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Ashenvale, also known as Ashenvale Forest, a wilderness region south of Darkshore and Felwood, west of Azshara, and north of the Stonetalon Mountains and the Barrens. Ashenvale is also the term used for the larger forested region which includes most of western Hyjal including Azshara. It is the ancestral homeland of the night elves, who remain in control of several holdings through the zone, including Astranaar, Maestra’s Post, Silverwind Refuge, Silverwing Grove, and the Shrine of Aessina. This has changed since the Cataclysm, as the Horde has begun attacks on various Night Elf encampments and have succeeded in deforesting sections of the forest.
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//This was such a hot mess. Look at this nonsense.
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Full shot of the Vashj I did for my rp with @vandelandthefelhound. First time I’ve drawn her in snake form :)
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You are a monster. You have turned me into one. But your plan has backfired. Because there is no escape from me. I will fucking shred you for what you did.
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Managed to save this child.
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-softly- Don’t.
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Do not.
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Although she had frowned in offense at his comment regarding her people, he couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. He responded first with another respectful nod at the paladin in return for her polite greeting. Vandel was beyond surprised to be holding a conversation with one such as Evindra. This was not the outcome he had thought would take place. Not at all.
“I am on my own. For now.” Vandel admitted. The familiar face from the temple had requested he go with her on her mad quest into Suramar, but he had bitterly declined. Whether the other demon hunter was successfully reunited with her wife or whether than endeavour ended in tragedy, he wanted no part of it.
He had thought to ask Vythe where she and the others had gone to all those years ago, but the only response he had been given was an accusatory, “You weren’t there.” 
Vandel could get nothing more from her, no matter how he pressed the question... and so he had continued to assume that they had all scattered and had hidden themselves well, or had been defeated. Since he had almost reluctantly returned to Azeroth, disguising himself and sneaking his way back through a portal in Shattrath, he had found any chance meetings with other Illidari had been few and far between. 
“Your determination is admirable.” He continued, “I’m sure your people are doing all they can.”
His ridged brows knit together. “Of course they are.”
The last comment was biting, though it wasn’t entirely intended. The attack on the Black Temple was ever fresh in his mind just as the slaughter of his loved ones was.
It shouldn’t have ended that way. 
“If you are well enough, it would be best if you left now, should more of them happen upon us here.”
He breathed deeply, weight shifting from one bare foot to another. “Is this outpost of yours at risk? I suppose...” Vandel nearly sunk his fangs into his tongue. He wondered why he bothered, but the sentence was nonetheless uttered. Why burn a possible yet highly unexpected bridge? 
“I just might be able to assist.”
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Kingdoms will burn
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... This might have all been prevented.
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There is nothing in this life for me, this person, and to live a life without them is to live as nothing, as a shadow. To live an immortal half-life.
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@handmaidenoftheempress in response to this post
The pause before Lady Vashj’s response had Vandel reconsidering his question. Only a little. Vandel’s newly acquired sight, which rendered her as a series of bright sparks and wisping swirls in arcane hues, drew away from the hissing serpents that framed her terrible, beautiful features to follow her anguine form as she circled him. Her intake of breath and the whisper that followed were likely intended to keep him on edge, but in that brief moment he was nearly enchanted…
Audacious? His back straightened in surprise; a delayed response to her words… So be it.
He turned to face her properly now that she had settled herself against the massive statue. There was a small, foolish part of him that appreciated the former kaldorei’s emphasis on his youth. Cyana was to blame for that.
Vandel nodded once. He was familiar with the Sundering, and the mages who had helped to bring about the destruction. It would take true ignorance to not know of it. He knew loosely of the naga, as well. He had been told stories as a child about these accursed, as Lady Vashj put it, beings. Then there were the tales, always violent and undoubtedly over exaggerated, told in taverns.
The subtle change in her demeanor did not go unnoticed by him. His head inclined, speaking in the same careful tone he had approached her with. “Did you truly believe those promises? For even a moment did you doubt your empress?”
It seemed easier than he had fleetingly imagined to state these questions without any trace of venom. He had been tempted to give in to the soul bound to his own. In this moment, at least, he felt some level of understanding concerning the promises offered by the Legion.
Vandel took one small step in the Coilfang Matron’s direction, “And what will you do when the Legion is no more…” If, he had almost wanted to say instead of when, “Will you return to the depths of Azeroth empty handed?”
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For a moment, he wavered. He listened to the voice of his inner demon and realized it was his own. His soul had been tainted when he devoured the felhound. It had absorbed the demon’s evil and been twisted. There was really no other demon than himself. To give in to the voice of temptation would be to forswear his quest for vengeance and break faith with his dead wife and child. He did not want to kill Illidan. He wanted to kill the things that had made Illidan into what he was. He understood now as he never had before what the Betrayer stood for, because of what he stood against.
Vandel from Illidan: World of Warcraft by William King (via wasmadeforsunnydays)
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Shadowmoon Valley Concept Art by Peter Lee
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Illidari Training Camp
Illidan: See, it's easy, you just gotta dash in and slice em up
Illidan: Here, allow me to demon-strate.
Illidari: *collective sigh*
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Defender of Ashenvale by IvanCi
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