#} uwu i hope everyone can forgive me? {
transrevolutions · 8 months
french revolution dashboard simulator
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🐀 ami-du-peuple Follow
uh actually man has the right to deal with his oppressors by devouring their beating hearts. hope this helps.
🎩 departicle Follow
Hold up. Okay. Actually, fuck this. This sort of violent rhetoric should not be tolerated on here. Do you seriously think this sort of thing is going to make the nobility give you more rights???? You must be out of your minds! Reported.
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
reblog to devour this guy's beating heart
#username checks out lmao #politics #everybody point and laugh #common adp w
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update: new canto out now!!! go check it out 😈😏🥀 (remember don't like don't read <3)
📜 sacredhostreceipts Follow
@centuriesandskies this you?? not such a great look for a convention rep ngl
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
listen. I wrote this a long time ago, before I went into serious politics. the account is deactivated for a reason.
I was twenty. I did poorly. I can do better.
#sj.txt #if this is the worst dirt you can dig up on me #i'm way less corrupt than half the people in the convention these days #at least i'm not doing fucking. embezzlement. #also sacredhostreceipts if you're who i think you are #don't you have better things to do rn?
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🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
🌎 landscape-showdown Follow
why the fuck is everyone tagging this with french??? political figures?
#what the hell is going on over there #also maybe cool it with the death threats #I don't want this blog to get taken down #what's a girondin #is this some joke I'm not french enough to understand #showdown update
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⛪ progressivepriest Follow
Unpopular opinion but why is everyone so up in arms about the new Civil Oath? Literally all it's asking is for you to promise not to commit treason just because the Pope tells you to? I can see where people are coming from with the whole violation-of-religion deal, but can you blame the Assembly for trying to make sure the people aren't forcibly subjugated by the wealth of the nobility?
Sounds like something a heretic would say. To betray the Pope and king is to betray the will of God and your eternal soul! You should pray for forgiveness and pledge loyalty to the monarchy or have fun burning in hell. Sorry not sorry.
⛪ progressivepriest Follow
L + ratio + iirc the Bible says "it is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven" (Matthew 19:24)
🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
occasional based catholic moment, go off OP!
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
looked the faith-first-always guy's blog, he's like a massive anti-huguenot too 🙄 why is it always the prot-exclusive radical catholics smh
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
#religion tag #percs fuck off #anyways op makes a valid point #reblog #percs dni
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🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
she committee on my safety til I can't go public
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
I don't understand the joke, can someone explain please?? 🙂 Thank you!
🧵 seamstressproud Follow
is that fucking MAXIMILIEN ROBESPIERRE?!!?!?!?
🛌 virtuous-bedtime Follow
oh my god citizen robespierre I'm so sorry this was not meant to break containment lol I didn't even know you were on this site please forget you saw this
#this is the most embarassing moment of my life #literally sobbing rn #the original post is /j i prommy #i cannot be known as the citizen who had to explain this to the government
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🪓 indulgentsfuckoff Follow
fabre d'eglantine is NOT your poor little meow meow citizens he literally falsified decrees from the national convention and embezzled money to line his own pockets. I don't care how uwu babygirl you think he is he is a CRIMINAL who should be ARRESTED
💛 i-give-people-bread Follow
#baguette #loaf #croissant #i-give-people-bread #indulgentsfuckoff #silly
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🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
fucking fed up with the constant threat of the swiss guard, I think it's time we got some gunpowder and weapons and took things into our own hands yknow what I'm saying
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
I'm no longer joking about this btw
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
🧱 comic-sans-culotte Follow
ok bc I've gotten like 50 asks about this: I am not injured and I am not in need of medical care. the punchline was that we stormed the fucking hotel des invalides to get guns and powder. didn't want to clarify the joke before now for security reasons but everyone knows about that and the bastille thing by now. please direct your money to people who actually need it.
#shouldve clarified the last post was /j #however I assumed yall knew this joke already #anyways #revolution #personal #500 #1k
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🌾 nopain-nograin Follow
got so high at the festivial 2day i thnk i saw hte suapreme being
#robespiere speech was prboably 🔥 #unforntuately i camt rember any of it #grainposting #oipum ehre is somtehing else thes days #memes
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🎨 jldavid-real-moved Follow
incredible speech from @springtimeofgovernment today at the jacobin club. nobody should be permitted to use their positions as civic leaders to commit crimes against the people, even under the guise of revolutionary fervor. if it comes to it, I too will drink the hemlock with him. for france. 🤝🤝
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
Thanks for your support, @jldavid-real
The situation over here is deteriorating really quickly, the representatives are getting violent and abandoning due process entirely. Anything you can do to stand with us now would be very appreciated. You do a lot of great work for the revolution, and I trust you completely.
🍊 springtimeofgovernment Follow
@jldavid-real are you still there? We could really use your help right now.
🌄 centuriesandskies Follow
boosting @springtimeofgovernment here, can confirm he's been injured in a skirmish at the hotel de ville, they're passing summary death sentences without trial, @jldavid-real where is the help you promised us??? the people of paris are our only hope now.
edit: of course he moved blogs. coward.
#sj.txt #disappointed yet unsurprised #marat would be ashamed of you #9 thermidor #update
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🎻 lacarmagn01e Follow
DNI if you support any of these groups/people or their actions: m0narchists, f3uillants, br1ssotins/g1rondins, th3rmidorians, b0napart1sts, h3nri du v3rgier (also goes by c0mte de r0chjacquelin), charl0tte c0rday, or lafay3tte
(h3bertists and dant0nists you're on thin ice. behave.)
#censored so they dont show up in the tags #dni #get your nasty ass ideologies off my page #won't hesitate to block and/or report any violators #pinned
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reblog to make the directoire choke to death on their stupid fucking outfits
🌊 sea-of-revolution Follow
hey staff. yeah you. where did this blog go?? notfishgoujon and prairial-95 are gone as well?? cowards too afraid to show your faces lmao especially after the fucking mess the directoire's made of the country. bet you anything that staff are on their fucking payroll too iykwim at least the republic didn't tolerate fucking bribery
#this site's gone to the dogs since thermidor yr 2 #following the trend of the rest of the country tbh #i'll probably get nuked for posting this #if so i'm not making a new account #i'll just make a paleocities or smth #politics tag #reblog #don't play with me ik full well gb didn't delete his blog of his own free will #they also zero note glitched it #just when you think they can't stoop lower
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📕 spectrehauntingeurope Follow
it's been 50 fucking years since gracchus-babeuf (and the other CoE blogs) were deleted without warning and still no response from staff, the govt, or anything. the site's gone through a fuckton of ownership changes and still nothing.
we're working on a bit of a project (some of you might know abt it already), it's gonna be out prob in the next year or so. remember '89. remember '93 and '94. remember '97.
the people will rise again. it's only a matter of time. 🚩
-mod karl
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Could i please request were the reader is a new neighbor and they are the opposite color scheme of Wally and Wally completely loves their style and color scheme uwu
I wanna see Wally with a goth reader please and thank you uwu
Opposites attract eachother ♤♧
This idea is super cute Pine! Unfortunatley I am not 1 to know goths to an extent so please forgive me if I mess something up
Synopsis: A new neighbour just popped into welcome home, surprisingly their colours and style isnt quite the same with the other residents, everyone is entrigued with them but the town artist Wally Darling has his eyes on this new neighbour moreso than the rest.
Pairing: Wally darling x gn puppet goth! Reader
Cw: fluff, not proofread, might be OOC
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Everyone got news from Eddie dear that a new neighbour will come into Welcome home and become it's 10th resident, everyone was excited that the day before your scheduled arrival, the residents kept on talking about the kind of puppet you are what you'd like and all the fun things theyd do with you.
Finally the day has come, Welcome home was about to welcome a new resident. Before you step into the neighbourhood you took a deep breath, preparing for the reactions you'd get from the puppets here. You were confident in your style of course, but there are times where words have an impact, but you sucked it up and made your way into the town. Everything was brightly coloured and rainbow, opposite of your colour scheme: black, dark that of which could be compared to what most would wear on halloween.
You were in awe with how the neighbourhood looks that you didnt realise all the residents in front of you eyes widen prepared to welcome you.
"Welcome to Welcome home new neighbour!" Julie said with excitment making you look at her and the rest of the puppets.
"Oh! Thank you!" you smiled and waved "my name is (first and surname) I hope we all can get along well"
Sally and Julie went up to you with sparkles in their eyes
"My name is Sally!" Sally started "Woah! Youre wearing all black! What a contrast to the rest of us! You look like the moon"
"I agree with Sally! I love your outfit so much! My name is Julie Joy"
You laughed and thanked them both before looking at the other residents. One by one they introduced themselves and complimented your style. Wally Darling was the only resident who was more interested in you than the others, but he cant pinpoint why
Maybe its the way you dress yourself
Or maybe its how confident you are with how different you look
Maybe, just maybe.
Whatever it was, it was enough to get him to lead you to your new home and make small talk.
Wally wasnt really known for small talk, all he does is smile and listen but with you it was different.
You felt it as well with him, although you did most of the talking, the fact that he wanted to listen and even asked questions made you happy.
The little get together with the rest of the neighbourd went well and was fun. From that day forward you were offically known as Welcome Home's 10th resident.
Little by little you started hanging out with Wally Darling more and everyone could see the contrast between the 2 of you more and more by each day.
It's not just how you both present yourself, but also your personality. Wally was calm, curious and collected. You were boisterous, confident and always ready to learn new things, despite all that you both still find things in common and everyone found that amazing.
You both made it offical after a while and became the towns couple. Its a shock really if you both didnt become the talk of the town, puppets were awed, envious (in a good way) and admired you both. You both are a contrast to eachother but have a lot in common. No puppet can understand ehy or how but as long as you both do, theres really no need to ponder more on it.
Wally Darling who's colour scheme is all rainbows cant be more happy to be with (name and surname) who's colour scheme is all dark like the moon.
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dsaf-confessions · 9 months
I have two of them
1: Steven x Peter isn't that bad honestly. Imo at least. It doesn't deserve the amount of hating it gets. 'But Steven ruined Peter's life by sending him to become a phone guy' the games go out of their way to show and even directly tell you that phone guys are slaved people who are brought back from the dead and forced to do as their programming says. Steven isn't an expert or anything he's just as slaved as the others were. And while he does say 'I hope u can forgive me for this' which kinda means that he knew it was bad? But honestly I still don't blame it on him fully. From my understanding phone guys are only capable of going 'against' (for lack of better word) their programming only if they have some humanity or memories when they were alive, which I dont think Steven does, in both dsaf1 & 3 hes fully convinced that he's Scott Cawthon and only remembers that he isnt after literally being forced to. 'they hate eachother' I've replayed all the dsaf games and I can't find anything confirming that. Steven obviously regrets what he did and wants to make it right to not just Peter, but everyone else as well. Peter and Steven don't interact much, but Peter hasn't said anything mean about Steven once. The only thing that implies this is Peter's line of Jack saving even those who don't deserve it. But honestly he never said it was about Steven. For all we know he could had been referring to Dave or hell even himself. 'Its boss x employee which would be toxic by realistic standards' ok I see your point but why compere realistic standards to fucking dsaf? You know what else would be incredible toxic by realistic standards too? Davesport. But the fandoms not ready for that talk.
Speaking of davesport
2: Davesport is hellaaaaaaa overrated. I get why people ship it. It has much potential. But honestly it's the only thing the fandom talks about and Im getting tired of it. Where's my Steven contact? Where's my Peter or Dee contact? Where's the phone guys, Henry, Jacktrap or hell even Davetrap contact? Where's the angst connect on the Kennedy siblings? The only endings this fandom talks about are like the Gnarly Endings even tho I think the good ending and pure evil endings in dsaf2 are much better better than the gnarly end. Contact of the legacy routes are almost non existent ESPECIALLY on the legacy route of 2 and when there's is. It's davesport angst. How about we make angst about how Jack literally kills his motherfucking sister that he literally died for in an even more curler dsaf3 legacy route. I also hate how much the fandom mischaracterizes it. No they aren't uwu gay boys, no they don't have a perfect relationship. Their relationship is fucking unhealthy, flawed and bittersweet. (No Im not saying davesport is a pr*ship don't accuse me of that, although it's an unhealthy relationship it's not an ab**ive one). Dave literally stalks Jack, he has cameras on his house for the real Fredbear's sake. Yes I know they're treated like jokes, yes I know that Jack doesn't seem to mind, yes I know that Dave & Jack ARE capable of being in a somewhat normal relationship, with Flipside Dave at least. But still that's not healthy. They are literally willing to kill eachother if they're opposite! Those are two dead courses that have been stripped almost completely out of all their humanity thanks to that pink fuck Henry. Obviously they won't be sweet and caring to eachother or anyone really. If you like Davesport at the very least actually protey it correctly.
This is coming from someone who doesn't even ship Steveter (that's what I'll call the ship) and loves Davesport btw
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webginz · 5 months
do u mean the way moids are like “he’s lucky” or when ppl are like “omg no one believes victims Uwu”
god im like, really really tired so forgive me for bad explaining
yes to both of this, but also men act weirdly like.. vindictive about it? while also sexualizing it. almost like "SEE? it happens to men too you feminist b*tch!!" like how people acted like johnny depp was the victim, and used it as a way to be misogynistic.
i also see them pretending to care so that they can sexualize it, like in the "invincible" comics which are becoming an animated tv show. a male character in that show is raped by a woman and men act like its disrespectful to male victims to leave it out of the animated adaptation, but the reality is that scene in the comics was SUPER pornified. its like they just want the scene so they can jack off to it, but guise it as care for their fellow men and hatred for the "evil feminists/leftists/wokies/terfs/whatever" who want to take it away. ive seen this sentiment on twitter and reddit a lot, and any criticism about intent gets bombarded with "oh so you think rape is okay?" or "so your pro censorship?"
i see female fans take these sort of scenes and be really empathetic towards these male characters (and almost never do they have this same sentiment for female characters), even when it was obviously a fetish/misogynistic hate spree for the person writing it. sometimes theyll even praise the author for including it, even if the scene is unnecessary and disrespectful + insensitive towards *all* victims (which they almost always are)
rape is an extremely sensitive topic. i dont like seeing explicit scenes of it in any media, and i dont think its ever necessary to show it that way.
lots of these women act like these sexualized depictions are somehow progressive because the victim is male.
theres also this weird craze where "men are victims too" has become "men are bigger victims" where people think men are somehow hurt more and affected in worse ways when they are victims of something that , in their eyes, should only happen to women. (ive also seen this happen with men with eating disorders and men in prostitution)
when the perpetrator is a woman, its almost a bonus where misogyny is excused, and everyone loves to be misogynistic.
im tired and dont know how to wrap this up. sorry. i hope i made sense
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athetos · 2 years
my very long and devastated thoughts on The Traitor Baru Cormorant:
- Baru and Tain Hu became one of my favorite relationships out of nowhere and I was a fool for thinking it could have an even remotely happy ending.  I was hoping against hope that the author was going to throw us a bone and go out of their way to avoid the bury your gays trope at the last second, but no such luck.  My heart is broken.  I would have been upset but able to accept it if Tain Hu escaped and we never heard from her again, but instead the absolute cruelest possible option was taken instead.  I will never forgive them for what they have put me through... what they have put THEM through... but I understand.  Tain Hu herself is one of the most characters ever and I don’t think I’m prepared to handle 2 books of her haunting the pages.  I’m being very brave though. 
- Baru’s self-hatred and misery is so profound, especially over those last couple of chapters, that I felt like I was being sucked into a black hole.  I knew this would end poorly from the beginning because there is no way to cause change from the inside of something so vast and evil without becoming a monster yourself, but to think that it had come to this...  I hate that I can relate to what she’s feeling, it honestly dredges up memories I’ve tried very hard to forget, and it’s astounding this book is able to do that to me. 
- Tain Hu was the only person who didn’t try to use Baru as a pawn or a way to get power or heirs.  Fuck.
- I did not expect this much political theory and conspiracies but I was extremely surprised and impressed, I feel a lot of things were put into words that I wasn’t sure how to express.  I feel smarter somehow, but also a lot sadder.  Honestly, I think there’s stuff in here put in simple enough terms it’s going to help inform my viewpoints in real life.  That’s a lot.
- “I want to fuck women” was such a powerful and cathartic moment because I’m so used to seeing sapphic sexuality as being sanitized or purified, this innocent “omg i wanna hold a girl’s hand uwu” shit, and it drives me insane.  Like I’m sorry society, but I don’t want to be desexualized into something you’re comfortable with.  I want to fuck women and love with no limits and so that’s why this line was amazing because they could have very easily have said “i like women” or “I want to kiss women” or even “I don’t like men.”  But we got this banger of a confession.  Hell fucking yes, Baru.
- I love that even though most of the characters are pretty big assholes, they each have moments that make them likable, or even sympathetic, if only briefly. 
- I don’t know how to tell Baru this, but I don’t think Mother Pinion or Father Solit are going to forgive her and be like “yeah this was okay.  this was justified.”
-  gonna call it right now, Baru is not going to survive this.  There is no way she’s going to survive this whole thing, get her revenge (or not) and not end up killed, or committing suicide.  Like, there’s just no way.  She’s going to fucking die and I won’t even be mad or even sad in a way just distantly removed like “yep I knew it and it’s the way it had to happen.  Sorry.”
- What I want most from this next book, the Monster Baru Cormorant, is to show more of how beyond fucked up Falcrest is.  I want to see everyone in power, the absolute depravity behind the creation of the Clarified... I want to see all of it fucking burned down. 
- I have the next 2 books on hold at the library and it may take me a while to get through them because holy fuck are they depressing and hard but I need to know how this ends goddammit.  Was Tain Hu’s sacrifice WORTH it?
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smolskxawng · 8 months
Guess who’s alive (barely)
How’s everyone doing? Hope y’all are having an amazing 2024 so far 🫂
I’m here on my hands and knees to beg y’all to forgive me for literally disappearing 🫠
Some really bad things happened to me, the end of last year was very rough and I wasn’t doing very well :(
It really affected the things I loved doing (drawing and writing) and I just couldn’t get back to any of it. it took a big toll on my mental health.
I’m doing relatively better now though, slowly getting back on track!! So I wanted to thank everyone for the sweet messages (and for everything really 🫶)
I’m not officially coming back to finish the fanfic since my will to write accompanies my current obsessions, but I can promise that if my avatar obsession comes back I’ll let y’all know and will get back to it!!
I’m currently back into the Percy Jackson universe lore (since the new book came out😩) I reread pjo and hoo and was thinking about doing some matchups for the characters maybe? I’m not sure yet but whatever new project I start I’ll let y’all know
Again, sorry and thank you for everything ❤️
Tag list: @holysaladapricothero @mahalkomarvel @a-blog-name-2003 @crazy4books1 @camilo-uwu @isazelhmann @mynameisjuno @milktealvrr @myheartfollower @bakugouswaif @kitally @justcallmesams @simp4ff @naynay2808
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moralesmilesanhour · 1 year
I hope I don't bring a wave of discourse to your blog with this but I enjoy your takes on things so I wanted to ask
In your opinion, how do you feel btsv will do with Miles and Gwen's relationship? Would you find it realistic for them to be in a relationship after what happened between them? Would you like it and what would your ideal outcome be?
Me personally as much as I don't like it, but I know there is a strong possibility they will be (because the writers do seem to intend on pushing it) and we all know miles will end up forgiving her (and Peter) for betraying him and just...slapping them together because uwu "Superheros must have romance"
I do feel like that's the direction that the writers seem to be going in lol
But I also think that the Spiderverse movies like to subvert our expectations–even when it makes fans mad–so there's a small part of me in the back if my mind that wonders if they will do that with the main love interests, too. I don't think they'd suggest that Miles and another character are interested in each other for no reason.
One bit that I thought was interesting was how the movie had Miles and Gwen say that "they're the same", only to immediately introduce several other characters who may also relate to Miles. We can only guess what they will do with that in the future because everyone thought that Hobie and Miles would have a rival thing going on, only for that to not be true 🤷🏾‍♀️
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imprettybitchin · 2 years
'note' uwu
My muse has died. Send ‘note’ for a goodbye letter my muse wrote to yours as a precaution, in case something, like it has, should happen Status: Accepting @mikewheelertm
Dear Mike,
I know you’re going to be mad. I’m really sorry. I hope you can forgive me someday, but I do not blame you if you won’t. You already lost me once. I’m sorry that you had to lose me again. I hope that however I died, I saved everyone, or I at least protected you all. 
I know it is silly, but part of me hoped that I could be normal someday. I could go trick or treating, and have a Christmas tree, and all of the other things people seem to have when they do not have powers. I even wrote a “bucket list.” It is in my sketchbook if you want to see it. You would probably laugh at what was in it. 
I am sorry that I put you and everyone else in danger by being around. Selfishly, I am glad I got to meet all of you. You all gave me a life and made me feel like a person when everyone else thought I was just an experiment. 
You were the first person to do all of that for me. You were the first person to say that I was not a monster. You were my first real friend. My first boyfriend, even if we weren’t very good at dating each other. That summer is still the best time of my life. I wish that we all live in that time forever. I wish I could be going out to grab ice cream with you instead of crying and writing this letter. I hope the ink doesn’t smudge too bad. At least you’re the best at figuring out my “chicken scratch.” 
Remember the night we met, I asked you “What is ‘friend’?”
Thank you for teaching me what it meant. 
Love, El
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from-izzy · 8 months
cupid's mistake | tbz kim sunwoo
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“Now that’s a mistake that I can live with.”
​PAIRING » the boyz kim sunwoo x fem!reader (ft. nct's na jaemin) TROPE/AU » friends to lovers, non-idol au!, high school au! GENRE »​ THIS WAS SO FLUFFY UWU, but also add those angsts!!, SLIGHTLY suggestive (one makeout scene, sunwoo leaves kissing marks near your collarbones), love triangle...?, (kinda) slowwww burn, i love supportive and attentive sunwoo who gives so much love to the reader, MUTUAL PINING (they're both blind aye), sunwoo is an idiot because he PUSHES THE READER AWAY GRRR, cliché cause i live for this hehe, sunwoo babysits the reader's little bro (cutie sunwoo), sunwoo is the type to give the reader physical space because she's overwhelmed, reader blushing at sunwoo, a terrible attempt at comedy, oh...i think i'm in love with kim sunwoo again (i literally changed my bias to hyunjae like a month ago---) WORD COUNT » 13,061 (hi yes, izzy is entering her long wc era!!)​ ESTIMATED READING TIME » i'm scared to put this down 😭 forgive me!! WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!) » suggestive!!, reader is a lightweight (not sure if this is a warning), reader uses alcohol to distract herself (sunwoo will come to the rescue tho!; of legal age), reader has a bad schema for men, incredibly fast proofread once
navi/masterlist!! 🤍 part of 'especially to you...'
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hands down the hardest story i've EVER written (including my 40+ wips) and i stopped multiple times because it explores a huge part of my life that makes me super vulnerable. the internet may judge me after this but i'm going to stay strong for myself; they don't know what i've been through.
i'm glad that i have met idols who have at least helped my schema for men. mark lee, na jaemin, cho seungyoun (woodz), lee jaehyun (hyunjae) and kim sunwoo (sorry i was so harsh on you 😭 i'm very thankful for your existence no wonder what anyone else believes and thinks; and people can believe what they want to believe because i'm tired of trying to make them believe something else).
if there is one internet trend (?) that you should take seriously, it's that: not all men are the same.
and you know that. you've seen it with your guy friends and the teachers that you were close to in high school. they're not like the ones who hurt you. i know you're scared and with what you've been through, i would like to at least believe that it's valid. i really hope that you keep going and keep fighting.
thank you for reading @heemingyu @mmoonbaee !! love our chaotic trio!! 🥰
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You’ve rejected Kim Sunwoo before.
Twice, apparently.
It left the rest of your friend group flabbergasted when they heard that you did something so incredible. When asked why you rejected the friend that has stuck with you since the beginning of your hellish high school days, the only response you gave them was a fake smile with your eyebrows knitted together and your eyes roaming around the room, avoiding the intense (and totally unnecessary) curiosity in their gaze.
The truth is that you really do see why people fall in love with Kim Sunwoo.
You agree with the fact that he’s a romantic person and would absolutely take care of his partner well. You can vouch for this with the number of times he almost faceplanted on the very non-slippery cement when he saw you on the other side of the road, excited to finally see his dearest best friend. You can confidently vouch for him when he stubbornly gives his favourite hoodie for you to use, not hesitating to make sure you’re warm even though he knows he’s going to be bedridden. You can brag about your best friend’s selfless personality, telling them how Sunwoo went out of his way to comfort you along the beach at night when you said you were feeling empty.
Out of everyone in the world, you’re the one who knows best that Sunwoo has always been a caring person. Like that time when you both finally became adults and he waited for his first sip of alcohol to be with you. Embarrassingly, you’re much more lightweight than you both thought but even though Sunwoo could barely balance his steps, that didn’t stop him from giving you a piggyback ride walk to your house where he also really embarrassingly this time, actually faceplanted in front of your mother as he misses the step down the stairs when leaving.
So yes, you understand why people have massive heart eyes whenever he’s around.
But to you, he’s just your best friend. One that you hope would be there for you every step of the way even after you go on to the next chapters of your life.
The first confession was a quick one, a simple “Have you ever thought of dating me?” from Sunwoo and with a playful disgusted look, you simply respond with “Ew, no way.”
But the second one is more serious for Sunwoo. His heart was beating so fast that it was strong enough to make his whole body fall onto the ground; maybe it would’ve been better for the Earth to swallow him up so that he’d never have to face you ever again. He didn’t know what took over him and where the sudden urge came from but he meant every single word that he said—and the hues of red and pink on both his cheeks show his true feelings for you (which you missed).
But maybe Sunwoo overestimated how confident he could be around you because as soon as he sputtered “I like you. Should we start dating?” He saw the way your fingers stopped their aggressive tapping on the black squares of your keyboard, freezing and halting for a bit more before your shocked eyes met his nervous ones. Scared to ruin this perfect friendship that he already has with you, he backs out of his words, shaking his head and letting out his forceful rehearsed laugh that got you both kicked out of the library. Though the day could have been the start of something new, he still relished the way he managed to hear at least the rapid complaints fly out of your lips. You’ve been stressed out over the English essay that you’ve been so distant, so at least even though you beat him in a game or rock-paper-scissors for food, the empty wallet that he’s left with after, filled the loneliness in his heart.
Gosh even when you’re mad, he finds you adorable.
But it’s been three years since the second confession and now three years after, Kim Sunwoo is still next to you. Call him a loser—a hopeless romantic—but he would argue the term, telling the people around him that he has his reasons.
“What are we doing for Valentine’s Day?”
The question is not a weird one between you both. Maybe you should’ve said the just-friends boy and girl version of ‘Galentine’s Day’ or whatever the kids these days call it because Sunwoo’s heartbeat would always spike at the mention of the couple’s holiday. He’s always spent the day with you and how could you refuse when he assures you that you can leave your wallet at home?
In truth, he just didn’t want other people to take you out. He tried to fathom the image of you receiving that giant teddy bear, a heart-patterned bow around the neck and maybe the word ‘love’ embroidered on its fluffy white tummy. The only smile in his head is yours and the date that is not him, and he couldn’t help but notice the constricting muscle around his heart and the churning of his stomach.
Kim Sunwoo will always root for you. If your happiness is with someone else, then he wouldn’t dare to take that away from you. He just wants to let you know his true feelings someday—if he could.
Sunwoo swivels his chair around, a quiet hum gave out as an answer for now. He hasn’t thought much about this year, his part-time job and full-time high school student occupying his thoughts a bit too much more than he would like. Usually, he would have a list of things to do but as responsibilities piled up, the wants decreased and with how you’re practically stuck with each other either way, he manages to check off most of the things in his places to go list.
You’re unaware of the longing eyes that fixed upon you as you kept your eyes directed to the ceiling, phone raised above your eyes. You made yourself comfortable on Sunwoo’s bed, his blanket going past your chest and covering your lower body from the blasting air conditioner. Your arms are getting a bit sore but you just want to know if the main characters in the drama would kiss soo—
“Alright, that’s enough internet for you today.” The device is snatched out of your hands, your arms cheering in relief as they plop down on the bouncy material. In refute to his actions, your back straightens but everything happened in a quick three-second interval that you didn’t realise that Sunwoo was already bending down and your forehead collided with his. “Oh my Go—” Sunwoo exclaims, his butt hitting the floor in surprise.
“Serves you right!” You exclaim, begrudgingly rubbing the area with your palm. “Why were you so close?!”
“I was telling you stuff but you weren’t paying attention!”
“You could’ve shouted it!”
“I called your name thrice?!”
“Oh my God! Okay, what was it that you wanted to say?”
All words get stuck in his throat. Even though his head and bottom hurt with the two critical hits at the most unexpected time, he couldn’t help but shy his face away with the way you blew the loose strand that blocks your vision, paired with the slight jut of your little lip as you turn your attention to him.
Sunwoo stutters, gulping when he sees your raised eyebrows from the corner of his eye. “U-Up to you.” Another gulp and wandering eyes, “Is there nothing you want to do?”
“Oh but,” you recall the favour that your mum asked from yesterday. “My mum asked if I could babysit my brother because she has plans already.” Heaving an apologetic sigh, feeling bad for letting Sunwoo down.
“Hey no,” an idea comes to mind as he leisurely crosses his legs. “I love your brother! How about we just spend the day together with him?”
Your eyes narrow suspiciously to the comment he once made about kids, “I thought you said you hate kids.”
“No, I said I hate those who are cuter than me.”
A scandalous gasp from you, “Are you calling my brother ugly?! I’m telling him and my mu—”
“No!” Realising his mistake, he quickly untangles his legs and tackles you back down on the bed instantly, his bigger build toppling over yours easily. “That’s not what I meant! He's an exception!” It's unclear whether his sobs are real or not at this point. “Your mum loves me! Don’t do this to me!”
“Get off me, you stinky raccoon!”
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The gym resonates with the squeaks of sixty-something shoes on its polished surface. The sound easily makes you squirm, hating that it screeches against your eardrums so violently. A chuckle is heard at the sight of the displeasure written on your face.
“Very annoying.” The honey-like voices your thoughts. “Would you like to borrow my headphones for a while?”
Instantly, you’re met with his popular gummy smile, the one that swoons everyone in your school. If people aren’t swooning over your best friend, they most probably are falling for the man who made himself comfortable next to the gym steps where you sat. His features are nothing like Sunwoo’s, softer and more approachable with the way his eyes sparkle even more with the help of the shine from above. Because this isn’t sport class, he wears his everyday uniform, his collar is properly presented and not a single speck of ramen soup makes its mark on the annoyingly white cotton. Even with the physical exercise he did, he still looks dashing and neat, wondering how his messy hair still looks attractive—but then again, men with messy hair have always captivated your heart. Jaemin’s kind personality is the final cherry on top and with how you usually have conversations like these when he’s benched or having a break, you’re certainly one of the girls who is attracted to him in no time. Your brown eyes travel further down his dazzling smile, to the black headset on his open palm.
A wave from Na Jaemin to your dazed face pulls you back to reality and you nod wordlessly to the question before. Like the gentleman he is, Jaemin doesn’t even ask you to turn to him but instead adjusts to your line of vision, slightly making the gap between the earpads bigger before resting the cushion perfectly for you. The way he did so was gentle, even tucking your hair strands behind your ear.
“Better?” Another wordless nod. Jaemin lets out an airy chuckle at your pursed lips, moving back beside you. “Here for Sunwoo?”
“And to kill time, I suppose.”
Your eyes wander back to the boy who’s working hard on the soccer field. It’s a usual routine for you to wait for his weekly soccer training so that you both can walk home together. Usually at this time, your nose would be buried in your textbooks, catching up on the work you missed due to the lack of sleep from the previous night. Usually, as well, the practice would be outdoors, the same squeaky sound being non-existent, the same one that ripped you out of your focus since the start of the practice round.
The whistle blares and the coach shouts at the team for a five-minute break. Sunwoo stops his jogging, hands on his knees as he leans to catch his breath while the rest of the team sends encouraging slaps on his back to their dear captain. Sunwoo sends a playful one back to their buttcheeks, the rowdy group enjoying the little gap before they have to get back in the zone. But this is when Sunwoo’s eyes fall upon his teammate and his best friend not too far away. His eyes soften at the way you just blink at Jaemin’s smile, betting that you’re not paying attention to a single thing that he’s saying. Unconsciously, he doesn’t realise how his hands clenched at the growing redness on your cheeks but Sunwoo doesn’t look away even when he walks to get his water bottle.
“Oh.” Eric teasingly remarks. “That’s not a good look, Sunwoo.”
“Shut up.” He mumbles back to his closest teammate. Even though he forces his back on you, he can’t help but steal obvious lovesick glances back.
“Jaemin said he’s going to ask your dearest bestie out on a date for Valentine's.”
Sunwoo tries his best not to let the comment get to him. “Well, she’s busy already.”
“With you?” Eric questions his trailing voice. “The guy she rejected?”
“Shut up!” Sunwoo groans to the boy, swinging his arm around his neck for a headlock. “You’re actually so annoying, Sohn. The whole cohort knows because of you!”
The poor boy begs for mercy, sending hits to his friend’s stomach. And Sunwoo does let go, poking his tongue out at the boy after. Overdramatically, Eric sends one back, calling mischievous names to the boy who is looking over to you once more. He couldn’t force himself to look away from the vital information that Eric said. Without knowing, his feet stride over to you both, finally catching the words from Jaemin’s moving lips.
“Can I take you out on Valentine’s Day? Are you free?”
Sunwoo sees the gears turning in your head and he pleads that you would reject the offer, pleading that you didn’t forget your words from last night. He’s looking forward to the day, especially when he researched a bunch of things that your brother likes, combining with the things you like to make sure the day will be well spent. But the breath he takes stops at his throat when you just continue to stare at Jaemin with wide eyes. Sunwoo might’ve imagined it, but he swears he could see the corner of your lips rising, your head probably thinking of a fun, romantic date with Jaemin.
It’s obvious to him even on the other side of the gym, that Cupid has shot his arrow.
The answer didn’t come from you, the response was too deep to be your timbre. The headphones did their job well, masking Sunwoo’s steps and leaving you confused by the clear and loud answer he gave. Excited at the confirmation of your empty schedule, Sunwoo’s heart churns at the way Jaemin excitedly holds your hands, turning your confused head tilt to him into another blushing one. Unfortunately, you were unable to say a word to any of the two boys, the coach beckoning everyone in the team over for the final part of their practice.
Faintly, you hear Jaemin saying that he’ll contact you and that you can return his headphones tomorrow in class. You just watch the way Jaemin hops back to the rest of the team while Sunwoo follows closely behind, his shoulders slightly slumping as he drags his feet to make that noise you hate.
The walk home isn’t as bad as you thought it would be. Sunwoo acts like the gym didn’t happen and you raise your eyebrows at his suspicious actions of him walking slightly in front of you even though he still talks about the parts of the day when you weren’t with him. With the slight gap, you observe the way his front bangs slump over his vision, covering his sullen eyes. The hands inside his pockets continue to tense and he tries his best to ignore the obvious crease between your eyebrows. He doesn’t even question the short answers you came up with in his storytelling. Even now as you arrive at your front door, Sunwoo doesn’t bring the topic up, choosing to send his usual smile and ‘see you tomorrow’.
But you refuse to let his actions go. “What was that all about back there?”
It puts Sunwoo’s feet rooted to the ground and he feigns an innocent look. “You know,” he starts now with a smirk on his face, “Na Jaemin could totally figure out that you have the biggest crush on him with the way you looked at him with those googly eyes of yours.”
“I do not have googly eyes when I look at Na Jaemin!”
“Sure, you don’t.” Rolling his eyes, “You were close to drolling over him back there.”
You could tell that he was just avoiding the subject and prolonging touching it until you just let it go. “Sunwoo.” The tone of your voice tells him that you're seriously looking for answers, “Why’d you say that back there? I thought we were babysitting my brother together?”
“It’s fine.” He swats his hand in the air. “You go have fun and I’ll look over the child myself.”
“But I—”
“Can you just stop complaining and go in? I’m tired from practice.” Sunwoo cuts you off, turning the doorknob and pushing you in with small strength. “See you tomorrow!”
He does close the door on your face, ignoring the inhale you take and walking away before you start rebutting his words. But with that, you also missed telling Sunwoo of your mum who stands leisurely behind him and when your mum greets him, Sunwoo gets the scare of his life, yelping and crouching to the floor, a hand over his chest.
“Serves him right for cutting me off twice.”
At this time, you didn’t realise the ache in your heart, too busy chuckling at his misery as your mum helped the poor boy before he disappeared out of your sight with multiple polite bows.
Now, Sunwoo is left to wallow in his stupidity. The devil in his head even shakes his head disapprovingly and the angel desperately tries to cheer him up, telling him that everything will be fine but it has no effect on the distraught boy. He lets out all the swear words that he knows, mumbling them to himself, criticising his past actions. A headache starts to form and he is unable to walk a straight line on the well-leveled road.
“You’re an idiot, Kim Sunwoo.”
He replays the earlier scene. The way your eyes fall on Jaemin fondly, the way all words seem to be lost when he speaks to you and the way you freeze when Jaemin holds your hand in his. His feet stop dragging on the stone when he spots an ice cream truck and the sweet fragrance of your favourite flavour. Even with small things like this, he thinks of you.
He observes the two friends who approach the vehicle, recognising the uniform as the same as the ones he has on. Judging by the satisfaction on the girl’s face and the complaints of the boy, Sunwoo assumes that the shorter one probably won a bet or something. His mind wanders to you once more, the dynamic of his two underclassmen similar to the one he shares with you.
More calm and accepting that he has probably lost you to Na Jaemin, if asked why he still chooses to stick with you after two rejections, Kim Sunwoo can.
The fastest and simple answer is that you don’t have a good schema for love. It was shattered the moment that you found out that your dad cheated on your mum four years ago. Your family fell apart shortly after your dad packed everything and left, leaving your mum alone as the sole parent when you were still trying to fully understand the world around you.
The rest of the world doesn't see how the separation affected you. However, Sunwoo was there during the times when you cried your eyes out, taking the frustrated punches on his chest, when you declared that you would never fall in love, scared of falling into the same fate as your mother especially when your dad has always voiced out that he loves his family and would always stay with them.
The world doesn't see how you hide behind his reassuring back whenever a male is too close for your liking. They don't see how you practically hold onto his arm with anxiety after a person confesses to you even though you're thankful that they look at you fondly. They don't see the fear in your eyes like Sunwoo has seen every single part of it.
When you would tease each other, like the time when he tackles you onto the bed, that's an exception. Sunwoo has always paid attention to your actions, both conscious and unconscious. He knows all about when you and when to keep his distance.
Thirty centimetres, sixty sometimes, and he would always wait for you to close the gap, stealing glances behind to make sure you were still following. Ninety-nine point nine per cent of the time, you would pick up your pace and Sunwoo would purposely slow down and the gap between the side of his arm and body would get bigger with each step you grow closer to him. When you clutch onto his arm again, he sends you that understanding gaze, mouthing a little 'hi' or 'hello' before facing forward again with newfound happiness.
The other point one is you asking if he could come back to stand beside you. But again, he would never ever touch you first and even when you arrive at your doorstep with no progress, Sunwoo would still look at you, reminding you of how proud he is and winks playfully to lift the corners of your lips before sending his 'see you tomorrow' still with happiness as his main aura.
It breaks Sunwoo’s heart whenever he sees you like that. That's the reason why he took his second confession back.
So when Kim Sunwoo, selfless and rooting for your genuine happiness, sees the different gaze that you send Na Jaemin, he can’t help but push his feelings aside. Plus, Na Jaemin is a good guy so he feels more reassured setting you up with the ace striker in the soccer team.
Cupid frowns down at the boy, his wings flapping sadly at the fake smile he puts on as he continues his walk home. It’s strange how he found himself sad for the dejected boy.
“Truly an idiot you are, Kim Sunwoo.”
Back home, you rewarded yourself with a warm shower. Though your physical body was able to let loose under the light sprinkles, your eyes couldn't help but mix in the metallic water with your salty ones. The water pressure manages to swallow most of your cries but the mirror doesn't lie when you see your red eyes after.
The gulp you took is painfully dry, tired from the tears from earlier. Your reach for the bathrobe is slow, letting the air cool touch your slightly red skin after the temperature. “At least he made it clear that he doesn't like me in that way.”
The knocks against the nearby room beckons a ‘Come in!’ from you and you quickly run the sides of your fingers on your eyebags as soon as you register the young boy from the mirror.
“Sis!” Dashing towards you, headbutting your back, “I heard Ddeonu hyung will be here tomorrow night!”
It's endearing to see how the news makes the little one jump, both his hands on your arm for support. A hand ruffles his already messy nest, “Be good tomorrow, okay?”
And the response morphs the smile upside down, “You’re not gonna be with us?”
Overloading with cuteness, you couldn't help but swivel around on your vanity chair towards your sibling, your hands pressing his cheeks, “With or without me, you're going to be with Sunwoo all day anyways!” Remembering all the times when he preferred to be in Sunwoo’s arms over yours, “Just don't make the poor raccoon run around too much, okay? He's getting old.”
“Does that mean he will fly to the cloud soon?”
“No, no.” Making a mental note to tell Sunwoo and imagining the way his jaw would drop at the wild question, “He's just old and tired now.”
Though confused at the repeated answer, the child seems to let it go, shrugging in satisfaction anyway at the plans for tomorrow. The smile upturned once more and you lift the boy much to his happiness, kicking his legs when you adjust his posture on your vanity table.
“Makeup!” He exclaimed about the objects around him, open palms to mimic a twinkling motion in the air.
“Makeup!” You echo, grabbing the cushion foundation. “Do you want to make me into a Princess?”
Obviously, he would not reject the offer, snatching the round object into his palm and patting the powder onto your neck.
“I'm going to make you the prettiest sister ever and raccoon hyung won't be able to take his eyes off you!”
Cupid shakes his head once more, his belly lying on the puffy cloud. He rests his chin on his palm, wondering how the similar-sized boy is more likable to him than the two blind adults—but it's obvious because he's not the stupid one.
“Well,” clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, “this one is an idiot too.”
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Leading up to Valentine's Day, you thought at the very least you could spend the missed day with Sunwoo but he's more than adamant about pushing you to Jaemin. Whenever he saw a window of opportunity, he would call the boy over, a big waving motion from his hand in the air.
Whenever Jaemin spots you, every part of his face lights up and yours is supposed to reciprocate the stars in his eyes. But how could you even see it when all you see is the whole universe in Sunwoo’s ones instead?
The realisation that it has always been Sunwoo scares you and it terrifies you even more that the same boy who has always given his heart to you is making the gap between you both larger, further away, more and more within arms reach for your comfort. At first, it was confusion but then every part of your aching heart just longed for his presence beside yours once more.
Jaemin reminds you of the date one last time, the final text before you part ways at the school entrance is bolded, italicised and underlined. And Sunwoo? He intruded the house way earlier than everyone expected but judging from the open arms from your mother and the way you could hear your brother’s shrieking from the other side of the house, it's obvious that you’re the only one who’s dreading the early visitor.
Speaking of the visitor, your brother made himself comfortable by sitting on his neck, hands gripping his hair to make two little pigtails. Seeing Sunwoo fit right into your family from the very start has always been heartwarming and you would've told your brother to pull on two tails if you weren't busy avoiding his eyes from the mirror.
“Look!” Sunwoo gasps to your brother, finger pointing to you, “Your sister is so pretty, isn't she?”
And it became ten times harder to keep your tears from falling.
“Thanks.” You managed to seeth out from gritted teeth.
“Come on! You're going to be late.” Reminding you of the long hand of the clock reaching the top of the circle when Jaemin promised to pick you up. “Which bag are you using?”
It's heartbreaking to see him just walk past you after the compliment, whistling leisurely as he looks through the pile of bags on the side hook of your wardrobe. You found yourself looking down at your lap, trying to shake off the nervousness and anxiety in your mind. You try your best to focus on the tension of your gripping fists, letting go and repeating to ground yourself back. The tears are starting to blur your vision but you push the sleeves of your outerwear over your knuckles and smudge them away.
The way that Sunwoo still entertains your brother as he takes the body of the bag in your direction, humming intently to see if the colour of your outfit will clash with the accessory, brings your emotions to their peak and you just want to run away from this situation. He settles on one, a victorious exclamation falling from his lips and begins stuffing your necessities himself.
“Phone,” checking off the mental list, “keys and wallet.” Your brother pointing at the lone lipstick left at the centre of the painted surface, “Ah! This too!” Putting the closed cylinder inside the small purse before the metal zips and is carefully balanced on your shoulder.
Your thankful mutter didn't go unheard by Sunwoo and so did the tinge of makeup on the sleeve that you used when he looked away for a brief moment.
“Hey!” Sunwoo cranes his head to speak to the younger, curious eyes. “Why don't you go on ahead first and pick what ramen you want?”
The kicking of his heels against his chest made him wince a bit, quickly putting your younger brother where he dashes off with his favourite food.
Throughout the whole exchange, it once again confirms the fact that Sunwoo is truly loving to the people around him. The way that he tries not to disappoint your brother, even if there are probably bruises forming from his kicking, the way that he peels his head out to make sure your brother is taking careful steps to the kitchen and finally, the beaming but adoration in his eyes when he finally lands on the casual outfit you're wearing.
“Wow.” A breathless chuckle, head empty with the sight of you.
His cheeks flushed and he couldn't help but stare at your stunning choice of outfit—if hoodies and no makeup could make his heart jump out of his chest, then he should go to the hospital because of your off-the-shoulder white top paired with the beige pleated skirt and cardigan.
“Okay?” You ask timidly, “L-Like, do I look okay?”
“You're stunning.” He says truthfully that your body goes numb, looking away from the sparkles in his eyes.
Now, that's new. “Hey…” Taking steps towards you, “What's wrong?”
But your heart is fighting so hard that you feel like you're about to give up. If Sunwoo is going to reject you, then you just want him to do it so that you can forget about all this and just go back to pretending that you will never have heart-shaped eyes for Kim Sunwoo ever again.
“Y-You’re okay with this?” The leather of your bag crinkles at your gripping question.
“Yeah,” Sunwoo answers. “Don't worry. Jaemin is a great guy.”
Your eyes widen at the comment, “No, I-I know that bu—”
But Sunwoo suddenly zooms into your face, even bending his back to make sure that you wouldn't miss the pout on his handsome face. His eyes landed on your lip-touched makeup, “Wait, can I have your lipstick? Let me retouch it for you.”
You couldn't even refute, feeling the cooling pink painting your lips, contrasting the palm on your cheek that steadies the delicate work on your lips. Why did he bother asking if he was just going to retrieve it himself? You're thankful Sunwoo can't multitask, missing the glimmer in your orbs as you try your best to keep your lips from shaking like your legs are slowly becoming. It’s clear that he didn’t know how to properly manoeuver the brush on your lips but you find yourself forgiving him even if your lips become a mess after this.
The defeated groans from his lips only made your heart swell and you take your time to look at him as if you’ve never done so before; from his eyelashes that flutter prettily, to his tongue that pokes out in concentration, it’s crazy how handsome someone can be when he's not doing anything special. The pads of his finger spread the colour, smacking his lips as a sign for you to copy which you eventually do.
“Done!” And just when your heart thought it could finally get a break, Sunwoo decides to play with it a bit more, fishing out a snap hair clip. His hands smooth any bumps that aren’t visible to the naked eye. A hand holds the side of your head gently, the other sliding the gift across your scalp carefully. “Alright, now let’s go!”
Your tears are so incredibly close to flowing but the lights of your room die like every hope of telling Sunwoo that you’re not as excited as he is for the night to come. But if this is Sunwoo’s way of completely rejecting any romantic feelings for you, then what can you do except to trudge down your hallway where even your brother wishes that you would have a fun time? The smile on your lips doesn’t reach your eyes when both boys remind you not to come home late in addition to Sunwoo’s “Text or call me if you need anything!”
You spare a final glance at the two, sombre smile plastered on your face. The last face you see is Sunwoo’s whose eyes still held on a smile even though yours has been wiped away. Maybe it was supposed to encourage you or maybe it’s nothing and you’re just reading too deep into it but if there’s one thing you know is that the night with Jaemin, even though he is a well-mannered man, a gentleman inside and out, your head couldn’t help but wish that it was Sunwoo who took you to the arcade, making sure your arms are filled with snacks and drinks.
You wished that after that, no one was there to pull your chair out, instead laughing at the way you almost tripped on air while trying to sit down. You wished that you could’ve just stared at the menu in contemplation and for Sunwoo to just choose for you so that he could silence the growling in his stomach.
Cursing the famous day as well, seeing the love around you, the couples enamoured by their partners all around you, it only made the guilt inside grow further.
By the time the night is spent, Jaemin knows that his feelings aren't reciprocated. First, it's the way you ask him to repeat his words multiple times. Second, it's the way that your eyes are blank, just your orbs staring into space. Third, it's the way that you try to discreetly check your smartwatch for notifications from your best friend at your home.
“I'm sorry.” Jaemin chuckles in response after he softly calls you out.
The boy shakes his head, hands inside his pants pockets. “I knew that you didn't like me. I guess I just wanted a chance to maybe change that once.” But then he sighs an understanding sigh, closing his eyes before fluttering them back at you, “but you're too far gone into your feelings to realise what I've been doing.”
Your eyes welled up with tears, apologetic at his words and Jaemin couldn't do much but give words of comfort after you explicitly stumbled away from his reaching hand, asking for physical space. You mutter a million apologies for today but Jaemin is respectful, convincing you that the friendship between you both won't change and that eases your mind.
“Should I text Sunwoo?” He carefully asks. “To pick you up.”
A shake of your head is what had Jaemin’s eyebrow furrowing. “It’s okay. I’ll text him right now.”
And though your makeup is a mess, transferring onto the sleeves of your cardigan more, Jaemin still thinks you're stunning, the clenching of his heart intensifying at the glitter you still managed to hold. Jaemin leaves you alone in a convenience store near your favourite beach and somehow, you manage to convince him to go on ahead first, leaving your thoughts alone in the night of love.
Your feet routinely take you along the beachside, taking shelter at the convenience store for a while, grabbing drinks and food to aid your broken heart. When you crouch for the bottle at the bottom shelf, your mind just has to remind you that someone wouldn't even let you do this, always protecting you from any wardrobe malfunction.
Your knees finally give out and the back of your thighs meet with the back of your lower leg. Your hands only clutche on the neck of the green bottle while you hide your distressed face behind the curtains that your hair made.
Thinking of it all infuriates you.
Why can't you just be more trusting towards others? Believe that not all of them are out to ridicule or make fun of you.
“Sunwoo…” You couldn't help but mumble as your tears finally painted your beige skirt darker.
Thankfully you were able to keep your emotions somewhat at bay, straightening your posture with the cooling drink in one hold. The cashier could only offer you an encouraging speech and an empathetic smile as soon as she saw the trail on your cheeks. The gesture is needed but the anxiety still weighs on your chest deeply. She must've thought that you've gone through a huge breakup on this unfortunate pinky day but you think the internal agony is worse.
For the last few hours or so, Sunwoo has been updating you with your baby brother through pictures. If only the pictures were just about the younger one and not a duo picture that once again shows that Sunwoo is a keeper when it comes to babysitting. The device is stashed in the bag that he chose from you earlier but if you could, you could honestly feed it to the sharks on the beach in front of you.
The wind provided you company, hitting your red apple-coloured cheeks to balance your rising temperature. You knew you shouldn't drink alone especially when the moon was high in the sky but you couldn't help but bask in the tide that hit the sand, pulling everything back into the body of water.
The tips of your toes are drenched and you would usually be running further away as soon as water hit your ankles but you didn't want to. It’s times like these that you’re thankful for the invention of safety shorts as you're able to sit in any posture you like without worrying. Your knees constantly bend and straighten, dragging the sand along with it and at this point, you've created a shallow hole.
“I mean,” you slur, “I’m so comfortable with Sunwoo so why can't I be the same with the others?” your eyes could only shut in self-contempt from today’s date, “And Jaemin was so respectful to me too…”
It’s frustrating that you can't trust others when they've done nothing wrong. The only thing that responded to the strike down your cheek was the last drop of liquid courage; now even objects have started mocking you.
“I have to stop relying on him,” a hiccup and a humourless laugh. “When he gets a girlfriend…” the thought cracks your heart into pieces and your knee grows closer to your chest, “Gosh, what am I doing?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
The deep voice and a couple of deep breaths made you turn back so quickly that you fell over sideways. The boy momentarily scolds you even more, grumbling, pointing at your ruined shoes tossed aside in the sand and exhaling whilst turning his head away to catch a break from the soaked ends of your outerwear. When the worry envelops him again, Sunwoo takes a better look at your state.
His tongue clicks against the roof of his mouth loudly and the crease between his eyebrows only deepens each time his eye focuses to another part of your face.
“Did you drink?! Alone?! I told you not to drink without me!”
His initial volume made you jump a bit, especially with how he directly circles behind you to pick up the discarded, lonely bottle. Sunwoo's nagging continues, crouching beside you to your eye level with the bottle making tunes from the wind. The pout answers him, along with the way your fingers fiddle on the hem of your sleeves. You had no intention of voicing out the answer now that he knows so you just say something else.
“You actually came…”
The ‘something else’ did make his ramble stop and his intense features started to soften and melt away when your words hit him.
“Of course, I came.” Reassurance above the whispering wind, “You texted me.”
Your lips couldn't even gape open with a response because Sunwoo takes a couple of steps back, away from you. Though his body is still facing yours with his shoes pointing at you and arms around his knees, the safe distance is what makes your head hurt at the many things you could say to him.
“Did you put him to sleep?” You opted for this conversation instead.
Sunwoo’s nods just got in your peripheral vision, but your nod is the centre of his.
You let the wind break you even more, not even raising your hand to move the strands that became trapped between your lower and upper eyelids, tickling your eyes when it finally is freed. Without a doubt, you know that Sunwoo is just watching you patiently, waiting for you to tell him to drop you home or to at least talk about the night whether it be his or yours. Your nervous system couldn't help but relax in his presence.
Inside, Sunwoo wants something from you too. An indication to move further and to close the thirty-centimetre gap he has created. Just anything so that he could finally leave the coldness that nips at his trembling skin. His bangs brushes over his sight but he still has a clear view of you. The side of his head only rests on his arm as he just stares at you, humming a tune that hopefully reaches you.
“Do you like someone?”
A series of stuttering and unsure hums came from him. Your knees push against your chest hard, burying your head between them. Soon enough, you're convinced that the pressure is what kept your heart together after the affirmative answer.
“I…” Here goes nothing, “was supposed to be with her today and maybe ask her out officially but she had other plans and so did I.”
“Oh.” You didn't know if he heard it. You kind of wished he didn't because of how sore your throat suddenly feels. “I’m sorry, I should've been the one to take care of my brother inste—”
“She was busy too,” Sunwoo repeated, words clearer and punctuated. “It doesn't matt—”
“Will I be able to trust anyone again?”
“Will someone ever love me the same way that you love her?”
The thoughts haunt you every night when you're asleep and now that you finally share it with someone, you lose yourself in the alcohol and blurt out the impulsive thoughts.
“W-Whoa.” Sunwoo nervously chuckles. “Did the date really go that ba—”
“Do I know her?”
“Tell me. Let me make sure she's a good person.”
The only response you get is a low groan and sigh; both from Sunwoo and the guardian Cupid above you both. The moonlight twinkles the curve of the forgotten bottle but it reminds Sunwoo that you're not in your right state of mind and that you're just pressing to get the thoughts out of your head rather than truly looking for answers.
For the first time, Sunwoo took action, dusting his clothes from the damp sand. You merely watch with half-hooded eyes as he strides against the swallowing sand, your head slowly turning from the side to the front where he settles himself. Sunwoo gives you a soft tug of the corner of his lips and his dancing bangs only make him all the more attractive. He tests the waters, holding his hand out to reach yours, permission to touch you through his gaze. When you nod, he doesn't hesitate to share his body warmth starting from his bigger palms, relieved at how you seem to let out a breath that you have been holding.
“Deep breaths, bubs.”
The nickname makes you swoon and makes his instructions unclear. Though the pounding on the side of your head makes it hard for you to morph Sunwoo’s clone together, the name managed to at least get your attention. With this, he didn’t mind the way his clothes drank the seawater when he kneeled, even dragging his fabric across the surface. Sunwoo responds with a jut of his lower lip when you just shoot him a glare but your act disappears when he opens his arms wide. Without any further hesitation, your forehead rests on his chest. One of his hands cups the curve of your waist and the other threads through your silky hair. The act makes your body shudder and you find your arms start to hold his middle even tighter when he collects your hair and tosses it over to a side, his palm now covering your whole nape.
“You’re alright.” Sunwoo muses. His diverts to yours and maybe you’re just imagining the adoration dripping from his eyes but you couldn’t help to speak a bit of your mind.
“You're doing it again…”
“Doing what?”
You didn't give him a verbal answer, the shake of your head and the whines you gave were enough for him to just embrace you into his presence. Sunwoo hides you from the world when he sees the tears brimming across the eyes that he’s fallen for. Daring, he presses a kiss on the top of your head, smiling fondly at your more balanced breathing.
“Let’s go home?” The shake of your head made Sunwoo rake for more ideas. “Wanna have a sleepover at my house then?”
“No.” Muffled answer from his chest. “You’re just going to make me sleep on the floor.”
“Hey! You lost the bet last time! Don’t blame your skill issue with rock-paper-scissors on me!”
“Fine then! I’ll just stay here for the rest of the night!”
Oh, he's so in love with you. Sunwoo only coos, his heart fluttering and content when you respond to the playful war that he wages.
“I’ll let you take the bed.” A raised eyebrow is what you offer him with when you crane your head and Sunwoo could tell the suspicion that you had against his words. “I’m serious!”
A roll of his eyes and a scoff, “As if I’ll let you take the floor knowing that you’ll be hungover tomorrow.”
“Well,” a shaky inhale, “you could.”
“Yeah?” This time it’s his turn to have an eyebrow raised. “Why would I do that?”
“Because when you go off and date someone, you won’t be able to keep doing whatever this is.”
“Yeah?” He repeats himself, desperate for a little bit more of your feelings. At least let me down properly, he thinks to himself. “And what happens if I don’t want to put my focus on someone else? What happens if I just want to keep focusing on you? What happens if I just want you in my life and no one else?”
Now, Sunwoo’s hands grip a hold on your upper forearm and pull you away from his body. The moonlight finally reaches your face and Sunwoo observes you thinking, his eyes boring into yours, silently pleading for some sort of indication that would end the pink and red swirls in his eyes whenever he catches even a glimpse of your figure.
“Then I would tell you that I like you and that I have for the longest time.”
Are drunken thoughts still sober thoughts in this situation?
Sunwoo’s head dips dangerously close and it takes everything in him to not press his lips onto yours. If you even allowed any words that imply that he may have taken your heart, he told himself he would look away even if it meant burying himself into the ground and never seeing civilisation ever again. The struggle is written all over his face: the tight wrinkles around his eyes that accommodate the crashing of his eyebrows, the protective hold he has on you and the way he presses his forehead onto yours with his hair tickling you, quiet exhales leaving his lips.
“Please don’t do this to me,” he pleads, “You’re drunk and I’m trying to not cross the line.”
“Cross it…” Mellow and enchanting. “I give you my consent.”
“Don’t.” He grits and tries to still his heart. “I can't…”
“Kiss me, Woo.”
Sunwoo swore that his heart almost leapt out of his chest when his eyes shot open, immediately growing bigger with how you nudged the tip of your nose to his. His temperature receptors feel the shift of the warmer air growing closer to his lips and he can’t help but focus on the way your eyelids flutter close.
The attraction is fatal and so is the small distance left. Unconsciously, even though it’s wrong, he couldn’t help but adjust his position, wanting to claim you as his even if it’s just for a while. Just when your lips are mere millimetres away from touching, Sunwoo denies the touch of heaven, the angel inside gets his hands to fly and block the intimate act with his fingers. A hand cups your cheek, tracing along your jawline and a thumb slots in between your plump lips from reaching his. His breath hitches when you peek at the smooth surface, void of the curves that you were expecting. He watches the stars fade from your eyes, replacing them with a wall that he couldn’t decipher.
Through his eyelashes that flutter quietly and the painful gulp, he prompts you once again, “Let’s go home.” More resolute and grounded than before. “We can talk about this tomorrow.”
The thumb did leave the presence on your cupid’s bow but lingers at your lip’s bottom edge. Sunwoo watches as your lips bounce back after he lightly pulls it down and he sees the dullness from your eyes with every single second that passes. He shoves his sleeves past his fingertips, wrapping the grey around his pointer and starts to collect your confusion on his sleeves.
“I-I’m sorry.”
He could tell it was genuine and he assumed that you might’ve sobered up a little bit within the last couple of seconds. Sunwoo met your forehead once again with his thumb that still held you like you were as fragile as the glass bottle that had been discarded.
“Please don’t leave me.”
“I’m not going to leave you. Don’t even bother to think of those things ever again.” He reassures your muddled-up mind. “I’m going to pick you up, okay?”
Between your hazy vision and the churning of your stomach, the only indication you could give is a nod and outstretched arms towards his now-standing figure. Sunwoo adoringly chuckles, bending down and supporting your weight by scooping you up by your waist. He kept your body close to his even when he turned around and kneeled, patting his back for you to slump over.
Out of energy, your arms lazily dangled during the walk, elbows resting on his shoulders during the whole walk. Truth be told, his back aches because you couldn’t get a proper grip on him but he knows as soon as he straightens his back to a more comfortable position, you might actually hit your head and wake up in the hospital. The walk back to his car is quiet, chattering filling the background noise. If you’re awake, you can feel the shaking of his thighs as he carefully rests you on the cushioned seat, an arm coming over his head onto the back of yours as a safety measure from the upper door frame. Without a single sound from you, he successfully buckles you securely in the front seat. Your coat is gently undressed from you to be used to cover your legs, the short skirt only makes you shiver in the night.
“Why do cars always sound so loud?”
Sunwoo complains when he twists the car key to start the engine. His eyes fall to you again, observing your sleeping figure who is unaware of the little jumps and loops his heart made. His pointer reaches over to the loose strands that tickle the front of your face. From the back of your ear, he holds his breath at your slightly gaped lips that pull him closer, drawing him nearer to share a kiss with you. Why did you have to look so stunning despite the reeking alcohol that only becomes stronger in the small space?
Though faint, his reflection from the front window stares at him and he can’t help but sink further into the seat, wanting to hide and run away from himself. “Will you ever look at me the same way?” he grumbles hopelessly into the palms that shield him from reality before driving towards his house.
The exhaustion from the eventful day finally washes over him as soon as he parks his car in one go. Usually, you would give an impressed look and Sunwoo would wiggle his eyebrows when you only scoff at his achievements. The connecting door to his house opens, throwing his things inside the hallway without much thought before jogging back to your side. His eyes narrow, concentrating on making as minimal noises as he can whilst opening the metal surface that separates you and him. A hand pushes on the door while the other does the contrasting action with the handle to avoid the loud click that vehicles make. Thankfully your head isn’t resting on the door, something that he made sure didn’t happen so that you could rest in his house without the bumps of the road lifting your head and slamming it back down due to ruthless gravity.
And as much as Cupid’s curly blonde hair is between all the sides of his fingers, he mastered the art of patience and ‘trusting the process’ as he took a series of deep inhales.
Throughout the whole time, Cupid is impressed at how blind you both prove to be. It’s obvious now as he pays attention to the way Sunwoo treats you and the way that you desperately clutch on his jacket that you both are more than best friends. He ponders if he should shoot another arrow even though the initial one he shot is showing progress.
In this line of work, where he’s used to shooting, and observing for a while before going to another potential couple, he seems to be stuck with the couple in front of him. Up until now, he has never thought to shoot the second arrow that is reserved for a couple that makes him look away distastefully. He’s never met one that makes him take them out of their trance as it’s obvious it became more bad than good for them but what he’s twirling in his hand is not that.
But he starts to think about his decisions whenever you're hurting because of the world and he starts to think of the shatter in Sunwoo’s heart whenever he's around you.
Is it worth it to have you both come together?
“But you know,” the arrow stops between his pointer and thumb, the crest hitting the perimeter of the stationary cloud. Cupid continues to peer over the two, finding himself squealing with the way Sunwoo continues to make teasing jokes to make sure you don’t fall asleep behind the bathroom door while brushing your teeth and changing into your favourite hoodie of his. “I don’t think shooting one towards these two will do much.”
He smiles knowingly, completely immersed in the way that Sunwoo hops over to cradle your head into his chest as soon as you open the door. Your mind is still under the scorching forty percent but you didn't miss the way Sunwoo’s fingers rub on your exposed thigh when he brings you to his bed bridal style.
And if he shoots another arrow?
Oh, Cupid knows that you’re both more than just teenagers in love. Especially in your case, terrified, and for Sunwoo who just wants to see you happy—another arrow means nothing if you both don’t learn and figure out this obstacle yourselves.
With Sunwoo’s help, you’re snugged underneath his blanket, pulling it up to your nose, just the way you like it. The laundry detergent brings you rest, and your brain immediately relaxes as it associates the scent with safety. Your body rests on its side and you watch Sunwoo as he takes a kneeling position on the side of his bed, taking his hand to yours while his other forearm rests on the bouncy futon. The act makes his heartbeat increase once more. “Sunwoo.” The boy only keeps his affectionate eyes on yours while he strokes your hair. “Thank you for picking me up.”
The brushes of his thumb on the back of your palm could lull you to sleep. “Can I sleep on the living room couch today then?” Mischievously suggesting, knowing how much you would complain about leaving you alone in the room for the whole night.
The question makes you pout awake again, “You’re going to leave me?” Maybe you weren’t up for the joke and Sunwoo smiles sadly, clearing his throat and shaking his head assuringly.
“I’m just joking with you.” An airy laugh seeped out from his lips. “I’ll sleep on the floor.” Pointing at the unoccupied space behind him. “Don’t worry.”
“Or you can sleep next to me…”
Cupid feels the tension in the air after your suggestion. He propels the bed of clouds, flying closer to have a better view of you two. He’s so invested in the way Sunwoo softly looks at you that the shake of his head after some thinking makes him scream once more, burying his face into the white puff of air.
“Why not?” You scooted against his bed, making space to prove your point that the bed was big enough for you both. “It’s not like we’ve never done it before…”
“I know.” Sunwoo stands from his kneeling position but you refuse to let go of his hand. Instead, your hands slide up from his wrist to entangle them between his fingers. “Bubs…”
“I’m scared.” That’s all it took for Sunwoo’s knees to hit the floor again, coming closer to you. “What if I do manage to fall in love but then I just get hurt?”
“Then he’ll deal with me.” It elicits a whimper from you and your vision suddenly blurs once more. The tears brim up more when Sunwoo’s hand cups to rest against the apple of your cheeks with his knuckles, brushing in a circular motion. “Love them, it’s okay.”
The pressure you’re exerting on his fingers makes him furrow his eyebrows. “You’re okay with that?”
“If he makes you happy then I’m okay with that, yes. If he is the one that will make you believe in love again, then yes.” And his shoulders shrug, not as a way to say that he doesn’t care about your feelings because he does—everyone how much he cares for you. “I just want you to be happy.”
“Then make me happy.”
There it is again.
The implication that makes his eyes dart his focus from your heavy eyelids to the small gap between your lips. It travels down to your joined hands that lay next to your plump lips. He loves it. The sight of your hands, intertwining beautifully between his and the way that you’re holding him close to you as if his presence is a gift—if only he knew how much you treasure him.
“Get some sleep okay?” Ignoring it once more by throwing his eyes to his lap.
By some miracle, Sunwoo manages to break free from your hands but not before he wipes away the leftover final drops from your doe eyes. He didn’t completely leave your side just yet though. Sunwoo just sinks his right forearm on the edge of his bed, his left on top before resting his chin later on. His eyes blinked and he held the momentary darkness for a few seconds longer before opening them again. You understand, nodding defeatedly. With Sunwoo looking over you, admiring you even though he’s much more exhausted after running around your house with an energetic child, you were able to finally slumber off to sleep. He only thought about standing when heard your drowsy breathing becoming soft snores. Even then, his hand snakes behind your nape and under all your strands, pulling your luscious locks up to hang over his pillow and leaving the cold air to cool your exposed skin.
“I love you.”
And that’s when Cupid made up his mind.
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The first thing that greets you when the flock of birds chirps too loudly for your liking is the gutting feeling of wanting to run down to the toilet bowl and empty the contents of your stomach. The second thing that hits you is the desert down your throat, your hand blindly rummaging on the bedside table to find the familiar shape of your water bottle. The third thing that hits you is the remnants of a tight non-existent band that wraps around your head.
It’s all a good potion to remind yourself never to drink so much liquor in such a short period.
But the fourth thing that hits you as you rise to a sitting position, thumb and pointer running up horizontally across your eyebrows, is the familiar room that isn’t yours. It takes you a while to notice but you recognise the one familiar arcade teddy bear on the very unorganised study table on the opposite of the room. The picture framed your scowl while the owner of the room held his phone up, tongue sticking out to the camera with the little peace sign above your head.
“Shit…how the heck did I get here?” Your bed hair becomes a bird's nest in a matter of seconds. “Wait so last night I went to the convenience store,” tracing your steps carefully, “drank at the beach…” but a blank after that, “Sunwoo must've picked me up.” The dread hits at the name you just spoke, “I’m not ready to face him!”
The blanket is ripped out from your lower body, and the drop in temperature sends goosebumps all over your body. Quite simply, you're embodying the term of waking up on the wrong side of the bed without its metaphorical meaning.
There was no point in peeking through the slit between the door and the frame of Sunwoo’s bedroom because you knew directly on the other side is a wall with framed pictures of the family who resides there. You ready yourself with an inhale through your nose, preparing a bunch of words despite the still evident headache before exhaling through your mouth.
The smell of batter and vanilla becomes more evident as soon as your hand creaks the door open. It excites you knowing that your favourite breakfast isn't too far away from reach. The smile that you gave though, reminds you of the pressing matters when it strikes pain through the veins on the side of your head.
Your exclamation to the feeling is what rips Sunwoo out of his daydream, turning around to see you tiptoeing not too far behind him like a thief.
“You're awake.”
Beside him, a tower of the perfectly circular cooked batter is stacked in five, maple syrup around the rim of the treat as it drops down naturally onto the rest of its friends below. You could tell that he probably timed each side with how uniform the colours of each side were. Sunwoo hasn't picked up the panic behind your eyes, setting the plate on the island between you both.
“Take this first.” He pops the white pill from its aluminium seal and reaches for the full glass of water he prepared earlier from the fridge.
Sunwoo didn't know that his proud smile would fall as quickly as you almost did when you stepped back. His feet rooted themselves to the slippery wood underneath, his eyes widening even though you managed to grab hold of the backrest of the couch next to you.
“Are you alri—”
“I should take my leave now.” You rushed to say, “My mum must be wondering where I am.”
“I told her last night, don't worry.”
Right. Just like all the times he has done whenever you fell asleep on his shoulder while watching anime with him.
“Eat something first and I'll drop you home.” His head tilted to the alluring warm cakes on the table.
The perfect cylinder on his hand would have slipped from his sweaty palms with how you shake your head in the slightest. Now he's picking up something. Do you remember the events from last night? No, you've always been a forgetful one and he would help you remember by setting up cues and would always have his camera facing you to record the horror creeping up your face.
Whatever it is, he felt the need to take the lead first, especially with how you're avoiding even looking his way and sitting down on the board of the furniture from before, your hands gripping the polyester beside your body. He's not too far away from you, maybe a metre apart but he's feeling anxious with the air himself, turning away from you momentarily.
You hear the exhausted exhale from your best friend and that made you scared to even look his way. The rim of the glass hits the marbled top. “I'm not going to do anything to you, you know?”
“Of course I know…” Keeping your emotions at bay.
Cupid raised both his eyebrows, hoping that you would be able to find the courage to rightfully confront Sunwoo for the feelings in your heart. His hands clamp together, lacing together as he rests his forehead on the knuckle of his thumb, silently encouraging the growth of the couple in front of him.
“I know that it’s my fault too that I didn’t speak up about the date with Jaemin. I should’ve been more honest to him first and foremost because he’s done nothing but nice to me and yes! The date was really nice and he was a gentleman like you said Sunwoo but,” the implications of the last word wipes the proud smile that he had, lips pursed to a thin line, “I wish that you didn’t put me on the spot especially when you know that I’m scared of being around men.”
There was no audible answer that he could truly give you. What you said is true and he hates that he projected to hide his feelings for you in the worst possible way. He left you alone at night, in the hands of someone that he can’t fully tell your mother honestly that he knows. The shake of his head is slow but harsh and with a glance, you could hear the cogs turning inside the distraught boy’s head.
“I’m sorry.” Wavering in fear.
“Please don’t be.” He responds. “I’m sorry.”
Despite shutting his eyes, Sunwoo feels the looming shadow that falls over his slumped figure against the tabletop. His hands join together, a loud clap making you jump a little bit at the force of his thoughts. You watch as his hands drain the blood flow, slowly making his fist white. And though your chest hurts from the anxiety running through your veins, you decided that it was best for you to clear the awkward air.
What you did is beyond anyone’s imagination but it felt right as compared to last night—as compared to all those times two years ago. Your fingers cradle the underside of Sunwoo’s jawline, separating his chin from his chest and angle his shocked face to yours. Sunwoo would’ve genuinely run away usually, maybe even letting out one of those screeches that would leave you scolding him for the pounding of your eardrums, but something else is pounding in both of your chests and it’s syncing with each other for the first time.
You move little by little, your toes slowly moving in so that you can stand between his slightly open legs until the sides of your knees are between his. Slowly, the anterior side of his forearms starts to lift from the surface behind him, testing the waters to hold you in his arms by ghosting his already encircled arm around your middle. When you nod, Sunwoo finds himself tightening the hold immediately, pulling you into the crook of his neck while your fingers thread on the loose white of his fabric. His fingers widen their reach, wanting to feel your figure on a wider surface area.
“I’m in love with you.”
It’s such a simple line.
It wasn’t extravagant nor was it unique or poetic, yet you find yourself wanting to record it so that you could play it back whenever and wherever.
“I know you’re scared.” He affirms to your growing whimpers. “But I want to continue to love you if you’ll let me.”
Now it’s official. There was no buildup to the streams down your cheeks but you still let yourself indulge in the pent-up frustration over your lack of trust for the boy who is holding you like you’re the most precious thing in the whole world.
“If our friendship is going to end and you'll never look my way ever again, then at least please let me hold you a little bit longer.”
You wish you could at least have enough strength to throw some punches on his chest but you’re breathless in both the way your throat begs for air and in the way Sunwoo nudges the tip of his nose to a sensitive part of your neck. The same area grows colder without any effort and it takes you less than a second to realise that Sunwoo is crying himself.
“Why are you crying?” You ask as best as you can through your tears.
“Because you’re crying.” He simply answers. “It hurts me that you’ve gone through so much.” Sunwoo’s lips shudder, taking in small breaths himself. “But I’m really proud of you.”
“You say that all the time.”
Sunwoo chuckles, acknowledging the times he did say it. “And I’ll never get tired of saying it.”
Cupid relaxes his shoulders when you both slightly pull away, tender eyes looking upon each other with a wide grin appearing on you both but he could tell you both are trying your best to not look away, wanting to live in the love that the other shared in the moment. He was about to flap his wings, thinking that it was enough eavesdropping for today but you quickly pressed a light pucker to Sunwoo’s left cheek. Then to his right. Then to his philtrum. He couldn’t help but cover his eyes at your daring act but what made him push back further to the corner of the room to give you space were your words.
“Cross the line, Sunwoo.”
Sunwoo grips your waist, groaning against your lips and he’s momentarily still until you swipe the crease forming on his forehead and whisper a variation of assuring words. That’s all it takes for Sunwoo to finally close the gap between you both. It’s no longer a metre, sixty or thirty centimetres, not with the way his hands roam all over your body, needing more confirmation that you’re the one kissing him. His hands slide from your waist, gently to cup both of your bottoms, pushing you up closer to him. It elicits a soft gasp from you but Sunwoo pulls on your bottom lip to connect you back to him. Your dazed eyes met his dark ones and he took this time to swipe his wet muscle across the teeth mark to soothe the pain.
Feverish for affection, your zooms towards his lips once more, locking the plumper ones between yours before pulling away with a soft hum and engulfing the other one to give it the same amount of love. Sunwoo’s heart melts at the way you lightly tug on his scalp, the other hand sliding down along his nape and resting your palm on his collarbone. What makes him crazy is the vertical swipes that you give on his defined collarbones. He parts the kiss, pushing himself off the edge of the table and lifts you there, trapping your body with his palm on either side of your body.
“You okay?”
“More than okay.” Sunwoo chuckles, devouring your lips once more. “Can I kiss you somewhere else?” As soon as the confirmation is given, a warm hand wraps on the back of your neck and Sunwoo starts to alternate the pressure from his open mouth on the side of your neck, starting to mark you his.
The black strands of his hair swallow every part of your gripping hold on him but he smirks against your skin with the little pretty sounds dripping from your lips.
“S-Sunwoo.” Realising now that he’s painting you on a visible area. “My mum and brother are going to see.”
It’s not that you’re embarrassed by him—never him—you’re just shy at the new colour that he places on you, completely unfazed by what others think.
Possessive Kim Sunwoo—you could live with that.
“Can I pull the hoodie down a bit then?” Sunwoo pants against your skin, rough and slightly out of breath. “Only if you want it.” And he made sure you’re comfortable with whatever it’s going to be with how he wipes the forming sweat on your upper spine.
You spent what it feels like a minute holding his gaze to you. “I trust you.”
And he’s back to creating a masterpiece on your skin. Three of his fingers hook on the neckline and expose the body part that he wants to place his hungry lips on next. He watches the way your collarbones become more visible when you deeply inhale and he waits for your next breath patiently. When it does come, you slightly throw your head back at the pleasure of his soft nimbles. Sunwoo didn’t even want to spend a second away from you, his hand pushing on your lower back to press him up against you more. Your mewls are what motivate him more, pushing him just a bit more to finish the work in progress that he has in his head, pivoting his lower lip to a different angle and pressing the final press on you.
You release a breath you didn’t even know you held and Sunwoo frowns at the way you limp your upper body onto him, arms around his shoulder for support.
“S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to do it that hard.”
Your hair ruffles against his when you shake your head. “Don’t be, I enjoyed it.”
Again, the room is filled with light chuckles once more, your dangling legs kicking the air at the shared moment together. Slowly but surely, the sweat evaporates from your face but your blush is still very evident. But before you become too shy and run away once again, you respond to his words that made you both cry in each other’s safety.
“I love you too, Kim Sunwoo.” Sunwoo’s hand that has been running up and down your back stops, wondering if he heard the right words. You turn to the vein on his neck, kissing along the line until the shell of his ear. “Thank you for not giving up on me.”
Sunwoo’s heart combusted at that and he only buries his heating face into your shoulder, making you giggle even more. His whole body is on cloud nine and he’s truly the luckiest person in the world to receive such words from you.
“I want to look at you.” He says before pulling away once more, hands planted next to your thighs once more.
Sunwoo’s slender fingers tucked your strands behind your ears, squishing your cheeks in between and said a relay of sweet nothings. Even though his eye smile is mostly on you, occasional glances were being stolen somewhere else. Knowingly, your finger pulls the cloth down and you watch the shift of mischievousness start to leave.
“Is it pretty?”
The adjective is an understatement. Of course, he wanted to say ‘yes’ because it’s his art that he’s proud of. He's the one who put the distinct heart shape there, his teeth mark slowly fading on the tip of the heart where he pivoted before and the remnants of him still slightly shine on your skin thanks to the overhanging light.
“You’re prettier.” Quickly stealing a peck from your lips to silence your shy complaints. “Be mine?”
“Valentine’s Day passed, Woo.”
“Be mine for life then.”
Oh, Kim Sunwoo really does have a way with his words.
“Plus, I’m glad that we didn’t become official yesterday.” Shrugging when you tilt your head, still with that cute smile of yours. “Now we don’t have to spend our Anniversary and Valentine’s Day on the same day. More mandatory days to spend with you.”
A light shove on his chest is what you respond with but your other hand already had a grip on the lower hem of his shirt. Sunwoo almost stumbled when you pulled him back, enveloping your lips with his.
“Thank you for never giving up on me,” Hands cradling your jaw, yours doing the same and you make sure your feelings are known, “I love you so much.”
“I love you more.”
Guess Cupid changed his arrow’s trajectory much to Sunwoo’s content.
Or maybe, it’s not really his doing after all.
Truth is, Cupid never shot an arrow in Kim Sunwoo’s way.
In reality, Cupid actually shot his chance to Na Jaemin and him only—but even he has made a wrong guess. The trust and hope that you and Sunwoo share are unmatched compared to the lovesick eyes that he has matched people with.
“A love that’s greater than my powers…” Though defeated and his self-confidence took a bit of a downfall, how truly upset can he be when he sees you and Sunwoo just embracing each other, body to body, close and loving each other just the way you both are?
He’s glad of his decision to shoot that second arrow to the other boy after you both fell asleep last night.
“Now that’s a mistake that I can live with.”
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 'especially to you...' tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu @cupidjyu
301 notes · View notes
wilbdo · 1 year
Please, don’t ask. This is pt1
Is anyone finds me, I’m in my truck with Elon musky
Y/n stands with there long cyan orbs, looking at Mr clean with everything else going on.
Suddenly! Shrek appears! “EVERYONE GET DOWN!” he yells
Suddenly, all of a sudden, everyone with lasagna in their pockets get risen to the store fridge. 
“Grab it..or no one will be able to play Roblox!” None of the 710 people grabbed the toothpicks! 
Almost everyone who plays Roblox gets hanahaki disease! Everyone is hacking like a cat! A bunch of sunflowers with blood are on the volcano!
“NO!” balloon boy screams, “NO MORE TRIPLE A BATTERIES!”
everyone’s necks break from looking so SUDDENLY at ballon boy. What they see with scar them 😦.
it’s werewolf, vampire, bad boy, dark wizard, Freddy FAZBEAR, Harry Potter is weak compared too, MANDRAKE MALFOY!
Shrek screams again, no.. someone else is… NO, EVERYONE IS SCREAMING!
y/n looks past the headlines of the lake to see… oh no… KARENS! 
A army of Karen’s screaming for the manager, waving the coupons past there date, telling you you can’t be here, this is there parking spot, don’t look at my dog!
Mr clean can’t have this happen…no..it just can’t. 
Suddenly, Elon musk gets flipped from under the blanket and runs to say…
“HI TherE, IM BRINGING TEAAAAAA!” He says with a Wild West type of accent.
dean tomato looks up to see.. Dream?!
The whole S.M.P is standing there!
Gregory see Vanny with the Karen’s and says, “oh..that makes so much more sense now.”
Suddenly everyone is told to leave by Shrek, “LEAVE! GO! GET OUT OF MEH SWAMP!”
then… Mr clean see one brave soul stand up,
“NO!” Y/n screams at Shrek! Oh no! Y/n! William thinks to himself. He runs through the crow to find Henry, 
“Henwy!” William says in his softy, uwu, kiwi accent. 
“What,” says the strong voice of the non-killer Henry.
“Y/n! There going to hurt themselves!”
“Ik,” Henry says, tapping his Friend on the back, ��all we can hope is the all mighty Shrek spares one person for once..
William starts to break down into tears. His green face now shining like y/n’s orbs in the moon light. 
Mr clean is saddened by this, he turns to see mandrake malfoy still feeding ballon boy the triple a batteries. 
“OH MY GOD BONNIE! I WILL SLAP YOU!” Dora hears foxy say.
“Can you see the raging mob of Karen’s?” Dora says pointing the y/n who is in a Nintendo switch light battle with Browser.
“Yes dora you blind dog, over to the left on Dream!” Y/n says batting her long cyan orbs.
Dream waves his hand, “hi Barbie!” 
“QUICK!” William hears Henry screaming behind him, pushing him down to the ground. “Shh…” he screams as all mighty Shrek walks past him. 
Shrek, who is now blind from the battle with y/n, tries to feel around for any sign of… anything.
Elon mushrooms starts playing music from his loud speakers. 
Everyone starts dancing to the 3 freddy FAZBEARS song ‘DIE IN A FIRE’
“I hope you can forgive me” y/n says to that on dude who had a crush on Hermione who was trying out for quidditch.
“Yeah…I hope we can be friends again..” says that one dude who had a crush on Hermione who was trying out for quidditch.
0 notes
La juive (Geneva, 2022): Reactions, Part III
emotional damage EMOTIONAL DAMAGE
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welcome to jail
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“dear god please help me manipulate this marginalized woman my husband lied to and manipulated into sleeping with him so i can save the hubby who cheated on me uwu”
(i mean, it might not seem like that to HER but let’s call a spade a spade here)
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oh no oh honey
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“but they’re gonna KILL HIIIIIIIIIIIIIM”
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forgiveness is noble and very good, yes. i will also point out that she is really innocent and was TRICKED into sleeping with a christian and thus breaking the law (which, it’s an unjust law anyway, and so is the death penalty in general imo, but that is besides the point). eudoxie is not trying to save HER but only her own husband, the one who did the tricking. this isn’t just or humane or any of it. they should both be forgiven, or neither of them, or even just rachel i’d be fine with it, but not this.
*end mini-rant*
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…i feel like there’s a more pressing problem at this moment here than léopold being taken to questioning
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spite can be a powerful motivator
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RACHEL *cries*
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eudoxie i sincerely hope that you learn from this
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she’s a blast from your past
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way to ruin the moment
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that is your humanity crying out within you
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or, i don’t know, YOU COULD JUST SAVE HER????????
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okay what does HIM converting have to do with saving his DAUGHTER from death by and unjust and fucked-up law???
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“oh for fuck’s sake”
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okay but that’s a BALLER line
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dominate the WHOLE stage
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he’s Conflicted TM
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OH MY GOD NOT THE CARDIGAN SHE WAS WEARING OH GOD OH FUCK (i did not think it would get any more devastating. i was wrong.)
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he’s trying
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eudoxie??? what are you doing here???
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oh hey i think she realized she fucked up
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welcome to the spectacle (the spectacle is a bunch of people getting murdered, an act of genocide)
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i have…Many Complicated Feelings About That,
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oh no no no no no
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uh you left out a very important part (namely that technically she was born into a christian family) there
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the way the bible dropped out of his hands i—
TOTAL emotional destruction
this production was a MASTERPIECE
1 note · View note
victoria1676 · 2 years
Summary: The Last thing you remembered was finally putting Dream to jail and then everything went black only to wake up in a world you don’t recognize. trying to find a way home you found yourself in a mob chase that you find irritating and once they are satisfied threatening and killing you who then respawn the in execution made them realize who they almost killed and just as they were about to fall from their knees and beg for forgiveness.
You destroyed their homes in Revenge.
(Prologue Part 1) (Interlude) (MASTERLIST)
(Very long Note 👇)
Note: Thank you for your support and I didn't expect everyone would love the Prologue part 1 since my writing is pretty rusty and I had to change, fix and add stuff on part 1. But I'm happy you guys like it so please enjoy the second part and this is gonna chaotic since this is gonna be Mondstadts destruction and if you guys read my prologue you already know what will happen UwU
Also, I like to apologize as a writer I should have specific what reader gender is and her gender here is female but I always referred her as ‘reader’ or ‘you’ since that's what I usually do when I write stories of Fem reader but there are times she is referred as she or her. Considering a lot of people liked Gender neutral reader I probably pissed people off for not specifying reader's gender whoops 😅 So for those who expected to be gender neutral I really apologize that it isn't what you want but I do hope you can still stay and continue to read my story even if it's not gender neutral. If you want not read it then it's fine I won't stop you because it's your decision.
Btw I do have been bombarded by hate anons regarding my story however I have removed it and ignore it since it doesn't stop me from making this story as this story was made for fun and interesting idea that has been stuck in my head for so long XD. I also received that one anon right here calling me rude on not drawing reader on what they look like when I want to clarify this.
The reason I drew reader like that is because that's how I see her in my version. Yes you guys can change it since this is a x reader not an oc. If you don't like how reader looks like then that's understandable and you can imagine her or draw her of what she looks like in your own version but don't call me rude of how I drew reader. I'm sure you already know there are artists who draw their own version of their own reader which is why I drew my version of the reader of my story. So anon if you are reading this I'm just stating the facts and not insulting you but next time please watch your words and if you don't like my story then you can leave. The only reason I'm here on Tumblr is to express my writing creativity and I'm sure everyone who is in the SAGAU fandom has noticed one of their favorite writers not being here on Tumblr anymore due to not following rules and sending hate.
If anyone disguises their selves as anon and then sends me hate. What's your problem? If you don't like my story then don't send hate just because I made something that you guys couldn't and this story was made for fun and to let readers enjoy this mixed Au crossover. I am not here to listen or follow your words of saying it's 'cringe' or it 'sucks' or even the worst one 'kys'. Even if you are joking just so you know words are stronger than actions. 
Sorry for the long notes I just wanna clarify since I'm basically new or rather just got back writing after reading a lot of wonderful works of different authors who made their SAGAU fanfics and already notice the signs of how people act here on Tumblr. Please know if you keep trying to ruin Another person's life by insulting their work and then it shows how bad you are as a person.
Criticism is open so that I can be aware and try to improve my writing since the only problem I have in writing is missing words and grammar. I am not mad or anything I basically wrote this with a straight neutral expression XD
Also, this chapter is very long, and had to go through major changes, and double-check from transferring this story to docs for Grammarly to check, change, add and also fix. I had fixed a lot of it including Prologue part 1 which is why I take so long to post cause I was adding and fixing some stuff in Prologue part 1. Also, I did mention I made a fight scene and I hope it looks pretty good for you guys since I am scared it's not good DX 
Not my strongest suit so please don’t hate it considering I am very bad at explaining them.
But anyways please enjoy Prologue part 2! ^^
WARNINGS: Swearing, mentions of characters who died, angst, destruction, mentions of alcohol, mention of a pet getting hurt, Characters might be OOC since I'm trying my best to get them in character DX
Prologue Part 2: Then Die Like One!
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Few weeks or 5 months before the execution...
“So this is where the imposter lived in?”
Mondstadt’s Knights of Favonius including Diluc, Aether, and Paimon were standing a meter away from a comfy cottage that was nicely built and there was also a comfy stable with a horse sleeping in there. Albedo and Sucrose are back at Mondstadt to watch over Albedo's 'brother' who has calmed down from fighting them which was very suspicious however they were lucky they got his Compass that leads them to you. Honestly, when they have finally first found your cottage they all thought your home would be something out of a tent or something else like a cave they would live in so seeing a house in a middle of a snowy land that isn't from Dragonspine or Snezhnaya confused a lot of people of Teyvat, especially the place they found the cottage is from a land they have never see or step foot on before.
"This place…feels normal?" Paimon commented.
"You sure this where the imposter is staying?" Amber asked Aether who is holding what it seems to be a compass that had the name '(Y/n)' on it and it was pointing at the Cottage in front of them.
"The compass is pointing at that building in front of us," Aether said as looked at the object, “This is the only thing that the Albedo's brother had in his cave”
“Right and most of the objects he had there were mostly potion ingredients” Paimon included.
“Then let us get this over with” Diluc summoned his weapon, “Your grace would be yelling at us if we don’t return with the imposter...Including the Traveler as well”
Aether groaned as Amber patted his back while everyone grimaced knowing their grace has been throwing tantrums and are aware of how obsessed their creator is with Aether to the point they almost locked him which is why he left the ancient abode quickly without their Creator's permission and if Klee didn’t snitch but unfortunately the poor girl got herself punished as she was the one who let Aether go out since she didn't like her big brother's friend to be sad and got herself punished and no one likes their Creator’s punishments.
They love their creator and they are sure that they didn’t mean to be mean or hurt their people.
“Hey...” Amber spoke wearily pointing at the tree branch, “Doesn’t that look like those crows that always fly around with the imposter”
Everyone looked where she was looking and indeed there are four crows on the branch looking at them. Everyone had their guard up knowing they were informed that the imposter has crows that are not ordinary ones. Such as one insulted Venti, One suddenly carry a bomb that exploded on top of Zhongli’s head causing him to be angry, and another also sneaked into Raiden Shogun’s home and planted bombs that are made of glitter which pissed off the Archon who was not amused with the mess.
It was a hilarious sight of the Archons getting bullied by those weird crows. However, they are informed that all the crows that belong to the imposter will suddenly speak in perfect human speech.
“Let’s try to take them out first since one of them will inform the imposter,” Kaeya said as Amber got her bow ready to shoot the crows when-
“Well...” A voice spoke causing everyone to pause, “That's not a nice thing to do right chat?”
In a blink of an eye, everyone screamed when something shot the snowy ground to which everyone dodged or try to avoid getting hit.
“NO MERCY!!” The crows spoke.
“Be lucky I heard their voices outside chat”
The snowy smoke cleared revealing you wearing a fluffy light blue cloak as you fixed your hat and twirled your diamond ax with your other hand holding a crossbow made out of fireworks.
“Let’s kick them out when I just finally take a break from building my temporary cottage,” You said with a smirk as your eyes flashed red.
No one knows how many days or years passed as the world stayed the same. It was like a never-ending cycle with things going back into a routine. But the aftermath of the execution cause all 7 regions to be on the lookout for their missing creator that they have failed to recognize and realized they made a grave mistake serving an imposter who was nothing but a tyrant to all nations. Such as destroying homes and killing a lot of innocents for stupid or little reasons. The imposter has also verbally either screamed at her acolytes or sometimes slapped them.
Speaking off the imposter after the creator left with the Abyss and leaving the fame creator who is an Inazuman mortal that had a bad reputation of being a selfish and greedy woman who also has dumped many guys for their looks. Her parents died and have used almost all of her parent's money for dresses, make-up, and other stuff she could greedily have to herself. Because she was revealed as the imposter she was shunned by her peers and her nation for her sins to the point the Raiden Shogun had tortured the woman 3 times before banning her from Inazuma.
Mallory, unfortunately, had to live getting yelled at or rocks were thrown from different people from the different nations that all banned her from entering but before she was banned each Archon would let the vision users or themselves torture her by reminding her of the mistakes and sins she has done by having the face and voice of the true creator only now to live a curse where she can not die and forever live the pain, trauma, and suffering that you have given her to make her feel what you felt. Supposedly Mallory was to die and be revived 10 times only to her horror is that a big white box appeared in front of her showing that she will have infinite times of getting killed and revived again. It made her cry and realize she will forever have the curse of feeling the pain of death and then waking up alive again with no wounds but she can forever feel the pain of her body.
She then suddenly disappeared but no one knows where she go as the people of Teyvat were happy she was gone and now are focusing on trying to get your forgiveness by looking for you who seemed to have almost disappeared from Teyvat. The people were scared knowing they couldn't bear the sin of hurting their creator yet they knew it was their punishment for almost killing their God.
Aether was cradling his swollen cheek as Paimon put ice on it. The traveler is currently residing in Wangshuu Inn resting on their journey after they witnessed the execution that went from killing an impostor to killing the true creator. Despite Aether wasn't the one who chases the imposter he was still one of the people who wanted to kill the creator for making his journey to all nations to find out the truth of Teyvat by separating him from Lumine. When he went to look for the creator only he realized that it was an imposter because he didn't feel the aura that controlled him in his journey so which is why he didn't get angry or try to kill the imposter and now he regretted his actions for sticking by the imposter who is deeply obsessed for his attention including his love. He thought he could tolerate her but it became annoying and exhausting when the imposter kept staying by his side and he was forced to be with her at all times by her acolytes.
It was right after the execution or rather 3 days after it, he was visited by Lumine to his shock but it made him happy although…
He didn't expect to be punched by her.
He grimaced remembering the look of disappointment from his sister and the shock he had felt from it as he cradled his bruised cheek.
'You are selfish brother…' he remembered Lumine's words, 'I can understand that but letting yourself be with the imposter?… You have failed to realize how deep their obsession with you…'
He did and then he remembered yelling at her about why did she side with the true creator and why isn’t angry at them when they had separated them by letting that unknown God separate them as one had to struggle through the journey 500 years ago and the other had to go into a full saving nations problems, being their errand boy and also going into different nations to experience the same cycle again instead of helping him reach the truth of what Teyvat is like yet no one told him the truth or he never reach the answers what his sister told him to learn.
(Note: This refers he hasn't reached yet the truth of what Teyvat is and he has not reached Snezhnaya yet. He has met the Pryo Archon but the moment he wanted to learn the truth the imposter arrived and thus he was never able to get the truth of the Pyro Archon.)
He sighed earning Paimon's worried expression.
"Something wrong Aether?" She asked and she gave him an ice pack to put on his cheek which he thanked her.
Currently, both of them are in Wangshuu inn and are resting after the execution event that happened weeks ago. The people in Wangshuu inn were pretty much groveling and doing prayers to the shrine of the Creator with many offerings and bowing of forgiveness for what they had done. The Traveler didn't see Xiao hanging up the roof of the inn but Aether is aware that the Yaksha has gone somewhere as he is one of the people who had killed the creator under the imposter's orders.
"Nothing…"He said, "Just remembering Lumine's words"
'I never side with the Creator' She said and just as he was about to tell her she was lying she lifted her hand up to stop him, 'Rather I side with an Outlander who has no idea she is the true creator…All she wanted was to return home and be with her siblings. She wanted answers to know where she appeared as she has never been in Teyvat before'
He stayed silent as Lumine shake her head a portal behind appeared revealing an Abyss herald.
"Your highness," The herald said, "Her Majesty is waiting for you"
Hearing what the Abyss Herald just said Lumine turned around and this time Aether was about to run to her but was stopped by his twin who glanced behind him with the same disappointed expression.
That made Aether go silent and he could hear Paimon yelling behind him. Lumine sighed and shake her head before going into the Abyss Portal. Paimon then came to him worriedly and asked a bunch of questions about where did he go and what happened only he gave her an answer that he was in a short meeting with his sister.
"Do not follow me not when I told you to reach your end of a journey like I did so that you will see the true nature of this world…You still didn't do what I only asked you as your sister…Instead you have joined that cult who worships the creator when in reality they are blind to see that they were worshipping the true imposter…"
He didn't know what to say as all he could recall was when he first saw the true creator his vision went red and charged towards her ignoring Paimon's scream that called him out. He was about to stab her but he was deflected as he remembered the look of the true creator who looked at him in shock before annoyance.
Both of them fought and fought until he was on the ground injured while you were ruffled and bruised with scratches as well. Aether could see a little blood on your arms that was flashing golden slowly before going back to red. He thought he was gonna be killed instead you just looked at him like he wasn't worth your blade, shaking your head before you threw him a potion that is made for sleeping.
Although before he got hit by a sleeping potion he did remember your words clearly.
"Just because I look like their creator of this world doesn't mean I'm trying to be like them…God, what an idiotic simp they are geez…Guess I'll avoid another simp again ugh and to think I had high hopes I could find a decent ally to help me go home…"
Aether grimaced as he looked at his hands like he was stained with blood. Your words hurt him yet he doesn't know why it hurts.
"Well…"Aether paused, "Looks like someone learned their lesson for dooming almost every nation's people by playing ignorant and playing along”
Paimon gasped when she saw a familiar Rockstar, "Xinyan?!"
Aether looked up but flinched when he saw Xinyan’s appearance and expression. Back when he first met her was when she was one of the Creator’s vessels and she is still until now. He officially met her in the Moon chase event by Beidou and then he met again in Inzauma with Childe. He also met her again in the second Lantern Rite. If he remembered Xinyan and Yun jin became best friends sharing their love for music despite their styles of music being different from each other it never stops them from being friends but it also made them interested in each other's musical culture. Pretty both of them were the best of friends.
That is until the imposter came to Teyvat and ruined their friendship.
In front of either wasn’t the same friendly yet bold rock star that Aether and Paimon knew. What they are looking for is someone who had lost a friend, betrayal, and most of all anger. Xinyan did not give them a friendly expression like before but a darkened anger that almost felt like burning similar to how Diluc would glare at Kaeya with that same expression when Kaeya boast of being one of the Creator's favorites back then. The only thing that Xinyan looked different was very obvious other than her hair is down and her wearing a brown cloak.
No, the glaringly obvious difference wasn’t the expression, her outfit, or her hair.
or rather...
Xinyan has lost her right arm.
One of the punishments of trying to tell everyone that the creator they were worshipping is an imposter yet it failed to reach everyone.
Xinyan for some reason knew that the creator they worship was an imposter despite she wasn't a true worshipper she still cared and prayed for the creator in her own way.
Her punishment includes being banned from her Homeland.
The place where she learned her music.
and the broken friendship of Yun jin.
“What?” Xinyan spoke, “Surprised to see my missing limb that the Geo archon did?”
Aether winced before going silent with Paimon who has been silent ever since the execution. Aether remembered being one of the people or rather mostly the one to watch people’s punishment as being the number one consort-he grimaced at the word- of the imposter and was one of the people who saw the friendship of Xinyan and Yun jin destroyed in ashes. Yun jin stayed with the imposter despite her being laughed at a lot by the imposter of her voice, she still kept singing.
He remembered the cries of Yun Jin behind her dressing of how the imposter made fun of her high-pitched voice.
He also heard the ‘creator’ apologizing to Yun Jin yet Aether knew she was lying and is just doing that to make Yun Jin know her god still love her singing and it worked.
Xinyan on the other hand became a wanderer after she tokes all her stuff and disappeared. That was the last time he saw her or heard the last of her music until now.
“H-how are you Xinyan...” Aether cursed internally at how awkward he sounded.
Xinyan hummed, “I’m alright Traveler but I’m here for a reason and I’m just messenger for you”
“A messenger?” Paimon asked.
“A messenger of (Y/N)”
Both companions tensed up knowing it has been like weeks since they have seen or last heard of you and to hear Xinyan being your messenger then something is up.
Xinyan noticed their reaction but didn’t say anything yet continued, “She wants you guys to meet in Mondstadt. I don't know why but she wants you there right now”
“And if I don't?”
“Lumine will never go home with you and you will lose more the people you have cared for or befriended in your journey"
Those words made Aether tense up in shock, “How could she-”
“Her words she said: ‘I don’t give a damn if I'm gonna be cruel when he already disappointed his own twin’ and we all know you are dead set to be with your family right Traveler”
The way Xinyan didn’t sound like her usual tone or accent made Aether grimace and sighed knowing it's almost everyone’s fault-including himself- why she is like this and those words you told her to tell him stung yet it was the truth.
He disappointed Lumine.
He disappointed his other half and twin.
“That’s all I can say,” The former Rockstar said before turning around to leave, “Hope you’ll like your gift there”
Before Paimon or Aether could ask Xinyan she suddenly threw something out of the balcony before disappearing in front of them making the two companions startled
"D-did she j-just disappeared?!" Paimon asked, "And what was that?! The one she threw!"
Aether ran out of his balcony and looked down only to find no Xinyan to be found on the ground of the Inn. Paimon looked around before looking at Aether who just shrugged making the floating companion hum worriedly
“Well looks like we couldn’t ask what Xinyan meant by gift? Doesn’t the creator hate us?” Paimon questioned knowing after the execution it was obvious the creator didn't like them.
She also shivered remembered your torture of the imposter and had to cover her ears while closing her eyes tightly to ignore the screams of pain from the imposter.
“...” Aether looked down quietly.
“Well...Let’s go to Mondstadt and see what the creator wants with us” She said as the blond outlander nodded as both he and Paimon grabbed their stuff and left to go to Mondstadt.
Unknow to Aether and Paimon, a crow was watching everything before looking up at Xiao who looked down to which the crow cawed at him softly and flew off to Mondstadt leaving Xiao to drown in his guilt, pain, and Karma.
“So you decided to side with us?”
They sighed and looked at their former friend or rather companion.
“Just so you know you will be the one to bear this betrayal”
“I know”
“Even if they will hate you?”
“...I’ll do anything to redeem myself for the creator”
“The creator? Then what about (Y/n)?”
“The creator is the almighty being who uses us as their vessels but also the one in charge of everyone’s lives and how our world works. They are also our companions despite we couldn't see what they look like until now. (Y/n) is just an outlander who is searching for answers of going home and doesn’t have memories of possessing us or know the story of our world”
“Tell me. Are you redeeming for the creator or for (y/n)?”
The companion didn’t say anything making them sigh again and start walking past them.
“You should have thought this through despite you are one of their favorites after all”
“Woah and I thought the people in Whangshuu inn are miserable but Mondstadt...It is wayyyyy miserable” Paimon commented on the miserable atmosphere of what should be the happy city of freedom of Mondstandt
Paimon is correct when the city of freedom was way more miserable than the people who reside in Wangshuu inn. The people were muttering forgiveness and some of them were already crying as one of them were running towards the shrine what it seems to be a bundle of offerings. Children were crying and parents or sisters from the church tried to calm them but they still kept crying. The sight was a mess and the only one who is looking normal is Katheryne.
“Ad Astra Abyssosque” Katheryne greeted the companions with the same line, “Welcome back to Mondstadt Traveler and Paimon. I’m afraid all nations like this place are currently mourning or drowning in their guilt for hurting the outlander (Y/n) Minecraft”
That last name made Aether and Paimon confused since this was the first time they have heard that last name since they never knew you had a last name however the way Katheryne said it like she has been saying that name a lot of times just like how she repeats her lines when they did commissions or expeditions.
Unless she has been one of the people who tried to convince that you are the God and not the imposter but that was highly unlikely since Katheryne wasn't a worshipper like the rest of the nations.
"Hey, Katheryne…" Paimon greeted her, "How long has been everyone like this?"
"Right after they returned to their respective nations all of them started to act like this right away and I had a hunch that after hurting the Outlander (Y/N) Minecraft in the execution they realize their mistake right?" Katheryne pretty much summed up the problem that happened weeks ago.
"Y-You knew?!" Paimon exclaimed.
Katheryne just chuckled, "Of course, I know and I been telling you and many citizens about it yet none listen until the execution"
Paimon rubbed her head sheepishly while Aether looked down. They did hear from Kaeya that Katheryne had to deal with the backlash of getting egg thrown by her or any items but that was over after Bennett stopped them when he said he was doing their job.
Aether flinched remembering he was one of the people who failed Bennett by chasing you down and letting him get killed by the other acolytes.
"I thought I could trust you…" Bennett chuckled that held pain, "I guess you are like everyone else…sorry for wasting your time…"
Aether bit the inside of his cheek as he felt his chest hurting from remembering Bennett's words and sad expression. Paimon continued asking Katheryne numerous questions or to which the android answered the floating companion with honesty.
Footsteps appeared behind them making Aether snap out of his thoughts and glance behind him only for him to get hit by water.
"Aether!" Paimon cried out.
The traveler coughed and wiped his face only to flinch seeing the familiar Astrologist of Fontaine who then started living Mondstadts after accidentally reading her Master's book or rather her Master's diary was now glaring at him with hate.
"It's Mona?!"
"Hello Mona" Katheryne greeted the Astrologist who continued to glare at the Traveler, "I supposed you are leaving Mondstadt today?"
"Indeed especially I am quite tired hearing everyone groveling to the guilt of their mistake that I have been trying to tell them that they have served and imposter only it failed and didn't they didn't listen and hurt us" Mona huffed before looking at Aether who looked uncomfortable making her raise her head in delight.
"It seems you have learned the truth and now drowning in guilt is that right?"
Aether tensed up but it was the answer that Mona knew that the traveler is now having regrets. She then threw an envelope to him who was caught in confusion as Mona then adjusted her bag.
"I'll be leaving this nation to find a suitable place where no groveling of people's mistake of hurting (Y/n) and that letter you have right there Traveler is from her," Mona told him.
Both companions blinked before looking at the envelope that had a crow stomped on it.
"I must make haste" Mona faced where the entrance of Mondstadt is in, "Goodbye Traveler, Paimon, and Katheryne. I do hope we can meet on much better terms"
With those words, Mona walked away and that was the last time Aether and Paimon would last see her.
It was silent other than citizens crying and groveling as Katheryne stared at the traveler before glancing upward to find a crow watching the scene. Katheryne let out a small smile as the crow cawed and flew away leaving Katheryne to glance at Aether who comforted Paimon who looked like she was crying. He on the other hand had an unreadable expression on his face. Almost all the people he befriends slowly disappear or are dead at the hands of the true imposter.
It showed Aether how much he fucked up badly if he only told the truth as the first vessel of the creator then he still could have the companions who had helped the creator still smiling and not being angry with him or the friends who have died for the true creator still be alive and still there to help him.
But they are not here.
Not when everyone betrayed them.
And not when they learned the truth.
And was too late that they realized their mistake.
Look what you have done to the choices you have made...
"You know I always give my guest a warm welcome but seeing you guys here with my compass made me rethink and get ready since I have heard from my crows you are here to bring me to your 'Creator?' "You huffed as cracked your neck to the side while observing the knights, the Darknight of Mondstadt, and the famous Traveler of another world.
"So you knew we would come" Jean got ready in her battle stance.
"Yep," You said popping the 'p' at the end.
Honestly, almost everyone is unnerved by how calm and laid back you are when you are supposed to panic that you are about to be killed and forced to meet the creator for your punishment having her appearance, face, and voice. No one liked seeing their creator angry and they all blamed you for making her have mood swings.
In reality, they have not realized the only reason why their so-called creator has been throwing tantrums and anger at the people and to her acolytes is that she doesn't want them to find out she's an imposter and is panicking that her plans will go to ruins once they learn the truth.
"For someone who should be aware of what they have done you seemed pretty calm" Kaeya commented with a dark smirk.
"Eh" You shrugged earning baffled looks from them, "I get that a lot since if I act scared or something it breaks my character"
The chat is cackling at your words and laughing at the knights’ expression that has the look that you have grown a second head.
"Then you are a fool to be this calm when you made a great mistake" Diluc retorted.
"Yes having the appearance, face, and other shit that is related to your master when I'm legit trying answers" You huffed in irritation ignoring the enraged looks from everyone, "You are one annoying group of simps"
"Simp?" Paimon questioned hearing that word.
You waved her off with a laid-back smirk earning a huff of annoyance from Paimon before your tilted your head from the left as an arrow landed on your door. Making you glance at Amber who shot it. No one move until they saw your eyes flash again red.
The atmosphere became even tenser as you let out a sigh before throwing your hat up in the air which one of the chat flew up to catch it.
“There's no other way,” You said as you watch the chat fly off with your hat before looking at the protectors of Mondstadt.
The fact you suddenly feel like you are in Techno’s place with you being him and the Knights being the butcher gang.
The irony of this scene made you feel how your brother felt fighting against the butcher gang.
Your words were very low and ominous causing the people of Mondstadt to get their guard up when you move your hand behind your cloak to get something. Your wings were then revealed and stretched out it moved back and-
“...I choose BLOOD!”
With the splash of potions, you have thrown to the ground and your wings flapped all the snow to make a smoke causing everyone to cough as the smoke became hard to see smoke filled the area. Aether looked around in caution with Amber readying her bow n’ arrow and Eula behind her. Diluc and Kaeya are sides to side with their weapons ready just like Jean and Lisa who stood next to each other until-
You emerge from the smoke in front of Aether who was caught off guard and-
“Peek a boo!” You sadistically smirked as your (e/c) changed to blood red.
You went in for the kill.
“Oh, creator please forgive our sins...” One of the who are drinking in Angels share sobbed before taking a huge drink, “We are ‘hic’ doomed...”
“‘hic’ agreed...”
Diluc sighed as he watched his customers drink their sorrows away to be knocked out he and Charles tried to stop the customers from drinking too much until they are knocked out only they will keep coming and more and more people came to drink away their sorrows. Diluc is lucky they still have enough wine or other drinks to make for the customers.
Venti is the most common one who has to drink his sorrows away along with singing his sorrows through the lyre that he played every day. Kaeya is also one of them except he had taken a lot of Death After Noon or Dandelion wine drinks much to Diluc's anger when had those from him only to find out Kaeya took all of it to be knocked out. Rosaria is nowhere to be found and none of the sisters could find her, especially Barbara who was worried for the Cryo nun.
Currently, right things haven't changed after the aftermath of the execution except there are few which is a relief to him and Charles and Kaeya are at his bar drinking his wine slowly instead directly trying to drink all his wine in one go. Heaven knows Kaeya is lucky his liver hasn’t been destroyed from drinking all alcohol too much. The tavern was quiet other than the people who are sobbing or knocked out from drinking Diluc continued cleaning the glasses when Charles came in and sighed causing the Pryo user to look at him.
"I just sent 3 drunks home while one is knocked out but is currently carried by their buddies," He said.
"Thank you" He thanked him.
"No problem happy to help considering how our nation is being down in the dumps…"
Hearing that earned a grunt from Diluc while Kaeya hummed but you can see both sworn brothers are in pain and guilt in their eyes as they learned that they made a sin of hurting you like an outsider. It hit them like one of Klee's bombs hit them when this whole time they could have read or realized the signs that the ‘creator’ they put their whole life was the true imposter. At first impression, they did very well on being kind, warm, and benevolent to the people but the moment you appear they started to lose it and losing show their true colors.
Yet none of them didn't doubt it.
They just blame you for making her that way.
Until they realize their mistake and it was too late.
"I heard that the true imposter disappeared after entering Snezhnaya…" One of the customers whispered.
"Seriously? Well they are doomed especially that's the place where the Fatui are born and lived"
"Exactly and no one know what has happened to her"
"Well if anything happens to her it's on her"
"Right especially she was the one who made us kill our creator”
“Creator has cursed her into some kind of immortality curse but we are not sure”
Whispers began to appear as Diluc glanced at his customers before glancing at Kaeya who had an unreadable expression but he is aware that the Cryo user is listening to get information.
“There have been sightings of crows in the area around outside Mondstadt walls yesterday...” Charles pointed out, “I am not sure if those are from Inazuma but they don’t fly here so they could be the creator’s crows”
“Are they still there?” Diluc asked Charles who nodded.
“So” Kaeya spoke putting down his glass on the counter, “She’s sending her crows to spy on us?”
“I am afraid I'm not sure” Charles admitted.
“But I can say is that there have been rumors of Venti getting attacked by one of them which is why he isn’t here”
Kaeya snorted imagining Venti getting attacked by a bunch of talking crows.
“Anything else you find suspicious yesterday?”
“Other than the crows I don’t think so...Although I'm not sure why there are six of them yesterday flying around above or next to the walls of Mondstadt”
Kaeya sighed as he watched Diluc thank again Charles who then waved off before leaving the Tavern to get home. Things are slowly getting out of hand and the sightings of your crows shows that you are spying on them. They aren’t sure if they should be happy you are checking Mondstadts or if there is a reason why you sent your crows here the city of freedom that is in total chaos of the execution. The people in the tavern began to leave to send their offerings to the creator’s shrine leaving the brothers two vision users in the tavern.
“You know...” Kaeya began, “There are several meanings of seeing crows from what I heard from an Inazuma citizen”
“Is that so?” Diluc said as he began to make a new drink not facing Kaeya.
“There are five meanings apparently of seeing a black crow well there is a six of them” Kaeya raised five fingers and then showed his hand to add one finger to make it six as he then started to be for leaning back before making one of his hand played with the glass graceful.
“A single crow is considered an omen of bad luck. Finding two crows, however, means good luck. Three crows mean health, and four crows mean wealth.” Kaeya then began to frown.
“If we spot five crows means sickness is coming.”
Diluc paused before putting the drink down and glance at Kaeya who looked very tense.
That wasn’t a good sign considering if your crows do have those meanings in numbers.
The redhead noble is now dreading the thought of the next crows gives him a fear of what happens if there are more crows with meanings.
“Then... What if there is a chance we see six crows?” He nervously asked Kaeya who tensed up even more before thinking.
"Then...If I heard that if…we see six crows means death is nearby." Kaeya’s eyes widened when he just realized what he said along with Diluc.
Charles mentioned six crows are spotted yesterday.
This couldn’t be a coincidence.
Kaeya began to laugh in disbelief but you can hear the pain and agony in it as he covered his face with his hand.
“I guess we are gonna be punished by our creator!”
The way he said his word was cracked yet Diluc understand what he is saying as the atmosphere in the Tavern became tense
They are doomed to die in their creator’s hands.
Either Mondstadt.
Or the people.
And just like that the atmosphere popped up like a bubble as Diluc turned to his left with Kaeya as they spotted a crow on the table kicking some glasses or mugs.
It came from the window that Diluc swore he last saw was closed.
“GET WRECK YOU, HANDSOME MEN!!” It shouted at them and then another one appeared and slapped using its wing on the first crow.
‘Quit being a simp on these fools when we just finished placing TNT around Springvale” It scolded the first crow who huffed...
Both men felt their eyes wide as the dreading feeling intensified hearing the crow’s words.
TNT wha-
Suddenly a loud explosion was heard outside of Mondstadt causing a big shake catching Diluc, Kaeya, and the other people outside the tavern off guard you could hear screams of confusion including people who fell or lost balance from the explosion and mini earthquake Other citizens saw the smoke as one of the knights began to run towards where the smoke is while one went to inform Jean.
“That's our cue to leave!”
Both crows flew off the window as the door of Angel’s share was slammed open revealing one of the knights who look distressed.
Kaeya got up and ordered them to hurry out and save them as he then left with Diluc who grabbed his coat and wore it on him.
But as they left they didn’t notice a brown cloak appeared on the side of Angel’s share watching them leave.
A crow perched on their shoulder as the person then handed the note to the crow who used their beak to grab it before flying away. They then decided to walk out of Mondstadt to another exit that was near the tavern.
“It looks like it worked”
The wind moved the cloak of the mysterious person yet they held it before it could drop their cover.
"Let's try to distract Traveler from heading towards Springvale…"
Under the cloak was a familiar freckled skin and long, light auburn-brown hair, some of which is tied into braids was seen under it except they are lucky no one saw who they are under the cloak.
You dodged the flaming eagle as you then appeared in front of Diluc before kicking him as you lifted your shield up from getting stabbed by Kaeya who then freeze your shield as you pull out your crossbow before shooting at him with fireworks causing him to let go of his weapon and jumped from getting hit from those rockets. Smoke from the snow was large from the impact of the fireworks as Amber began to shoot through the smoke.
Suddenly an ax went flying towards Amber who ducked quickly as the ax landed on a nearby tree. Then something was thrown in front of the outrider who flinched seeing your face as you almost shoot her before you let out a yelp in confusion as your body was launched away from Jean’s anemo attack.
"Thanks, Jean!" She thanked the acting Grand Master who reached her hand out for her to stand up to which the outrider toke it.
“Be careful Amber" Jean told the outrider, “She isn’t the same as before don't let your guard down!"
You rolled your body over before landing on the ground graceful glaring at Jean before pausing as you saw purple particles that then formed into a magic circle as Lightning hit you. You did not scream but let out loud curses before shooting Lisa who was surprised by your resistance and teleported away from getting hit.
“FUCK THAT STINGS!” You cursed as you quickly swallowed a lot of the last potions that you made in the case and you were lucky that they didn't notice before charging toward the Dandelion Knight.
“Jean heads up!”
“Do give me a good fight again Acting grandmaster” You said as you put all your anger on your weapon to Jean who was getting a bit overwhelmed by your sheer strength and bloodlust yet still manage to fight back.
You had to be careful considering this is gonna be a rematch with her since now you remembered how her attacks were like when you first fought her. Plus you need to avoid that hard upward slash that made Jean’s enemies launch in the air and float. You also have to avoid her Gale blade move after hearing from Rosaria how that move is annoying and threatening to all enemies. You already learn how this move is like considering it pushed you away from attacking Amber even further.
“Look at that she’s able to block Jean’s attack!” Paimon commented.
“Looks like she seems to be now aware of how we attack and is able to defend against us with her attacks that are more aggressive than before” Kaeya informed them considering when he fought them he struggled to parry them yet he had the upper hand using his vision but now it looks like you can attack them even if they used their vision.
Diluc clicked his tongue, “Looks like the imposter improved...”
Indeed he was right. Back then you had struggled against them since you didn’t know their attacks as it was the first time you have seen people who that kind of sword style when you first arrived but you were still able to defend and fight them off when they first attacked you, especially you learned how annoying you have to fight them with their visions. You tiled your head to the right as a piece of your hair was cut only a small portion of it as you then strike back with a harder pressure. 
“What is this strength!?” Jean exclaimed noticing your attacks are very much more aggressive yet very quick than before. She then countered attack you as you quickly defend from 
as you then sidekick her legs making her lose her balance and then felt her body kicked as well.
“JEAN!” Her friends exclaimed as they ran towards her while Kaeya and Diluc appeared on each side of you with their weapons to hit you who was smirking.
You crouch downward catching the two off guard before yelling out in pain feeling a burning explosion you then felt a pain getting hit from your side as you began to bleed yet it didn’t make you falter. 
“If you get hurt and haven’t stopped fighting then continue but if you can’t handle the pain then retreat. Don’t die so dumbly alright” Techno patted your head, “Besides who can keep up my bloodlust other than Phil?”
“I won't’ die yet Tech..’ You thought before your breath hitched slightly seeing a shadow appear above you and you rolled away from it.
The boulder had geo in it and landed where you were standing which means Traveler made his move as you then leaned backward avoiding a blade that almost hit your head as you to bring your other shield to block Eula’s attack but then you felt your back was hit by a huge wind that unexpectedly pushed towards Eula who fell onto the snow thanks to you.
“What the hell dude!” You yelled out of Traveler who switched to Anemo before throwing an ender pearl to avoid getting slammed by Eula as she noticed you teleported away from her as your then cartwheel an ice attack and lightning.
You glared at the traveler as you teleported at his charging figure causing him to skid back and raised his sword to defend himself and then avoid another block which he was lucky he blocked or else his exposed torso would have been where your sword landed if he blocked it. Suddenly he started to get overwhelmed as you began to rapidly overcome his attacks.
‘Not good!’ Aether thought in fear as you saw it making you grin at seeing the emotion that you and Techno enjoy whenever both your bloodlust tends to take over.
“Feeling the pressure already little traveler?” You asked him grinning sadistically.
Your smirk almost reminded the blond traveler of Childe and Scaramouche.
“How the hell is she that strong and fast?!” Diluc grunted as he held his torso in pain.
“Wait look closely at her body!” Lisa pointed out.
Jean squinted before gasping when she sees particles around you as you continue fighting Aether.
“What...is that?” She asked in confusion seeing it.
Considering your potions were different than their potions they aren't aware you drank a potion in the middle of the battle however they know you must have something that made you strong and fast for them to attack. Things aren't going as planned and the acolytes need to hurry especially since they didn't want their creator to be even more in a bad move.
You, on the other hand, are having fun dodging and attacking Aether who is slowly showing signs of fatigue and exhaustion yet he didn't hesitate to continue fighting you.
That is until-
You froze which allowed Aether to use his Geo Burst as you were then pushed it with a grunt as you then backflip and landed on the snow before turning around and pointing your crossbow at Kaeya who had your pet wolf under his foot. The poor canine was injured and you could see him bleeding as well.
What the fuck?!
"I didn't know the knights would be this cruel especially bring animals to the fight" You glared at the Cavalry Captain who smirked.
"Eh?" Paimon popped out as Eula ran to Aether who fell in her arms in exhaustion, "Where did that wolf come from!?"
"More like it appear and tried to bite Master Diluc here if I didn't step in," He said as your wolf whimpered but still growled.
Your eyes narrowed in anger as the voices appeared in the rage of seeing your poor dog injured as Kaeya continue to taunt you with a smirk and pressed his foot for pressure.
"Hey! Kaeya that's way too far especially even if that belongs to the imposter you shouldn't be hurting it so we can capture her!" Amber said as she didn't want to see the poor canine hurt despite she knows it belongs to the imposter yet it was way too cruel for the Cavalry Captain to use against her.
"We have no choice especially since we are running out of time and your grace is gonna be angry if we don't return with the imposter" He reminded her making Amber falter.
He also is aware he doesn't usually bring animals into the fight but seeing is the only option for you to finally give up and surrender to them then he has no choice.
The intense silence surrounded the area as the blue-haired male pointed his sword at you who still is glaring at him with those blood-red eyes and your crossbow loaded with fireworks.
"So what is it gonna be imposter? Come with us cleanly or your little mutt gets it"
Unknown to everyone someone was watching the area as they waited for your decision and see what you will do.
"Times ticking"
Kaeya tapped your wolf making your blood boil and smirked but-
You let out a sigh.
That made him pause at that reaction in confusion.
"I hate to do this but"
You whistled.
Suddenly everyone hear a whizzing noise, Lisa yelped in pain feel something hit her like a blunt ax and it headed towards Kaeya who didn't have time to react as a loud think made contact with his forehead causing him to yell and stagger as your wolf escaped from him. Your palm was open as the one that hit the captain was now in your hand.
Your trident hummed in your grip as you then snorted seeing the fallen captain who is clutching his bleeding head.
Jean held Lisa who is rubbing the back of her head while Diluc went to get Kaeya's who is slowly sitting up yet is clutching his bleeding head.
Eula held Aether with Amber as everyone waited for your next move on them
You looked around your surroundings before looking at the chat who was enjoying the fight and you moved your eyes towards Jean who saw it and was about to get her sword until-
"Meh…Imma surrender"
You suddenly threw away your items in the snow as you then sat down crossing your legs like a kid.
The chat was laughing their ass off seeing the disbelief reactions of the Knights as you stretched your arms like you are at home when you had just almost defeated them and now you were surrendering to them that easily!?
Everyone was fuming especially Kaeya who literally got slammed by your trident and now you surrender just like that!? Diluc look at you like you were a fool when you had just almost defeated them. Amber held back Eula who looked enraged as you sighed and stared at Jean who looked confused at your actions.
"W-Why did you j-just surrender," She asked in confusion, "You're just gonna give up when you are about to defeat us"
You shrugged and feel the burning glare of Cryo and Pryo behind you which you ignore.
"It's already annoying running away from you guys and fighting you guys are not worth it"
Your blunt words caught them off guard yet it made them angry and Eula was about to yell at you when you lifted up your hands showing you are allowing yourself to be taken by them.
"Besides as that Cryo bastard" You jabbed your finger towards the injured captain, "Is right when you are aware how your God is like"
"That doesn't mean anything why do you suddenly have up"
"Meh I already said what I said and Mister Ragnvindr refrain from attacking me when I'm supposed to be hurt by your god"
Diluc clicked his tongue as he dismisses his Pryo attack and looked at Jean. Everyone watches the Acting grandmaster make her decision before she let out her sigh and takes out a pair of cuffs that are made of strange magic and walked toward your calm sitting figure. She hesitantly grabbed your hand as she placed the cuffs around your wrists.
You hummed as you then stand up and followed Jean. The knights were very suspicious of your surrender but in the end, they have no choice but to accept that you are willing to give yourself off to their creator. Your wolf whimpered but you turned around and gave them a small smile before turning around to follow Jean. Your smile turn into a sly smirk that was noticeable for a second but it quickly disappeared.
'Guess I'll use Dream's method for now…' You thought.
Once all the knights left the person who was watching you grabbed your items only they couldn't find your sword and ax as you might have thrown them far away or something. They hummed as they look at Chat who nodded.
They let out a small smile and said, "Guess everything is according to the plan…"
Suddenly footsteps were heard behind them.
"Mind if I help on this plan"
They flinched and turned around with their sword ready but it was blocked by an unknown weapon held by a person who had blonde hair similarily to Aether's but they had two familiar flowers in their hair.
They paused and slowly put their sword down as they saw the familiar gold eyes yet the appearance was different which means they are-
"Hello, Rhinedottir second creation…"
"Look for survivors quickly!!" Jean ordered her knights as all of them split up to loom for the citizens of what used to be Springvale.
What was supposedly a small village in the southeast part of Windwail Highland, Mondstadt has now turned into ashes as you could see holes and houses burning. Hilichurls were everywhere along with blood could be seen on the ground which send a lot of fear to the knights that someone had died from the sudden bombing of Springvale.
A peaceful and idyllic suburban town. It has a long history of hunting, of sweet spring water, and passing down the legend of a beneficent spirit dwelling within the waters is no more but a village of ruins. Flames were spreading, holes of what could be where the bombs just hit and buildings are burning through inside and outside along with holes on the walls of it. The giant windmill has fallen over and lots of Hilichurls were dancing and enjoying the destruction.
Jean felt sickened at the sight of what was once a beautiful village has now become a ruin. She and the Knights of Favonius look for the survivors along with defeating those Hilichurls.
"How did this happen…?!" She muttered as she just finished defeating those pesky dendro Samachurls.
It has been weeks or what people think despite their world being stuck in a cycle of being a game after the execution of the ‘imposter’ was now a sin of them almost killing their true creator. Mondstadt has now become a gloomy nation like the rest of the nations after what happened. They all went to the great shrine of the creator praying and offering forgiveness for what they had done and now the sudden bombing of Springvale.
This was not a good sign especially since Jean heard from one of the knights that there have been sightings of crows mostly six of them circling above Mondstadt or flying outside the walls.
"WHERE'S KAEYA OR THE HONORARY KNIGHT?!" Jean yelled as she unleashed her Dandelion breeze and then used her gale blade.
4 Hilichurls were caught in her skill and she could see Eula attacking two Mitachurls and Amber shooting the archer Hilichurls. Lisa is currently helping bring the survivors to Mondstadt while Noelle helps the injured ones and bandaging some of them before carrying them by the shoulder.
'Thank Barbatos but where's the Honorary Knight?!' Jean thought as she threw the hilirchurls away before attacking them.
"Jean!" She heard Lisa call her, "Venti is gonna unleash his burst!"
Jean nodded as she unleashed another Dandelion breeze before calling her knights to retreat.
"Everyone fall back now!"
"Time for take-off!"
Just like that, a large circle of Anemo appeared on the army of Hilichurls as Jean made all her knights return to Mondstadt with the Springvale citizens as Kaeya and Diluc just arrived on the scene with their weapons ready. Venti glided down beside Jean as all Vision users except Lisa and Noelle who are with the Knights carrying and helping some survivors to bring them to Barbara for healing.
"It doesn't seem any of these Hilichurls were the culprits of this destruction" Eula commented, "After all we all know no Hilichurl can make a bomb or use one to make this happen"
"So who caused this?" Amber asked as she carried a bucket of water and threw it at the fire.
"I had an idea who caused this but" Kaeya saw something moving in his sight.
"Something wrong Kaeya?"
"It looks like we have a little survivor over there" He pointed as everyone turned their attention to where he is pointing at.
Almost all the Hilichurls were defeated except one injured Geo Samachurl who is usually found in Liyue and is now getting up with their staff.
"Looks like this one is not giving up" Kaeya stated as he walked towards with his weapon ready until-
"Lights out"
The Geo Samachurl was picked up by someone as they threw down an ice-made spear which Kaeya dodged before his eyes narrowed. Diluc got his weapon ready along with Eula while the rest of them gasped when they saw who stopped Kaeya from killing the Hilichurl.
"It can't be?!" Amber spluttered in shock, "Sister Rosaria?!"
"Guess she was right that you guys take the bait," Rosaria said as she placed the Geo Samachurl down who thanked her before running away.
"So you decided to betray Mondstadt," Kaeya said as he watched the sister chuckle darkly before picking up their spear.
"More like you guys betrayed Mondstadt in the first place in killing those people who had tried to show you the truth" She blunted retorted them back where it stings the most.
Everyone knew what she meant and it was a reminder of their greatest mistake and sin of killing and betraying the people who they had thought would realize the truth.
"But at least you took the bait"
Diluc raised an eyebrow hearing that, "Bait?"
The sister just stared at them coldly, "Should have been suspicious or aware why there was a reason why Springvale was bombed"
It was then Venti realize what she meant, "WAIT YOUR SAYING-
Jean gasped before turning around and seeing something go flying in the air as the walls of Mondstadt were destroyed.
"MONDSTADT!" Jean cried out getting everyone's attention as they saw the smoke and holes along with four buildings on fire, especially one building that is one fire is their headquarters.
"Looks like I'll take my leave" Rosaria turned around and held something that looked familiar, "It's a shame I couldn't stay long but at least the bait worked and the Honorary Knight didn't follow you guys"
But none of them could stop Rosaria who suddenly disappeared after throwing that strange item in their hands.
"Jean! We have to head back to Mondstadt now!" Eula told her as she ran towards Mondstadt with Amber in tow.
Jean looked back to where Rosaria is before following them with Diluc and Kaeya.
However, no one noticed a strange look from Kaeya that disappeared after Rosaria nodded at him but Diluc was able to catch it on time as he glanced at Kaeya who was 'focused' on Mondstadt. He narrowed his crimson eyes at him before looking back at the city reminding himself that he will ask Kaeya about that look that he was quick to catch.
What was that look you made Kaeya…
"Everyone head to the plaza where Barbatos statue is held!"
"Barbara there's an injured Citizen!"
"I'm coming!"
"Sucrose pass some healing potions to the citizens and the Springvale survivors!"
"On it Mister Albedo!"
"There you are cutie!" Lisa said spotting the injured Traveler and exhausted Paimon, "Where were you, and what happened to you?"
"Got injured in a fight with Andrius" Aether grunted in pain while holding his left aching arm.
"And we got there after chasing someone who must have placed some bombs in Springvale!" Paimon added.
'That person was Lumine…' Aether thought recalling when he was about to go with the Knights to Springvale he instantly saw his sister who had appeared beside Kathryne’s desk looking at him before making a gesture to follow him as she ran towards the second exit of Mondstadt.
He then followed her with Paimon until he was too late to realize his sister lead him or rather make him appear in Wolvendom and was tricked into fighting Andrius who looked enraged to see him. He saw his sister on top of the walls of Andrius’ lair looking at him as he struggled to hinder the rage of the Wolf of the North. She only mouths him a 'sorry' before turning around and entering the abyss portal.
He got betrayed by his sister again as he fought and was angry with Andrius who was furious with him for not saving Razor. Aether was lucky he escaped yet when he arrived at Mondstadt only for everything to suddenly start blowing up, especially on the Favonius Headquarters that is damaged and blown up like the walls. The third explosion happen to be in the church and luckily the sisters were alright along with the people who are in there yet some got injured. Even the Creator's shrine is destroyed.
Currently, everyone is now at Barbatos statue with children crying in fear while their parents try to calm them down. Other citizens were sitting down with their faces covered by their hands as they just witnessed their homes bombed. Survivors, injured citizens, and injured knights are being bandaged, healed, and given healing potions by Albedo, Sucrose, and Timaeus.
No one knows who bombed their home.
They cannot point fingers when everyone was busy praying for a second chance and forgiveness for their creator.
"Honorary Knight!"
Aether turned around as he saw the rest of the knights including Diluc arriving in the Plaza of Barbatos. Aether just sat down and held his arm in pain while Lisa went to Jean to explain what has happened when they were away to help Springvale. Paimon plopped down in his lap in exhaustion and he patted her head before looking at the Knights who then started explaining some stuff he couldn't hear. Albedo and Sucrose joined along with Barbara but Aether noticed the quick glances of Diluc to Kaeya who just remained calm yet the outlander thinks Kaeya is ignoring it or didn't realize the look that the red-haired noble gave him.
The sky above them began to darken from the clouds covering the sun as crows that are around Mondstadt began to fly towards the Barbatos statue while others started cawing loudly.  
"Paimon is getting a bad feeling of this" Paimon spoke, "First Xinyan's sudden appearance of being the messenger of the true creator then Mona leaving Mondstadt, Crows being spotted all over Mondstadt, Springvale getting bombed and now your sister suddenly appears again and leading you to Andrius who did not give us a warm welcome or normal battle he gave us instead aggressively attacking us?!"
"Paimon your voice is getting higher" Aether said as he grabbed a bottle of water from his inventory to give to his companion who thanked him and drank all of it.
"Thanks for that Aether!" She gave him the bottle of water, "But seriously Paimon thinks this is not a good sign and now Mondstadt getting bombed after we arrived and have no idea who the culprit is?! Paimon is already have a feeling this could be the true creator's wrath on Mondstadt"
"Indeed you are right" A familiar voice replied to Paimon beside them.
"How could say that when you don't know where the creator is Albedo!?" Paimon yelled at the alchemist who said that she was right. 
Aether glanced to his left before he felt his heart drop when he realized who Paimon was talking to when in reality it is not the Geo alchemist. Albedo is with the knights discussing the plans of what has happened to the city today and yet the voice that answered Paimon sounded like Albedo.
Then this person is-
"Plus you sound like you knew this happen-"
"Paimon shut up and look who you are talking" Aether yelled at his companion cutting her sentence off before jumping back and summoning his weapon. 
"Huh?" Paimon looked up to her friend, "What do you mean-GAHHHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"
Paimon's screech caught everyone's attention as they turned towards her and saw what she was screaming about and Albedo quickly summoned his weapon when he saw who it was Paimon screaming about. 
"I almost forgot how loud you are" Rubedo smiled as he started flipping an unknown black skull.
"What are you doing here?!" Albedo glared at his 'brother'.
But the other synthetic being merely glance at him before looking at everyone as he caught the skull. Suddenly he had some kind of brown block and take a few steps back where there is a roof before rapidly placing the blocks that suddenly show a face in one of them into a T sign and placed two skulls on each side but not on the middle. 
"What the hell…?!"
"What is that?…"
"What did you just make?!" Paimon shouted but you could hear the crack of fear in her voice seeing what Rubedo did. 
"Something you will fear forever" He replied cooly as he stood next to it. 
"But it looks like they are now groveling for your attention right (Y/n)" He said before jumping into the roofs. 
"Honestly…" A huge flapping noise was heard above them, "I am pissed off they are just now asking forgiveness because I'm their God when I don't remember controlling them?"
Barbara looked up and saw a familiar figure in Barbatos' hands, "I-it's your G-Grace!?!"
Indeed the person who landed on the statue is you who wore a very fluffy dark black cloak as you stared at them down coldly. Golden scars are still visible on your neck that stopped under your chin indicating that the totem of undying after effect is there on your body. 
You hummed before flying down gracefully before turning to the right and pulling up a middle finger to the right On the crows that are beside Rubedo who is just chuckling while your chat is just vibing in chaos or cackling at you. 
"Fuck off Chat and don't start simping one of these pricks" You cursed and glared at them to which the chat just laughed at you. 
Venti stepped forward and was about to run to you only you glare at him in anger. 
"Don't even think about little bard" You glared at him who bow at you in fear as you turned and looked at the guilty crowd, "Don't think I can accept your forgiveness when you basically just almost killed"
Y-Your Grace p-please-" Venti tried to talk to you only for your eyes to turn red making him whine at that look.
"Excuse my language but can you shut the fuck up?"
The atmosphere became tense as everyone became quiet much to your relief as you rubbed your forehead in irritation and exhaustion. 
"Firstly I want to clarify this," You spoke, "If I was a normal person who had died from what happened. Do you still think I would suddenly accept your forgiveness?"
"That's what I thought. I wouldn't. Why? Because in a realistic way I would be traumatized and in pain. I would be scared of you guys and then try to kill myself many times but Teyvat stopped me. Why? Because I'm your so-called 'God' or 'Creator' when here's the thing"
Your wings flapped down as you turn around and started building two familiar T sign that looks exactly like Albedo's as you continued explaining.
"I don't have memories nor do I know what this world is about and finding out it is full of idiotic or blindly simps who are in love with a being who doesn't even appear before you guys and then you guys start simping on a person who says they are your creator when in reality they are not especially there are signs you guys could realize sooner that they are not your creator"
Venti started crying but was not sobbing. The citizens were also crying but not sobbing loudly while the knights stared down in shame along with Aether and Paimon. Rubedo just snorted at them realizing how true your words are before smirkingly looking at Albedo who glared at him.
"You just let it happen and that's your fault. You can blame anyone or even the imposter herself but in reality. You could have been then one to stop Mallory from killing or making her tyranny over yet you just acted obliviously and ignored the signs because she is your fucking God you all love"
Everyone flinched, shivered and winced at your tone as you just finished placing each T sign on with the unknown skull on each side yet left the middle one empty and you then turned around with no emotion.
"Especially you Aether" You looked at him who flinched, "You hate the creator yet you stick by an imposter who is obsessed with you? What a hypocrite you are"
"No wonder Bennett, Diona, Razor, XiangLing, Sayu, Xingqiu, and Chongyun died by Mallory thanks to you"
You hit the nail in the coffin as you watched Aether grimace at the truth of his actions. 
"It hurts right? Good, that's your fault for not realizing your actions despite it being understandable you hate the creator but siding in Mallory's tyranny and letting the people who you know or befriended die in her acolyte's hands under her order and act like you didn't see anything? Lumine is right to be ashamed of you"
"Oof" Rubedo added when you basically threw them a hammer of what they had done especially at Aether who looked even more in pain. 
You sighed, "I'll not waste my time ranting and hurting you guys the truth when I'm trying to remove all governments of all nations except Sumeru and Snezhnaya"
You pulled another black skull and looked at it. 
"Aether," You spoke, "Let me tell you a story"
"A story of a man called Thesus, his country, well a city-state technically, was in danger, and he sent himself forward into enemy lines, he slew the minotaur and saved his city. "
Your story caught everyone's attention and looked you interested in hearing the sudden story you just spoke.
"You know what they did to him Aether?"
Aether gulped, "T-They m-made him a hero?"
You just chuckled as you showed the skull in front of everyone as you stared at Aether with a sardonic smile. 
"They exiled him, he died in disgrace, despised by his people, that´s what happens to Heroes Aether!"
"But he saved everyone!" Paimon added.
"He did but unfortunately his people knew the score of what he did"
You opened your other hand as another skull appeared in your palm. 
A flash of Mondstadt suddenly became a familiar nation called L'Manburg that is now in a new era but the destruction was seen there. In your place, a tall man with pink hair and a big mask was holding a sword and skull while the people in front of him were the citizens of L'Manburg. The tall pink-haired man gave the same speech you just spoke to Mondstadt as he watched the people he knew suddenly make another government which he despise seeing it. 
Guess both of you and Techno are the same. 
"Do you want to be a hero again Aether?" You asked him as your eyes flashed red before going back to (e/c).
Aether tried to speak but for some reason, his body couldn't move or his voice couldn't calm out. Everyone saw Rubedo standing up with the skull in his grip. 
That wasn't a good sign at all especially how the crows keep saying 'RELEASE THE WITHER!!'
"Y-Your g-grace please s-stop!" Barbara tried to stop what yet you merely looked at her and she hesitantly stepped back in fear. 
In the blink of an eye, you turned around and placed the skulls in the middle of the two T signs and suddenly they turn blue, and then a three head creatures appeared that no one knows what it is. Rubedo did the same to his T sign and it also became the unknown creature that stood beside you. You then turned around to look at them before putting your right hand on your forehead in a salute and yelling out those words that will haunt them forever:
Three withers appeared and the screaming began. 
No one could save Mondstadt.
No one could save the City of Freedom.
This was the destruction of Mondstadt.
This…is the end of Mondstadt.
And the signal to all nations. 
That they will lose their home and their lives. 
In the hands of the next Elytrian who is the daughter who the last Elytrian of the Minecraft world.
She is now following in her father's footsteps.
In becoming-
The next Angel of Death.
*Flops in exhaustion*
*Then realizes I have to make Part 3 and Part four soon along with a Interlude of the aftermath of Mondstadt*
Imma make Prologue part 3 next month cause this month I will make an interlude after Finals of my story cause I definitely went overboard of this story 😅😅😭😭😂😂
But don't worry you'll see Prologue part 3 which is gonna be more destruction and Prologue part 4 is the last prologue mixed with an interlude as well. It's basically the aftermath of all that has happened and then we will get to the Chapters however three chapters will be focusing on three characters that are the people who are very close to the reader and then in the fourth chapter we will go to Reader's past and the DSMP story.
Also, I'm sure you guys noticed the changes and yes this is similar to the preview but it is changed and added for this Prologue and I might have gone overboard so I apologize if it's long since I like reading stuff very long 😅
Also, I apologize to the people who think Aether will be a good guy here so please don't attack me because I will say almost all characters will have slow-burn redemption and by slow burn, it will take time for the reader to forgive them. Please don't expect reader to forgive them right away when if she was a regular person who toke her place she would have been Traumatized for life and Trauma is not easy to heal okay. Remember now every trauma can heal right away. They are lucky reader here who is already desensitized to death yet she cannot forgive them cause they almost killed her and started asking for her forgiveness? No reader will not forgive these people right away. They need to give her time or find the right way to get her forgiveness.
But Anyways what do you guys think of Prologue part 2? Please follow me, comment, like and reblog my story! ^^
Also Prologue part 1 has major changes so idk if you guys saw it XD
So yeah Imma rest and wait on what do you guys think of today's Part 2 Prologue! ^^
Also this is the song I used to keep me going in making this prologue! 👇
Taglist: (If you see a tag of your name and not notifying you then the tag, unfortunately, did not work : ( )
@rea-can-yeet @chocogi @ayamvirus @greenteaanon @yunadxd @leafanonsforest @g3n0dtt @tokyosimp @persephone-kore-law @ryokuu @sweet-seraphim @creation-magician @mappleleaf893 @rampantparadox @romireblogss @campanula-rotundifolia @loser-loalo @moon--kitty @abyssmal-skies
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httpdabi · 3 years
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Summary: You decided to play AmongUs with your best friend and troll some randoms in there, what you didn’t really expect was to meet an extremely handsome stranger that has to offer you things your ex boyfriends never did.
Genre: smut, romance, No quirks looool
Word count: 7.5k
Warnings: 18+ (minors fuck off kindly), creampie, multiple orgasms, fingering, forced orgasm, daddy kink, dom!Dabi, orgasm denial, praising!
I had lots of fun writing this! Hope you enjoy it <3
,, Girl, you promised that you’ll come over tonight’’ you whined loudly over the phone, as your best friend Nejire told you that she won’t be able to make it, breaking your plans into tiny little pieces. Damn her childhood friend and his whole family deciding to come exactly today over, ruining your perfect evening with your best friend.
,, Yeah, but we can drink and play, doesn’t matter if we ain’t together, I’m sure he’ll like to play with us ‘’ you could almost feel her smile on the other line, and with only that you couldn’t even think about being mad at her, knowing very well how much she loves that guy. Probably in a way that no friends love each other.
,, Yeah, yeah. But girl, if you dich me tonight and let me troll people on my own, I’ll never forgive you’’ you smiled, knowing very well that she won’t do that. The two of you spend too much time playing stupid games together, drinking till you are comfortable enough to argue with strangers online, and troll the shit out of them.
Since it was weekend, and you were spending time on your own, you decided to start drinking a bit earlier. Turning on a movie, you started sipping on your wine, exchanging some texts with your best friend every now and then.
Your first glass was done way too fast, and you were already sitting in front of your computer with your forth glass beside the keyboard, and a cigarette in your right hand, texting a code to Nejire as you puffed on your cigarette.
The moment you saw one familiar and one not so familiar usernames getting into the private lobby , you smiled widely once Nejire started laughing loudly.
,, HAHAHA BITCH WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT’’ she screamed, as her lover boy giggled quietly beside her, probably too shy to say anything.
,, What is wrong with Kentuckycriedfricken?’’ you asked, as you slowly tapped with your fingers over the table. Well, you weren’t so creative tonight, but you could only blame alcohol on that.
,, Why the fuck are you called TURKEY_SANDWICH’’ you added another question, not giving her a chance to answer to your first one.
,,BECAUSE I’M CARVING ONE’’Nejire screamed, and in that moment you knew very well that she drank as much as you did, if not even more. You giggled to yourself, as you watched the room getting full, some people talking, some texting in the chat and some simply waiting.
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, once you saw all the people commenting START In the small chat box. There was something about it that was pissing you off, making you kick or ban anyone who writes it. This time, you were too busy laughing with your friend, and instead doing any of it, you simply started the game.
You sighed in relief, taking a sip of your wine, as Nejire ran around you with her friend, singing loudly. Ignoring the two of them, you made your way to the Admin room, to swipe the card, not so surprised once you saw a crew of other players doing the same thing.
,,KENTUCKYCRIEDFRICKEN WHERE ARE YOU’’ you heard Nejire once she entered the room. Once she noticed the cyan color hiding in the crowd she hurried with her Pink character toward you.
,,Wanna watch me scan?’’ she asked, making you giggle as she just gave you the secret code, making sure you know that she’s the Impostor.
,,Nah, Imma pass’’ you said, getting out of the room. You were pretty sure she’ll win the game, since she had you and her friend on her damn side, but you did wish you could know who the other Impostor is. Ignoring her, you made your way toward the Weapons, to clear the damn Asteroids and just look for someone to play around with. These people were way too quiet for your taste.
,,Heyyyy what’s up man?’’ you almost screamed excitedly when you saw a dark blue character, hopefully a crewmate, standing there and clearing Asteroids, or you thought so. You forced your voice a pitch higher, giggling to yourself, knowing how stupid you sound.
,,Oh my god, how old are you?’’ the stranger asked. The moment you spoke, all the giggles were gone. That guys voice was so damn deep, you literally had to lit a cigarette before you decided to speak up again.
,,Old enough’’ you laughed, refusing to tell him your real age just now.
,,Older than 18?’’ he asked, as you were shooting those Asteroids, not that focused.
,, Of course’’ you gasped, rolling your eyes, like he might see you.
,, Thanks God.. Do you play Amongus often ?’’ he asked, not even knowing that his fucking voice was doing things to you.
,, Amongus is my favoire game’’ you said, finishing your task. The way he talked to you, you were almost sure that he was trying to troll you a bit there, probably thinking you are one of those uwu pick me girls.
,,Mhmm.. you’re up pretty late.. what’s your bed time?’’ he asked, and with that question you were more than sure that he was messing around.
,, Daddy beats me if I don’t go to bed at 9’’ you tried to hold your laugh, and you could almost hear the stranger doing the same thing you do.
,, Ohh, I could be your daddy and I would never do that to you ‘’ he said. In that moment, if it wasn’t for his voice, you would probably just laugh loudly and just go away. But damn, the way he said that.
,,HAHHAHA YOU CRAZY FUCK’’ You choked out, once you got out of your little dream, liking how he played along.
,, So that’s your real voice’’ he mumbled, small muffed laugh following the sentence, as you ran away from him. You didn’t hear a voice like that for a long time, and you really hoped that the dude will follow you around for the rest of the game.
Which at your surprise happened.
You were about to ask him some stupid question, but in that very moment someone found a fucking body.
,,Pink killed white and just jumped into the vent in front of me’’ some dude accused Nejire, and that’s when you knew that you have to jump in.
,, I saw Pink scan tho, so that makes you pretty sus dude’’ you lied without thinking twice. Yeah, you knew that it’s more fun if you play by the rules, and don’t team up.. but Nejire is rarely the Impostor and she’s always so damn excited when she wins.
,, Yeah, that’s Pretty sus… ‘’ your new friend said, probably believing you, since you two spent some short time together.
At the end of the short meeting, White was voted out.
You made your way to Reactor to do your task, and Nejire and her friend followed you, probably to look a bit clear to others. You hated the task you had to do, so you took your time, ignoring the loud laughs coming from your friend.
Shortly, the voice of Nejire was changed with the deep one.
,, So, what do you do usually?’’ he asked, as you tried to start the reactor. You had trouble with that task without being tipsy, so alcohol wasn’t really helping in your current situation.
,, I’m streets salesman of burgers’’ you joked, making him laugh a bit. Only to end up telling him that you are actually a student, having a mini job at the café near where you live. You weren’t even sure if his voice was making you speak up or the alcohol, but you almost found yourself telling him the story of your life.
,, Where are you going?’’ he asked you, as you made your way toward Electrical, stopping once the lights got off. You didn’t want to look sus to him, but you didn’t want to go there, since everyone knows that the first person that enters the room will end up dead.
,,Well, I wanted to go to electrical, to do my task, but not so sure about it anymore’’ you said honestly, running around him.
,, Come on, I’ll keep you safe’’ he laughed, and you followed him. The moment you were about to do your task, the game finished, showing how the Impostors won.
You heart almost skipped a beat when you saw In the chat box how your dark blue feiend was the second Impostor. You found it extremely cute that he had way too many chances to kill you and he never did. Instead of killing you, he was simply chatting with you.
Usually you were the one to hate playing as impostor, always feeling the pressure and thinking that you’ll ruin the game for the other impostor, but tipsy like that, you wished you could be one now, and kill some crewmates around.
,, Doll, teaming ain’t nice’’ deep voice told you as you were downloading the data in the Cafeteria.
,, Awh, come on, she needs a bit of support’’ you said, focused on his voice more than on your task. ,,After all you just used me to clear yourself and look less sus’’ you added and he sighed loudly, acting shocked that you could even think of him like that.
You thought that the little play with the stranger will be just one time ‘’experience’’, but at your surprise he asked you for your instagram at the end. Usually you aren’t the one to share your personal information’s with others, and you also weren’t sure what you’re getting into, yet you found yourself giving him your username before you turned the computer off and drifted into a deep sleep.
Once you woke up, your phone was blown up with notifications, every single one from instagram. One text message and the rest of it were likes.
,,Well, didn’t expect you to be this pretty.. super glad I met you there ’’
You smiled to yourself as you read the little message, with one of your post attached to it. Tapping on his username, your eyes almost widened in shock once you realized that not only his fucking voice was attractive. The dude was a motherfucking snack, and you had a pretty big luck that you found him in that silly lobby.
To Touyaf:
,, Heyy, you ain’t looking bad either lol same, let’s play together again ‘’
You replied, before you returned to his profile to like some photos he posted. Being honest, you didn’t know what to expect, but what you didn’t expect was a black haired guy, with piercings and tattoos covering his body. He definitely didn’t look like someone who spends his time on computer playing fucking Among us.
Hopping out of your bed, you made your way to get ready for the day. There were many things you planned to do, so you didn’t really want to waste your time. The faster you’re done, the more time you’ll have at the end.
After you packed all the post you had to send for your work, you headed to the bus station, hoping you’ll be able to catch the next bus. At your surprise Dabi was replying to your messages way too fast, making it one of the conversations where your eyes simply have to stay glued to your phone.
You found it almost funny how you ended up checking up your phone more often than usual, for someone you didn’t even meet yet. Sure, his profile looks legit, but the possibility that some attention thirsty freak is hiding behind that profile will be there till you meet him personally.
Once you finished everything up, you made your way toward the little Game shop, the one you were a well known costumer in. The now not so new Crash Bandicoot game that got out months ago was finally on the sale. You wanted to buy it the same day it got out, but $75 was too much, and it’s not like you’re shitting money.
The moment you bought the game, you wished you could fucking teleport yourself home, but sadly, you still had stuff to do and the game had to wait.
Your steps felt heavy, as you pushed yourself in the crowd, trying to keep your balance. Someone’s shoulder almost knocked you out, making your blood boil in just a damn second. Turning your head to the side, more than ready to fight, a smile crept on your face once you realized who you’re facing.
,, OH MY fucking god ‘’ you gasped, pointing every word out.
,, Woww, you’re alive’’ your cousin laughed, once she realized that you were ready to throw some hands. You really wanted to go home, but since ALL OF SUDDEN, both you and your cousin had some time, she forced you to go grab a coffee with her.
The two of you wanted to meet for a long time, but yet none of you could manage to get some free time and meet.
,, Yeah, Kai went to that Music program. The whole town was voting for him, didn’t you know that?’’ she said, talking about your childhood friend that always wanted to become famous.
,, Wow, strong community ‘’ you joked, acting surprised. Even tho he was your friend, you had to be honest. He couldn’t sing for shit.
The two of you ended up spending much more time than you planned to, and you ended up not minding it at all. You actually enjoyed talking about random shit form the last with her.
,, Wow, I didn’t think Bonnie is still alive. That dog could sense us from far away, so weird’’ your cousin said, sipping on her now cold coffee. ,, You think she would still smell or sense me if I would be on my way to your parents house ?’’ she added, eyes almost twinkling excitedly.
,, She can definitely smell your stinky ass’’ you joked, playing with the metal straw in your drink.
,, Oh eat shit, I’m sweating so much that I’m showering two times a day’’ she protested, slapping your arm playfully.
,,And even that ain’t helping’’ you laughed loudly once you saw her disgusted face.
The two of you finally parted ways, once you told her that you have some other important plans, deciding its better not to tell her that you’re dying to go home and play the game you bought.
You almost teared up once you were finally in your pajamas, laying comfortably on your couch and playing the game. You almost teared up, when you chose the retro function of the game, where you can get and loose life, thinking you’re the old school gamer. Oh, how fast you changed it once you realized how hard the game is.
After playing the game for two hours, you realized that you definitely won’t be able to finish it in one night. You were glad that the production was aiming for the old public, but you didn’t expect it to be that hard.
,,The game is dope as fuckkkk, but too easy imo’’
You smiled when you saw that he replied to the picture you posted on the story.
To Touyaf:
,, Are you insane ? I’m on the same level thirty fucking minutes now :( ‘’
You replied, as you continued with the game, only to pause it after one minute of gameplay just to check your phone when you saw the instagram notification.
,, Want me to help you?’’
To Toyuaf:
,, How ?’’
,, Send me your address ‘’
Your eyes widened when you saw what he wrote, too scared to open the message he sent you. Of course you wanted to meet him, but so fast ? And at this time ?
Was that really smart ?
Well, it doesn’t matter if it’s smart or not, you ended up sending him your address, last name and running around in the middle of the night and cleaning your apartment anyway. You found yourself smiling the whole time while hysterically cleaning around. You didn’t know if he is living near or far, yet there was so much to do. It was very visible that you weren’t expecting any guests.
Luckily for you, it took him some time to arrive, giving you a chance to clear everything nicely and throw your clothes that were laying around into the closet.
The moment you heard the doorbell you got nervous like a little teenage girl that was about to go on her first date and the moment you opened the door, you were more than sure that you made the right decision when you sent him your address.
Was is possible that someone could be that handsome ? At one point you thought that he was just photogenic when you scrolled his Insta feed, you thought maybe he knew his angles. But damn, the dude standing in front of you was someone you would spread your legs for without thinking twice.
,,Hey, nice to finally meet you’’ he said, giving you a small hug which you definitely didn’t expect. ,, You look even prettier than on photos’’ he added, smiling at you.
,, You think? Thank you. You too’’ you said awkwardly. Usually you are much more confident, and you don’t have problem with communication, but the fact that this handsome dude you barely know, is in your apartment, made your legs shake.
,, I mean, you are really handsome’�� you added fast, trying to break that creepiness in your voice, giving yourself a mental facepalm once you realized that he was holding back his laugh. You almost looked like fucking Bella from Twilight. Was that necessary ?
,, What do you want to drink? Tea ? Coffee? Orange juice ? Wine ?’’ you asked, preparing the glass. He probably noticed how nervous you are and that made you even more nervous. Everything that could go wrong, is going wrong right now.
,, Well, I’m really up for some wine’’ Touya said as he sat comfortably on your couch.
THANKS GOD. You weren’t sure if you would be able to survive being in the same room with him while drinking a fucking chamomile tea.
,, You can’t beat this level? This one ?You can’t be for real’’ he laughed, as you placed two glasses and one bottle of wine on the table.
,, Are you dissing my gaming skills ?’’ you laughed, pouring the wine in the glass while he was playing the game like it was nothing.
,, Ah please, how many times did you paly it ?’’ you whined loudly, as he played almost perfectly.
,, Oh thanks God, you are a smoker, I was already stressing myself out if I’ll have to go out for every cigarette’’ Touya said once he saw you lit a cigarette.
After your second glass of wine, all the nervousness was gone. The two of you were having pretty much a fun time playing the game and drinking together.
,, What are you doing ???’’ he asked, almost screaming once you died in the game, without getting to the checkpoint.
,, MY BEST, I’M DOING MY BEST’’ You screamed back, throwing the controller to his direction, one again feeling defeated.
After that night, Touya started visiting you more often, and every night he would visit you, the two of you would drown a bottle of wine. You didn’t expect him to be such a cool person actually. In your opinion he did look like someone who’s full of himself.
Also, when you told Nejire that you met the dude from Among us, she immediately started lecturing you about how he could have killed you, totally ignoring the fact that you were standing in front of her alive and more healthy than you ever were.
,, Anyway, they have one appointment free today ‘’ Nejire said, as the two of you walked down the street, going to your usual café.
,, What are you talking about ?’’ you asked confused.
,, About escape room you stupid bitch’’ she said, hitting your arm lightly like she was talking about it clearly before.
,, Nejire, if the two of us go, one hour won’t be enough for us to get out of it’’ you pointed, knowing very well that neither of you is capable of figuring anything out on your own, especially not some scary ass escape room.
,, Ye, but I can ask Mirio to come, and you can ask the Dabi dude’’ she said, rising her eyebrows at you. Well that wasn’t a really bad idea actually.
Both Mirio and Dabi agreed, and while sipping on your coffee the two of you reserved the room. It was pretty much unplanned, and you had around 2 hours until your appointment, but you were really glad it worked out.
,, Girl, you should see my little sister today, girlie is only 3 years old, and she already flirts better than you and me together’’ Nejire giggled, as you gave her one questioning look.
,, She met some boy at playground today. You should see the looks they were giving each other. They even started talking in their baby language, discussing something’’ she said, making you laugh as you imagined her baby sister hitting on some other kid. You were never a person that could deal with kids, but her sister was really special.
Once the Mirio arrived, Nejire got all quiet, which almost made you laugh out loud, since she’s nothing like that usually. She did tell you before, that the two of them hooked up after one of the birthday parties you attended, but you almost forget about that.
,, What can I get you?’’ the waiter asked Mirio, as you and Nejire talked excitedly about escaperoom.
,, One Matte Lacchiato’’ Mirio said, trying to follow what you were talking about, while the waiter was looking at him confused, not sure if he’s joking or not.
,, You mean Latte macchiato ??’’ Nejire asked, trying to hold her laugh. The moment the waiter left, none of you had to hold it back anymore.
,, Dude, Matte Lacchiato ? Really?’’ you laughed loudly.
,, Fuck off, I’m not a coffee person’’ Mirio snapped, his face all red from embarrassment.
,, One Paccuccino please’’ you joked, making Mirio roll his eyes.
,, One Sepresso please’’ Nejire laughed loudly , while Mirio was mumbling something under his breath, hating the both of you in the moment.
,,By the way, I don’t like this thing, tastes like nothing’’ he said, as giving it to Nejire to try it out.
,, Out of 1 to 10, how many points would you give to this Matte Lacchiato?’’ Nejire asked, giggling, giving him a sign that she’ll never forget the silly mistake he said.
,,2 points. One for having balls to sell it, and another one because I’m such a good hearted person’’ he said, pushing the drink to the side.
The moment you saw Touya enter the café, you started waving around with your hands, helping him find you.
,, What took you so long ?’’ you asked, as he took a seat next to you. He looked good as usual, wearing oversized purple shirt, and black pants with nike airforce.
,, I was in the middle of a jog when you texted me’’ he said putting his both hands in the air, feeling attakced.
,, Oh that sounds fun’’ you joked, as you rolled your cigarette.
,, Yeah? I’ll call you next time to come with’’ he said, also rolling a cigarette, while giving you a side look.
,, Not that fun’’ you laughed.
,, dude, the last time we jogged together, she had to call a taxi to bring her back home’’ Mirio said, making Touya laugh.
,, Trueeee, I had to pour water all over her face when we were jogging together’’ Nejire added, remembering the accident that happened back in the days.
,,Oh shut up, I had to put your fucking legs up hoping you wont collapse’’ you laughed. Sure, both Mirio and Touya were in better shape than you, but Nejire ? Girl was on the same level.
,, And stop it, stop dissing me! I’m a victim of a hate crime right now” you whined loudly, as all of them laughed.
When the time came, all of you made your way to the escaperoom. After you checked in and paid, you and Touya went out to smoke one more cigarette since you had some time before the game starts.
,, So, what will you do after this ?’’ Touya asked, placing his arm around you as you puffed on your cigarette.
,, I don’t have any plans yet, why ? Wanna come over ?’’ you asked, mentally holding your shit together once he said that he’ll gladly come.
He was too close, wayyyy too close. You could even smell his fucking perfume.
Once the game started all of you were more than lost, having hard time finding the clues. You were in some basement looking room with tons of books. Touya and you found the first clue, some numbers written on the small closet as a code for opening the box that Mirio found.
Mirio found the second code, that led you to the box with the key that was opening the door.
,, Oh my god guys, there are number on the closet’’ Nejire screamed loudly, making all of you laugh.
,, Sweetie we passed that part long time ago.’’ Mirio said pinching her cheek. You were pretty sure that she was a bit lost, because Mirio was giving her way too much attention.
The next room was even darker than the first one, full of some weird family photos, crosses and blood. All of you were trying to work together, you agreed to use the Woky toky only when needed, yet the person who held it didn’t really give a shit about your agreement.
,, We need help’’ Mirio said, while the rest of you whined loudly since it was probably the third time he’s using it by now.
,, Dude, do you like the worker here ?’’ you asked him, as you took the photo of the wall.
,, No, why?’’ he asked you back, almost confused.
,, Because you are constantly talking to him. I swear you didn’t even talk to your ex that much ‘’ you said, making Touya laugh a bit.
The game continued with all of you in a rush to figure things out. One clue led to another one, and you opened some small room, where someone had to go inside to pull some weird looking rope.
Luckily for all of you, Mirio volunteered. The moment he pulled the rope down, some weird as cockroaches fall down on him, making him get out of the small room faster then he got in there.
,, Fucking shit, I didn’t sign for this’’ he whined, sighing in relief once he realized that those cockroaches are plastic one.
,, I swear, if that shit fell onto me, I would smash the red button without thinking twice’’ Nejire said in disgust.
,, This game is hard as fuck’’ you sighed, as you held some weird box with some knifes in your hand.
,, Wanna know what else is hard ?’’ Touya said quietly, making your eyes widen in shock.
,, Excuse me?’’ you couldn’t believe what he was asking you, here in front of your friends.
,, This cross. Oh my god, didn’t expect you to be that dirty minded doll’’ Touya laughed loudly, making you blush. In your Defense, he sounded like he was talking about his dick. He definitely didSl.
At the end, the 4 of you made it out of the room few minutes before the game ended. The moment you opened the door, you found the worker that explained the game and led you to the room standing in front of the very same door. Probably ready to get you all out.
,, This was so embarrassing ‘’ Nejire laughed as all of you got out of the building.
,, Yeah, imagine if we didn’t figure it out, what would he tell us ? Sorry but yall have to die now’’ Mirio said.
,, Well, maybe if you used the time we had for figuring everything out, instead of talking with the dude over the Wokytoky, MAYBE we would do better’’ you laughed, as Mirio told you to fuck off.
After Mirio and Nejire left, you and Touya made your way to your apartment, still talking and laughing about the whole game.
The two of you played among us, teaming up against some randoms on a whole new level. He was sitting way too close to you, like there was no place on the couch at all. Of course, you didn’t mind that, but you would lie if you said that you could focus on the game fully.
,, You are so cute’’ Touya pointed when you killed someone in front of him, not even hiding the fact that you are teaming.
He was complimenting you and being touchy with you more then usual.
,, So, are you really into daddy kink?’’ you asked, as you remembered the first time you played together.
,,Maybe ‘’ Touya smirked, focused on the game.
,, Naughty naughtyyy’’ you laughed, killing some other crewmate.
Once you had enough of the game, the two of you ended up just chit chatting about some stupid things, still in the same position as you were in before. The only difference was that Touya was slowly caressing your skin.
,, You wanna sleep over ?’’ you asked, once you realized that it was getting really late.
,, Well, definitely not if I have to crash on this couch’’ he said, making you giggle quietly.
,, Ah, you know I wouldn’t let you sleep here.’’ You mumbled quietly, avoiding eye contact with him.
,, Awhh, is my little doll implying that I can share her bed with her ?’’ Dabi teased. His arm was wrapped around you, rubbing small circles on your right hip gently.
,, Maybe ?’’ you said, trying to focus on anything else than his hand playing around.
,, Anyway, doll, I want to ask you something’’ he muttered, stopping his movements suddenly. You changing your position to have a better look of him, was your answer to go on.
,, Do play a lot with other people online?’’ he asked. You blinked slowly, not sure if that’s really a question he wanted to spit out. It seemed like it would be something more important.
,, Uh, I’m usually playing with Nejire. Why ?’’ you replied, confusion written all over your face. At your surprise, Dabi wrapped his arms around you, forcing you onto his lap like you were a small and weightless playtoy.
,, You know, I don’t like sharing what’s mine. ‘’ he expressed, placing his both hands on your tights, moving them up and down slowly.
,, Yours ?’’ you weren’t sure what was going on, and you definitely didn’t expect that silly question to go this way.
,, Doll, you’ve been mine the moment you sent me your address. What I meant was, you’ve met me so easily, I sure hope you ain’t like that with everyone on the internet.’’ His voice was somehow even more deeper than usual, and maybe it’s weird, but the position you were in was lowkey turning you on.
Maybe the fact that his behavior changed so fast, maybe the fact that he wanted you all for himself .
,, Honesty, I never share my personal information online, since you never know who’s hiding on the other side, but there was something about you. I just wanted to stay in contact with you’’ you responded, playing with your fingers like a lost child.
Instead of replying, he placed his hands on your cheek, pulling you slowly into a kiss, which you accepted gladly. It was the first time you felt such huge attraction for someone, and you were more than happy to give him anything he wants.
Maybe it’s weird to feel such a thing for someone you didn’t know that well, but everyone starts somewhere, right ?
His hands were going up and down your waist, lips never leaving your own. The moment you put your arms up, helping him remove the shirt you were wearing, you felt him smirk into the kiss. Once your shirt was off, he leaned back into the couch, having a better view of you, half naked sitting in his lap.
His right hand was playing with the strap of your bra, and the other one was holding you on his lap firmly. To him, you were the most beautiful little thing that he placed his eyes on, and he was more than grateful that you didn’t freak out because of his small confession.
You couldn’t wait anymore. Bending over, you connected your lips with his own again. His hands moved to your ass, giving it one good squeeze, before he got a firmer grip of you, pushing you up with himself and making his way to your bedroom.
Once he placed you on your bed, he took his shirt of, throwing it somewhere on the floor, as he climbed on top of you. All you could do was close your eyes and moan quietly once you felt his lips on your neck, sucking and biting it gently.
His lips were moving down, from your neck to your chest. From your chest to your stomach, leaving wet love bites on his way down.
Once he got so low, that he was almost between your legs, he unbuttoned your pants slowly, pulling your panties just a little bit down to leave kisses down there.
After few kisses, he gave you a sign to push your hips up a bit, and you did so. The moment you did it, Touya pulled your pants, together with your underwear down, leaving you in nothing else than your bra.
,, Take of your bra’’ he commanded, as he got lost between your legs. You wanted to do it, you really did, but once you felt his tongue on your pussy, you weren’t capable to even think straight, yet to remove your bra.
He was sucking and biting your clit, like no one ever before, making you throw your head back into your pillow as you enjoyed what he was giving you. You cradled your hands into his hair, as you felt thousand things at the same time. You’ve never desired someone so much, and the fact that the person you desired like no one else in your whole life was between your legs eating you out, was driving you crazy on a whole new level.
Dabi felt the same, it was the very first time he felt pleasure while he ate someone out, he was craving you like a mad man.
His tongue was doing wonders to you, and the moment you felt his finger slowly enter you, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to get control over yourself.
,, Gotta loosen up my doll a little bit’’ he mumbled, savoring your pussy. The way he ate you out was getting sloppier and sloppier. Once he added another finger, your grip on is hair got stronger, giving him a sign that it hurts a bit.
,, Baby, how will you take my dick if you ain’t capable of taking ony two fingers ?’’ he looked up, smirking at you. Once you gave him a weak nod, he started moving his fingers in and out of you, slowly, giving you time to adjust.
Once he heard you moan, he started moving his fingers a little faster, as he started to rub your clit with his other hand.
,,Oh god’’ you moaned loudly, as pleasure took all over your body. Your orgasm hit you pretty unexpectedly, making you hide your face with your hands in embarrassment. You never came so quickly.
He definitely knows what’s he doing. None of your ex boyfriends made you cum so fast. All they did was simply missionary sex, with no talk at all. Few humps and done.
,, Open your mouth’’ Touya commanded, not giving you a chance to understand what was going on and why he wanted you to open your mouth for him. You felt two wet and sticky fingers rub your lips. You couldn’t even open your mouth fully, as he already shoved his two fingers in it.
,, Suck’’ grabbing your hands with his own and pushing them down, he had to see you, even tho he knew very well how embarrassed you felt in that moment.
Of course you did as he told you, as he held your chin, forcing you to look right at him as you cleaned his fingers that just pleasured you.
,, Such a good girl’’ Touya said, caressing your cheek gently, before he pulled his fingers out of your mouth, trying to free his throbbing dick out of the pants.
,, Didn’t I tell you to take your bra off ?’’ he asked, smirk forming on his lips. ,, Oh, so you don’t like to follow daddys orders ?’’ he added, climbing on top of you.
,, I ..’’ you didn’t even know what you wanted to say, you honestly forgot that you even had your bra on. Instead of saying anything, Touya only laughed, flipping you on your stomach, as he unclipped your bra in one movement.
,, I really wanted to be gentle with you, but if you are not capable in following small orders what will happen later with the big ones?’’ he asked, kissing the back of your neck slowly. You weren’t sure what to say, for you, that wasn’t a big deal, and honestly you didn’t know much about daddy kink.
,, Sorry daddy’’ you said, closing your eyes. It felt weird to call him daddy, but now that you knew that he likes it, you did it anyway.
,, Sorry doesn’t help doll. Daddy has to fuck you into obedience’’ he said, pulling the lower part of your body up. He took a good look of you, before he started rubbing the tip of his dick around your core. The view of you, with your ass up made his dick twitch, and he couldn’t wait anymore.
He shoved his dick into you with one move, forcing your body to move away from him out of the reflex. But Touya wasn’t buying that, grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking you back.
,, You good?’’ He asked. You could hear concern in his voice, and you found it really cute how he suddenly changed.
,, Yes, that was hot ‘’ you said embarrassed, glad he was not facing you.
,, Good, because I ain’t stopping’’ with that, he started rocking his hips into you, as he pulled your head back, hand still holding your hair keeping you in the place he wanted you to be in.
So much about the concern.
,, So fucking tight’’ he groaned, as he fucked fast and hard into you, making your bed crack with every move. You found yourself moaning louder then before, it felt like he was forcing every moan out of you with every snap of his hips against your own.
The moment you felt his fingers on your clit, your walls squeezed around him. Once again embarrassed that you are so close, so fast.
,, Oh nah, you ain’t gonna cum yet’’ he whispered in your ear, leaving your clit and grabbing your hips with his both hands.
,, Ehhh pleaseeee, please daddy’’ you moaned, pushing the embarrassment away.
,, Baby, If you cum now, I’ll make sure you cum at least two more times before I finish you want it or not’’ he said, stopping his movements. Usually, when you had sex you were lucky if you could orgasm even once, since the guys only thought about themselves. You weren’t really sure if you could do it for him. You weren’t sure if you were capable to do it at all.
,, I’ll take that as yes’’ Touya laughed, moving his hips suddenly, his hand back on your clit and rubbing it so fast that he literally forced the orgasm he stopped few moments ago.
You moaned loudly, losing the power in your body. If Touya wasn’t holding you, you would definitely just fall down. He moved his hips slowly, making sure your orgasm lasts long enough for you to see the stars.
Once he was sure you are done, he flipped you over onto your back, spreading your legs with his hands, as he gave you one passionate kiss. You were too focused on the kiss, not realizing that he entered you again, only to realized it once he started moving again.
He was fucking you like there was no tomorrow, not breaking the kiss at all. You could feel his dick hitting your cervix with every move. You found yourself wrapping your arms around him, trying to find some comfort while he fucked the light out of you.
,, Come on baby, cum for your daddy’’ he groaned, enjoying how tightly your walls were squeezing him in that moment.
,, I can’t, oh my god, I really can’t ‘’ you whined, digging your nails into his skin, as he once again started playing with your clit. You felt both pain and pleasure while played with it, forcing the third orgasm out of you.
,, Of course you can, look at you, such a good girl’’ This time he didn’t slow down, letting you enjoy it, instead he was fucking you even harder and faster then before, making the orgasm that hit you almost painful, but yet still good and pleasurable.
With every move he did, you dag your nails deeper into the flesh of his back, moaning loudly not giving a single fuck if your neighbors could hear you or not.
,, One more baby’’ Touya groaned, hitting your g spot all over again. ,, Only one more baby, you can do it ‘’ he added as he rocked his hips against yours. You were so fucking sensitive, that you literally felt every vein of his dick rubbing against your walls. Maybe you were imagining, but it felt like you could literally feel the shape of his whole dick inside you, every inch of it.
He was fucking you in a reckless pace, once again rubbing your clit, while telling you how you’re such a good girl for him and how you’re gonna milk his cock so nicely. Once Touya felt that he was close, once he realized that he won’t last much longer, he started rubbing your clit with more pressure, forcing himself even more into you then before.
,, Come on baby, cum all over my cock’’ he groaned, as you moaned loudly. The moment he forced your last orgasm out of you, he groaned loudly as he was chasing his own high, painting your walls white with his seed.
The moment he came, he slowed down, still not stopping his movements completely. Fucking his seed deep into you. Because of the fact that you came fucking four times, and that he shoot loads and loads of his own seed into you, you were almost sure that you were already leaking on your bed.
,, Are you okay?’’ Touya asked, placing soft kissed on your neck, while his dick was still inside of you. ,, Did I go too far ?’’ he added, once he realized that you aren’t answering.
,, Oh god no, this was amazing’’ you whispered, tilting your head to the side. Touya kissed you, not being able to hold his smile at all. After the kiss, he wore his boxers and made his way to your bedroom, only to come back moments later with a warm towel.
After he cleaned you up, he helped you wear your panties, giving you his shirt instead of your own, before the two of you fall asleep in each others arms.
In that moment, you felt grateful for existence of that silly game where you met this handsome stranger. Who would have thought that Amongus can be a better match maker than Tinder.
You sure didn’t.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
(No bible spoilers pls!!!)
Gloob announced two minor spoilers today and one is about Chat Noir using his power on a person and when I tell you I’ve seen SO MANY people talk about how, no matter who it is, they’ll forgive him, even if it’s on purpose because they either “deserved it” or it was a “mistake” and “everyone makes mistakes uwu” but can you imagine if Maribug did something like that?? Like if it was her as Ladynoire who did it? The OUTRAGE there would be calling for her head as if they don’t already for the tiniest thing?? It just irritates me so much to see how quick and easily forgiving toxic “Adrien stans” are but when Marinette can’t read the minds of everyone around her and solve all their problems while also being the Guardian, Ladybug, a student, a daughter, a friend, etc., people lose it and even suggest they’d be happy if it was HER who got Cataclysmed.
No bible spoilers, don't worry. We still don't know what's going to happen, I just hope it's for self defense or something, cataclysming people is always angsty, I hate it when cataclysm is used on someone for angst purposes, it never brings anything good. Maybe it's just for fandom wars again, writers LOVE using the same side plots to turn fans against each other every season. I hope Ladybug won't yell at him again, cuz if she does that would mean that she is abusive b*tch who hates her partner blah blah you don't get to be angry Ladybug...
As Marge Simpson said "you're a woman, you can hold it in forever" which is a perfect summary of what people expect Marinette to do with her emotions all the time.
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smallblip · 3 years
Hello sweetie! I swear your fics are like my fav things in the world! I wanna ask if you have a favorite Levihan and Jeankasa scene or moment that made you say I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIP. I hope you're having an amazing week! <3
Thanks for reading them lovely😭💖
YES. Brilliant question. /pulls up a PowerPoint/
For Levihan, I know this is cliche, but every levihan fan’s pilgrimage starts at this very spot:
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Fucking “right here” sexual tension so thick it breaks my fucking butter knife. Because I’m an idiot, I didn’t *notice* it the first time (I used to watch the anime when having dinner during University forgive me), but when I rewatched it and this scene came on. Omfg. I just-
What even is that Levi? What is this smouldering look? Did your face have to be that close to Hanji’s to make your point? Omg! And Hanji’s stupid wide-eyed expression because Levi caught them off-guard? Stop it. Stop. We’re in public. We’re at work. Human Resources will be hearing about this!
The second scene that made me absolutely feral was when Hanji barged in on Levi’s squad’s tea time and talked to Eren while the others were like “fuckkkk go awayyyyy” and Hanji just barks a curt “Levi! What’s Eren up to today?” And he replies, completely deadpan, and Hanji proceeds to ignore his comment completely, switches back to their “uwu hewwo bb Ewen” voice and pulls Eren out of his duties. It was such an embarrassing partner (who is the manager of another branch and technically my boss) shows up at my workplace to wreak havoc moment? And Levi is just- completely used to it by now? He doesn’t mind?
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And the third, after investing countless hours on this goddamn ship, they hit me with the telepathy scene. God. If that doesn’t sum up why I love them- Hanji getting excited and Levi being like “how the fuck were you raised? Why are you so feral? Stop being embarrassing!” And Hanji getting annoyed because “I know! Don’t you think I know? How dare you think I wouldn’t know!” And then they proceed to demonstrate that they, in fact, do not know.
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There ain’t that many but- we do what we can… (I do have favourites).
The scene where Jean swoops in to save Mikasa? A classic. A cliche. A favourite. It’s always Mikasa who has a handle on things, but when she’s in danger Jean fiercely protects? He’s just a boy trying to save the girl of his dreams? So tropey? So heroic? Iconic.
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But my two absolute favourite moments?
One would have to be when the gang was talking about Eren and how he put everyone in danger. And Mikasa knows he’s not the same Eren, but she just doesn’t wanna face it. And Connie’s had it with everyone’s bullshit and is like “so tell me Mikasa since you know him so well- Why did he laugh?” And Mikasa looks at Jean and this is me reading into it because I’m obviously a sucker for them, but she looks at him? You always look at the person in the room you’re most comfortable with- whether it’s a tense situation or whether it’s to laugh. Or you look at the person whose counsel you seek or whom you trust to give you an accurate read of the situation. And she looks at him for assurance, for confirmation. And when she sees his face- she knows he feels the same, that Eren has gone astray, he just doesn’t want to say it because what’s there left to say? What’s the point of hurting her more? At that moment she looks away and her expression is one of realisation? She finally faces the truth? Ugh. This moment has such brilliant hurt comfort potential? I gaped okay. This scene makes me feel things.
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The other? When Eren said shitty things to Mikasa and they rejoined the group and Jean asked for elaboration on how Eren had hurt Mikasa. And she was like “it’s fine…” and Jean, very calmly but very firmly, said “no it’s not fine. What did he say?” Very protective, very delicious. But in a way that isn’t him swinging his ego about and yelling and being forceful about it and making it about him? And after when he tries to rationalise Eren’s behaviour, reassure them that he’s out of it and he’s saying things he wouldn’t normally say? It’s just such a defining moment for Jean? It shows how mature he is. He didn’t use that to his advantage to be like “lol told y’all Eren’s an asshole”? He just wants to make sure everyone’s okay, and that Mikasa isn’t hurt.
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Picture a dog barking at the doorbell. That was me this entire post. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk, have a lovely week ahead and stay frosty❤️‍🔥
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levisgirll · 3 years
oki it me again uWu back with another request because I really enjoyed the first one!!!💗💗 couldn't find the exact words to phrase this but what about aomine (from Kuroko no basuke) as your boyfriend in university. I look forward to what you will write!!
𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝
text: hello again!! thank you so much for reading my posts and the fact that you like them makes me happy c: 💗💗 I'm glad you enjoyed the other request so, I hope you enjoy this! (also, aomine is my second fav in knb ^^ he's just so attractive oml-)
synopsis: aomine daki, the great basketballer player at your university is your boyfriend! how is it like to have aomine as your boyfriend though? and how does he act with you? (get ready for this-)
Once Aomine is your boyfriend, get ready cause this guy will show off and flex a lot when it comes to you. Whenever you stay and watch his practices, he flexes a lot with his back muscle and he would turn around if YOU saw that. You are just sitting there, all blushed while covering your face, "Oh god, this idiot..."
Sometimes, the basketball club would invite student for 'Learning the basics of Basketball' and the first person he wants to invite is, of course, his girlfriend. While he is waiting for her, he would just sit in the bench and lots of people go to him for help, but he would ignore everyone and say he is tired and to leave him alone. But once he sees you, y/n, entering he is all energetic and comes running to you. "Aomine, let me change wait" , "But darling, I was waiting for like 10 minutes...you have to make up for that."
Once everyone leaves and its just you two, he gets all hyped up cause he loves it when you are alone with him. He gets extra clingy towards you and keeps on hugging you and you can feel his tensed muscular body. "Sweetheart, you looked amazing today."
Okay but this guy, would fuck up and beat any guy that even showed any sort of disrespect. He is not standing there with a glare or bumping into them if someone laughs, or says something mean to you. He will go up to that person and hold them up while saying "Okay, you started this. Come here."  You have to stop him before he gets physical towards them, "Aomine! Stop!! They just said to me to move". "Yea, 'Move you', what the fuck is that? Asshole, learn some manners! Do you know who you even spoke to!"
This guy is smart, so he knows all your university spots, so don't be surprised if you see him out of nowhere. "Hey its that guy! He is always following you!" Kagami would yell out, "Fuck, you have some stalker Y/N" Kagami would say while glaring at him, he was your university best friend. "That's my b-boyfriend."
Your man will also buy you a lot of snacks, and if you say you skipped breakfast. He is dragging you to the university café and will force you to eat after he buys you food.
Oh my god, your boyfriend loves to tease you A LOT. Like there wont be a day he wont tease you. If you somehow changed up your hairstyle, he will make a huge scene. "No WAY! Sweetheart, you look so good! Wow, that's my GIRL! You all heard that??!"
Aomine makes you laugh like crazy, and there also wont be a day he wont make you laugh. He just loves it whenever he hears your beautiful laugh and small giggles, he founds it so cute and you really warm his heart whenever he hears that.
He will never forgive himself if he ever made you upset or cry. Aomine will probably think about it the whole day and he will keep spamming you "I'm sorry" multiple times. If you don't reply back, he would come to your lecture hall and he is gonna make a scene. "Y/N I SAID IM SORRY!"
You definitely boost his ego, like crazy. Whenever he feels low before a match he would call you and he just wants to hear his girlfriends voice motivating him. "Aomine, don't worry you got this! Besides, didn't you tell me the only one who can beat you...is you?" "Fuck, you are right. Darling, I'm gonna win this and I'll come and hug u after this match. Wait for 20 minutes" And he actually does it.
This guy sticks with his words, so if you tell him meet up at 2 pm. He is there at 2pm waiting for you. If he says he will do literally anything for you, he fucking will.
Once he got, really upset and emotional and he said to you during a call at midnight. "Y/N, Dont leave me like how everyone does.". You then recalled about him telling you about this past and how his old teammates left him, so you would say "I wont, I'm your girlfriend aren't I?" And he is up on his bed all hyped hearing that, "Can I see you now!" "Aomine it's 2am and I have a quiz tomorrow bye, shutting my phone love you!" But this guy wont leave you and spam you in EVERY social media. "Nice try, but I know you have discord on your laptop. Wait, I see you online I'm calling you now."
One time, he came to your huge lecture hall and he sat right next to you, and he would just turn and look at you, focusing on what you are doing, and play around with your stuff and hair. "Aomine, I am trying to focus!" You say all blushed and can't even write anything on your notebook. "Of course, cause you are focusing on me right? Sweetheart, I know, I know I am great." Now you wanna smack him.
Whenever he sees you, he gives you that hot smirk of his and it gives you butterflies. "Ha! Wow literally everything I do, you love it don't you?" . Y/N then turns to him and gives a small chuckle, "Don't get ahead of yourself, Aomine." He then goes near you and lays his arm on your shoulder, bring you closer and he would whisper to your ear "Why not? your my girl so, I want to impress you."
You both love it whenever you guys hold hands around university, this guy is really tall so you always feel so relaxed and also great when your boyfriend squeezes your hand, and walks you to your lecture. "Okay now try to focus on your lecture and not your mind all about me alright?"
He actually loves it when you cheer for him and that really boost not only his ego but rather his self-confidence. "Y/N! I'm gonna win this match for you!" He would yell out during the match and everyone is looking at you.
He would go for academic help for you sometimes and you guys meet up in the library to study. You are the reason he passed some subjects, don't get me wrong, he is intelligent but super lazy.
His wallpaper is a selfie of you both and he looks at that before every match. He sometimes pecks his phone when he finds a picture of you.
Speaking about his phone, this guy has a folder with just you, all your pictures, screenshots of chats, even screen records of your voice notes and videos. He just loves you dearly, and he gets so fucking mad if someone touches or even goes near that gallery. He protects that with all his life, your pictures are important and he is not the type of guy to show his friends your pictures, in fact he hates that! "My folder, my girl, and no one gets to see that. Go away."
Whenever he is bored or isn't doing nothing, he would open his phone, and check every social media app to see your online status. "Oh OH, I see you online darling! Answer me, wanna go out and get ice cream? Please say yes."
He is actually such a great motivator and brings your mood up whenever you feel like giving up during university. He won't allow that, like never. "What so you will just give up? Stop? After all this time, you let this one test fuck you up? Don't you dare let that bring you down, you idiot." He actually even inspires you.
Before you go for the whole day cause you had to work on your report he would say "Smile for me one last time?"
When he sees you from afar, he would yell out and say "That's my girl! Don't move, I'm coming for you!" And this guy jumps at you with his embraces and sometimes picks you up. "L-Love put me down!!"
He actually loves teasing you like that in public, he wants everyone to know that are are HIS girl and his only.
He messages you during his practices and even would skip practice to see you.
Y/N: Oh you don't have practice today?
Aomine: Nope! And besides, I am the captain so doesn't matter. (He is not the captain- its akashi but lies)
He says that and then goes on how he knows everything about basketball and the team and he keeps doing that till you can compliment him ‘Please Y/N say anything’ he would think and you know that but tease him back not saying anything.
*meanwhile in his basketball groupchat* 
Kise: aomine, WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU?!
Akashi: Probably ran off to see his girl.
Atsushi: Whatever, my chance to leave and eat outside.
Kuroko: Can I join you?
Atsushi: No.
You would treat his injuries and he would just sit there, looking at you with a smirk.
Aomine: "Oh yea, here even hurts darling!"
Y/N: "Love....you are lying aren't you?"
Aomine: "What! No!...Maybe?" 
You let out a sigh "Ah, you are an idiot...stop hurting yourself all the time." He would suddenly lift your chin up and say "You know...that I love you yea? You also better tell me everything and if you need help, just say it" He can be really soft and sweet sometimes, but he gets all cringy and shy about it and he gets up rubbing the back of his head. "I-I mean that's what a boyfriend does right?! Come on, get up I'm taking you out."
Okay, I hope you enjoy this and anyone who did! Aomine is such a dork but a sweetheart and I can see most of this happening :,) 
If anyone enjoyed reading this, please then leave a like or a reblog! It means a lot and have a great day <3
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