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Hemp Proteine Powder
I use Hemp Protein Powder for a while now. Today i’m going to tell you how i eat it and if i can recomand it to other fellow vegans. The girst time i ate hemp powder i didn’t liked it that much, because I drunk it with soy milk. Later I deduced it with soy cream, chia seeds and oats. I began to like its taste, even i would imagine thats the taste of weed or something like that. Soon i will show you some Pictures and Thougts from my Breakfast (the soy cream and seeds). Now some Nutrition they main resson you would take this is the 51% Proteine, there is also a huge amount of fibre (19%). It’s also good for low carb diets because it is only 4.2% carbonhydrates. So in the End i can recomand this for other vegans, but if you want to eat low fat you should avoid this, because its 11% fat.
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Vegan One Pot Pasta Review
Today I tried out a recipe for a vegan One Pot Pasta with a creamy Tomato-Sauce. I got it from Pinterest. If you want to cook it too, make sure you prepare every single ingredients in a bowl, because it can get pretty messy when you start with less preperation, like i did. Antother problem i faced was that the noodles i used sticked to the bottom of my pot, they were whole grain and organic. It was very hard to clean my pot and also took a lot of time. The Taste was ok, not the best pasta i have ever had, may on account of the lack of tomato puree, because i forgot to buy antother one. So make sure you got that.                    
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