vattervelvet · 7 years
Why did I stay?
1. Even though there are times that you've proved to me that I should leave you, I didn't. Coz I always see the good in you that nobody else sees. Maybe because you have things that are in your head or maybe you just had a rough day. And I let all those sharp words slip even though it hurts so much. 2. Maybe because I know that you need me. And I need you. I believe that you need someone that understands you throughout everything. That I'm the person that never left despite of everything. 3. I don't get tired. I get tired to the fact that I kept on going. To the fact that I give endless chances. Even though I have felt that maybe we're not meant to be, I chose to stay. Just one hug that melts my pride and those 3 magic words that you'll say just so I know. 4. Because I love you more than I love myself. I've always thought of you before anyone else. Even though I'm your second option and I know it's wrong. I'm happy that you excel, and I'm happy that I'm loving a person like you even though it hurts like hell. 5. I'm scared. I'm scared coz you're gonna leave my life forever. I'm scared coz maybe when I leave you there won't be footsteps running back to say "Please stay". Scared to the fact that I would lose you. I'm scared to lose when I love you too much and will be loving you. I hope you feel the same way. Coz these are the reasons why I stayed.
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vattervelvet · 8 years
So the holidays are over, and the signs are...
Aries: Starts a party for no reason.
Taurus: Goes back under their blankets. "See you in Taurus season"
Gemini: Tumblrtumblrtumblr
Cancer: I can't wait until Valentines day!
Leo: Continues to write down things to do when they become famous.
Virgo: S C H O O L
Libra: Joins Aries's party.
Scorpio: *hides under a rock until October*
Sagittarius: Any freaking day is a holiday for them.
Capricorn: Either celebrating their birthday or Capricorn season.
Pisces: Well...I'm just going to disappear onto the internet so...wake me up in Pisces season. P E A C E.
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vattervelvet · 9 years
To the Guy who never left my Heart
Here's to the guys who never left my heart.Where he will always have that place in my damaged heart no matter what. Where he's the only one who gave me goosebumps and also made my heart beat faster and slower at the same time. Remembering that first time you held my hand and that feeling electrified me. Like they were tiny little bolts that was made in our hands. I would never forget how we first kissed and somehow made me feel wanted. But somehow, as I reminisce the times that you made me feel special, there were tears in my eyes that somehow made me realize that no matter how I bring back thise memories and keep on replaying them in my head, things will not chage. You will just be, the guy that walked away, the guy that never left my heart.
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vattervelvet · 9 years
Why is it everytime that I try to move on and forget things that would bring me back to you, there you are, asking my hand again?
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vattervelvet · 9 years
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So I was just browsing in this Lullabies book and when I saw this I just..
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vattervelvet · 9 years
On point 🙌👌
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vattervelvet · 9 years
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and as the night crawls, thoughts of you lingers and hunts me again
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vattervelvet · 9 years
"How can everything go wrong when each other's presence gave us this kind of feeling? How can everything go wrong when holding your hand was like being electrified And lastly, How can everything go wrong when all we did was the things that we thought was right?"
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vattervelvet · 9 years
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Am I the girl you loved or the girl who you left?
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vattervelvet · 9 years
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back to him..
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vattervelvet · 9 years
"I've told myself a million times that I'm better off w/out you, but everytime the night gets deeper all I could do is think of you."
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vattervelvet · 9 years
How can someone make you laugh the loudest and at the same time make you cry the hardest?
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vattervelvet · 9 years
Seeing your Ex w/ another girl...
Deep inside: I just wish it was me again
Outside: "I'm fine, he's just my Ex"
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vattervelvet · 9 years
I just hate it when someone's taking control of my life. It's like she runs my life and writes my own book. 
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vattervelvet · 10 years
I'm now wrapt in your warm embrace again and thinking of how did this happened. Thinking did you ever just regret leaving me or thinking that you're not you when you left me. It was perfect tho. We did things we did in the past and then when you kissed me a it rained really hard and there was a flash of light. With that, I woke up, and I'm crying.
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vattervelvet · 10 years
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Do you ever know how...
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vattervelvet · 10 years
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