vanessa-xo · 2 years
i feel safe around you, when your fingers touch me i get warm waves through my body followed by the flutters of tranquil butterflies in the depth of my stomach, when you hold my hand we interlock our lives into one, when i first see you walking towards me radiating warmth and serenity, i feel safe around you
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
i may not be your first kiss, first love, first intimate moment but i want to be the last person to ever experience your love and compassion, loyalty and affection, the one that gets to live with your feelings forever. and in my books that is more important than first anything.
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
“you will never be too much for someone who can’t get enough of you”
— Unknown
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
a love that makes us grow together and individually >>>
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
meeting you was one of the best things to ever happen to me. you showed me different. i know it sounds cliché but it was something i’ve never felt before, genuine happiness. my other half and best friend tied into one. it made me fall in love with you.
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
i listened to music that reminded me of him and felt a quiet dreaminess
- megan nolan
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
he makes me laugh on my darkest days, he makes me forget about my worries. if this isn’t love then i don’t know what is.
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
“You are worth finding. Worth knowing. Worth loving. You and all your one million layers. Always hold that close.”
— Danielle Doby
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
out of all the voices i’ve ever heard in my life, yours brings me the most peace.
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
he’s made me feel the type of love other people can’t show.
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
i wish he knew he was my comfort person.
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
What if we just laid in bed one rainy evening, just being close to one another, and letting the sounds of the rain outside fill the silence
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
i love how the most mundane things suddenly become fun and enjoyable when you do them with someone you care about
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
i know i met you for a reason, i hope that reason is for us to grow old together.
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
none of my fears matter as long as i’m with him
-Penelope Douglaus
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
i wish everyone knew about my unspoken thoughts, but i’m scared of being judged.
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vanessa-xo · 2 years
i hope he knows he can come to me whenever he needs something or whenever times get hard, he was the moon to my darkness and i want to do the same for him.
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