this reason, he acts as an accountant for his friends. He is hopeful of his future, and willing to make a new start at Unexplored Waters Academy.  
Jay has kept a watchful eye on Emma Peterson since he’s arrived at Unexplored Waters. He doesn’t want her to influence the people he cares about to do the wrong things.
Red Lipstick, as Charlotte Hale was once referred to, was a girl Jay met at one of the ship’s masquerade balls. He vowed that he’d find her, and he has. The two have started becoming closer and closer since that night.
Jay’s best friend, Madeline Reese, had a crush on him for the longest time. She just recently admitted her feelings, but since then, she’s moved on. Things have become sufficiently awkward between the two.
Jay wants nothing more than to become something other than ‘the responsible one’. Some nights, nights which he claims are reserved for personal time, he goes off ship and parties with the locals.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
ROSS DAVIDSON is a SENIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 18 years old. Ross Davidson is portrayed by DYLAN O’BRIEN. His role is OPEN.
Watch me as I dance under the spotlight. Listen to the people scream more and more ‘cause I create the feeling that keep ‘em comin’ back.
Ross has always been a strange, queer kid. His only goal in life, since the young age of seven, was to become a doctor. His parents were accepting, but they pushed him to try out other things before he got his heart set on it. They didn’t want their child to end up in the medical business and grow to hate it. The boy would follow his father, who was a doctor, to work on his bike on the weekends he was on call. Everyone around the hospital knew the small boy with the shaven hair by name, and they would often allow him into their offices when they weren’t busy. The staff would teach him things, give him tips, and encourage him to follow his dreams of becoming a doctor. As these actions continued, his parents attempted to sway him from the medical industry with sports and friends, but Ross was persistent, becoming obsessive over being the best at school and constantly learning medical terms. He even taught himself Latin, the language where most of the terms originate from, just to prepare himself for medical school. Everyone began to think he was a freak, but Ross didn’t care, letting it roll off his shoulder. He was learning what he wanted to, striving toward something that intrigued him. Finally, Ross arrived to his junior year in high school. He was eager to begin, and his parents were extremely proud of his accomplishments so far. The boy scored the highest in the school in testing, was top of his class, and kept straight A’s on his report card from freshman year on. This all changed very quickly. High school and peer pressure got to him, and by the middle of his junior year, he was going to parties and getting drunk and high every night. His grades quickly fell from A’s to F’s with almost no warning. His parents only decided to send him to a boarding school in hopes to straighten up his academics and his character. After Ross told them he’d given up the medical calling, they realized that they were wrong to try to tempt him away from it in the first place. Trying to get him back to his original wants, they found Unexplored Waters Academy, a place where scholarships to top medical schools were a piece of cake. He was allowed in because of his money and his old school record. The dean has made it his own personally job to fix the once flawless student.
Ross spends his weekends— and most often than not, weekdays— searching for good parties on campus so he can let loose. Grades aren’t his top priority, so he sort of lets things fall as they may. He somehow managed to keep them at a good enough standard to get involved in the indoor soccer league, finding a new infatuation with it. He found soccer as one thing he really strived at, and he decided to run with it— literally. His free time was spent either on the field or at the keg, and he couldn’t be happier. At least, that’s what he was telling himself. Sometimes, he catches wind of medical scenarios, and he can’t help but miss the work.
Since he arrived at Unexplored Waters, ashamed of what he had done to his future, he tried to change. He was unable to do so. His partying ways followed him to the new school, and he is still getting drunk every night, earning a bad reputation around the campus. He is outgoing, crazy, and still, very queer. He has friends, but they are just around for a fun time. He feels as if he had lost everything, and drinking is his way of getting it all back. People can hear him from across the campus; his loud voice is able to travel that far. He isn’t trying in anything except soccer, or and he isn’t even enrolled in  the right classes. He is just giving up on his chances at an ensured future. He is a sweet guy, and he even has a way with the ladies, but he just can’t seem to get a grasp on his life, leaving him single because he isn’t going anywhere.
At first, Samantha Rhodes rubbed Ross the wrong way, but now he is dying to talk to the girl. Sadly, she is fearful of him because she thinks that he is her attacker from long ago.
The boy met underclassman Kaden Chase at a party one night, and the two hit it off. Now, the two are joined at the hip and attend every party together. 
Ross is one of the few people Mike Carter puts up with, and because they are roommates, neither of them has an escape from the other. Ross ignores Mike’s protests and drags him out to parties constantly, and Mike has learned to just give in.
Ross snuck into a medical room at his dad’s hospital, and accidentally, he messed with the IVs connected to the patient. A week later, the patient was found dead. This event is what caused his drinking, and it made him give up the medical field all together.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
JAY ‘JJ’ JACKSON is a JUNIOR at Bridgewood Academy. He is currently 17 years old. He is portrayed by JOSH HUTCHERSON. His role is OPEN.
I am becoming my own person, and nobody can take that from me.
Jay grew up in a middle class family. Money was never an issue, but there was never an excessive amount of it. He didn’t have to worry about not having things, because Jay was usually very reserved in asking for what he wanted, which meant he never really had to do without. He stood on the outskirts of each friend group, not really wanting to make a move and try and intrude to make a spot for himself. Most people called him the “teacher’s pet.” He had gone by that label as long as he could remember. He didn’t do much to break free from it, either. He would help his teachers any chance he could get, whether it be getting something for her or answering a question. He was a very helpful person, and with no real friends, he needed some sort of entertainment— or, more like something to busy himself with. It wasn’t just like this at school, his home life took a similar shape. He didn’t get much of an escape from school, though he wasn’t really trying. Most didn’t realize that he lived with his 6 siblings and parents, which is the main reason why he stayed at school and helped out all the time. When your parents couldn’t keep your name straight and your questions or just general advances for normal conversation were drowned out by your siblings, you stopped trying. Jay wanted somewhere where he wasn’t known as one familiar face of many lookalikes; he wanted to be noticed, and not like most people would. He just wanted to be able to be called the right name. His grades straight A’s, seeing that all he ever did was study. Having someone there to help him made for good study skills and an easy understanding of most scholarly material. Within this predicament, his teacher received an advertisement for Unexplored Waters Academy via mail. Believing in Jay, knowing that this was a way to have a happy life, she offered it to him. He accepted it immediately, knowing this was a way to finally break free of his boring lifestyle. His parents couldn’t have cared less whether he went or not because it meant one less child to have to keep track of. So, he packed up his things and caught the next train to San Diego, California.
Unexplored Waters Academy has been great to Jay. He thinks it’s the best thing that could have happened to him. Here, his teachers don’t confuse him for the ‘other Jacksons’, just as the Jackson. When the boat is docked, Jay finds a tennis court and practices. The sport has become his new hobby, and it helps calm him when he gets stressed out. He wants nothing more than to continue playing when he’s done with high school, but he knows that the chances are slim. To keep his scholarship, Jay spends much of his extra time studying in the ship’s library. He is still  social, but it isn’t his priority.
Jay is the dad’ in his group of friends., being so used to taking care of his younger siblings. He is a definite suck up. He does this only to get attention; attention that he has never received. This has caused him to be motivated.  Being the leader makes him worry a lot, but he doesn’t let people know it. Growing up with many people much younger than him to take care of has made him feel responsible for the teens on campus. He was forced to make decisions on his own, making him very decisive and logical. He is extremely good with numbers, and for this reason, he acts as an accountant for his friends. He is hopeful of his future, and willing to make a new start at Unexplored Waters Academy.  
Jay has kept a watchful eye on Emma Peterson since he’s arrived at Unexplored Waters. He doesn’t want her to influence the people he cares about to do the wrong things.
Red Lipstick, as Charlotte Hale was once referred to, was a girl Jay met at one of the ship’s masquerade balls. He vowed that he’d find her, and he has. The two have started becoming closer and closer since that night.
Jay’s best friend, Madeline Reese, had a crush on him for the longest time. She just recently admitted her feelings, but since then, she’s moved on. Things have become sufficiently awkward between the two.
Jay wants nothing more than to become something other than ‘the responsible one’. Some nights, nights which he claims are reserved for personal time, he goes off ship and parties with the locals.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
DYLAN SHOULTZ is a SENIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 18 years old. He is portrayed by MAX IRONS. His role is OPEN.
Spent seven years wishing that you’d drop the line, but I carry the thought along with you in my mind. But is this what you call a family?
Dylan Shoultz had a life that most kids could only dream about. His parents co-owned a very large and successful company called Hagnent, and because of this, money was never an issue. The real issue, an issue that few failed to see, was that Dylan rarely had the opportunity to spend quality time with his parents. Sure, they had the occasional dinner together, and sometimes they’d take vacations, but rarely did one of these events go uninterrupted by the sound of the telephone. Dylan, who was much different from most kids in his situation, found an alternative way to receive the attention he longed for. Rather than acting out and becoming the problem child, the brunette became a trophy child. He as the star of his school’s football team, and unlike most of his team, Dylan had perfect grades. By his sophomore year, Dylan was taking AP courses with the seniors and juniors at his school. He attended every social event the city had to offer with his parents, and at any chance he got, his father boasted about his seemingly perfect son. Everything was going great in his family, but then, in the blink of an eye, it all changed. An unaddressed envelop showed up in the Shoultz’s mailbox, and inside, Dylan found pictures of his own mother, who was happily married, fooling around with Hagnent’s VP. Shocked, Dylan couldn’t face his mother. Instead of going home, he let his childhood best friend, Gage, take him to a party. Even though he was a junior and a football star, Dylan had never been exposed to a situation involving underage drinking. In fact, he’d completely avoided most people who did such a thing. Sadly, Dylan, who was stressed and torn apart over the inevitable end of his parents’ marriage, succumbed to peer pressure. He doesn’t remember much of what happened, but he does know that he was passed out on the couch when the police arrived. His perfect reputation had been ruined in one night, and to make things worse, his father was still oblivious to the fact that his wife was cheating on him. With nothing more to boast about, Mr. Shoultz sent his son away to correct his wrongs and stop his rebellion. Unexplored Waters Academy had been advertised everywhere, and to his father, it was the perfect place for Dylan. With not even a second chance, Dylan was sent on his way.
Dylan, who came to Unexplored Waters Academy halfway through his junior year, is struggling to correct his wrongs. He is in his senior year, and he knows that this year is crucial for him if he wants to be as successful as his parents. He stays out of the party scene for the most part, and he refuses to drink alcohol. Studying is the central part of his daily routine, followed by working out. He’d become accustomed to hour-long visits to the gym each day during football season, and even though he no longer played, he found it to be comforting. He’s apart of clubs, makes perfect grades in his required classes, and takes as many extra online classes as he can fit into his schedule. Occasionally, Gage pulls him away from his books to have some fun, but he rarely lets it happen.
Dylan has always been persistent, starting out with his determination to become closer with his parents. His need to be their perfect child not only made him a hard-worker, but it made him realize the importance of knowledge and learning. Stemming from his father’s need to show him off, Dylan has become great with words. Because of this, talking to people has never been a problem for the boy. He knows exactly what he wants, and he plans to take the proper steps to get it. His ability to focus and achieve his goals is amazing.
Dylan has known Gage Torado since they were young. The pair as different as a cat and a dog, but they are there for each other in the end. They like to think of each other as their on-campus sibling.
Dylan and Casey Miller are extremely similar when it comes to their intelligence, and they often get into lengthy discussions on the world, government, and people. He enjoys her company quite a lot.
Dylan bonded with Maya Sharma over their need to be perfect for their parents. They both strive for excellence, and although it may sometimes be out of reach, they work together to make things happen.
Dylan is scared to love. After seeing his parents’ perfect marriage be tainted by his mother’s cheating ways, he’s afraid that the woman he loves will do the same.
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uwe-promo · 11 years
KADEN CHASE is a JUNIOR at Unexplored Waters Academy. He is currently 17 years old. Kaden Chase is portrayed by LOGAN LERMAN. His role is OPEN.
But every song’s like gold teeth, grey goose, trippin’ in the bathroom. Blood stains, ball gowns, trashin’ the hotel room, We don’t care, we’re driving Cadillacs in our dreams.
Kaden was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, into an upper class family that always had it good. Primarily, his parents didn’t give him much attention, thus resulting in him striving for any sort of attention he could get. Both of his parents worked hard to be where they were at, so when they weren’t working, they were resting from their long days. Seeing his parents prosper, Kaden always believed life was easy; that the lower class were pitied, lesser than everyone else in more ways than one. But despite his easy beginnings, he didn’t like what he had become. He was unearned in America, yet every night he was out at the club using his wealth—his parents wealth to be exact, to get drunk and tip strippers. Yes, at the young age of fifteen the brunette was going to bars with his fake ID and getting into strip clubs, but he only settled for the nicest ones in town. Reality hit him one day, and the mislead boy noticed what he’d become. He hated himself, resorting to self-harming as an outlet for that internal hatred. All that ran through his mind most days was the fact that he’d never amount to anything and that he was just a disappointment to his parents. A screw-up such as himself could never become a successful doctor like his father nor a powerful attorney like his mother. Sure, he passed classes, but not once had he ended a year with straight A’s on all four report cards. Some people lack brains and make up with it through sports, but that was yet another thing Kaden wasn’t terrific at. Struggling with confidence issues, he wished to become a humble man. He saw love only once, but it was something he would never forget. His grandfather would bring flowers home to his grandmother every monday night after work, they’d hold hands and stare into each other’s eyes longingly, and they’d refuse to separate. Not even his parents exhibited such affection, or at least not that he’d seen. He longed to find love like that one day, but realized if his attitude didn’t change, he would never find it. He found one girl, a girl that he was head over heels for, but he failed at snagging her before she was head over heels for a star football player. Finally, when he lost all hope of fixing his wrongs and finding the one, he looked for another school he could relocate to. Stumbling across Unexplored Waters Academy through a flyer hung up around his town, he talked to his parents. After long discussions about what the school had to offer, they were uneasy, but when Kaden explained his hopes of expanding his knowledge of the world, they were convinced and paid his way to the school. He chose to change schools and move to Unexplored Waters Academy for the sole purpose of finding himself and becoming something important. He believed the academy would do him good, rather than keep on his slow path of self-destruction.
Ever since coming to Unexplored Waters Academy, Kaden knew this had been a good decision. Things are slowly changing from what they had been, and the friends he’s been gaining are helping turn things around. Though he has yet to get rid of his pretentious demeanor completely, the reality of being somewhere where money doesn’t really matter is setting in and knocking him down a few pegs. He’s become more friendly and open, though still a bit reserved. His grades aren’t good, but Kaden chooses to spend his time partying and skipping class. He doesn’t think that he can learn anything about himself from the confines of a classroom.
Kaden is secretive yet is willing to open up to those who are trustworthy. He only does what he wants to do, and anything else is irrelevant to him. He is guaranteed to walk in a room with his nose in the air, but leaves with a smile on his face. He is a lost soul. He is a hopeless romantic but doesn’t know how to show it. Life has been a straight road for him, but it is about to get more hectic. Unaware yet vulnerable to the world makes Kaden, himself.
Kaden met Maya Sharma in class, but the two didn’t talk much seeing that they are both very reserved. He’s the type of guy her parents would adore, just because he is smart and rich.
The boy met upperclassmen Ross Davidson at a party one night, and the two hit it off. Now, the two are joined at the hip and attend every party together. 
Kaden has his eye on Casey Miller, and he sees her at many parties. The two have spoken before, but that was only when she was drunk. He’s too scared to talk to her when either of them is sober.
Sadly, Kaden’s parents were sued and lost much of their money. The boy no longer has their money, and he never had their attention. He works a job late on weeknights, attempting to provide for himself. 
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