valnes941 · 25 days
Satellite of Cybertron/Chapter 3
It was getting evening.
There was less and less light coming out of the cracks in the ground, the tree-like crystals grew dimmer and dimmer, and the birds' singing became silent.
In the cyan jungle next to the cave, night and tranquility were falling. The entrance to the cave was covered by a large number of dangling dark green metal vines, acting as an improvised door. Fortunately, the temperature here did not vary much during the local twenty-four hours, to the inhabitant herself this model of door reminded her of something oriental. She was inside and nestled comfortably on her side on the makeshift bed. Retracting her wings, she managed to extinguish her fire and plunge the place into a pleasant darkness. Even without her nightlight in the form of a blue crystal, she was well aware that she was looking where the dining room was, her feet could rest against the wall if she wished and her head against the ‘work’ table.
She sighed heavily and rolled over onto her other side. Her glowing violet eyes reflected in an unusually well-polished sheet of unknown metal (it made an excellent mirror). The purple motobot immediately came to mind. A faint smile appeared on her face.
She had mistaken it for a horse the first time she saw it. No, have you seen the local horses? They turn into motorbikes! It wasn't her fault that in her attempt to get to know the local fauna better, she'd managed to catch just him! No wonder she dropped him almost the moment he was in her hands in all his glory.
Remembering now the shocked look on his, what she thought, shocked face made her want to laugh. The humble chuckle could have been well heard by any other creature, had there been one in the cave.
But there was no one. Not a single soul besides herself.
It wasn't as noticeable in the daytime. And yet time passed quickly: watching crystal butterflies and metal plants, catching up with moto-horses, playing with glass hummingbirds… Before she'd been on Cybertron, none of that had happened. Yes, space was empty at times, but the fact that she had a family was reassuring. Her father had been a smug jerk, and her younger siblings had scattered across the galaxy early…. Well, there were a lot of good times. Not bad for a reborn human.
But there were no beds in space. Oh, it took a lot of work to make one. Well, it also took time and a lot of sheep-like animal wool. They're very peaceful creatures. Favoured the local marshes, if you could call them that. She didn't know why they were so untouched by possible predators, but since they were the only creatures with such a feature, she ‘clipped’ a little from each one every couple of days until she had enough. Until then she had to sleep on bare metal.
In the end, she ended up with even a little more - the leftovers made a nice cap for a nightlight. After all, this crystal never stopped glowing, which was a bit of a problem. But the blue light diluted the atmosphere nicely. Green, of course, is kind of supposed to be a calming colour, but not in such quantity. Got it at the foot of the mountains beyond the river.
There was enough of that in there. Has a weird tingling electric flavour and is quite caloric. Gained a couple of pounds before the taste was no longer a novelty.
But it seems the local civilised robots feed on it - distill it into liquid form, maybe add something else - and drink it. At one time, she'd noticed that the resulting ‘clear’ drink was darker in adults than in children. Though, given how wide the Cybertronians' growth range was, it wouldn't be surprising if some of the smaller robots turned out to be adult minicons.
My eyes finally closed, and everything went completely dark. The only thing that could be distinguished was the quiet breathing, which gradually slowed down. Sleep had taken over the place completely.
Far to the west of the cyan jungle, and even from Festus Fax in the forests at the foot of the Manganese Mountains, a dark blue mech, with a triangular red visor covering its faceplate, was moving toward this settlement. His quick but silent stride, his careful gait, made him look like an experienced hunter. But it was getting dark, and it was too dangerous to go any further, especially in such a wild place as this. So it was decided to find a more or less safe place to rest. It was soon found: it was a space between several interlocking crystalline trees - large enough to accommodate him, but with a passage narrow enough to keep anything bigger than him from climbing in. Slowly pulsing cable vines replaced the ceiling to some extent, and some of them dangled in such a way that, when viewed from the side with the proper imagination, one could see a miniature rain of stars.
For some reason he hesitated before entering. Looking up, he put out an arm bent at the elbow, and an imperceptible sound wave erupted from his helmet. It didn't take long for the result to come: the sonicondor appeared almost silently, sitting down on the proposed perch in the form of a manipulator and then rubbing itself against the fur's chest plate. Holding the avinoid, he scrutinised the possible shelter.
The mech nodded satisfactorily, satisfied that there had been no changes since his last time here. He released the sonicondor, covered the entrance from outside and inside with vines, and began to prepare to reload.
Suddenly his chest compartment opened up and two rectangular blocks flew out, transforming into two identical red and purple coloured robots respectively and landing deftly on the servo. The large indigo mech pointed two fingers at them, then pointed at their surroundings and, raising his index finger upwards, outlined a circle in the air with it. The minicons nodded back at him and dispersed in opposite directions, towards the cracks that could become entrances for uninvited guests.
Und Vox vented a sigh of relief: finally some rest. The journey had not been easy, but they were getting by. Their little family had practically returned home almost within a vorn of leaving it. Good old Festus Fax, small and cosy. One can only hope they didn't miss anything important. I wonder how Somnic is doing? Knowing her younger brother Stentor, you can tell she's definitely not bored. The fact that he's best friends with his Furor and Rugit is the best proof of that. In the first few days after their return, no one would dare let their guard down.
These little menaces can make a mess of things even separately, one can only guess what they can do when they reunite again…
Oh, the sparklings will be eager to hear about the journey, and they'll be only too happy to talk about it. The uncharted forests of the Manganese Mountains, the shore of the Rust Sea with the Hydrax Plateau visible in the distance, the Sonic Canyons that respond to every noise with multiple echoes - it took a lot of effort and concentration to capture them at their best.
And yet you have to stop to think. The night was not rubber, and tomorrow they would have to get up early to make it on time.
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valnes941 · 1 month
Satellite of Cybertron/Chapter 2
Ora vetita. Forbidden Land.
Everyone in Festus Fax knew not to venture into the cyan jungle. Everyone knew that wild lands were dangerous, but this corner of the Manganese Mountains was particularly dangerous.
It was difficult to accidentally violate the boundary of this forest zone - one couldn't help but notice the river, beyond which stretched a mysterious green vegetation. Those who were attentive would notice changes in the shape of the same metal ferns even before crossing to the other bank (their leaves-photocells acquire a more jagged and indented edge). In the forbidden land itself, the first thing that begins to weigh on the processor is silence. Not only audible, but visual as well. The crystalline trees were consistently different still shades of green - here you won't see the colouration of a plant, from so light it appears white to almost absolute blackness, change over time, displaying the full spectrum of blue. You won't see the peaceful ripple of the cable vines, reminiscent of the quiet beating of a Cybertron sparkler. There is no glow of cyberflies, no buzzing of insectatrons, no flapping of avinoid wings, no clatter of mech-animal paws. Only the occasional whistle of the wind, making the reluctant greenery rustle like an old, rusty instrument.
But we must not let our guard down! Such ‘emptiness’ is only characteristic of the border. If you go further than necessary, you won't know when you might be attacked by an arachnotron or some kind of cyber-cats (like a couguareider, a turbofox, or a pack of cyber-dogs). And that's not counting the crazy petro-rabbits, annoying roboto-possums, ubiquitous glitch-mice, and deadly poisonous razor-snakes.
Yes, of course, such slag is commonplace in these parts, but one must remember the true lord of the forbidden land.
This isn't some poor fallen or mindless terrorcon. Though they all trace their lineage back to the Great Destroyer, the latter two can be dealt with without the Chaos Guardians. Theoretically. There are rumours of both someone other than these warriors being able to defeat these monsters, and of these same warriors having to call in reinforcements. These are all rumours, however.
The creature that had taken up residence there would be impossible for a normal Cybertronian to deal with. The fact that many hunters returned unsuccessfully, miraculously retaining their active, only confirms this. Fortunately, the Unicron spawn only leaves the forest on certain days when Primus' power comes to the surface, but then it's so weak outside its territory that even a spark can deal with it. Alas, the creature is well aware of the latter, too.
Calling the same Guardians is a dead end. Getting to the nearest large settlement where you can send a message is a feat. Plus, there's no guarantee it'll get through.
That's how we live. We don't mess with cronid, and cronid doesn't mess with us.
Well, except for that weird two-wheeled explorer from the Temple of Knowledge. He visits the creature's territory every day, and surprisingly, he's still active. Seems to be a good indication of how having an alt contributes to survivability.
It's already starting to tell time. No, seriously, he goes out means it's time for everyone to get up, he yells at the whole neighbourhood means it's evening, he comes back means it's bedtime. Liber's a weird mech, but everyone's used to him. It'll be a shame if he leaves.
Oh, there's a scream. Looks like it's time to wrap things up.
Liber said hello to the guards, entered the village, and walked contentedly into his temporary home. He looked round the only room in the place: it was in Kaon-style, but he didn't need much. A platform, a table, and a chair. Quickly sitting down on the latter, the mech pulled out a book with a case and began updating the notes he had recently made. He needed to hurry before the light coming from below, directly from Primus' core, went out, marking the coming of night.
His brush didn't stop for a click, which wasn't surprising - the information was still fresh in his mind. He excitedly began to reread the new chapter. Who would have thought that a creature as terrifying as a cronid could live in harmony with a creature as beautiful as a lilleth.
Lilleth is the smallest representative of avinoids (belongs to the pennavinoid subgroup), even the largest individuals do not exceed the size of a minicon. They prefer a solitary or paired lifestyle. They are known for their fragility and beauty. Completely transparent at first glance, their corpus is able to scatter light and shimmer in a special way, giving the observer to admire all possible colours. Logically, they are extremely secretive, it is usually difficult to find even one.
However, what did he see today? A flock of lilleth circled around the cronid, greeting him at their nests. Nests that at the moment contained eggs even more fragile than their creators.
Who in their right mind would have guessed that the Destroyer's offspring could be so gentle and careful?
By the time Liber had finished, the lights in the room had gone out completely. All he had to do was lie down on the platform for a recharge cycle.
What new things he would learn tomorrow?
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valnes941 · 1 month
Satellite of Cybertron/Chapter 1
Okay, Google, what to do if you suddenly found yourself in space, didn't die after a few minutes, realized that you are no longer a human… are these two giant robots destroy nebula during battle?
He was running. Again.
Green crystalline trees whizzed past, metal ferns whipped around the hull, and cable vines tried to get under the servo.
But it wasn't the first time he'd been here either.
From behind, the slow, loud stomping and noisy venting of the pursuer could be heard. The vegetation around him reflected the violet glare more and more vividly.
He was being caught up. As expected.
Spark pulsed excitedly, heating up his chamber and accelerating the energon pounding in the audials. Optics in battle mode scanned the surroundings.
Up ahead, amidst all the kaleidoscope of green, steel and purple, the native blue lights appeared.
In time. He was already beginning to tire.
Suddenly, as always, the forest was replaced by the bare bank of a shallow but wide river. He was immediately transformed.
The two wheels made sure to make contact with the ground, and he quickly picked up speed. Using the familiar rocks as a springboard, he managed to fly over the obstacle and land softly.
He braked sharply to avoid crashing into the blue crystalline thickets and transformed again, but he was unable to steady himself on the servos and rolled over. Now he was lying on the aforementioned energy-blue crystalline vegetation and mentally counting the new dents on his hull. Well, as an unnamed seeker-researcher had written: ‘If you remain conscious after landing, the landing is considered soft".
Violet mech groaned and stood up, rubbing his bruised helm. When he regained consciousness, he retrieved two cases from subspace with a single manipulator movement. First, he checked the long and narrow case, opened it, and with a sigh of relief ventilated it: the brush and paints were in order (which was a good thing, considering how difficult impossible it was to find replacements for them in these places). The second case turned out to be a book - opening it, the motorcyclist checked the fresh inscriptions on the bound pages, which were safely hidden by the metal cover. Fortunately, the characters were still legible, though slightly smudged. All that remained was to quietly update them, and all would be well.
Flicking through the previous entries, he stopped at the very first page. The young Cybertronian's optics were not on that page, but on the inside of the cover, where the large handwriting read, ‘Notes of a novice explorer,’ and in smaller print, ‘Liber, doing Vector's Feats'.
Closing the book and carefully placing the important things back into subspace, Liber looked at the opposite shore. The creature that had stalked him had not left. It was following him closely with its bright purple optics, whose colour was diluted only by the darkness in the middle, like black holes surrounded by the light they sucked in. Though the beast was not clearly visible from behind the green thickets, the fur knew its appearance well.
A powerful giant, many times larger than him, a silver body, two manipulators, two servos, a pair of horns and wings each, as if made up of a single endoskeleton, capable of flashing flames the colour of the creature's optics. Something that shouldn't live, no, exist on Cybertron.
A species descended from Unicron himself, the bringer of Chaos.
And yet there it was, and it was about twenty-five mechanometres away, never having left its teritorium.
Satisfied with the job he had done, Liber walked slowly into the blue forest, looking for signposts to get back to the settlement. Knowing that he would not be attacked (the cronid himself had never crossed the river, all dangerous animals had been scared away by him), he found himself daydreaming about the next time he would learn about this creature.
The creature sighed as it looked at the robotic motorbike. Wasn't he tired of following her and then running away? On one hand this behaviour annoyed her, on the other…. it was refreshing.
This purple stalker was the first intelligent (?) inhabitant of this world who hadn't tried to kill her after his first encounter with her.
Though the fact that he always came back was a little tense and reassuring. How curious/crazy do you have to be to come back to her every time, knowing it would end in a mad race?
But, come to think of it, one didn't prevent the other.
Sighing once more, she turned away from the river and walked back to her house.
This day was exhausting without metal weirdos lacking the instinct for self-preservation.
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valnes941 · 5 months
Holidays on Nemesis
Hi! This is my first post. This is a fanart based on my fiction (which is not written) about body swapping. I think it's easy to tell who is who by the colors of the highlights. I don't know when I'll add people.
OK, here we can see different first reactions:
Someone is scared...
Someone is ready for battle...
Someone is in quiet horror...
...And someone hasn't woken up yet...
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