vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[ text → ✉ → linnea queen-lance ] —— thought so
[ text → ✉ → linnea queen-lance ] —— just ask for one next time i literally do not care
[ text → ✉ → linnea queen-lance ] —— though you trying to be sly was amusing
vcnomousdrew :
[ text → ✉ → linnea queen-lance ] —— oh my god lance  [ text → ✉ → linnea queen-lance ] —— just tell me if you need an extension    [ text → ✉ → linnea queen-lance ] —— i won’t give you shit about it [ text → ✉ → linnea queen-lance ] —— too much
[ text >> ✉ >> jessica drew ] —— … [ text >> ✉ >> jessica drew ] ——… [ text >> ✉ >> jessica drew ] —— [ text >> ✉ >> jessica drew ] —— i need an extension [ text >> ✉ >> jessica drew ] —— but just for another day [ text >> ✉ >> jessica drew ] —— im going to get this done by the end of tomorrow!
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[ text → ✉ → gemma ] —— stop what? 😇
[ text → ✉ → gemma ] —— i have no idea what you're talking about
[ text → ✉ → gemma ] —— cross my heart
「 SYMBOL FOR A TEXT. ⋮  @vcnomousdrew. 」⋮
「  ☢ →  for a desperate text  」⋮
[ text → ✉ → jessie 🕸]: jessie stop we’re out in public!!!
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[ text → ✉ → my ice queen ]: krys? yeah i figured it wasn't meant for me
[ text → ✉ → my ice queen ]: did you actually send that to avery afterwards?
[ text → ✉ → my ice queen ]: i'm really proud of you trying to reach out again
「 SYMBOL FOR A TEXT. ⋮  @vcnomousdrew​. 」⋮
「  ♣  →  for a text not meant for you  」⋮
[ text → ✉ → momma ]: hey, aves. i’m sorry i haven’t messaged sooner. i just wanted to let you know that it’s been rough, but. i’m okay. and. shit. i wanted to see how you’re doing. [ text → ✉ → momma ]: oh fuck [ text → ✉ → momma ]: sorry momma
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: not yet, babe. my ovaries are still kicking. [ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: sounds wonderful! [ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: not that i know of, yet. but he mentioned having some surprise planned
[ text → ✉ → the magician ]: just wait. your birthday’s coming up. [ text → ✉ → the magician ]: maybe they’ll give out after that. [ text → ✉ → the magician ]: a surprise! going all out for his mommy then [ text → ✉ → the magician ]: hope you’ll have a good one
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[[ text // mama jess ❤️💛 ]] i guess so.  [[ text // mama jess ❤️💛 ]] i just feel so behind mama jess [[ text // mama jess ❤️💛 ]] like nobody takes me for serious [[ text // mama jess ❤️💛 ]] yeah please
[ text → ✉ → my tiny dancer ] —— baby i’m sure there’s lot of people who take you seriously [ text → ✉ → my tiny dancer ] —— just give it time, you’re still growing [ text → ✉ → my tiny dancer ] —— okay! i’m on my way, unless you wanna come here?
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
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I want off the team
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
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❝  guess i’ll need a special outfit of my own  ,  then  .  ❞  one glance down at her own ensemble   –   the traditional fishnets and leotard and blazer  –   is enough to remind zatanna she’d yet to change from the night’s expedition  .  in fact  ,  the dirt and grime’s just yet another reminder of a demonic battle from which she’d escaped unscathed  .  so  she’s whispering out a soft  ❝  gnineve raew  ,  won  ,  ❞  and smirking as her battle outfit’s instantaneously replaced with sheer  ,  black lace lingerie  ,  without the need to remove herself from jessica’s arms  .   let her enjoy the surprise of watching her lover strip half naked  .  ❝  i was hoping you’d say that  ,  ❞ she’s humming in response and the contentment’s palpable in her blossoming grin and starry eyes as the spiderwoman’s lips find zatanna’s and  –   she  MELTS  a moment into the touch  .   her hands raise of their own volition to cup the brunette’s face  ,  to ghost a delicate trace over her cheek as she begins peppering kisses all along zatanna’s own visage and   –     ❝ etativel su !  ❞  –   now they’re floating in the air  ,  the mistress of magic cradling the spiderling   –  her spiderling  –  in her arms  .   ❝  i’m so happy you’re here  —  ❞  between everything at krystal’s party  ,  then her uncharacteristic behaviour  ,  the lockdown  ,  and evan’s surprise arrival    –   these two hadn’t gotten nearly as much time together as zatanna would’ve liked  .   (   that impish part of her wants to pull her into bed right now  ,  but  .  some moments are just too good to rush  .   this is one of them  .   )   ❝  sorry  ,  but you’re not leaving me all day  ,  got it  ?  i call dibs  .  ❞
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“ well, i can’t be the only one all dressed up here, can i? “ she’s joking with good nature as she peppers kisses against zatanna’s frame and face. and god--- she should be use to zatanna’s magic by now but, somehow it still manages to catch her off guard every time. makes her heart skip a beat and flutter inside her chest. she’s been around mysticism before, magic but, there’s something about zatanna who makes it seem something entirely new and different. so she can’t help the little hitch of her breath as she watches zatanna’s outfit disappear under her fingertips--- replaced with lacey lingerie. the smile that stretches across her face next is something close to awestruck, the spiderling’s fingertips smoothing across the fabric with a hum. “ you’re beautiful, “ she murmurs gently, cheek leaning into the caress against the side of her face. she’s melting into zatanna’s touch already--- like she always does--- and is so caught up in it all she doesn’t even notice when they start to levitate off the ground--- not until her magician starts to cradle her. hazel eyes flicker to the ground a moment, lips twitching into a large smile as she moved to drape her arms across the homo-magi’s shoulders. “ you’re such a show off, zee. and just for me too. there’s no one else here to impress. “ she is, isn’t she? though the comment is laced with amusement and affection all the same--- and it’s easy to tell it is as jessica presses another soft kiss to the woman’s shaded lips. “ i’m all yours, baby. there’s no where else i’d rather be. “
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
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birthdays   –   she’s always adored them  ,  always an excuse to throw a party and  .  tease some people’s clothes off  .  and this year’s no different  .  if anything   –   perhaps she’s more enticed to celebrate now  ,  with evangelina’s return and her recent developments with jessica  .  so her playful smirk turns into a full-fledged beam as magic manifests itself in a flash of light and jessica materializes in her bedroom  ,  dressed     ───      just how the mistress of magic likes her  .  ❝  well hello  ,  beautiful  ,  ❞   she’s purring out and striding forward  ,  combing a hand through raven locks as she all but falls into a lover’s embrace  .   ❝  oh  ,  baby  ,  i am quite happy to see you  .  especially all dressed up for me  .  ❞  she’s nuzzling into jessica’s neck a moment  ,  breathing her in  ,  before  –   ❝  in that case  —   ssik em  .  ❞  zatanna exclaims the spell with a wink  .  lips puckered as she awaits the caress of her beautiful spiderling  .  
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it wasn’t like she expected clothes to stay on very long today--- hence her reasoning for just staying in her undergarments while zatanna magicked her over to shadowcrest. it wasn’t like it’d be hard for her to get dressed later anyway--- the benefits of having a lover who had magic at her fingertips. she could just be ‘popped’ back into her own bedroom whenever needed. “ oh yeah, i had to find a real special outfit for you. “ jessica winks as she spoke, voice low and sultry to match zatanna’s own while her arms wrapped around the smaller woman’s figure. these past weeks had been--- rough. rougher than normal and while worry still plagued her everyday, ( concern for her children. about the upcoming finals--- everything ), it was nice to give her brain a moment to rest and not worry. to not fret. to just focus on something good--- like zatanna. here. in her arms. ( she wasn’t even thinking about the inevitable fall out--- almost everyone had some idea by now and no one had confronted her... yet. so. ) her smile turns to one of fake offense as the backwards words sip out of zatanna’s mouth, an insufferable need to kiss the magician everywhere overtaking jessica. “ you can get away with that because it’s your birthday, “ there’s snark in her voice, in her tone, and a half raised brow as the spider-woman pulls the other closer to her, pressing her lips against zatanna’s own with a gentleness not suited for the smirk on her face. “ and, “ she pauses, breathing as she kisses the corner of the woman’s mouth--- and then her cheek and nose and mouth again. “ because i wanted to kiss you already. “
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: texting me right at midnight, babe? how romantic ✨ [ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: i’ve been bracing myself for all the old jokes already. let me save you your breath: no, i haven’t hit menopause yet  [ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: you’re gracing me with your presence and a present? making all my wishes come true. i’m flattered [ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: teleporting you over in three, two… [ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: surprise! i did it on two ;)
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damn she was never going to get use to that. ever. not when zatanna did it, not when any of her other magical co-workers did it... it was still really weird. being somewhere and then suddenly the floor’s out from under you and you’re just NOT there anymore. she could suffer through it for zatanna, though. she’d be willing to suffer through a lot for zatanna. as it was she HAD previously been standing in her own bedroom, awkwardly holding a gift wrapped box under one arm and her phone in her hand when she felt the TUG of magic. the world moved for a moment and then--- here she was. in zatanna’s bedroom--- same state she had been in her own bedroom. ( which was in her lingerie--- aka t-shirt and panties. hey. she had said she had a gift for the magician BESIDES sex. sex was still very much on the table. ) “ that was NOT one,” the tone in her voice doesn’t match the expression on her face, soft and amused as she places her phone and box down, throwing her arms open for the other. “ c’mere, you. you’ve got birthday kisses to collect. “
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[ text → ✉ → @zatanncs ] hey guess what? you’re officially old now [ text → ✉ → the magician ] like i knew you were a cougar already but now you really are [ text → ✉ → the magician ] teleport me over to your place babe? i have a gift for you <3 [ text → ✉ → the magician ] like an actual gift [ text → ✉ → the magician ] not just sex
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
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jessica drew + text posts
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
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「﹠· • @vcnomousdrew​.  」⋮
❝  —–  mom  ?   ❞
luckily  ,  it’s sunday  .  and sunday means no classes and no people and a chance for krys to focus on what’s important  .  today  ,  especially   –   she’s pushing the door to her mother’s room open with a lazy grin  .  and there’s  –  a rare bit of nervousness in polar hues as she steps inside  .  (  it’s their first mother’s day with krys as her legal daughter  ,  she’d realized  .   she had to do something  .  ) 
 ❝  momma !  ❞
and she’s beaming at the sight of the brunette lounging in bed  ,  scrambling over and climbing under the covers with her  .  a moment later she’s throwing her arms around the woman and pulling her into a tight embrace    –   a rare bit of happiness considering all the chaos as of late  .   ❝  happy mother’s day  !  ❞  
she’d been keeping the gift in her pocket throughout the ordeal but  ,  now makes a point to sift it out  .  ❝  i  ,  uh  ,  got you something  .  it’s not much  ,  but  —  ❞  she’s extended her hand outwards and plops the present onto the bed  .  a black chromatic keychain with two pendants attached already  -  a pale blue snowflake  ,  and a red and yellow spiderweb  .  ❝  it’s for your bike  ,  ❞  she’s explaining quickly  ,  mussing over the details  .  ❝  you can add other pendants to it  ,  and then  .  you can take all of us with you wherever you go  .  i know it’s fucking dumb  ,  but  .  i didn’t know what else to get you  .  ❞   is that a blush in her cheeks  ?  maybe  .  
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mother’s day had become less and less of a big thing as the years had passed. since carol was away so much and most of the kids had moved out--- the first year they had elliot it had been a huge deal. the same thing the year they adopted varik--- and then kim. now? now it was less of a huge deal and more like the kids coming over in the afternoon to watch trashy movies with her. face timing carol for a while--- just to check in. it wasn’t a big deal. though there is one difference this year: they have another, official family member. and it feels--- jessica finally feels complete. like her family is complete after all this time. 
that’s what she was thinking as she woke up, actually. how this was her first mother’s day with krys as her legal child. how good that felt to finally be able to say that. ( er: think that. ) it’s her luck that, as she’s laying in bed, morning lighting shining through, with these thoughts in her head--- that krys comes walking in. jessica’s mood automatically brightens, ( and it was already pretty bright ), at the sound of her daughter’s voice. krys isn’t the baby but--- she’s the newest family member and jessica tries to go out of her way to make sure she knows she’s loved. especially these last few weeks. 
“kryssie!” she knows the nickname bothers her but--- can’t help it as the small blonde flops into bed and throws her arms around her. jessica is wrapping herself around krys back, nuzzling her nose into the soft neck of the girl and kissing her cheek gently. it’s been rough. she knows krys has been having a rough time--- so the fact she’s still up to celebrate makes her happy. “thanks, krys.” and she thinks the congratulations is all of it--- until krys is sifting through her pocket and pulling a keychain out. 
jessica can feel her heart swelling, eyes blinking back tears, and she sits up to launch herself into another hug against her daughter. “it’s not dumb at all. it’s great! i love it.” she’s babbling a little, snuggling against krys with a watery smile. “thank you so much. this is the best day ever already.”
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[ text → ✉ → @vcnomousdrew ]: happy mother’s day, you old hag [ text → ✉ → spidey woman ]: send my regards to the kids, i hope you all have a great day together <3
[ text → ✉ → the magician ]: happy mother’s day zatanna, you hit menopause yet? [ text → ✉ → the magician ]: thanks, babe. we’re gonna watch movies [ text → ✉ → the magician ]: you and morgan planning on anything?
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[ text → ✉ → @vcnomousdrew ]: h e y  [ text → ✉ → jessie 🕸]: you’re a mom! happy mother’s day! [ text → ✉ → jessie 🕸]: if you’re not too busy with the other kiddos maybe var & i can swing by later [ text → ✉ → jessie 🕸]: i can bring some takeout? [ text → ✉ → jessie 🕸]: i’d offer to cook the fam something but that wouldn’t be much of a gift shdfjkdhfk just saying
[ text → ✉ → gemma ]: aw gem just cus you’re dating my son doesn’t mean you have to tell me happy mother’s day [ text → ✉ → gemma ]: i’d love that though [ text → ✉ → gemma ]: we’re gonna watch trashy movies if you’re interested
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
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❝  a mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.   ❞
— washington irving.
( @vcnomousdrew ) 
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
[[ text // mama jess ❤️💛 ]] mmm. i guess so
[[ text // mama jess ❤️💛 ]] but everyone else is sooooo cool and adult [[ text // mama jess ❤️💛 ]] im just a dumb baby [[ text // mama jess ❤️💛 ]] oh no i made myself sad
[ text → ✉ → my tiny dancer ] —— you’re no dumb baby [ text → ✉ → my tiny dancer ] —— a dumb baby wouldn’t be able to vote [ text → ✉ → my tiny dancer ] —— you know who can vote? you [ text → ✉ → my tiny dancer ] —— thats not a dumb baby [ text → ✉ → my tiny dancer ] —— do you wanna come over and talk about it? 
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vcnomousdrew · 6 years
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let it go, okay?
707 notes · View notes