veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Yessss, this is SO important 🙌🏼 #animalrights #vegan
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Ordered @yourtea #SkinMagicTea and got a free jar of #TeaFace so exciting, praying this helps my crappy skin 🙏🏻 I'm a little bit obsessed already 😍 seriously go check them out, their #tinytea is amazing and they have body & mood teas for absolutely everything, even hangovers! #yourtea
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Gonna spam my pug pjs forever because they're perfect 🙈 I'm so dead right now, our house is at the top of the biggest/steepest hill ever and i stupidly wore all black with a massive jumper out today while it was 19 degrees. I feel like I've just done a boot camp workout, I'm going to have to crawl home after leg day in the gym.. but on the plus side doing that walk every single day is gonna give me the best booty ever 😂🍑
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Was too tired from travelling yesterday to make a proper dinner so treated myself tonight and made my favourite a big batch of lentil #vegan chilli 😍 this is student life done right for sure!
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Feeling nervous and apprehensive about moving back to England tomorrow, I'm excited for my final year of my course but I'm so comfortable at home surrounded by friends and family that I'm dreading going back a little bit. I'm sure it will be fine once I get there and I'm trying to keep a positive mind frame. Just gotta trust that the universe has my back and has some kind of plan for me 🙌🏼
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Mediterranean grilled vegetables and pasta with tomato and basil sauce 😍 #vegan
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Messy looking Oreo #vegan chocolate cake 😍🍫
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Rice, quinoa, black bean, tomato & chipotle sauce with grilled vegetables and baby potatoes 😍😍 so amazing! I( cheated with the base it was the 'South America Style Grains' healthy living packet from Tesco but it tastes incredible! ❤) #vegan️
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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On this day 14 years ago as a 6 year old kid I for the first time learnt and fully understood that animals were being raised, abused and killed for human greed. My poor teacher tried everything she could not traumatise me but I was persistent that she tell me everything about where our food came from and whether or not it was possible to survive without it and by the end of our conversation I vowed to never eat meat again. Luckily I had a very understanding family who I'm very thankful for. I got this tattoo a few months ago to celebrate and I loveeee her, she perfectly portrays the strength, beauty and innocence of animals. I wish that I could have leant about #veganism sooner and committed to it sooner but there's no point in dwelling on the past, I'm 100% committed now and I've never been happier. Going both #vegetarian and #vegan were the best decisions I ever made 🍌🌱❤️
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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#GIRLBOSS and a soya vanilla latte at the airport earlier ☕️ #vegan
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Tired after work selfie 😴 Still so in love with my @tantamountapparel #vegan shirt, loving these faux leather trousers too 😍 of course #allblackeverything as usual! 😂 seriously check out #tantamountapparel, by far my favourite vegan clothing company, gotta stop myself from buying everything at once 🙈
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Chasing waterfalls 🌊 (at Glencar Waterfall)
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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#vegan pizza for dinner with grilled vegetables on top 😍
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Finally got up and made some #vegan lentil and potato soup for my throat and now I'm staying in bed watching Scandal ❤️ we didn't have many vegetables so the soup doesn't taste that great but I was able to swallow it which is all that matters 😂
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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veganmoon-blog · 9 years
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Incredible seeing these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat on #bigbluelive really really really want to go whale watching! I know you can do it here but I won't get time before I leave, is there anywhere in England that is good for it?! (Someone definitely needs to take me on a whale watching date 🙈) 🐋❤️
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