dj qualls was present in Ty and Katie's wedding and posted a pick of it about 5-6 months before he pasted that kissing pic and Ty retweeted it.
Either Ty and Katie had an open marriage or Ty cheated on Katie with Dj qualls.
And I won't be comfortable in finding joy in this news unless I know the truth (which is unfortunately not possible).
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it doesn't exist because of buddie that is some shit y'all made up and convinced yourselves of, not the fucking reality! grow tf up!
WOW, how emotionally fragile do you have to be to get so triggered over a fictional ship.
I will do whatever the f I want given the fact that it's just a fictional show and it doesn't causes that end of the world.
The show itself is not fucking reality so to have this kind of meltdown is quite unnecessary.
You are the one who needs to grow TF up.
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do us all a favor and stop watching then since you're more in love with the fantasy than anything that is actually happening in the real world
Do us all a favour and stop giving your unsolicited opinion.
This is a free world and everyone can decide their priorities. If I love a ship too much then it's my choice. If I care about a fantasy more then anything else in the world, then it's my choice. None of my priorities are causing the end of the world or ruining someone's life. It's not that serious. Sooo none of my choices and priorities warrant an unsolicited opinion from you.
Stop blowing smoke up your ass and stop convincing yourself that you and thoughts are important enough that you can go around telling people what they can or can't do with their free life just because you don'tike their Idea and opinions.
You are not that important in this world humble yourself a little dear.
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He didn't write "non-romantic" but "non-sexual". Not the same thing.
You do have a point 😏😏😏😏😏
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(Forgive me for any grammatical mistakes 🙏)I don't know how some of y'all are happy with Buck and Tommy pairing in 9-1-1.
I really don't understand it.
I wanted Buck and Eddie to be together. I used to ship them. Buddie was one of my favourite parts of the show. I wanted both of them to end TOGETHER. Not Just one of them to be queer and end with someone else. What's even the point of making Buck a queer character at this point ?
Now, before someone comes at me with their pitch fork, let me clear that I understand that being a queer character is much more then ending up with a certain character and satisfying fantasies and ships for audience.
But the whole reason the writers had the Idea to turn Buck a queer character was because they found out that the audience were shipping buck and Eddie together. All of us know very clearly that if the Audience hadn't Shipped buddie we wouldn't have a queer Buck. Because if the writers always wanted to make buck a queer character, then they would have done it many seasons ago. This 7th season. The writers had six seasons to make Buck a queer character.
But now that the writers learned that Buck and Eddie are heavily shipped together and both Ryan and Oliver love the ship as well, the writers just choose to make Buck a queer character and paired him with someone else.
What is even the point now ?
The audience including me wanted to see Buck and Eddie together and Buck with someone else.
It feels like the writers never wanted to Buck and Eddie to be together but they knew they would receive a backlash if that didn't happen so they gave us half of what we wanted. Instead of pairing Buck with Eddie, they paired him up with an another man. This way, the writers got away with not making Buddie cannon and they will also be not called out for it because "Hey, we made Buck a queer character as you all wanted and he is in a relationship with a man so you can't accuse us of anything".
And as an audience, we can't complain either because that would seem like we don't support a gay relationship.
If Buck and Tommy are endgame then I would really loose all my love of this show tbh.
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Keep your anti dean bullshit just on the anti tags
You are giving yourself too much importance if you think your words have any value in my eyes. Humble yourself a little bit.
Loving a fictional character doesn't mean that you have to ignore their wrongdoings. It's not my fault that I am not a blind Dean Apologist.
There is a difference between being an anti and having an honest opinion about a fictional character.
I don't need to explain my love for Dean to anyone, so you can go to hell for all I care.
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How long Sam knew Amy is not important here.
The point is that every reason one can give about why Benny shouldn't be hunted and kill can be used for Any as well.
With Benny Dean was sure that he will not kill anyone again but with Amelia, Dean was sure that she would kill again. This is blatant double standards.
And No, Dean never accepted that Killing Amy was wrong. He always said that not was the right call.
And I am not a Sam girl. I am a Dean and Cas girl. But that doesn't stop me from acknowledging their wrongdoings.
And Yes, Sam has done some fucked up things as well and I have never failed to acknowledge them. I have even talked about them in my previous posts.
I love Dean Winchester. Let me make this clear because a lot of people might assume that I am an Anti Dean.
I just hate Dean for killing Amy Pond. She was killing people to save her son's life. She chose to become a mortician just so she doesn't need to kill people in order to survive. And Dean still killed her.
Dean didn't want Sam to hunt Benny because Benny helped and saved him but but Amy did those things for Sam as well.
Benny and Amy were not very different. Both Amy and Benny were supernatural creature, Both Any and Benny killed humans in the past and Both Amy and Benny saved Sam and Dean's life respectively. Why does Benny gets to live but not Amy ?
Dean's double standards were too frustrating.
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I love Dean Winchester. Let me make this clear because a lot of people might assume that I am an Anti Dean.
I just hate Dean for killing Amy Pond. She was killing people to save her son's life. She chose to become a mortician just so she doesn't need to kill people in order to survive. And Dean still killed her.
Dean didn't want Sam to hunt Benny because Benny helped and saved him but but Amy did those things for Sam as well.
Benny and Amy were not very different. Both Amy and Benny were supernatural creature, Both Any and Benny killed humans in the past and Both Amy and Benny saved Sam and Dean's life respectively. Why does Benny gets to live but not Amy ?
Dean's double standards were too frustrating.
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Dean Morning the Loss of Jack as Family While Mourning Mary
Dean’s Out of His Mind in Jack in the Box Jensen’s acting in this episode is, as usual, everything. I will never forgive Buckleming for the second half of this episode. So we’re going to ignore it, just look at the first half and what is going through Dean’s f’ed up mind. 
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Dean held it together in front of the hunters. Then he says he needs to get out of the bunker for a drink,  tells Sam he knows they need to talk about Jack, but not right now. Then he goes off alone - to sob.  We’ve seen Dean mourn before. It didn’t look like this. 
Here is the link to part two - specifically using color to look at Dean’s fear of loss in 14x18 being more profound as it related to Jack and Cas rather than Mary. 
Analysis of Dean’s grief in 14x19 in this post under the cut below
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Castiel - First on his mind - 13x01 - 13x05 - Destiel Canon in Early Season Thirteen
So I’m still not over this.  The confession before the confession. This is the moment that I completely stopped questioning whether Destiel was canon.  At the end of season 12 Dean has just lost everyone but Sam at once. There is not much whiskey spilled for Crowley, and Sam is unwilling to accept the loss of Mary, but neither of those are what Dean is focused on.
Dean prays to god - to chuck - I think for the only for only the second time in the entire series. Dean prays in earnest for the return of Castiel.  He mentions others but he has just lost his mother and yet his first demand is “and now you’re going to bring HIM back. You’re gunna bring them all back.”  
Dean mentions everyone, his family, bobby, even Crowley, but he starts with Castiel.  It parallels Castiel’s first version of the 15x18 deathbed confession in 12x12.  “I love you. I love all of you.”  A mirrored response.
Below the cut for full analysis of Dean’s prayer, grief, and closet themes in the first ¼ of season 13.
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I am not a person who fails to admit the wrongdoings of a character just because I love that character.
I am a Cas and Dean girl through and through. But there are things Cas has done that I actually hate.
I do not hate cas for working with Crowley and eating the laviathens. I do not hate castiel for trying to kill the kid jesse. I do not hate cas for doing what he did to lily sunder and Claire Novak's family.
Castiel didn't wanted to separate Dean from whatever normal apple pie life he had created for himself. Cas cared about Dean too much and he wanted Dean to be happy. Cas didn't want to ask more after everything Dean has gone through and that is understandable. Working with Crowley was wrong but cas never imagined that he would end up hurting humans. Saving the world and Dean and Sam from another apocalypse was Cas's motivation to work with Crowley. All Cas intended was eating the souls, getting powerful enough and defeating Raphael. That's it. Cas didn't knew anything about the laviathens. He didn't knew that he would end swallowing one of the corrupted creatures in the world. And from the moment cas swallowed the laviathens he was under control of them. He killed so many humans and angels because he was under control of laviathens.
Killing lily Sunder's daughter is one of Cas's greatest regret. But he didn't regret it until he found out that lily sunder's daughter was a human. He had no regret of killing that child as long as he knew that the child was a nephilim. And when he was made aware of the truth he was willing to let lily sunder have her revenge even if it means she would want to kill him. Cas was ready to kill the anti-christ jesse even though he was just a child because Cas believed that Jesse was dangerous to the world. Cas was willing to let Kelly Kline and Jack die with Jack still in kelly's womb because Jack was a nephilim and cas believed him to be a danger to the world. It is when Jack showed him a vision of future that he chose to let Kelly and Jack live. It is after Cas raised Jack that he grew to sympathies with nephilims.
Now if we are going think about what he did to Claire's family, we need to open our mind. You can't hate a lion for hunting a deer. It is in the nature of lion to hunt, otherwise the lion would starve and die. The lion is wired like that. Cas was also wired to follow the order of heaven. He was wired to not give a shit about humans. It was his nature. He was ready to destroy an entire town with its people, why would he give shit about a little girl and his family ?
But cas changed, he rebelled, he chose to care about humans. He went against his very nature, something no Angel ever attempted to do. He refused to follow the script chuck wrote for him. He literally managed to Brek out of the control of the God. Again something no one ever succeeded in doing. He felt remorse for his actions. Claire is completely valid in her anger. But we as a viewer should see things from Cas's perspective as well. It is unfair of us to hate cas for not changing sooner when no other Angel except Gabriel ever tried to change.
But the things that i do not like about cas is how he allowed the sacrifice of Rowena's son in order to remove Mark of Cain from Dean. He could have stopped it but he chose to stand there doing nothing and allowing an innocent man to die so that someone he loved could be saved. That was extremely selfish of him. I will forever hate it.
Another thing I hated was when Cas killed that nephilim in order to complete the ritual of closing the gates of heaven. Now we all know that saving humanity was an excuse and cas did all that to just save Dean. Killing an innocent nephilim who wasn't hurting anyone just to save someone he loved was evil and selfish. Given what I wrote about Cas's feeling regarding nephilims, i am a little conflicted about how to feel about this.
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Literally no one in this show has showed remorse over their actions as much as Cas has. Whether it was what he did to Claire's family or eating the laviathens or the murder of Lily sunder's daughter, Cas never failed to acknowledge his mistakes, he never made any excuse or justification, he never ran away from the consequences of his actions.
And whether anybody accepts this or not Cas was one of the most popular character of the show and Misha has one of the biggest contribution in the show's success, and he never got the credit of that from the makers and the writers of the show
The Chemistry between Jensen and Misha and Cas and Dean was never planned it was original and organic and no one saw it coming. Their chemistry wasn't planned and that is why so many fans loved it. Nobody saw it coming. This is the difference between Lisa-Dean and Cas-Dean (no hate to Lisa). And lots of wincesties in the beginning loved castiel as well, but when Misha and Cas started getting in between their sick and twisted fantasy they started to throw hate on Misha and his character.
I have never thrown any hate on Jared or Sam even though I am not a fan of a lot of things jared has done nor do I agree with those things. But, the show stopped revolving around Sam. Deam became the centre of the show. The stories and problems were about him. Jensen got the attention that he deserved on the show. Suddenly Dean's character was no longer limited to taking care of his baby brother.
I absolutely respect your opinion on Dean and Sam's co-dependency. It is true but it doesn't justify sacrificing innocent life to save your brother. It doesn't justify putting the life of one person above billions. They had no right to do that. That was pure selfish and wrong. If they do it again and again then what makes them different then the monsters they hunt ?
I am Dean and Cas stan through and through but I have never failed to accept the wrong things they have done. And I am not a fan of Sam but I have never failed to acknowledge the good things he has done. This is where these wincesties differ from us. In the name of supporting their favourite characters they ignore the wrong things their character has done and justify all of it. And in the name of hating their least favourite character they ignore all the good things those characters have done.
Extremism in anything is wrong.
(And finally i Apologies for my grammatical mistakes. I am not good in English and i don't know when to use their or there)
The people I hate more then the wincesties are the people who claim themselves to be Dean Stans and still have the audacity to say that Dean got the ending he WANTED. One can not say that and still be a Dean stan. Absolutely no.
People who think Dean got the ending he wanted do not actually no him in depth. Although there are something Dean did which I do not agree, I still believe him to be selfless hero.
But that is not how Dean saw himself. He hated what he saw when he look in the mirror. He saw himself as a poison. He believed himself to be weapon who was only good at killing. His self-worth was so low that he thought his only worth was keeping him baby brother alive. And because of these thoughts and all his trauma he believed that the only way he deserved to go from this was at early age with guns blazing. He was not convinced that he deserved more then that or he wasn't lucky enough to have more then that.
Because he believed he didn't deserved better than that and that he wasn't blessed enough to have more than that, he just made his piece with it and accepted it as his fate.
But Cas at last made Dean believe that he deserved the world. Cas showed that Dean was more then his father's weapon. That he was the most selfless and beautiful man in the world. That even though he was being controlled by Chuck, Dean's nature was his own and no one had control of that. So at last Dean dared to hope. He dared to hope for something more.
Deep down the Dean who held a gun since he was 6, killed for most of his life and suffered one heartbreak after another heartbreak wanted to retire but the guilt of leaving the world with monsters crippled him. Deep down at the bottom of his heart Dean wanted to to relax, he wanted to stop hunting, he wanted to not kill anymore, he wanted to be happy and peaceful. Dean wanted to be at beach with Sam and Cas, with his toes in sand with matching Hawaiian shirts. THAT IS WHAT DEAN WINCHESTER WANTED.
Funny how people who claim to be Dean stans can't even see the sadness on Jensen's face during the interview. They think they know Dean more then the man who spent 15 playing that character.
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These fuckers are good for nothing. Don't waste your energy on them. Saving Sam without his soul was a genuine mistake that could have been made by anyone, castiel himself didn't know that Sam was soulless. Castiel killed angels and started the apocalypse under the influence of laviathens. He had no control over himself after he ate those laviathens. And before that no one new the true nature of laviathens, no one even knew anything about laviathens. Castiel did everything with good intention. To save the world and the Winchesters.
Sam on the other hand chose to trust a demon over his own brother. Yes, he was addicted to demon blood but he still could have chosen to trust Dean over Ruby and then Dean would have found a solution for Sam's addiction. Sam trusted a demon over his own brother and let Lucifer out of the cage. Sam drove a man to make a deal with a demon just to find his own brother. Sam chose to remove the MOC from Dean's hand knowing fully well that it would unleash the Darkness, knowing fully well that she would kill many innocents before they could ever stop her.
These Jared and Sam Stans would never understand all the fucked things their favourite character have done in the show.
The people I hate more then the wincesties are the people who claim themselves to be Dean Stans and still have the audacity to say that Dean got the ending he WANTED. One can not say that and still be a Dean stan. Absolutely no.
People who think Dean got the ending he wanted do not actually no him in depth. Although there are something Dean did which I do not agree, I still believe him to be selfless hero.
But that is not how Dean saw himself. He hated what he saw when he look in the mirror. He saw himself as a poison. He believed himself to be weapon who was only good at killing. His self-worth was so low that he thought his only worth was keeping him baby brother alive. And because of these thoughts and all his trauma he believed that the only way he deserved to go from this was at early age with guns blazing. He was not convinced that he deserved more then that or he wasn't lucky enough to have more then that.
Because he believed he didn't deserved better than that and that he wasn't blessed enough to have more than that, he just made his piece with it and accepted it as his fate.
But Cas at last made Dean believe that he deserved the world. Cas showed that Dean was more then his father's weapon. That he was the most selfless and beautiful man in the world. That even though he was being controlled by Chuck, Dean's nature was his own and no one had control of that. So at last Dean dared to hope. He dared to hope for something more.
Deep down the Dean who held a gun since he was 6, killed for most of his life and suffered one heartbreak after another heartbreak wanted to retire but the guilt of leaving the world with monsters crippled him. Deep down at the bottom of his heart Dean wanted to to relax, he wanted to stop hunting, he wanted to not kill anymore, he wanted to be happy and peaceful. Dean wanted to be at beach with Sam and Cas, with his toes in sand with matching Hawaiian shirts. THAT IS WHAT DEAN WINCHESTER WANTED.
Funny how people who claim to be Dean stans can't even see the sadness on Jensen's face during the interview. They think they know Dean more then the man who spent 15 playing that character.
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The people I hate more then the wincesties are the people who claim themselves to be Dean Stans and still have the audacity to say that Dean got the ending he WANTED. One can not say that and still be a Dean stan. Absolutely no.
People who think Dean got the ending he wanted do not actually no him in depth. Although there are something Dean did which I do not agree, I still believe him to be selfless hero.
But that is not how Dean saw himself. He hated what he saw when he look in the mirror. He saw himself as a poison. He believed himself to be weapon who was only good at killing. His self-worth was so low that he thought his only worth was keeping him baby brother alive. And because of these thoughts and all his trauma he believed that the only way he deserved to go from this was at early age with guns blazing. He was not convinced that he deserved more then that or he wasn't lucky enough to have more then that.
Because he believed he didn't deserved better than that and that he wasn't blessed enough to have more than that, he just made his piece with it and accepted it as his fate.
But Cas at last made Dean believe that he deserved the world. Cas showed that Dean was more then his father's weapon. That he was the most selfless and beautiful man in the world. That even though he was being controlled by Chuck, Dean's nature was his own and no one had control of that. So at last Dean dared to hope. He dared to hope for something more.
Deep down the Dean who held a gun since he was 6, killed for most of his life and suffered one heartbreak after another heartbreak wanted to retire but the guilt of leaving the world with monsters crippled him. Deep down at the bottom of his heart Dean wanted to to relax, he wanted to stop hunting, he wanted to not kill anymore, he wanted to be happy and peaceful. Dean wanted to be at beach with Sam and Cas, with his toes in sand with matching Hawaiian shirts. THAT IS WHAT DEAN WINCHESTER WANTED.
Funny how people who claim to be Dean stans can't even see the sadness on Jensen's face during the interview. They think they know Dean more then the man who spent 15 playing that character.
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The people I hate more then the wincesties are the people who claim themselves to be Dean Stans and still have the audacity to say that Dean got the ending he WANTED. One can not say that and still be a Dean stan. Absolutely no.
People who think Dean got the ending he wanted do not actually no him in depth, NOR DO I, but I do have some common sense and empathy.
Although there are something Dean did which I do not agree, I still believe him to be selfless hero. But that is not how Dean saw himself.
He hated what he saw when he look in the mirror. He saw himself as a poison. He believed himself to be weapon who was only good at killing. His self-worth was so low that he thought his only worth was keeping him baby brother alive.
And because of these thoughts and all his trauma he believed that the only way he deserved to go from this was at early age with guns blazing. He was not convinced that he deserved more then that or he wasn't lucky enough to have more then that.
Because he believe he didn't deserved better than that and that he wasn't blessed enough to have more than that, he just made his piece with it and accepted it as his fate.
But Cas at last made Dean believe that he deserved the world. Cas showed that Dean was more then his father's weapon. That he was the most selfless and beautiful man in the world. That even though he was being controlled by Chuck, Dean's nature was his own and no one had control of that. And that is what Dean remembered at the last and chose not to kill Chuck .So at last Dean dared to hope. He dared to hope for something more.
Deep down the Dean who held a gun since he was 6, killed for most of his life and suffered one heartbreak after another heartbreak wanted to retire but the guilt of leaving the world with monsters crippled him. Deep down at the bottom of his heart Dean wanted to to relax, he wanted to stop hunting, he wanted to not kill anymore, he wanted to be happy and peaceful. Dean wanted to be at beach with Sam and Cas, with his toes in sand with matching Hawaiian shirts. THAT IS WHAT DEAN WINCHESTER WANTED.
Funny how people who claim to be Dean stans can't even see the sadness on Jensen's face during the interview. They think they know Dean more then the man who spent 15 playing that character.
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