vayuputra 5 months
Humans have but one essential, fundamental emotion, but like the wind, it has many temperaments and can change quickly.
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vayuputra 5 months
The Vedas portray the universe as having a moral order independent of any theological force. This is very different from the world view of the Abrahamic religions, where morality depends on god (i.e., on a theological force). 馃
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vayuputra 2 years
The very nature of being alive forces one to perform certain actions, all of which have consequences... some imperceptible, some immense... consequences which are often unanticipated by the doer. Whether an action is right or wrong/good or evil isn't always clear... there are no absolute answers. What is good for one is often bad for another. What seems right may turn out to be wrong. How then can one know with certainty what action to take? One can not know because moral rightness is ambiguous. There is no philosophy, no dogma, no religious code that will always produce moral/virtuous actions. Detachment is the key.
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vayuputra 2 years
In this world of conflict and uncertainty, how can one achieve inner peace and happiness? By changing one's focus. Instead of focusing on the specific results of one's actions in the world, one should focus on the moral quality of those actions. The material world humans experience is an interconnected web of cause and effect. Do not act in hopes of obtaining a reward, but rather do what is right out of compassion for others. Selfishness and ignorance lead only to suffering for oneself and for others. Inner peace and true happiness arise from compassion for others.
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vayuputra 2 years
When this life is over
I will undoubtedly hope for another
So many unfulfilled dreams
Lofty thoughts of youth unappreciated
No one left to care about past wishes
I'll leave them to the grave
Where the ghosts of the past can sing their laments
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vayuputra 2 years
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If you search for truth and virtue you will find that truth is very elusive and moral rightness is ambiguous.聽
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vayuputra 2 years
"Time destroys the universes, and again recreates the universes. Nothing is eternal."
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vayuputra 2 years
"There is no need to try to grasp the wind... you ARE the wind and the wind is YOU."
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vayuputra 2 years
"No hand can grasp the wind."
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