vampaiastro · 1 year
Help Hooves ( MLP Apple Jack and Twilight FanFic)
Apple Jack let out a soft sigh as she approached Twilight's door. She did two hard knocks, she was nervous for some reason. When the door swung open to reveal Twilight, she greeted her with a warm smile. "Hey there, Applejack! What can I help you with?" she asked with a smile.
Feeling a bit sheepish, Apple Jack placed her hat over her chest and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I could really use your help." Her embarrassment was evident, but Twilight's welcoming demeanor put her at ease.
"Oh!" Twilight exclaimed. " What do you need help with?" Blushing slightly, Apple Jack admitted, "Well, Big Mac is out sick, and we have a lot of trees to harvest. I could use an extra pair of hooves." Twilight smiled, " I will gladly help! Just wait a moment!" The unicorn ran back into the library again, leaving Apple Jack outside.
When Twilight returned, Apple Jack couldn't help but burst into laughter. Twilight was wearing an oversized sun hat with bits of sunscreen still visible, and a big bag packed to the brim with snacks, water, even a first aid kit! Twilight's cheeks felt warm, " I don't want to get burned! Do you know how bad the sun can be?" 
Apple Jack wiped the tears from her eyes. " Sorry, I don't mean to laugh." Twilight smiled, " Maybe you need some sunscreen." She said, " It looks like you are starting to get sunburned," Apple Jack chuckled, feeling a bit self-conscious about her exposed skin. "Well, I reckon I'm used to the sun's rays, but I appreciate the concern," she replied with a grateful smile. Twilight shook her head. “ That isn’t good!"  She levitated a bottle of sunscreen and put a big glob on her hoof. “ You are out in the sun a lot, you need to take better care of yourself!” She started rubbing the sunscreen gently all over her face. Apple Jack laughed a little bit, “ Well, thanks Twi!” Twilight blushed a bit, “ No worries! Don’t want you getting sick or anything” She looked away from the orange pony, embarrassed for some reason.
"Now, shall we get to work? The orchard won't pick itself."
With Twilight's magic, the two ponies set out to harvest the apples from the abundant trees in Sweet Apple Acres. Apple Jack marveled at Twilight's skillful use of magic, carefully plucking apples from the branches without bruising them.
 They worked together seamlessly, their movements synchronized as they laughed and chatted about anything and everything. Apple Jack discovered that beneath Twilight's scholarly exterior, there was a gentle and compassionate heart. Twilight, in turn, admired Apple Jack's strong work ethic and unwavering dedication to her family and farm.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the orchard, they took a break and sat beneath the shade of the apple trees. Twilight took a sip of water, she was very red and sweaty. Despite not doing much physical labor, she was still out of breath.  Apple Jack laughed a bit, she thought it was kind of cute.
Sitting underneath the tree resting, they watched the stars start to twinkle in the evening sky, and the serenity of the moment enveloped them.
"Twilight, I gotta say, I'm mighty grateful for your help today," Apple Jack said, looking at the purple pony with admiration in her eyes. "You may be a princess and all, but you're just as down-to-earth as they come."
Twilight blushed, feeling touched by Apple Jack's compliment. "Thank you, AJ," she replied softly. "You know, spending time with you today made me realize how much I've been missing by staying in the castle all the time."
"Well, you're always welcome here, partner," Applejack said warmly. "Anytime you wanna escape the books, just come on over. We'll make sure you have a rootin' tootin' time!"
Twilight laughed, feeling a sense of belonging. " Well, I might just have to take you up on that." She giggled a bit, and Apple Jack couldn't help but feel her heartbeat a little faster, " must be from working," she thought to herself.
They sat there for a bit talking. When they ran out of things to talk about they just sat there watching the stars, enjoying each other's presence. 
"Twilight," Apple Jack spoke softly, breaking the silence, "there's something I want to show you." She stood up and extended her hoof to the purple pony.
Curious, Twilight took her hoof and allowed Apple Jack to lead her through the orchard. They walked beneath the apple trees, the branches casting playful shadows on the ground. Soon, they reached a clearing, where forgotten pear trees and old apple trees met. There was one in the middle twisted together. Twilight's eyes widened, " Wow this is beautiful," she exclaimed.
AppleJack was happy, she didn't know why, but after today she knew she just had to show this to her. As they stood there, bathed in the soft moonlight, Apple Jack smiled at Twilight's reaction. 
"It's my secret spot," she confessed. "I like to come here when I need some time alone, away from all the hustle and bustle of the farm. It's peaceful, and I feel like the trees here understand me."
Twilight gazed at the intertwined trees, feeling a sense of magic in the air. "I can see why," she said, her eyes filled with wonder. "It's like they have a story to tell, just like the stars above."
Apple Jack nodded, her heart fluttering with happiness that Twilight appreciated this place as much as she did.
 "You know," she said, "I never really showed this to anyone before. But I feel like I can trust you with it, Twilight."
The princess smiled warmly at her. "Thank you for sharing this with me," she said softly. "It means a lot."
They sat down under the canopy of the entwined trees, their shoulders touching as they looked up at the night sky. Twilight leaned her head on Apple Jack's shoulder, feeling a sense of comfort and serenity she had never experienced before. Apple Jack's heart skipped a beat, feeling a rush of emotions she couldn't quite put into words.
Apple Jack turned to look at Twilight, her heart pounding in her chest. "You know," she said softly, "I've never met anyone quite like you, Twilight. You're smart, kind, and there's a certain magic about you that I can't quite explain."
Twilight blushed, feeling a mixture of shyness and joy. "And I've never met anyone quite like you either, Apple Jack," she admitted. "You're strong, independent, and you have this warmth about you that draws ponies in."
Their eyes locked, and in that moment, they both knew that something special was happening between them. It was as if fate had brought them together, two souls from different worlds, connected by an unexplainable bond.
As the night wore on, they continued to talk, laugh, and share their dreams under the enchanting embrace of the entwined trees.
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vampaiastro · 1 year
Rarity's Loser Girlfriend
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I love these two lmaooo, just the thought of a hardworking Rarity with a constantly high girlfriend is just funny to me. 
Ig: Submisema deviantart: astrodrveams Twitter: Submisema
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vampaiastro · 1 year
The Last Letter :MLP short story:
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“Your majesty,” said a guard, kneeling down to Celestia, the immortal leader of Equestria. “ You have a letter, it’s urgent.” Confusion was etched into her face as she walked to the guard. “What is it?.”
 “I do not know your highness.”
Celestia was taken aback, wondering who could have sent her a letter through the postage system. She usually received urgent messages through magic, and from her trusted confidant Twilight. With a sense of curiosity, she used her magic to pick up the scroll and thanked the guard with a smile as he bowed and walked out. 
Opening out a letter, she gasped. Tears of joy in her eyes as she saw what it was. Overwhelmed with emotion, she fell to the floor with a thud. It was a letter from someone who was really important to her. Someone who she hadn’t heard from in years.
 The paper was discolored with age and faded, clearly very old. However, her heart still soared, joy in her face, she quickly opened the envelope to read the following. 
Dear Princess Celestia,
Hello my dear, it's been quite a while, hasn't it? My hooves are shaking as I write this, as memories of the past come flooding back to me. I hope this letter finds you well..
 Do you remember me? I am the lady many years ago who used to write to you, the one who fell in love with a princess. It seems like an eternity has passed since those days, and yet, the memories are as vivid as ever.
Do you remember how we first met? I will never forget the day I laid eyes on you, my dear Celestia. You were the most beautiful pony I had ever seen, with your flowing mane and sparkling eyes. You had an air of elegance that people were jealous of, and I knew right then and there that we were destined to be friends. And we were, weren't we? 
We had so much fun together, exploring the castle, dodging guards and supervisors, and talking long into the night by the fireplace. You were always so kind to me, a poor farmer, always willing to listen to my stories and share your own. Your laugh will forever be in my heart. I treasure those memories more than you could ever know. 
But it wasn't just friendship that I felt for you, It was something more, something deeper, something that I couldn't quite understand at the time. When you confessed to me saying you felt the same it was obvious, I realized that it was love. Yes, my dear, I was in love with a princess and she was in love with me, and I know that might sound foolish to some, but it was real to me. 
I’m sorry I had to leave you, my dear. I had to go back to my old life, to my family, to my obligations. I couldn't stay with you, as much as my heart wanted to. But even though we were apart, I never forgot about you, my dear. You were always in my thoughts, in my dreams, in my heart. 
And now, as I write this letter, I know that my time is coming to an end. I wanted to reach out to you one last time, to tell you how much you meant to me, how much I loved you. And to set you free, my dear. Free from the memories of me, free to find happiness and love with someone else. I hope this letter finds you well, my dear Tia. I know that you are a kind and loving soul, and I have no doubt that you will watch over my grandchildren with the same care and affection that you showed to me all those years ago.
Farewell, my dear. May your life be filled with love and happiness, and may you always remember the old lady who loved you more than words could ever say. 
Love, Pound Sweet Apple aka Granny Smith
The throne room was in an eerie silence. She was in such a shock Celestia couldn’t process what was going on. Tears silently rolled down her face, she saw something else with the letter. A funeral invitation, one to Sweet Apple Acres, where the two of them played years ago.
The silence was broken by Celestia’s heart-wrenching wail. Her euphoric feelings from getting a letter she waited for years had turned to sorrow, and she felt her heart being ripped apart. The letter had set her free from Granny Smith’s memory, but the pain of losing her was too much to bear.
_____ This is my first time writing fanfiction for MLP so I hope yall enjoy :)) Follow Me!! Ig: Submisema Twitter: Submisema Deviantart: astrodrveams
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vampaiastro · 1 year
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I’ve had an idea for this picture awhile ago, but just now I finally do it lol  Flurrycurrents is such a cute ship I hope more people draw them TT
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vampaiastro · 1 year
Rarishy Art Dump
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The love I have for these two is unhealthy lol also... whats this? I finally remembered my tumblr password lol, i’ll try to post here more often!  Ig: Submisema Twitter: Submisema
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vampaiastro · 2 years
⭐☀️ 💕
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vampaiastro · 2 years
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another twipie next gen, try to act shocked.
This is Frosted Pretzel, she is a contortionist who specializes in making pretzels. She is basically like a calmer version of Pinkie. Pretzel is part of the Equestria Traveling Circus, so she has a lot of friends everywhere, but she sadly doesn't see her family often. 
Not the best bio I've writen but hey, its been awhile lol, anyways i made a new twitter account, semi more active there https://twitter.com/vampai_
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vampaiastro · 2 years
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TBH i thought Flurry Heart’s ships where all kind of boring being that it was either with Pumpkin or Pound, I decided to use Sandbar’s little sister Coral Currents mostly because I like the colors and also “ Himbo surfer chick and royal princess,” just fills a need I never knew I had. I’ve drawn them before but it has been awhile, I was trying out a more simple art style then I normally do!! 
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vampaiastro · 2 years
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Pinkie often gives her wife heart attacks with her lose way of baking, i really wanted to post this and I couldnt wait to finish the other slides TOT
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vampaiastro · 2 years
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vampaiastro · 2 years
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It’s been awhile haven’t it?
New trying out a new art style
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vampaiastro · 3 years
Taking either paypal or cashapp now
Commissions open by PayPal!! (DM me if you want a commision)
One more quick thing it also might take awhile because I have a ton of school work, but I will try to get to them as soon as possible!! 
- send half payment first - i’m not going to do any adult or teen ship customs - no nsfw - do not resell at a higher price unless there is art with it - i will do oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon ( if you want more then two ponies in a custom that is fine) - PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE, I’M NOT THAT CREATIVE ToT - the first drawing you make of the character just say it was made by me, no need to do it after.
CUSTOMS Fill this out when ordering!! 
Prices!! normal ponies + changelings are 10 USD Draconequus’ are 15 USD
Species: pegasi, unicorn, earth, alicorn, changeling ( say if you want reformed or not, if you don’t say i will just assume reformed ) draconequus
Gender: mare, stallion or nb
Age: foal or young adult Height: tall, average or small
Cutie Mark (optional):
Color pallet (optional) :
HEADSHOTS Prices!! 5 USD or 10 USD for more complex characters PLEASE TELL ME A POSE YOU WANT
Prices!! 10 USD or 15 USD for more complex characters
EXTRA: Adding another pony would just be the same price as it would be for a custom (ie. twilight and discord art would be 10 USD for twilight and 15 USD for discord so all together it would be 25 USD if that makes sense)
Backgrounds will be 10 - 15 USD depending on how complicated it is
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vampaiastro · 3 years
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The apple siblings redesign!!
Big Mac now goes by Orchard Blossom, and the scar on her throat is the reason she only responds in “eeyup” or “nope”; other than that it doesn’t cause her much pain.
I picture Orchard still often hangs out with Spike and Discord and they still play Ogres & Oubliettes often.
Applejack has the red stripe in her hair from the rainbow power. I gave her a stronger frame to show that she’s a hard worker.
Apple Bloom now takes care of the management on the farm. She makes all the apple treats that are sold from the farm. Apple bloom also sometimes help with the basic farm work but that’s only when they are really behind
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vampaiastro · 3 years
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This is Sunflower Seed, the youngest of Coloratura and Applejack!! He perferces to go by Sunny however.  He is the same age as Grape Soda, however due to his height many people think he is way older then he actually is.  Despite his apperance he is acutally quite smart, expecially when it comes to science. 
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vampaiastro · 3 years
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You know how I said I love TwiPie/Twinkie , yeah this is the product lol.
His name is Grape Soda, and he is the younger half sibling of Dusk ( i picture Luna, Twi, and Pinkie are in a poly relationship)  Grape has always been on the chubbier side, due to his genetics on his mom’s (pinkie) side. He is about the same age as the cmc, maybe a tad bit older. He is deaf and uses a form of sign language that he uses his wings to communicate. He also uses normal body language to convey what he is trying to say. Kinda like what Pinkie is doing here. ( it’s much easier to do the latter when not walking around)
 He doesn’t wear hearing aids/ cochlear implants due to it causing him horrible debilitating headaches which he would just rather not put up with 
( I'm not deaf I did research and that was a reason why someone does wear one so if that not true or something like that please tell I don't want to accidently be offensive or something)  He loves more drawing and playing with his friends, basically a normal pony his age.
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vampaiastro · 3 years
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I honestly really love TwiLuna, maybe almost as much as TwiPie or the even better Twinkie, so I had to make a kid!! Honestly to me she looks like and off brand Twilight Sparkle ToT
The name I’m working with right now is Twilight Dusk, because I like the thought “Twilight” is a family name that gets passed down generation to generation. ( Like Twilight Velvet Sr. then Twilight Sparkle Junior and Twilight Dusk the third)
Facts I have so far, she has extremely good hearing due to her bat ears, and she is into geology (and maybe witchcraft idk yet really)
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vampaiastro · 3 years
Commissions open by PayPal!! (DM me if you want a commision)
One more quick thing it also might take awhile because I have a ton of school work, but I will try to get to them as soon as possible!! 
- send half payment first - i'm not going to do any adult or teen ship customs - no nsfw - do not resell at a higher price unless there is art with it - i will do oc x canon, oc x oc, canon x canon ( if you want more then two ponies in a custom that is fine) - PLEASE BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE, I'M NOT THAT CREATIVE ToT - the first drawing you make of the character just say it was made by me, no need to do it after.
CUSTOMS Fill this out when ordering!! 
Prices!! normal ponies + changelings are 10 USD Draconequus' are 15 USD
Species: pegasi, unicorn, earth, alicorn, changeling ( say if you want reformed or not, if you don't say i will just assume reformed ) draconequus
Gender: mare, stallion or nb
Age: foal or young adult Height: tall, average or small
Cutie Mark (optional):
Color pallet (optional) :
HEADSHOTS Prices!! 5 USD or 10 USD for more complex characters PLEASE TELL ME A POSE YOU WANT
Prices!! 10 USD or 15 USD for more complex characters
EXTRA: Adding another pony would just be the same price as it would be for a custom (ie. twilight and discord art would be 10 USD for twilight and 15 USD for discord so all together it would be 25 USD if that makes sense)
Backgrounds will be 10 - 15 USD depending on how complicated it is
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