val--mont-blog · 6 years
hey guys, sorry i havent been as active lately. i’ve been a lil distracted, but i’m working on it <3 
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
considering the three days off of school and the lack of food at his place thanks to his dad being gone, leon took the credit card he was left with and his tablet ( with the keyboard, of course ) and headed over the the diner to get something to eat; and possibly get some sort of writing material out of his piss poor situation. as he sat himself at a booth and ordered his food, he pulled his notebook from his bag and flipped it open. after a good handful of minutes re-reading over what he already had and feeling someones eyes locked onto him, he merely sighed as he continued to check over his own work. “is there a reason why you’re burning a hole through the back of my head?” he said loud enough for the person looking at him to realize he was speaking to them.
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James raised a challenging brow at the stranger’s tone. Honest to God, he hadn’t meant to stare down the stranger like that, but the notebook he had been thumbing through looked a lot like James’ own. Naturally, the resemblance was horrifying considering James’ book was filled with some of his deepest, darkest secrets and detailed evaluations of all the noteworthy people in his life.
“I’ve got the same book s’all” was all he chose to reveal.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
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“ and drunk, so you can really remember everything. ” anne commented sarcastically, a little quieter than her usual tone. she barely hears what he says next and she can pretty much assume she doesn’t want to know, but she still turns and asks “ what’d you say? ” just in time to watch him stack it. she has to cover her mouth with her hand to hold back the laugh, only removing it once she’d managed to contain it. but she couldn’t contain the small smile pulling at her lips as she asked “ are you alright? come on, let me help ” she offered him her hand, more by instinct than any actual want to help him.  
James swore he could see two blondes spinning around him, attempting poorly to conceal the fact that they (he could see two blonde figures now... no, four) were laughing at him. His head throbbed excruciatingly with the promise of a terrible hangover the next day as he began to speak. “Oh yeah, have a fucking laugh” he grumbled bitterly, but took the hand that he was offered and used it to pull himself up.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
He hadn’t even caught her name, but James liked this girl. With the way she took control, kissing him first and pinning herself between a tree and James’ larger body––– something about her reminded him of himself. And that was a dangerous combination, but all of his good judgement had left his body a while back about the same time he popped opened the bottle of vodka. Instead, he focused on tucking his thumbs in the waistband of the spandex the girl with the green eyes wore, tugging them lower impatiently. “You’re so fucking–––” he started to mumble into the heated kiss, but he failed to find the words he was looking for. ‘Hot’ didn’t seem like enough, she really was something else.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
“I usually am,” Clarke assured him with confidence, not a moment of thought before he spoke.  He folded his arms against his chest, a small defense against the icy wind that passed over Crater Lake while they stood still. “Come on- and ditch the bottle, if you get caught with it and then caught with me, my aunt is gonna ground my ass for weeks,” he insisted, flicking his head in the direction from which he had come before moving off the same way. 
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“That sounds like a you problem” James swayed as he spoke, greedily gulping down the last traces of liquid from the bottle. From the gurgling sound in his stomach, it was obvious even in his clouded mind that the action was most likely a big mistake, and one he would regret greatly possibly as soon as thirty minutes later.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
Avery hadn’t realized that she had company at the drinks table until he had piped up, and she looked over at him. He had a charm about him that she was already finding to be rather interesting, reminding her of a few guys in her past. “Oh- uh, something like that, yeah,” she gave him a shy smile, emerald hues going down to look at the shots he was pouring. “Two shots is a bold move,” the redhead mused, picking up a can of soda and cracking it open, unaware of his intention to give her one of them. This, although a common scene for Avery at this point, was not one of her ideal ways to spend a night with her friends- especially considering the fact that most of them were too busy doing other things than to just sit and talk with her.
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“Is it?” James maintained a special kind of relationship with alcohol–– one that he liked to refer to as mild alcoholism as if alcoholism could every really be mild. With the shot he poured himself, he was really only just beginning. “For the lady,” he began, offering one of the shots to her. “And for the drunk” he swallowed his shot easily, the burning  sensation doing little to affect the cool and collected air about him.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
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“  Great,  there’s some idiot around here trying to   spook   us all and of course it’s working for the most part.  though,  i feel like it would’ve been worse if they shut the power off or something.  ”   
James cocked a curious brow. “You’re right, I’ll try that next time.” He chuckled, shaking his head before he looked to the stranger and flashed an innocent grin to reassure him that he was kidding. “Only joking, of course.”
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
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cue an eyeroll from the blonde, thankful she was looking in front of her and not to the boy behind her. as much as she would have loved to have walked in silence, she was sure if she gave a long enough opportunity he would stir the conversation. and god knew where that would lead but she was sure it would only end in her deserting him in the woods long before they reached the main road. “ so you didn’t know about the kidnappings, you don’t know how to get back to southbank, and you were talking to and drinking by yourself in the middle of the night, exactly how new are you? ” she asked, not even bothering to look back as she spoke.
“If you must know...” he began, his tone mimicking the annoyed one the girl he followed had set. “...It’s my first day, just wanted a look around really.” James lifted his shoulders into a nonchalant shrug. It was a little odd that he ended the response without another snide remark–––– “You’ve made quite the first impression, Blondie. I can already tell I’ll properly enjoy my time here.” he mumbled sarcastically, mostly under his breath. And of course he did, James never backed down on an opportunity to be a smart-ass. But he was silenced merely moments later, when as if God himself had heard his little comment and struck him down with some instant karma, causing him to trip over a twig and land at the blonde’s feet. “Oh, fuck me.” he groaned.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
Tessa stood only feet from the brush for a few moments before the male called out to her, calling her ‘princess’ in the process. She never liked that nickname, not even when she was a little girl; and that had been because she was never the girl who wanted to dress up like a princess or watch princess movies. She wanted to wear a cape and a mask and watch superhero cartoons instead. “I, uh… No.” She swallowed, the back of her hand moving up to wipe any stray tears from her eyes before he could notice. “I’ll just leave if you want me to.”
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James, although his judgment was inhibited by his drunkenness, easily picked up on the fact that something was troubling the girl. It wasn’t too hard, really. There wasn’t much explanation for the fact that she had been clearly wiping away something from her eyes–– probably tears. Or the fact that her voice was slightly raspy, like that of someone who had just been crying. “Don’t bother, I could use the company... And you look like you could too, right love?” he appeared genuine, despite his permanently flirty tone. He held the bottle out to her politely. “Drink?”
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
“You’re new?” Alex asked, even though that was exactly what he just said. When he was able to pinpoint what she was high on, Alex felt a surge of anxiety and unease causing her eyes to open wide. “Acid is what?” She replied, believing that she was playing this cool as a cucumber but was actually portraying the opposite. Tilting her head, Alex narrowed her eyes. “Are you British?” She asked in a terrible British accent.
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“Yes, how did you know?” his voice was very clearly laced in sarcasm, made obvious by how he followed his question with a hearty laugh–– although, considering the oblivious state the stranger was currently in it probably wouldn’t be too obvious to her. James made the conscious decision to not be offended by her awful mimicking of his accent, instead he just nodded, figuring she was far too confused to be taken seriously at this point. “Born and raised, yeah.”
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
The song with the highest play count on your mp3 player:
     I can change, I can change      But I’m here in my mold      bitter sweet symphony | the verve
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
hey guys!! just a general apology for my replies being so slow. i havent been on tumblr rp in a bit, and replies are a bit harder to hammer out as quickly as i used to. if they’re short/of poor quality/take too long  im so sorry. im just getting into the swing of things again so bare with me xoxo 
with love,
blue <3
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
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River raised his hands, a universal sign of ‘I’m not looking for trouble’. “Alright, bro. If you say you’re not like him, you’re probably not; you know him better than me,” he said, voice oddly still, considering the situation he was in. He sighed, slightly unnerved. River felt faintly contrite for his words, as he meant no ill-will. Then again, the other teen was visibly vexed and in what seemed to be a drunken stupor.
James visibly relaxed once the stranger raised his arms in defense. His brows un-furrowed, his eyes returned from slits to their regular size, and his fists un-balled until his fingers were all relaxed. “Exactly.” and although he appeared more calm now, his voice was still very obviously stern.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
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One of the guys on Avery’s soccer team had his parents going away for the weekend, so there was obviously going to be a party that night. The redhead ran her fingers through her loose waves and ran her fingertips under her eyes, ensuring there was no makeup smudging under her eyes. Tilly would actually be rather proud of the athlete’s appearance; Avery had managed to put on mascara without stabbing her own eye out and had tugged on a top that actually showed off her figure a little bit. However, her experience was still rather lacking with the booze, green hues scanning over the drinks as she tried to figure out what she wanted.
James didn’t quite remember how he scored an invite to the shindig–– he was new, and the few people he had already met hadn’t gotten the best first impression of him. He had spent his first day in Southbank absolutely shit-faced by the lake, and he wasn’t his most charming when he was that drunk. The house was occupied by kids more popular than he was, which he was delighted by. This was more his scene back home, and he’d do his best to get in with this kind of crowd for the remainder of his time in highschool. Of course, the first place his eyes darted to was the drinks table and naturally, the pretty redhead who stood next to it. “Can’t make up your mind, ginger?” he chuckled, pouring two shots of tequila–– one for himself, and one for the girl.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
Before Noah could react, he was already in James’ arms in what would have to be known, from that point onward, as the weirdest hug he’d ever received.  “Yeah, it’s okay,” he agreed, Northlake wasn’t the worst place he’d ever lived. He gave James a friendly clap on the back, waiting for the hug to end. “You can probably crash at my house tonight if you wanted, my billet family are super chill and you’re probably gonna want to try and sleep off as much of the monster headache you’re gonna have tomorrow as possible,”
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James untangled his limbs from around Noah. As he took  a step back, he sported a more serious expression, now realizing just how odd it was to give the stranger a hug. “Cheers, mate. Mum’ll slaughter me if I come home reeking of booze.” he gave Noah a gesture of thanks–– except instead of another spontaneous embrace, he clapped his hand down firmly against Noah’s shoulder.
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
please like this post if you save
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val--mont-blog · 6 years
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the fact that he thought she should have to ‘deal’ with him rather than him not be a repugnant pig was infuriating, but she’d learnt her lesson in telling him anything so kept her mouth shut. mostly. “ i’ve got one, you’re just an unfunny dickhead. ” escaped her lips bluntly. the words he chose, like many others he had previously chosen, didn’t sit well with anne. “ you managed to survive out here, i’m sure you’ll be fine on a main road. ” she pointed out, sarcastic reassurance to her tone as she began leading the way away from the lake, finding the path quickly and easily.
The harsh words she used to insult James had the opposite effect–– he was flattered. The girl he had already pegged as a boring square really let him have it with that ‘unfunny dickhead’ line. Honestly, it sounded like something James would’ve uttered himself. “See, you’re gettin’ the hang of it.” he gave a sarcastically proud grin and nod of his head as he trudged along behind ‘Blondie’
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