vampirehearts33 · 1 month
Protection 101
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Words When it comes to defending your energy, emotional, and mental well-being, power words are very simple and powerful instruments. These are all the facets of existence that are interconnected. A power word is one that contains a great deal of significance and symbolism, as the name implies. It is associated with a very particular vibe.
Love, om, and peace are only a few examples of powerful words; there are many more.  Your power phrase frequently defies what is being place.  A cool response might be your power word when someone irritates you. Consider the phrase invincible when you're feeling depleted, and the word light when you're feeling uplifted.
Simply keep the power word that resonates with you at that particular moment at the forefront of your mind. As much as you can, open yourself up to the word's energy and allow its vibrational frequency to permeate every molecule and fibre of your body and fill your aura. Feel the word's impact on your body, mind, heart, soul, and spiritual energy systems, or see it happening. If it aids in your concentration, you can silently repeat the word many times. It may quickly and amazingly restore your spiritual vigour, mental clarity, and emotional equilibrium in a matter of minutes.
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Breath in your power
There are many times in life when we may feel overburdened, tense, and reactive. These triggers have the power to derail you, disrupt your calm, and affect all of your emotions. Our auras are reflections of every emotion we experience. Our aura is strengthened and diminished by anger, but it is strengthened by love and pleasure. It's helpful to know this easy breathing method since it may quickly realign the body, mind, soul, and spiritual energy.
Just shut your lips and take slow, gentle breaths through your nose. As your breath enters and exits your body, let your attention follow suit. Observe the ascent and descent of your chest. Drop your shoulders and clench your jaw while keeping your breathing in mind. Five deep, deliberate breaths in and out are already effective!
Studies have shown that only breathing exercises can have a profound and immediate impact on your entire body, mind, spirit, and energy systems. However, by incorporating a creative vision, you can increase its potency even further. Imagine a ray of light (or whatever higher force you believe in) falling onto your head from the galaxy.  Imagine that with each breath you take, you are drawing in this cosmic light to purify and invigorate you, and with each exhale, you are breathing out any unwanted energy, tension, or negativity that you may be carrying. Breath work can transform you even for a short while. Just keep in mind that these kinds of exercises get simpler and more natural the more you do them.
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Seal off your spiritual energy field
By doing this practice, you can close off your aura and shield yourself from other people, circumstances, and surroundings.  All you have to do is visualise yourself standing inside an enormous bubble that is transparent, pliable, and unbreakable. You are surrounded by the bubble, which forms a strong protection that moves with you.
Imagining that the top of the bubble is connected to the universe and that lovely, cosmic energy is flowing into your holy area is one way to experiment with and enhance this visualisation. You can use pink for love, blue for healing, red for energy, or gold for a cosmic link to alter the hue of your bubble. Actually, feel free to include whatever components that motivate you. Perhaps you would like to visualise a relative, either alive or in the hereafter, standing behind you in your bubble, giving you strength and empowerment. Even your four-legged companions are welcome to attend!
A mirror is a fantastic visualisation that is frequently employed.  Imagine a giant mirror materialising in front of you if you ever wish to stop other people's energy from ever reaching your spiritual being.  The mirror deflects all of the energy directed towards you, sending it back towards the source.  Never undervalue the impact that imaginative visualisations may have. Empirical studies have demonstrated that visualising something has just as much power as really executing it!
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A cloak of protection
Being able to shield your aura can be helpful in a variety of situations, including taking public transportation, going to crowded offices, and being around irritable people. Just picture yourself wearing a long, flowing cloak made of the deepest blue, similar to the midnight blue of the night sky.  You might envision pulling up the hood of this cloak to protect your head, or crown chakra. The cloak's lining may have magical properties; it might be pink, silver, golden, or multicoloured. Magical symbols can be used to decorate both the interior and outside of it.  Pull on your cloak whenever you feel the need to shield your energies and self from outside influences. This potent visualisation stimulates your creative faculties and sets a clear energetic intention.
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Natures cure
There are several advantages to spending time in nature.  The consequences of ageing and inflammation are countered by being in nature and grounding with her energy, which also cleanses and energises the body, mind, and soul. Your auric shield will become more powerful as a result of feeling stronger and more grounded.  Thus, if you can, try to schedule some time to take a stroll near the water, a park, or a forest. And while you're there, intentionally consider the healing energy exchanges occurring there as well as the gift of nature's beauty.
Grounding oneself is another method for revitalising your aura.  If you spend a lot of time working, thinking, and being in your thoughts, this is a very beneficial workout! If you can't go outside, close your eyes and visualise being there. Ideally, you should do this outside. Remove your shoes and plant your feet squarely on the earth.  As you attach your feet to the soil, sense how the earth's energy interacts with your body's energy system.  Consider growing roots from the soles of your feet that go deep into the ground to give this grounding technique even more potent depth.  You physically ground yourself and find stability through these roots. Envision a scenario whereby your positive and negative energy emanates from you and enters the soil, and in return, the energy of Mother soil enters your body through your feet and roots, flowing throughout all of your energy systems to revitalise, purify, and restore you.  Perhaps you might offer up a prayer of gratitude to Mother Earth for her healing powers.
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Energy exchanges, not all of which are upbeat and good, take place as a result of your aura's ongoing interaction with the environment.  Your aura may protect you by staying alive and energetically powerful if you know how to cleanse it.  A great approach to accomplish this is by taking a salt bath, which gives you the chance to dedicate thirty or forty minutes to spiritual self-care.
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vampirehearts33 · 1 month
i cant WAit this be true
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vampirehearts33 · 1 month
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Christian Dior Spring 1998 Backstage
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
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Color Associations In Magick
Red - love, seduction, passion, strength, courage, charisma, assertiveness, survival, change, power
Blue - peace, communication, expression, forgiveness, traveling, protection, truth, sleep, patience, trust, pregnancy
Yellow - joy, abundance, intelligence, reason, learning, memory, inspiration, imagination, friendships
Green - growth, wealth, fertility, business, healing, nature, balance, luck, longevity
Orange - creativity, justice, ambition, opportunity, attraction, abundance, confidence, energy, celebration, goals, success
Purple - intuition, decadence, authority, wisdom, knowledge, influence, psychic abilities, devotion, enlightenment, overcoming fears, addiction, independence, spirituality
Pink - self-love, companionship, affection, spiritual healing, kindness, beauty, femininity, marriage, sensuality, children, healing abuse
Brown - home, animals, family, stability, endurance, grounding, solidarity, strength, hard work, earth
White - cleansing, purification, spirituality, higher-self, innocence, illumination, balancing, hope
Black - protection, binding, transmutation, banishing negativity, dignity, force, grief, secrets, endings, loss, security
Gray - stability, concentration, neutrality, reserve, balance, adaptability, flexibility
Gold - wealth, inner-strength, understanding, self-realization, sun, masculinity, abundance, happiness, overcoming addiction, luxury
Silver - wisdom, psychic powers, intelligence, memory, moon, healing, divination, money, femininity, fertility, hidden potential, success, awareness
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
“You can either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”-Unknown
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
“Where are your pagan gods now?”
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Comforting your abandoned dead
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
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80s pink glam interiors
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
7 Praw Wszechświata ✨🌕
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Prawo Jedności ,wszystko ze sobą oddziałuje i wszystko jest ze sobą połączone .
Prawo rytmu , wszystko przemija , w każdym końcu znajdziemy początek . Życie ma w sobie i porażki i sukcesy .
Prawo Polaryzacji , wszechświat jest z natury dualistyczny , każda myśl ,rzecz zjawisko ma przeciwstawny element ."woda nigdy nie będzie ogniem , a ogień nigdy wodą ''
4. Prawo mentalizmu , wszechświat jako wielki umysł lub świadomość .Wewnętrzny świat materialny jest odbiciem świata umysłowego (naszych myśli , przekonań , traum itp). Nasz wewnętrzny umysł ma siłę zmienić nasz zewnętrzny świat ."Nie ważne co CI się przytrafia , ważne jak to interpretujesz"
5.Prawo ciągłej przemiany materii, nic nie jest stałe ,wszytsko ciągle się rusza . Nasze samopoczucie może się zmieniać w natychmiastowym tempie przez osoby którymi się otaczamy ,najważniejsze jest , aby otaczać się ludźmi o wysokiej wibracji.
6.Prawo Względności , Postrzeganie naszej rzeczywistości jest jedną z wielu perspektyw ,które istnieją .Postrzeganie rzeczywistości może wiązać się z osobistych doświadczeń lub traum.
7.Prawo Pustki, przyroda dąży do wypełnienia pustych przestrzeni .Aby coś nowego mogło do nas przyjść ,musimy pozbyć sie czegoś starego , ograniczającego .
W Wszechświecie jest jeszcze wiele więcej praw (np .prawo założenia , przyciągania itp..) , ale dziś chciałam się skupić na tych codziennych fizycznych prawach , które kreują i uwzgledniają naszą codzienną rzeczywistość . Jeśli ktoś z was chciałby abym rozwineła bardziej któryś z podanych tu praw ,proszę pisać śmiało!❤🥰
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
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𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐬
© darkgothicarts
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
Herbs and Flowers Magic Properties(tbc)
Rosemary - memory, anxiety, sleep, cleansing, purifying, learning, healing, love, lust, protection, wisdom, mental power
Turmeric - healing, strength, vitality, purification, abundance, joy, prosperity
allspice - healing, energy, love, luck
pepper - courage, protection
sage - health, immortality, longevity, protection against negativity, protection, purification, wisdom, wishes, anxiety
bay - divination, good fortune, healing, anxiety, money, prosperity, peace, protection, happiness, purification, love, tranquility
oregano - peace, love
parsley - protection, power, strength, lust, purification, prosperity
garlic - protection against evil eye
cinnamon - aphrodisiac, passion, love, luck, prosperity, success, spiritual vibrations, energy, purification, healing, protection
cayenne - healing, removing blockages, protection, strength, motivation, courage
clover - fidelity, protection, love, money, success, animal protection, luck
pine - health, healing
nutmeg - money, prosperity, good luck, protection, psychic abilities, happiness, love, health
cloves - healing, love, friendship, cleansing, protection, abundance
thyme - health, courage, eliminates nightmares, attracts loyalty, affection, psychic abilities
ginger - energy, speeding things up, love, prosperity, success, power, healing
mint - avoid jealousy, dreams, protecting, prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, lust, travel, money, luck
chamomile - love, healing, stress-relief, calming, sleep
lavender - purification, concentration, love, healing, sleep, dreams
jasmine - divination, innovation, attraction, dreams, love, beauty
mugwort - psychic powers, protection, lust, fertility, prophetic dreams, divination, relaxing, tranquility, banishing, consecration
peach blossoms - luck, prosperity, romance, love, passion, affection, harmony, peace, health, longevity
peony - protection from hexes, luck, prosperity, business success, attracts fairies
rose - divine love, self-love, friendship, healing, domestic happiness, lasting relationships, closeness with nature, divination, tranquility, harmony, psychic ability, spirituality, protection, luck
lemon grass - openness, communication, clear mind, love, luck, libido, psychic abilities, calming
chrysanthemum - longevity, mental clarity, optimism, protection, solving mysteries, soothing grief
pink Himalayan salt - purification, grounding, abundance, prosperity, self-love, cleaning, growth, protection, peace, calming
palo santo - cleansing, positivity, good fortune, creativity, love
sweet orange - optimism, charisma, confidence, restoring aura, attracting love, fertility, abundance
bergamot - protection, purification, calming
ylang ylang - sexual attraction, persuasiveness, peace, love, anxiety and depression relief, fairy magic
geranium - prosperity, happiness, healthy pregnancy and fertility
eucalyptus - purifying, cleansing, good health, protection, negativity
sandalwood - calming, anxiety, purification, protection, healing
anise - peace, tranquility, awakening of psychic awareness, luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magic power
jojoba - healing, protection, purification, grounding, meditation, love
frankincense - cleansing, energy, uplifting, inner peace, balance
peppermint - mental clarity, prophetic visions, success, prosperity,
cedarwood - love, growth, longevity, psychic powers, healing, money
tea tree - cleansing, protection, uplifting, energy, memory, love
vanilla - sex, calming, good luck, love, empowerment, happiness, growth
catnip - beauty, happiness, attraction, love, friendship
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
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Questions to ask your tarot cards:
What is a message my guides want me to hear?
What is something I need to face about myself?
What should I focus on this day/week/month/year?
What is something I can do to improve my life?
What can I do to better my chances at achieving my goal of _____?
What is the next step I need to take in order to achieve _____?
What can I do to become happier/more fulfilled in my life?
Is there someone I need to apologize to?
Is there someone I need to talk to?
Have I finished all my business with ____?
How can I move on from _____?
How can I improve my relationship with _____?
What do I need to be reminded of?
What is a lesson the universe wants me to learn?
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
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grounding in a spiritual sense is the practice of connecting to the environment around you and releasing unwanted energies. centering is the act of clearing your mind to focus on the task at hand.
you may feel "out of balance" and unable to concentrate sometimes, this can be a sign that you need to practice grounding and centering. below i will list some ways to practice spiritual grounding and centering, but feel free to come up with your own ways as well!
note that the correspondences listed at the end are my personal correspondences, you may have different ones and thats okay!
breathe in and out slowly, focus on the way that it feels. visualize (or alternatively, if you cant visualize, just think of) the unwanted energies and thoughts leaving you with each breath out and the thoughts of the task at hand coming in with each breath in
try meditating and clearing your mind of all unwanted thoughts, focusing fully on whatever you need to be focused on. focus on the environment around you. what do you hear? what do you smell? what do you see, if your eyes are open? if you have trouble with meditation, there are guided ones online
try visualizing (or thinking about if you cant visualize) all the unwanted energies leaving you and you connecting fully to the environment. you can do this in many ways, but a common way is to visualize ( / think of) breathing out the energy for the release and roots connecting you to the ground for the connection. visualize ( / think of) the wanted thoughts and energies coming in
black tourmaline
smoky quartz
red jasper
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
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Mashed up some roses with salt and rain water and then added a bit of vodka for preservation to make a rose potion! Fantastic for spells involving any type of love, sex, and can even make a great offering to deities that are associated with roses!
Edit: probably shouldn’t drink this!
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
Grimoire Ideas✨ pt 1
Candle colors and meanings
Moon phases and their meanings
Different deities
Herbs and their uses
Crystals, their uses and meanings
Sigil dictionary
Tarot meanings
Divination types
How to scry
Elemental correspondences
Day correspondences
Magickal tools and uses
Alter set up
Energy work
Types of witches
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vampirehearts33 · 2 months
✨Tarot tips for beginners✨ pt 1
Wands/Fire- Imagination, creativity, intuition
Pentacles/Earth- Finance, work, material things
Cups/Water- Love, Relationships, Emotions
Swords/Air- Thoughts,Ideas, Attitudes
Fives-Rules and law
Keep a tarot journal
Don’t try to remember every single card
Try to stick to the same deck in the beginning to build a strong connection
Allow your intuition to come through
Don’t second guess yourself always go with your gut
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vampirehearts33 · 3 months
Social life affirmations 🦋🪩
(part 1 : social butterfly)
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I have a bubbly, fun, outgoing extrovert personality.
I am the embodiment of a social butterfly.
Everyone admires my bubbly energy.
I am so talkative and I love talking.
I always let my personality shine.
I have such a good reputation.
I have great social skills and I can socialize with others easily.
I always have interesting things to say in any conversation.
I always have the right thing to say at the right time.
I'm a great listener.
I radiate positive energy everywhere I go.
People enjoy conversations with me.
I can keep any conversation going for hours.
All my conversations go fully smooth and fun.
I always have the best arguments ever.
Arguing is a child's play for me.
I effortlessly build fulfilling and harmonious friendships.
I always attract true, supportive and kind friends
I always have the time and the opportunity to go out with my friends frequently.
I always get invited to so many interesting social events.
I always go on cool adventures with my friends and create great memories.
Confidence is my middle name.
I am so confident in everything I do.
I am excellent at public speaking.
I have a beautiful clear voice and pronunciation.
People love to hear me speak.
I can be a magnet of fame whenever I desire.
It's so easy for me to become popular if i want to.
I have my desired number of followers on my desired social media account.
I am grateful
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