vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
Well...that was a long break away.
I'm finally back from a long break. I needed some space but I'm hoping to slowly ease my way back in to starting some new threads. Life has just been a little hectic but all is well now.
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
"It is alright...I have forgiven you, my love. There is no need to apologize anymore...," feeling his hand take hold of her chin she let him raise her face up to meet his, "Though if you so desire to make up for it then so be it because I know I want you as much as I know you want me right now." Sigyn felt cocky with her last statement but couldn't hide the fact that it was the truth. She learned how to read his gestures and eyes quiet well now; at this moment she could see hunger in them.
Slowly with some caution still within her she let her hands drift on to the belt buckle of his trousers. They didn't need to keep their son waiting so she assumed that it would be quick for them both to relieve themselves. With practice she unclasp his buckle but of course with doing so she closed her eyes feeling her face heat up. Her hands as well went back on to her lap as she felt too shy to continue further.
"I'm sorry-- I do not know why I am still so shy...," peaking up she met his face and bit her bottom lip.
█▒~S i g y n~▒█
The term he had chosen was what she was going to use as well; it was a smart move on her husband’s part. “We were only playing, Narfi. Your father isn’t going to hurt me. He would never…,” she spoke to her son as she began to sit up, “How about this, can you let us have...
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
The term he had chosen was what she was going to use as well; it was a smart move on her husband's part. "We were only playing, Narfi. Your father isn't going to hurt me. He would never...," she spoke to her son as she began to sit up, "How about this, can you let us have some time alone then we can go to the pond as a family?" Watching Loki clear her son's tears she saw him nod at her gesture.
Standing up she took his small hand in hers leading him back to his toys. "It will only be for a small amount of time, okay?" Smiling she kissed his forehead and gave him a gentle pat on his cheek. Sigyn didn't want to be pushy but she wanted alone time with her husband. Even if it was quick.
After getting Narfi settled down she made sure he was comfortable then proceeded to their bedroom. Sigyn never became nervous as much anymore but still felt some uneasiness. Sitting upon the bed she looked over as she heard the footsteps of her husband and the door closing.
"I did not know if you wanted to continue or not..."
█▒~S i g y n~▒█
Narfi turned his head quickly in the direction of the commotion. His curiosity got the better of him as he saw both his mother and father on the floor. Though he became upset seeing that his father was on top of his mother, holding her down. He didn’t know better that his...
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
Narfi turned his head quickly in the direction of the commotion. His curiosity got the better of him as he saw both his mother and father on the floor. Though he became upset seeing that his father was on top of his mother, holding her down. He didn't know better that his parents were only playing but for a child his age he thought differently of course.
As if on cue, he stood up hurrying over to his father pounding his small fist on the arm which held his mother down. "Let go! Don't hurt mother--!" His yells took up the small space of the room as he began to cry.
Sigyn saw her son run over and begin to try and force Loki off of her. "Narfi! Stop it. Your father isn't hurting me, it's okay." She's never seen her boy react in such a way. Then again never have her and Loki shown such affection to on another in front of their son. It was probably bound to happen one day.
█▒~S i g y n~▒█
Bewildered by his sudden uplifting change of voice she turned around noticing her husband sitting up in his chair. Raising one of her eyebrows slightly confused she watched him raise his finger up hearing his gesture; a simple yet sweet kiss. Of course she would kiss her...
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
Bewildered by his sudden uplifting change of voice she turned around noticing her husband sitting up in his chair. Raising one of her eyebrows slightly confused she watched him raise his finger up hearing his gesture; a simple yet sweet kiss. Of course she would kiss her husband if he so desired but why would he ask for one? It left her puzzled though she set down her rag on the counter walking up to where her husband was sitting at the table in their small kitchen.
"A kiss? Loki--," a small smile formed on her lips as she tried to hide back a giggle, "You never need to ask me for a kiss, my dear husband. Why of course I would give you a sweet kiss..." Placing her hands upon the old mahogany table gently she leaned down to be level with his face. Feeling his warm minty breath from the tea hit her face gave her a shudder and as quickly as that her lips met his.
It was small sweet moments like these that Sigyn enjoyed the most with Loki. Deep down Sigyn was a helpless romantic at heart and just being around the man that she loved always made her days brighter then the previous. He was like a drug that she could never give up.
"Hm...," humming in to the kiss Sigyn did not realize herself that she some how ended up on her husband's lap. Her delicate hands twining in to his dark unruly locks. She was in utter bliss.
█▒~S i g y n~▒█
"Of course…," letting her husband hug her loosely she too let herself enjoy the sweet embrace, "I will always be here when you need it, love. I’m not going any where and I will never leave your side…" Hearing the water finally boiling she carefully left their hug.
"Let me...
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
"Of course...," letting her husband hug her loosely she too let herself enjoy the sweet embrace, "I will always be here when you need it, love. I'm not going any where and I will never leave your side..." Hearing the water finally boiling she carefully left their hug.
"Let me make you some tea and I want you to rest today. I know you promised Narfi you'd take him to the pond but at least get some extra sleep before noon." Standing up Sigyn walked over to water and poured it into a cup for him as well mixing fresh tea leaves. Walking back she set it before him. "If you want anything else just tell me, okay?"
Sigyn always loved taking care of people, especially her husband and her son. She felt it was her duty and it annoyed her when people always asked back in Asgard why she didn't let the servants help out as much. Being All-Mother she wanted to show the people that she was more than just royalty.
█▒~S i g y n~▒█
Sigyn sat in her chair in complete silence listening to her husband’s words carefully. It was true though; what he had just spoken to her. She knew that there were many things that Loki was still hiding from her. Sometimes she wished he would tell her what was on his mind...
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
Sigyn sat in her chair in complete silence listening to her husband's words carefully. It was true though; what he had just spoken to her. She knew that there were many things that Loki was still hiding from her. Sometimes she wished he would tell her what was on his mind and other times not. She was slowly watching him fall apart but it hurt to hear him think that he wasn't good enough for her or their children.
"Loki...We've been together for a couple years now though it only feels like days but please hear me out when I say this, okay?" Slowly letting her hand grip his wrist a bit more she eyed him carefully. It was always hard trying to make Loki see that he isn't horrible. Tensing for a moment processing her words she spoke freely.
"You are not a bad father or husband. I know I tell you this constantly but it is but the truth, my love. You are too hard on yourself to see that you are taking care of me and Narfi. Honestly, I've never been more happier in my entire life living here in this small cabin away from the life that I was raised in. I think we have come to known each other so much more by living this way...back in Asgard when we married I was scared. You had the power; you still do but I felt I had to be cautious about everything that I did because we never took the time to really bond with one another. Now, with having to be together everyday I really have gotten to know you more."
Taking a small sigh and raising her hands to hold her husband's face a small genuine smile formed on her lips. A tear as well rolled down her face; her heart ached for him to realize her words. "I love you...I love you so much and I want nothing to stop what we have. You are the most amazing thing to happen to me, Loki. In my eyes I still see a strong, protective and knowledgeable King and God." Her voice cracked slightly in a whisper as she leaned in closer letting her lips ghost over his.
"Don't ever change...I love you the way you are."
█▒~S i g y n~▒█
"Fine…okay papa," Narfi sighed annoyed and proceeded to cross his small arms over his chest, "Promise though!" He gave his father a stern but playful expression before hurrying away from the table to give his parents their space.
Watching Narfi leave to go across to the...
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
"Fine…okay papa," Narfi sighed annoyed and proceeded to cross his small arms over his chest, "Promise though!" He gave his father a stern but playful expression before hurrying away from the table to give his parents their space.
Watching Narfi leave to go across to the other room Sigyn took hold of her husband’s hand. She felt worried and was hesitant to leave him unattended with the situation at hand. Taking a seat next to him and still holding his hand she spoke softly to answer his previous question.
"…It hurts because I know that even if I heal those cuts," she swallowed hard as her thumb gently traced the healed marks, "That you are still going to find a way to release the pain any way you can and there is nothing I can do but sit and watch you fall apart. Loki, it hurts so much to just sit and— and not being able to help. You still won’t let me in…"
♔ {S i g y n} ♔
“Oh, alright…I actually think that is quite a good idea. You have been working a lot lately. A day home won’t hurt.” Sigyn forced herself to smile but obviously could see the stress radiating off of her husband. She knew by his posture and distant tone of voice that he…
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
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HELLO SIGYN FANDOM. It’s time for a Sigyn Appreciation Week, because why should the popular canon characters have all the fun?
Since there isn’t a whole lot of Sigyn in either the comics canon or the mythology, we’re going to be doing a blend of canon stuff as well as fandom stuff. The Sigyn fandom has become dedicated to making more of this underused, under loved, and ignored character, so it’s only right that a Sigyn Appreciation Week should also appreciate the fandom.
Please tag everything with #sigynlove and #sigyn appreciation week. Also remember to tag your triggering content such as blood or gif sets for people who need to block them out for safe tumblr browsing!
Feel free to celebrate the choices however you like! With a simple text post, or a link, or even a graphic for each day!
ALSO: DO NOT SEND HATE BASED ON PEOPLE’S CHOICES. This is supposed to be a happy event celebrating an awesome lady we all love as well as the fandom contributors we adore. Let’s not harsh anyone’s buzz, y’all.
Day 1: Favorite comic appearance Day 2: Favorite Sigyn fanfic writer OR favorite Sigyn fanfiction (can include comics or mythology writers.) Day 3: Favorite Sigyn fanartist OR favorite piece of Sigyn fanart. PLEASE LINK BACK TO THE ORIGINAL POSTING BY THE ARTIST IF YOU UPLOAD IT YOURSELF. Day 4: Favorite Sigyn face-claim/play-by. This can be a gif-set or a lovely graphic featuring your favorite actress. Day 5: Favorite Sigyn roleplayer. Day 6: Favorite relationship, canon or fanon, romantic or platonic or even enemies. Day 7: ANYTHING YOU LIKE! Go wild on Saturday by posting whatever you like that you associate with Sigyn. It can be comics or mythology! This can also include Logyn.
Have fun, y’all!
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
"Oh, alright...I actually think that is quite a good idea. You have been working a lot lately. A day home won't hurt." Sigyn forced herself to smile but obviously could see the stress radiating off of her husband. She knew by his posture and distant tone of voice that he was bothered. Walking over to him she leaned over on the table with her elbows. Her hands gently pushing his hands away from his face.
"Love, please...it was for the best. Trust me. I care too deeply for you to leave such-- such painful marks upon yourself. It hurts me as well...," Absentmindedly her thumbs rubbed his wrist where the marks previously were. She could still feel the presence of her magic within his still mending skin. A small sigh escaped her; it was a sigh of relief that he wasn't trying to stop the healing process.
Running up to his father, Narfi reached his small hands up tugging of his father's shirt. "Papa-- papa! If your staying home you promised me days ago you would take me to the pond to see the frogs!" Hia voice held a hint of whine to it as he still continued to try and capture his father's attention.
Sigyn bit her lip quickly, but only for a moment knowing that Loki probably wanted to just be left alone. With her trying to ease him from last night's hurt and now their son yelling up for attention she knew Loki was going to loose it. "Narfi, stop. Your father is not in the mood at this moment. He needs rest--"
♔ {S i g y n} ♔
Hearing the door of their bedroom door creak open, Sigyn turned her head in the direction of the noise only to see her husband standing in the doorway. Leaving the water in the kettle to boil she took a few soft steps over towards him. She could see how pale his...
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
Hearing the door of their bedroom door creak open, Sigyn turned her head in the direction of the noise only to see her husband standing in the doorway. Leaving the water in the kettle to boil she took a few soft steps over towards him. She could see how pale his complexion was; it worried her. "I'm making some tea...how about you sit down, love?"
Reaching out she took hold of his arm hesitantly wanting to lead him to a chair at the table. Sigyn didn't want to ask him too many questions for she knew recently all they have been doing is arguing about the current situation they were in. All she wanted was to have a little peace between them for the time being, especially in front of their son.
"Will you be working at the shop today?" Sigyn asked him a simple question leading him to sit down. Honestly she didn't want him too...she wanted him to take it easy for awhile.
♔ {S i g y n} ♔
Opening her eyes Sigyn quickly shut them as the rays of the morning sun entered in to their room. When did she fall asleep? She honestly could not remember when she did; it was like a blur. All she could remember though was Loki and how he rested upon her chest...
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
(Looking to make some new threads)
((I know I still owe some people but if anyone is interested send me a message and we can plot some stuff out.))
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
Here's a video by Close Quarters Cosplay filming our Halo meet up at CTCon! I'm the tall Cortana between Master Chief and the other Cortana. Would love it if you guys watched and saw my level of Cosplaying and why I make it a big hobbie of mine. :)
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
I'm exhausted.
((Alright. Con season has taken a huge toll on me and well, honestly I haven't had the energy to really reply in a couple weeks. I just recently went to ConnetiCon this past weekend and now I heard of a comic con in the area as well. I don't know when I'll start threads up again honestly. It has been crazy for me. Sorry guys. But my cosplay hobbie comes before rping sonetimes. I promise I'll give you guys a heads up when I'll be taking threads again.))
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
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Kid! Thor and kid! Sif think reading a book on a sunny afternoon is a bad idea. Kid! Loki and Kid! Sigyn disagree.
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
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Sigyn and Loki are very domestic and Sigyn’s mildly turned on by Loki’s anger.
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vanir-goddess-sigyn · 10 years
 Covered in thread
Outraged at wig prices
Sleep deprivation 
Pissed off at everything
Lying on the floor crying
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