vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
We went to the nearest shopping centre, she brought me to a salon, "Kaylee what hair cut do you want?" the hairdresser asked "My name is Sierra" "ah alright sierra!" "Anything as long as it suits me!" "Alright!" He started cutting my hair, I had a long silky hair, it's auburn, he cut my hair and I was sitting praying so that my hair turns out good. "Here you go!" I dont know wether I should look happy or sad. It turned out nice, but my long hair is not that long anymore and it's not auburn but brunette, my natural hair colour. He put on some light make up on my face to make my skin look not so 'pale'. I went out and my brother was there with paige. They all had an O shape on their mouth i dont if it's good or bad but I dont mind. "Kaylee you look beautiful!" "Thank you!" We proceeded to some other shop, I bought some pumps, wedges and lots of clothes dont even mind my parents would pay for the bill. My brother's friends were coming to his house tonight so I had to look decent at least. I took the white pumps that I just bought, and wore a dress which fits my tiny body perfectly. I had my hair into loose curls and applied a minimal make up. I went outside and paige smiled "You look gorgeus sweetheart!" she said "awww thanks but you're prettier!" she giggled.
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
One last day
“You know that Niall! You knew I would never do that! You’re just like everybody else! My Mom left me for some guy, dad left me for his new family and when I thought you were the only one I could trust you break my trust you’re just like every other person in my world who would leave me so fuck off!”
“Wait what? So now you’re mad at me? You were the one who spread gossip saying I cheated on Anna? You were the one who’s being a bitch and now you’re blaming me for being mad at you? Well no wonder your Family left you! You’re mad at Anna because sice I date her I didnt have time for you? So you started spreading gossips to everyone so Anna would break up with me and I would have time again for you?”
“Niall how many times must I tell you i didnt do it! I didnt spread it! You trust someone who you just dated for 3 weeks compared to someone who was there for you in everything, someone who you knew for 16 years? Fine dont even bother to call me again! You probably wont want to see me again dont you? I’ll move out tomorrow! Remember you ruined our friendship it’s not me who did!”
“Fine like I even need a bitch like you are!”
That’s how my friendship and Niall ended I dont hate him though, the society hates me but they love Niall. You cant blame him too he’s popular in school while i am a bully target in school.
I cant resist the anger in me, I closed my apartment door and packed all my things and decided to move to London to stay with my brother. As I was packing i found a razor something i havent touched in a long time something that I need right now!
It was tempting I promised Niall to never do it but whatever. I put the blade through my skin, i made even a deeper cut, it felt good, it felt right, if I were to push a little bit deeper I would see paradise. All the pain would come to an end, I would be a history, my life would come to the end of it’s journey, there would be no more tears.
I shook my head ” no no not until I see that bitch Anna rot in hell!” i took the blade out. I washed my hand, blood was everywhere, i took my first aid kit and wrapped my hand. I felt guilty for doing this I felt bad, I was annoyed, I was mad. I jumped to my bed and sleep.
“Beep! Beep!Beep!” 7:00 great! I jumped out of my bed changed to some tights and a jack wills hoodie that my I got during my birthday from my brother, I put on my socks and opened some window, it was cold. I took my macbook out and booked a train ticket to London this afternoon. New start.
I took out my bags and brought out everything, i locked the door and out the keys in my bag. I met Niall he was walking to school I guess, he shot me a look and i dont even bother looking at him.
Niall’s Pov
Where is that girl going? Using a cab? She has a car! Weirdo! I met Anna she took my phone and texted Kaylee
‘hey there Kaylee sierra! Fuck off!’
Around 10 minutes later my phone vibrated guessing it was Kaylee, I took my phone and Alex, Anna’s stepbrother texted, ‘meet me at the park bro, need to tell you something ASAP! Do not tell Anna!’
I walked to the park and saw him with a bunch of friends playing skateboard. “Hey!” I said “Niall dont you know what Anna’s doing lately?” I shook my head innocently. “Well Anna, she…”
“Yes?” i said encouraging him to speak.
“She lied to you she told Lee to spread to everyone about you cheating on her, and told him to say that Kaylee was the one who spread it!”
“You dont have a prove bro!”
“well i do!” he showed a video from his phone.
Yes it was Anna! Yes she was speaking to Lee, she lied to me! I lost my best friend for 16 years! Wow she’s such a whore!
“Thank you for telling me!”
I ran to Kaylee’s apartment, Not caring what class I have. I ran to her apartment and pressed number 11, I ran to 11-04 i knocked no one answer. I knew where she hid her key, i opened her carpet and there’s no key. I had no choice, but to open it, it was unlock, it’s quite, no one was there, it was empty. I went inside, it was a small studio apartment, her room was full of pictures, pictures of me and her, and her family too. Her closet was clean I went in the toilet it has lots of blood stain with a razor beside it, Kayla, she self harmed again.
I sat in her apartment crying like a little kid, i found a piece of paper “If i’m gone would you be happy? I’m vanished i’m broke into pieces, no one will ever fix me, I fall in Love in the wrong time, for the wrong guy, for the guy who hates me tell me i’m wrong! For whoever reads this will know i’m not here, im gone I escaped to the reality, I started a new life a clean sheet of page, I’ll draw my new life, for whoever reads this needs to forget who I am.’
I cried even more, I hurt her, I know she’s afraid of the dark and I ditch her last night I knew she was afraid when I yell and I yelled at her. What can I do now?
Kaylee’s POV
I’m living in London now it’s perfect but Niall still comes in my dreams. I missed him but he hates me so no problem, I go to a private high school and I live with my brother and his girlfriend.
“Kaylee? Come here!” Paige called, Paige is my brother’s girlfriend.
“what paige?”
“I wanna make over you!”
“I’m hopeless okay, im ugly unless I do a plastic surgery!”
“Nope you’re not! Come let’s do some shopping and makeover!”
I had a really pale skin, big eyes, small lips and I’m skinny well yeah that’s me. I wonder what she’s gonna do today like plastic surgery or something?
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
Niall's Pov "boys can i just for help? Can anyone accompany Kayla tonight? I wont leave her alone and after knowing who crashed Kayla" All of them volunteered and I show them all the text message that Bailey sent. "what a bitch" Louis muttered, "So you guys are gonna spend the night here? Is it alright?" i asked "yup!" they all said. 'Niall want your sister alive? Meet me at starbucks right across the street now Horan! Xoxo your babe Bailey' urgh what a whore i walked towards starbucks to see Bailey sitting there. I barged in immediately "what do you want Bailey? Make it straight!" i said angrily. "Isnt it obvious? Us to be back, in that way you wont hurt your sister, and everyone would be happy!" she was saying it so happily "well im not happy realise how bitchy you are?" I said while raising my eyebrows "whatever, you'll regret anyways!" she was sitting there, all of a sudden the whole place was covered by police "put your hands up miss Bailey" i was so confused i took my phone 'so did the police surround the place cause i called them. -Harry-' i was smiling looking at poor Bailey who just got busted. She was brought to the police station, i just sat there smiling like a idiot. I drived back home, I had meeting that night so I cant accompany Kayla. Kayla's Pov "Harry?" i spoke softly while shaking his right hand "yeah?" he groaned "I can't sleep could you bring me out for a walk or sing for me?" he looked at me and smile "come let's go for a walk, wait lemme take your wheelchair!" he moved and took my wheelchair he pushed it slowly and carried my gently to the wheelchair. He pushed it, we soon reached the park it was so quite as it was early at 5 am. "Harry uhm you know that guy Zayn yea?" i asked and he nodded "Well of course love, what's wrong?" he said with a grin "He kinda seems familiar to me, I mean his eyes and everything makes me feel like i've known him before but my brain just wont let me travel around it to find out who he is." i never felt this before "you were actually close with him if you remember? You got hit by a car and it seems like of all the people you know, you could only rememeber me and Niall which is pretty weird." he said while rubbing his eyes. "well of course I remember you Harry, you're my best friend! The kind of friend anyone would ever want!" i looked at harry and gave him my biggest smile. Harry's PoV Friend? Friend? What the fuck? I was expecting more? The kiss, everything meant nothing to her? Well it meant a lot to me! Deep inside it hurt my soul as if i was stabbed with knifes around me. I couldnt breathe, all i wanted to do now was to tell Kayla the truth, I liked her, not only like but i am in Love with her, practically. She is so cute her laugh, her smile, everything is making me confused. It would be hard if I did fall for Kayla she's niall's sister, Zayn liked her and I would have to compete with my own best friend. 'harry?' she called 'uhm yeah? Kayla i have to tell you..' 'Harry is it alright if i sleep on your lap?' 'yup of course' We were sitting in the park she put her head on my lap making me nervous. I found out that she was asleep, i cant stand this anymore "Kayla I love you a lot! Will you be my girlfriend?" I realise she was sleeping , not until she raise her head and whispered "I do Harry" and she gave me a kiss. I was smiling we went back to the room at around 9 am she was laughing together with me and we were waking up the guys. 'Boys I have something to announce' i said 'yeah harry?' everyone replied 'we're official now' i said with a huge grin. 'uh official as in what? Couples? Bestfriends?' Zayn asked 'well uhm I dont actually know why not you answer Harry?' Kayla said. Wait i thought we were couples now or maybe she was just playing around with me. 'Best Friends of course' I said with a fake smile. 'I love you Curly!' 'I love you too lala!" I guess she was just fooling around just now. I wish it was all true me and her couples. Feedbacks would be much appreciated Xx
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
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Let's just take a moment to look at this gif of Zayn running because he looks like the cutest penguin.
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
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formal by kaytriesca featuring steve madden pumps
Neon tank top / Dorothy Perkins high waisted skirt, $40 / Steve Madden pumps / Oasis suede handbag, $50 / Gorjana jewelry / Feather jewelry
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
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Untitled #1 by kaytriesca featuring juicy couture bags
Jack Wills hoodies shirt / TOMS flat slip on shoes, $54 / Juicy Couture bag
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
Part 7
Zayn's POV I landed on the ground I turned around to see Kayla she was no where. I looked front she was kind of a meter ahead me with her body in blood. I took my phone dialled 911 "My friend got a car crash come quick! The hamptons!" I dialled our housephone "yo wadd" louis was on the phone i cut him off " Louis tell the boys to get out of the house now accross the street Kayla got hit by a car" i said furiously "what? Okay be there soon." I was holding Kayla she was covered in blood the boys came, Niall ran. Niall's POV I was literally looking at my sister in blood, the ambulance came. I took my car and drive with Zayn beside me, "Zayn what happened? You were there were you?" i asked "I..I was walking a car came Kayla pushed me I'm sorry Niall it's all my fault if i had walked carefully Kayla wouldnt have got hit by that car!" Zayn said as he put his hand on his face. "It's okay Zayn" I said as a tear fell. We reached the hospital I walked around the waiting room in worry. I called Nollaig in a matter of minutes she came, all the boys was there too. Nollaig was crying while she was hugging Liam. The doctors came "Mikayla" everyone stood up, "She's alright for now but the crash was bad, it hit her head pretty hard so she may not remember Somethings it's kind of a mini amnesia but with help she could recover." i was so relieved when the doctor said those words when i was just about to smile "Doctor! This is bad there is an internal bleeding around head area!" I shout "But she is going to be alright? Someone answer me" everyone sat there in silence. I opened my twitter 'Niall I hope your sister would be fine and they will catch the person who did this to Kayla'. I smiled looking at how nice my fans are i got a text message 'I told you didnt I? Things are not done between us! Call the cops you'll see your sister lifeless tomorrow Bye babe Xx your dearest girlfriend Bailey' Bailey, she's my ex we dated for 2 years i broke up with her and she didnt accept that. The last thing she said to me was 'you'll regret what you did! Things are not done Niall! NOT until I get you back bye babe!' The doctor's came out I stood up "is she alright?" he smiled "yup she is alright just a few stitches she could go home in two weeks or less" now i could breathe i walked up to her room and saw a mirror "Horan babe, just one call to police you'll say rest in peace to your sister if i could get in your sister's room it means I could kill her xoxo Bailey" it was all written in red lipstick Bailey what a bitch. The next day i found myself asleep beside Kayla, I saw her sleeping peacefully. I dont wanna lose her, i was holding her hand when i felt something moved I looked at Kayla she smiled "Hey there Broo! Ouch" i smiled she's awake omg "hey glad you're alright I love you! I thought i was gonna lose you but i didnt" i smiled. I hugged her "Kayla remember my girlfriend Bailey?" she nod "she was the one who hit you with that car!" kayla kept quite. "Wait who's Bailey? And who are those guys? Why are they here?" Kayla lost some of her memories this cant be happening. "those are my friends Kayla that guys right there is Zayn then Liam then Louis..." kayla cut me off "and Harry!" i looked over to Harry he had the biggest smile on his face. Harry's Pov After we kissed that day I just cant stand when she goes with Zayn. I cant believe she only remember me! Of all people she only remembered Me! Best day of my life, officialy best day! I looked over to Zayn he looked a little bit down. He's probably sad on how Kayla didnt remember his name. Kayla's POV "Niall when can I go home? I'm bored!" i asked "uhm i asked the doctor awhile ago it was suppose to be two weeks but your body's reaction toward the medicine was good so probably two more days." Niall answered with the biggest smile on his face. "Niall you know i'm afraid to stay alone in hospital! Can someone accompany me tonight? Please!" Niall looked a little bit worried "Boys can we talk? Kayla give us a minute." i looked at him and nod.
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
p.s if someone has a spare minute and wants to continually click the google ad and help out a fellow 1D fan, i will love you forever
peace and love.
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
Everybody is so rude with the Elounor thing. Let them ALONE ! If Louis wants to see his girlfriend and wants to go on holidays with her it's HIS problem, not yours ! He will have more time with his family later, don't worry i'm sure he has planned everything ! Stop saying that he's with her because of the management and because he has to pay shopping and Starbucks. Everything is WRONG ! Right now he's with her because he loves her and because he wants to be alone with her during some days. You can ship Larry Stylinson but please stop annoying the boys and Eleanor with that. You have to understand that Louis is HAPPY with Eleanor and he's NOT gay ! Harry is his bestfriend no more ! You don't have to love Eleanor but you have to respect her and respect the relationship between her and Louis.
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
Part 6
Zayn's Pov I was really worried, that her dad would start to abuse her, i mean that is just so mean. "Kayla you could also stay in my house if you want to! I mean your dad must have known Nollaig's house, i'm guessing it would be safer if you stay with me, harry, Liam, Louis and Niall!" "that's great!!! But would it be alright? I mean will the rest of the boys be alright with that?" she asked with a worried face "Of course they wouldnt mind after all you're a really nice girl!" She smiled and took her phone "Hey Nollaig! I'm just gonna stay at my brother's home! You can come there if you want to well i guess that would be fine with them! Bye gtg love you!" Just like that she close her phone. I looked at Kayla she was smiling and half asleep, we stopped for a break "Kayla" she opened her beautiful pair of eyes and looked at me "yeah?" i pointed outside. She jumped down of the car and went to Niall. Niall's POV We all went to starbucks kayla ordered a green tea latte and the rest ordered a frapucinno. We sat in a table with some girls asking for our pictures, after they went away we continued to enjoy our starbucks. "Niall, Can i just stay with the boys? Zayn said that it would be much safer for me to stay there. Can I? Uhm Harry, Liam, Louis is it alright if I stay with you guys pleasee?" kayla asked so i just nodded, besides it was true kayla would be safer if she stay with us. Kayla's POV It's been a week since i stay with the boys, they were all treating me really nicely and I love it but I guess i've fallen for Zayn, gosh he was so gentle, and kind. At the same time Harry always treated me really nicely i dont know if he has a thing for me but i feel he has and I really dont want to hurt him. Everyone's out today they were having an interview so I just sat and watch the television. "okay here's the boys from one direction" the mc litterally yelled with an excitement on her face. After a quite long show "okay realtionship boyssz!" she said with a smile. "So Zayn you were spotted two days ago with Perrie from the Little mix are you guys dating?" Zayn just sat and kept quite. "Harry?" she asked "nope single pringle!" My heart hurts Zayn he has a girlfriend how could he do that, i guess i'm just some dumb Bitch thinking a bradford bad boy would fall for a ugly nerd like me. But why am I crying anyway? Did I fall for him but I like Harry too at the same time. Things are just so complicated now. Everyone was home i just turned off the television and walked up to my room. I hear a knock accompanied by a sexy voice "Hey may I come in?" Harry asked. I walked and opened the door and let him in showing him a fake smile. We both sat on the floor and talk about some random stuff we were laughing we stopped and smiled Harry pulled me in and kissed me, i sat on his lap making my leg wrap around his hips. I put my hands on his neck while we continued our kiss. I heard the door open and saw Zayn 'urgh whatever'i mumbled in my mind. I continued kissing Harry it was just so good so passionate, soon Harry found Zayn he looked at Zayn and quickly left the room. "So are you and Harry are official now?" Zayn asked biting his lips "Urhm no?" i said " then what was that for?" he asked, I closed my eyes "why do you care?You have Perrie anyway! While me? I'm not even..." Zayn pulled me and kissed me I pushed him. "Dont you get it Kayla? I Love you! I want to have you when I saw you kissed Harry it felt wrong, I want to be the Guy you kiss not Harry!" he said while taking a breath. "Zayn, you have Perrie, the fans seems to love her, i guess you're better with her than me." once those words came out Zayn stormed out of the room. Someone grab me behind, i looked back it was Harry, "Harry not now sorry." i ran out to look out for Zayn. I found him crossing the streets, there was big car behind him, i shout while running "ZAYN! Move!" i pushed him and everything went blank.
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
Part 5
Harry's Pov Urgh the smell I just hate it Absolutely hate it. I must have passed out, i walked down the kitchen and saw Kayla which made my heart skipped a beat. "Good morning Harry! Could you wake up those guys i'm cooking breakfast!"kayla smile I nodded and woke each one of them. We all went for a nice bath and went out, Kayla was placing plates on the table so i offered her a help. I helped her with several things " So how's your leg doing?" i asked "so far good! No more pain" she said while smiling. Zayn's Pov I saw Kayla in the kitchen with Harry laughing and i just feel jealous. I really wanted to appologize to Kayla about last night but seeing her with Harry just breaks my heart. Do I really like her? I never felt this jealousy before the anger i just cant stand it. I barged in the kitchen "Morning Kayla" i said while smiling. "can i talk to you for a second?" i asked "Yea sure Zayn, excuse me Harry!" she was so sweet. "Uhm i wanted to appologize to you about last night.." she put her hand on my lips and there my heart skips a beat. "It's alright Zayn you were drunk last night let's just act like last night never happened! Deal?" she said while smiling so i just nodded. Kayla's POV I went back to kitchen and talked to Harry. He asked what we were talking i just laughed and said nothing. My phone rang and saw Nollaig, she's my best friend we go through everything literally together. "hey there beautiful! How are you?" "Kayla let's make this quick okay, i know you wont like what i'm going to say but..."i cut her "okayyy nollaig your creeping the shit out of me tell me quick!" she kept quite on the phone for quite a minute before she finally said "your d-ad...he's back and he's on his to the beach house now he said he wanted to see you and Niall." i turned off my phone. I ran up packed my things and went to Niall "Niall can you drive me home please? Dad's coming here and i dont want to meet him you know what happened last time he beat the shit out of me leaving scars and he just left like that!" Niall's POV Oh hell No my dad is not going to come back and if that happens I would protect Kayla. Last time he beat Kayla calling her fat, ugly, and he sometimes slaps her or kick her. Whenever i see that I would protect Kayla so we both usually get bruises together. "Kayla dont worry, dont cry okay, let's go home now then i'll drive you to Nollaig's house. I'm sure she wont mind if you stay with her right?" i said while hugging her and she nodded. I told everyone that Kayla was going to leave early because of my dad. They all decided that it would be good of we all leave together. I heard a honk i took a peep from the window and saw my dad i told Zayn to hide kayla in his car, because everyone's car was parked outside except for. Zayn's. Zayn agreed, i opened the door and my dad was there trying to give me a bro hug. I pushed him aside and went to my car, the boys and i drived Zayn wait for us and once he sees our car he started driving.
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
remember when zayn auditioned for the x factor and he looked like a baby opossum that just lost his momma in the wilderness 
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“what’s your name darling?”
“mah nem’s zen”
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
Do we have much time? (part 1)
The smell of alcohol is killing me a shot of weird smell passed through my head. I walked to my kitchen to see my step father drinking his blackjack's with a redhead woman sitting on top of him. This was my daily routine once i get home from school, my dad became alcoholic and a drug addict since he got divorced with my stepmom, he would beat me up and abuse me at times. 
I was adopted by my parents when i was 5 I use to live in an orphanage far away in cheshire. I never knew who my real parents were and i dont even wanna know. My parents got divorced two years ago and during the first year I stayed with my mom. It was a long story so i moved out and stayed with my dad, my mom is now currently staying in Los Angeles with her new husband. I do still keep in touch with her, sometimes she would call me in skype or text me. 
I was invisible in school, I was alone most of the time, people avoid me once they know about my father. I looked at myself in the mirror 'gosh Nora why the hell are you so ugly' i always hated myself i had ben in severe depression for years, i cut myself constantly, i just makes me feel that there is something more painful than what i'm having now.
urgh okay that's me, i have eating disorders and okay i hate myself pretty much almost everything about myself.
I walked down the park and people were giving me disgusting looks knowing about my father, people always looked down at my family. I kept walking and i stop and sat under a big tree I sat there crying, and i saw a group of 5 boys playing their frisbee. I just wipe my tears and watch them play all of a sudden the frisbee fall and went in front of me, a boy with a blonde hair took it and smile at me.
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vashappenin1dcarrots · 12 years
Part 4
Harry's POV When i heard that she was taken it felt so wrong how could this happen i just met her for less than 24 hour and im already falling for this person! It's weird this never actually happen! Kayla's POV Uhmm why did everyone stare at me when i said that im taken? I was just kidding! And something happened during dinner i was eating my chocolate cake when suddenly i had breathing problems then i just realise i had a chocolate cake with nuts. I was allergic to nuts. I went up to change to my pyjamas, i was wearing a hollister top and a hollister shorts, im a hollister fan okay! I tied my hair into a messy bun and went down to take some of my pills. I heard a knock it was Eleanor and Danielle. They were super nice "you must be Niall's sister eh?" Eleanor said "Uhm yea! Hello my name is Mikayla Asleigh Horan! Call me kayla." i said while i laughed. We had several bottles of alcohol Vodka, tequila and more. We decided to something really fun, not actually fun but idiotic to be exact! We were playing Poker whoever lose needs to get a shot of tequila mixed with vodka and black jacks. The first one who lost was Louis and he passed out next was Harry, then Niall and last Zayn. Me and Liam wasnt drunk suddenly i could feel someone grabbing me from the back. He pushed me agaisnt the wall and kissed me passionately. I opened my eyes and it was ...his eyes was closed. Harry was standing behind Zayn and all of a sudden he pulled Zayn and tried to kiss me but Liam pushed him away "I think it would be good if we leave them here." Liam said omgg his voice was super gentle!"uhm yea true" I said as I nod. He guide me all the way up, " You know Kayla I use to have a sister she died in a car accident when she was 12, if she was still alive she would be as old as you just to let you know you really remind me of her!" he said while he was wiping his tears. " I'm so sorry I didnt mean to but i could be your sister it would be great to have two brothers" I said while smiling and trying to cheer him up. "Really? Would Niall be fine with that?" he sounded excited "Yea of course he wouldnt mind!" i said while i smiled! "Kayla do you know how Harry and Zayn have been acting weird around you lately like I caught Zayn staring at you and kissed you just now and Harry was just avoiding eye contact with you!" Liam said while he looked at me "uhmm Coincidence much?" i said while trying to make it less awkward. "Good Night Liam! You could sleep here if you want to! But not one bed!" i said while yawning. Next morning i woke up the earliest i found liam sleeping on the couch. I walked down with a horrible smell of alcohol, the smell has polluted this whole house gosh! Everyone was sleeping on the floor, "hey good morning!" "Good morning danielle and Eleanor!" uhmm they didnt passed out last night because they went to bed early. Eleanor ask "uhmmm so what Are we going to do with these lazyass?" i answered "maybe cooking breakfast then waking them up would be good!" it was so awkward no one knew that Zayn kissed me, absolutely no one. I wanted to tell Niall but he would go all over protective.
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