veganxwomyn · 4 years
Reminds me of all those times gossip rags talk about women’s KNEES and how they show signs of aging. Like fuck off, stop looking at us and mind ya business.
it’s literally so wild to me that someone just… decided… that hip dips are ugly?
like no one cared about them for so long and then some person was like ‘mkay hip dips are ugly now’ and then all those tutorials started popping up on how to get rid of them (although it’s your BONE STRUCTURE and it means that u have GOOD MUSCLE DEFINITION smh) and then there were surgeries and products to get rid of them (another example of how capitalism actively hurts women)
and?? ik it’s not the point but?? hip dips are SO CUTE i can’t believe that people think they’re ugly
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
Just wondering why you say "marginalised women first"? I thought all women are marginalised? Sorry I'm genuinely confused
All women are marginalized, absolutely. But some are marginalized not ONLY because they are women, but because they’re POC, gay/bi, or disabled.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
But why talk about or analyze male violence when you can just turn everything back on women? Again??
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
When you spent too much time on FFN reading yaoi, and now up is down.
If I had a dollar for every homophobic str8 girl who did this on tiktok.. I could buy the rights to the word "twink" and forbid them from saying it ever again.
"I hardly wear make up" how very unwomanly of you 🙄🙄🙄
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
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it’s britney bitch
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
Could you fill me in on whats wrong with pornhub?
It’s full of porn.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
I’d say “unbelievable” but this is totally believable.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
That’s it. That’s gender to TRAs.
what are the components of a female brain? like what makes it different from a male brain? not trying to be disrespectful just wondering what that means lol
women are naturally more nurturing and empathetic, and, for lack of a better term, are more submissive. all signs i’ve exhibited since adolescence.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
Young people and full grown adults have been appropriating culture from marginalized groups for years. LGB people celebrating their diversity and pride is not the reason for this. In all reality, it’s that these kids are being raised by shitty adults who don’t teach them respect for other people. And it’s also young boys and girls - especially girls - being raised within tight confines of gender roles that make them miserable. If being “queer” is the way out of having to wear a dress to church and being barred from learning about cars, then yeah, plenty of kids will take that out. The rest are appropriating from gay culture they way they appropriate from black culture, Mexican culture, etc.
Maybe building a whole subculture of seeing heterosexuality as inherently boring and bad has directly led to teenagers making up new sexualities and genders because teens naturally want to feel special and fit in? Maybe if you stopped it with the “Ew who would want to be cis/straight?” memes we wouldn’t have demigender akioseuals? Maybe don’t turn LGBT into a trend and stupid kids won’t do this stuff? Just a thought.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
Curious Zelda
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
Not to be a downer but if i had to, at 12 years old, listen to my mother tell me all the different ways men would want to hurt my body, and how i might prevent that, then i really feel like teenage boys can handle a conversation with their parents that starts “let’s talk about consent”
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
I didn’t advocate for false accusations of any kind. The fact that either of you think this was sent by a radfem is hilarious to me.
hey there's a TIM in my university rpg club and everyone else is lowkey a gendershit so i can't do anything about him... what do you think i should do? i dont wanna give up this hobby but he makes me so fucking uncomfortable. should i accuse him of rape since he's gonna do that anyway sooner or later or do you have a better idea?
It’s truly tragic that TRAs think that baiting a woman they don’t like into admitting to orchestrating fake rape accusations is peak activism.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
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Lesbian erasure
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
Anon is a fucking piece of shit. Crawl back under your rock and die.
i hope a beautiful trans woman gets you pregnant and you die in childbirth
Well this one is new! First of all:1. Anyone fantasizing about me having sex that involves a penis in any way, or me being impregnated in such a way, is fantasizing about my rape.2. Dying in childbirth is a horrid and unfortunately common way to die. I would never wish it on anyone. You wishing me a violently death to bear the product of a rape is neither clever nor funny.3. If this is your idea of allyship, then I’d like you to know that this was actually a thing that happened to lesbians in Nazi germany. Those who were considered “aryan” enough were raped and made into Nazi breeding stock until they were killed.
I can’t imagine what lack of empathy leads someone to the point where they send messages like this.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
There are some things that I refuse to be "open minded" about
You will never ever convince me that pornography, prostitution, or surrogacy is ethical, consensual, beneficial, or healthy. I know too many women who have been harmed both directly and indirectly from these industries, and the harm far, far, far outweighs the benefits that some women might reap.
There is also so much evidence that these industries are destroying women's bodies, minds, sense of self worth, ability to live independently, and desire to live at all. There are so many women who have spoken out about the extreme trauma they've suffered, sometimes while cheerleading these industries, and who say that these industries cannot exist for the good and well being of women.
I would rather that the few women who "feel empowered" by renting their organs to strange men find another job that is perhaps less fulfilling, or find a new way to "feel empowered", than for any woman to be coerced into these industries for any reason.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
hey there's a TIM in my university rpg club and everyone else is lowkey a gendershit so i can't do anything about him... what do you think i should do? i dont wanna give up this hobby but he makes me so fucking uncomfortable. should i accuse him of rape since he's gonna do that anyway sooner or later or do you have a better idea?
It’s truly tragic that TRAs think that baiting a woman they don’t like into admitting to orchestrating fake rape accusations is peak activism.
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veganxwomyn · 4 years
Over Thinking: Monster Boys
Sometimes I tackle why women, including myself, are interested in certain things. The topic I’d like to tackle today is “monster boys” or the predominantly heterosexual trope of a male romantic/sexual partner who is in part or whole a monster or non-human creature (usually partnered with a human female). This trope is often also paired with the “woman as civilizing force” trope where a woman convinces a man to change for the better or fixes a corrupt man.
Examples of this trope include werewolf and vampire romances, like Twilight, but can extend to all kinds of media. It typically ends with either the monster becoming civil enough for the woman to control/romance or the woman being consumed or corrupted by the monster.
It’s likely this trope exists as a form of escapism from/expression of patriarchal norms. Women and girls, consciously or subconsciously, understand that men are dangerous. In these stories the danger is obvious, the male as monstrous. The heterosexual desire of women then is that despite the outward monstrous appearance these monsters are tameable, internally good or kind, and that it is she who can bring out these qualities with enough love, patience, determination, etc.
It’s easy, for me at least, to see why this narrative is desirable, women want to believe they can civilize men, that even if a man is cruel or cold or even abusive she will have the magic touch that causes him to become his trueself, the beast into a prince (or at least a less beastly beast). The implicit assumption then is that all the women before her who were hurt by the “beast” where just lacking in this magic touch or the people who warned her about how he (or men in general) are dangerous just don’t understand him and didn’t give him a chance.
That’s where the other half of this trope comes into play, women who are corrupted/consumed. Some women prefer the idea of the beast as untamable, as a destructive natural force that eventually overtakes them. This is seen as romantic or an act of ultimate love, to sacrifice yourself to the beast. Heterosexuality as a predator and prey dynamic.
This too reflects patriarchal culture. It is the idea that if you cannot tame a man it is not in actuality a failure, it is because men are inherently monsters and cannot be changed, therefore, it is useless to try and change them. The best way to express your love then is to submit yourself completely, to endure all of his monstrosity, his abuse, because that is just the nature of things, and people who fight it or believe it’s wrong don’t truely understand.
Both of these ideas are, needless to say, unrealistic. Women and men should be equal partners in their relationships and, while people do change over time, you cannot force someone to change. It is not a woman’s responsibility to “fix” or civilize men, nor do we exist to absorb their abuse, but I understand the trope comes from a place of wanting some semblance of control in a situation where the odds aren’t in your favor.
All in all, I think in general the trope promotes an unhealthy view of relationships and sets women up to fail, but I also see how it could be used to explore the power dynamics of heterosexual relationships and of patriarchal society in general.
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