velocibiology · 9 years
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                  “ That was one hell of a close call, don’t you think? ”
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velocibiology · 9 years
with you in my life,                 i’m forever safe. 
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velocibiology · 9 years
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The 13th icon in your folder is your muse's reaction to finding out they're a God/Goddess
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velocibiology · 9 years
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“When your life has been measured by your failings, any success is worth celebrating.”
Indie Count Vertigo Rp and Ask Blog
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velocibiology · 9 years
date someone u want to annoy forever 
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velocibiology · 9 years
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velocibiology · 9 years
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WOCTOBERFEST—[2/?][5 days of STEM]
"you put your med school learning to the test with a crash course in technobiology that, frankly, would've made my brain explode."
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velocibiology · 9 years
central city rogues @ other villains: how dare you come into our city and be dicks to the flash. being dicks to the flash is our job
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velocibiology · 9 years
You are my sunshine. { b y e }
He was no stranger to nightmares; he had experienced his fair share of them. It ranged from things like being unable to run from monsters chasing him, or getting confined in a small space with no escape. These nightmares were manageable; he knew that he’d wake up from the eventually.
Sometimes it took a little longer, but his eyes would always open and all the bad dreams would wash away.
But this was different.
This was a nightmare he could never wake up from.
It had happened so quickly. One moment The Flash was fending off extra terrestrial alien life forms, protecting not only himself but his family, && the next, Jai’s whole world was crushed.
He had seen the oncoming attack, but he couldn’t do anything. He had tried to warn Wally, but his screams went unheard. And he wasn’t fast enough. He was never fast enough. Or strong enough. Or smart enough.
He was never enough.
There was no scream, no strangled cry from Wally, or Irey. Or even Jai. No, all there was was silence. Silence as Linda’s body fell to the ground, as Jai — who had been the closest && the only one that could’ve stopped the attack — rushed to her side. 
“Mom…” His voice was broken, his hands moving to move her body, “Mom, get up.” A harder shake, his voice growing in panic as tears threatened to fall. This was just a bad dream. He’d wake up soon.
He had to.
“Mommy, please get up.” The words were quiet, almost a whisper, filled with regret, sadness, && resignation.
This was a nightmare Jai would never wake up from.
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velocibiology · 9 years
reblog if it’s 100% okay for mutuals to tag you in a starter
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velocibiology · 9 years
Describe yourself on anon and I'll say if I'd date you.
Age, gender, height, eye and hair color, then tell me what your favorite something (hobby, class, music, etc) and what kind of date you want to take me on.
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velocibiology · 9 years
Sorry, sarcasm falls out of my mouth, like stupidity falls out of yours.
Renoirs (via renoirs)
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velocibiology · 9 years
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Heroes everywhere should be glad Linda doesn’t give them their names tbh.
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velocibiology · 9 years
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                   “ I could be persuaded  to share these. ”
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velocibiology · 9 years
                    psa — if we’re mutuals, this gives you unsaid permission to attack my inbox whenever you want, as much as you want, with whatever you want.  want to spam me with memes?  break your ask limit.  want to send me random messages?  break your ask limit.  want to leave me love?  break your ask limit.  anything.  everything.  it doesn’t matter what time of day or night, even if i’m not around, you are always welcome.  you always have permission.  i mean it.
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velocibiology · 9 years
i wanna say i didn’t ask for these feelings but i technically did ask for them and i h8 myself
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velocibiology · 9 years
my muse’s reaction to yours dying in their arms || accepting
            She’d been so sure she knew the definition of that word;      ‘ a complete loss or absence of hope. ’But she feels it, now, the real definition.  The one you only learnwhen you’re in the lowest possible moment, when it’s just you&& your pain && everything gets almost too clear.        She knows it better than she has ever known anything.
It’s a state of being.One which is crushing && familiar.One which is sharp && cold && more vast than her broken chest can                                           hope to contain.
                       Linda Park had lost things before.                         She had lost her babies before.
But that was different.
That was before she’d held them, before she’d memorized theirsmiles, before she’d wiped up their tears && checked under thebed for monsters.
Before she’d fought for their damn lives with every fiber of herselfthat she could give.  Before she’d clawed holes into her mind andfilled those newly-emptied spaces with alien technology and sciencethat she once never would’ve dreamed of understanding in order tomake sure their lives wouldn’t be cut short.
But all of that had been meaningless.  Because no matter how muchshe knew, no matter what skills she possessed, she knew now there was nothing she could do to save her baby.  There were no machinesto hook him up to, there were no small miracles to bring him back toher by accident.
A sob wracked her body, her shoulders shaking as she tried to slowhis loss of blood.  She was medically trained, she knew that if shepinched the artery she might be able to…                        ( but he had already lost so much blood )
     “ It’s okay, Jai, mommy’s got you, ” she breathed, hoping that hewas aware enough to hear her, praying that if she poured enoughlove into him and just kept trying to keep the bleeding under controlthat Wally would come and rush him to the hospital and everythingwould be okay again.
     “ I’m not going to lose you, not again, not ever again. ”                                                                 Her words kept coming between breaths, between cries, between silent wishes that this wasall a bad dream && she would wake up.  Wishes that all of her medical training was wrong, that her little boy still had a chance.                 That he wasn’t getting colder,                                       that his pulse was steady,                                              that he was STILL BREATHING.
                         That she hadn’t failed him so utterly.
          But she knew that she had.
Linda Park knew the definition of despair.
It was losing the greatest gift she had ever been given.It was admitting that the memories of that smile she heldso dear were all she had left.
It was whispering ‘I love you’ one last time before smoothingback her son’s dark hair and kissing his forehead with a sob.
        Her baby was gone.  Simply gone.
                     She hadn’t checked under the bed well enough.                                   The monsters had gotten him.
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