vctoriatala · 3 years
“Something always brings me back to you, it never takes too long…”                 This would never be the sweetest letter written to someone special, I know. But by dint of good fate, I have made a very sweet mistake—that is, in getting to know you.                 It was the last time I dreamt of you—a tale I would rather keep to myself. Yet, last as it was, you have imparted me a smile that…
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vctoriatala · 3 years
Literally so much has changed about me since the day I had my heart broken–for alongside my heart my dreams shattered to pieces which I cared not to gather piece by piece in the hope of saving them, saving myself. All because of a man who had gone tired of my friendship. I do not hate him. I simply can ne’er forget him. I tried. Forgetting him was like forgetting my dreams. I devoted myself to…
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vctoriatala · 6 years
I have had a lovely dream today. One which I have been planning to tell you earlier; but I was kept busy with things, and only at this hour, this present moment could I have time to write. Let me begin by reminding you, that under the present circumstances I have always thought, and soon acknowledged myself a prisoner. Though there is no key to the cage from whence I find myself locked. My dream,…
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vctoriatala · 6 years
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"Magda" suits her. 🖤 . . . A "cunning chameleon-like chaotic-neutral character," Magda is a demon who can alter herself to look like anyone she chooses. B****! 🖤
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vctoriatala · 6 years
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YESSSSSSSS!!!!! Can’t believe this is happening! ‘twas Eva Green before, and now Nat???? Hah!!! <3 <3 <3
can’t wait for this then!
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vctoriatala · 6 years
Weeping Willow
“What are you this time?” “A bird. My head tilts and turns, my eyes scanning my surroundings. I am presently perched on a branch of a tree whose branches droop, and whose leaves seem to fall without really falling. Some of her leaves lay scattered on the ground, on the stones carefully arranged to surround her. Her eyes are at present closed; she is young, according to my judgment, and experience…
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vctoriatala · 6 years
Tears don’t fall; they glide, slowly, softly. They flow, sometimes invisibly, creating a pool within one’s heart thereby drowning one’s soul. If, the soul heeds not, then it will be too late. No amount of screams for help will make it…
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vctoriatala · 6 years
“What do you have?” “A pain that lasts. You?” “A pain that kills.” “It kills and it lasts, doesn’t it?? I believe we both have just around the same amount of pain.” “Yes, we do. And though we breathe, we may be in hell for all we know.” “Indeed.”
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vctoriatala · 6 years
When your eyes are a-brim with tears, you let your tears fall and only wipe them ever gently after. In this way, no one will notice you cried. Without a mirror to see your reflection, you can only hope for your eyes to cooperate and not betray you in front of others.
And yet, is it really the eyes that betray the person? Or the emotion? Or perhaps, could it be the person’s lack of ability…
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vctoriatala · 6 years
'tis ironic, that she who works her will,
now sits and watches,
As the fire consumes the logs, the twigs, and leaves;
and spits little sparks that blaze
and vanish.
Why now does she sit?
She, that lone attendant of the flame,
now asks of the flame,
"Could those sparks be thoughts?
Or could the things she fed be thoughts
Consumed by the fire they blazed,
gradually, into nothingness?"
Yet why, indeed now, does she sit?
She then sighs
Closes her eyes
And sighs once more.
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vctoriatala · 6 years
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Moon Lady Everybody knows she exists, but nobody ever seems able to get close to her even though the light she casts wasn't as blinding as the Sun's. They look at her and marvel at her presence but they never dare get to know her. Was she worthless afterall? No. They think themselves not good enough for her, hence, they content themselves by just watching her from afar. But like everybody else, the Moon Lady loves, has her heart beating for that one soul her own soul recognized.
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vctoriatala · 6 years
Sonnet 46: ‘Mine Eye and Heart are at a Mortal War’
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Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war, How to divide the conquest of thy sight; Mine eye my heart thy picture’s sight would bar, My heart mine eye the freedom of that right. My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie, A closet never pierced with crystal eyes, But the defendant doth that plea deny, And says in him thy fair appearance lies. To ’cide this title is impannelled A quest of thoughts, all tenants to the heart; And by their verdict is determined The clear eye’s moiety, and the dear heart’s part: As thus: mine eye’s due is thine outward part, And my heart’s right, thine inward love of heart.
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vctoriatala · 6 years
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from Life and Death [Tales by Light]
- ctto
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vctoriatala · 6 years
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While these photos may seem like shots taken from a romantic film, this lovely couple were actually the documentarists of Sacred Nature, one of the episodes of the compiled documentaries called Tales by Light [on Netflix]. They are wildlife photographers and they love Africa just like Mary H. Kingsley.
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vctoriatala · 6 years
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vctoriatala · 6 years
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this be the last picture I took on the last day of 2018.
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vctoriatala · 6 years
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"Once, once I knew how to talk to you Once, once But not anymore"
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