I've moved!
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Like you’ve got the guts to follow me
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I've moved!
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Like you've got the guts to follow me
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Cat, wat u doin
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[[EVENT]] Ready, Set, Apocalypse!
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So with a newfound sense of optimism (and insanity) I’m finally working to bring my baby plot for Crazitas out of the bag, because a Vanitas without a goal is a very sad Vanitas indeed. And whilst I know I could keep this specifically to a few verses that Crazitas interacts with, I thought— hey! Who doesn’t enjoy a little Apocalypse Now for their characters? So this is what’s happening right now:
✘ Sometime between April 14th and April 25th, I am proposing a blog wide event which will involve several universes beginning to crumble. And guess what? Several universes= yours. How and why I’m keeping to myself for now, but that’s the gist of it. Suddenly apocalypse. ✘ This can be treated as an m!a, or perhaps just an AU of your current muse’s daily works! There’s no rigidity to this; it’s whatever you want to do. So if you like the idea, but don’t want it to affect your character’s progress, they don’t need to see this as canon. ✘ It will affect the multiverse. Which means your character doesn’t have to be in the Kingdom Hearts gang, doesn’t have to be a keyblade wielder— they could be good old Gary or Stu. Any universe whatsoever, from simple modern day aus to magic and dragons. Anything is fine. ✘ The more people we can get involved, the more chances for those wonderful moments you may not have gotten to rp before! Death, survival, fighting ghoulish monsters, investigating the cause, saving the day— or even just holing up in a bar and toasting your ass goodbye. There are so many themes and emotions you can draw out with such a prompt, so imagine if a whole bunch of us did it at the exact. Same. Time. ✘ Oh, and say you’ve never, and don’t really want to, rp with me? A w e s o m e. Of course if you wanted to be more involved we can talk stuff out and plot away, but if you’d rather just enjoy the moment with friends- sweet. Again, the best part will be multiple blogs doing this simultaneously. So Vanitas will probably be doing his own thing unless we decide to plot stuff out. ✘ So how long will this go for? About a week, but time is always a little wibbly wobbly. Even after the main things die down, if you’ve got stuff ongoing, just go for it!
Lastly, the only thing I’m really asking for is for people to like and reblog this so I can judge interest and make sure everyone gets updates if they need them. I’ll be sure to reblog this a few times myself, and even offer some foreshadowing to those interested as well, so thank you in advance! If you have any questions from here, throw them my way and we’ll see what I’ve failed to mention, herp.
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Attention Seeking
Vanitas goes after Aqua with the excuse of using her as a back up, but past what he acknowledges is four years of no one. Just him by himself, surviving and taking orders. He hasn't talked to anyone, hasn't interacted, and just having someone acknowledge and speak to him (even in the most negative connotations) is always going to be an absolute thrill. Is it really any wonder that he's so greedy for people's attention?
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Being liked is grossly overrated.
(via seventhfracture)
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Vanitas' lip curls; it's difficult to bite back the sneer, but he knows (thinks he knows) that Kitten means what he says, hunching his shoulders and watching him carefully. Kitten never runs from him, or snaps. Not these days. Has to be care. Neither of them are capable of pity. "Me. I'm the criminal." A low admission, eyes dropping to focus on the countertop. His voice starts quiet, but there's a building resentment there. "I'm up on the podium, I can barely breathe. My mouth is burning. People throw things and they toss a noose around my neck. And you know, none of them are any better than me. They all stand there, they watch. Some of them place bets on how long I'll take to die-- they're the criminals." A shift then; his voice raises, almost a shout-- but Windy is asleep in the other room, and he lowers his tone appropriately, hissing his words venomously. "I didn't have a choice, why am I the monster?"
Dream A Little Dream [[Au]]
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"Sometimes it's like that." Particularly during the day; the smell of meat cooking usually takes him back to some very unpleasant places. His expression turns dour and rather ugly at the offer of more help-- from strangers. Like it wasn't difficult enough describing some of these things to someone who knows; some peon who wasn't even aware of the multiverse at large?
"That's your job. Do you want me to answer you, or do you want to dump me onto someone else?"
Dream A Little Dream [[Au]]
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Of course Kitten's brought up the concept of talking more than once, emphasising all the ways they're the same, giving vague hints about himself here and there. He never quite pushes, bUt the hints are enough to have Vanitas walking away now and again, stubbornly resisting that level of intimacy. He gets it, the idiot cares. And perhaps the awkward dinners with the two lovebirds where Windy makes him try pastas and desserts and all sorts of crap he admits to never having tried are-- pleasant, in their own way. Hh.
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"I'm sure you remember some of your other's childhood." He states once settled. If he's going to say it, might as well just say it. "It seems it changes from universe to universe, but he's usually an orphan. Mine-- we lived on a filthy little world under martial law. Things were strict; punishments were brutal." A deep breath. "They'd have public executions in the square every week. The guilty would have their tongues cut out; depending on the crime they could be hung, or shot, stoned... name it and I've probanly seen it. Attendance was generally mandatory for registered citizens- I saw my first when I-- we were six."
Dream A Little Dream [[Au]]
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"...No." Having two people, either side of him? No. For one, he'd probably wind up hurting one of them-- if he even managed to fall asleep. His shoulders tense even thinking about it. Shaking his head, Vanitas runs a hand through his hair, a distracted, disheveled motion that makes him wish for his mask the second he does it, the look on his face must be-- Control yourself. Letting out a slow breath, his face closes off, a little more reserved. "I figured...we'd try the other thing." Slow and grudging, with plenty of pauses. "Talking."
Dream A Little Dream [[Au]]
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He probably shouldn't be glad to see the other looking so tired, but he's tired himself. Tapping a tune impatiently into his thigh as Kitten sits down, he shoots him the usual look of ire at the nickname-- a bit more honestly annoyed by it than usual. This isn't the time for affection and nicknames. "They're getting worse. Ever since you told me to try sleeping properly." Once a night for a solid six hours, rather than the two or three hours here and there he'd survived on for so long. The look on his face is accusatory. "Every time now. I tried staying up for a few days, but they're still there."
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You said this would help me.
Dream A Little Dream [[Au]]
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Dream A Little Dream [[Au]]
His footsteps are quiet, because he doesn't want to wake both of them up. It's dark in the house, aside from a single light on in the bathroom- how was he supposed to know this world was big enough for differing timezones. Well he does now, and Kitten is asleep. Tch, well that's just perfect, isn't it?
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Glowering at their prone forms on the bed isn't precisely making him feel any better, either. Considering Kitten said he'd always be there for him, it's almost a betrayal in his mind, even if that voice is there in the back of his mind, the one that whispers he could just wake them up if he really wanted to. Internally seething, he settles for slumping down on their couch instead, refusing to wince at the loud groan of protest from the springs. If it's that old, they should just replace the stupid thing.
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Casual PSA
I've seen a lot of people commenting on this lately, so just so you know-- I don't mind what you post on your blog. It's your blog after all, and not mine. I love seeing the variety of things on my dash, and I won't blame you if I'm following seven people who reblog the same thing. That's not your fault, and you're just as entitled to be impassioned and interested in a variety of things as I am.
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