#} def wally and linda too {
shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
Character ask game: Frost and Hartley Rathaway (aka grown up Harry Potter to me lol)
Nah, Hartley's nothing like Harry. Maybe in the comics, but def not in the show. He acts more like a grown-up Malfoy (esp with his rich background)...tho ofc his relationship with his parents isn't at all like Malfoy's. But I digress
How I feel about this character: Lukewarm. I liked her in s3 as a villain, but I never liked how they tried to make her a hero without so much as an apology to Iris. I don’t hate her, she has her moments, but...ehh. I’ve never understood how she’s such a fan favorite, especially over Iris—her powers are really cool and as I said, she definitely has her funny/sweet moments, but still
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Lisa Snart
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Caitlin, Cisco, and Ralph! Also if she’d actually apologized to Iris ever, then Iris would be here too 💞
My unpopular opinion about this character: tbh I’ve never much liked Frost as her own character? I preferred when KF was just Caitlin
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: If they were gonna make her a separate person from Caitlin, the first thing they should've done is have her apologize to Iris (and Cecile, both directly, because why tf did Caitlin apologize to Joe for what she did to Cecile?? And with no mention of Iris, moreover??). There should’ve been tension there for a while...and then the bachelorette episode could’ve been the resolution of that tension (with no petty digs from Frost to Iris because seriously wtf?? The nerve and audacity?? You assisted in her attempted murder last year, you have no right to needle her like that!)
Hartley Rathaway
How I feel about this character: I have a love-hate relationship with him 😂 his snark is entertaining in s1 but ehh I still didn’t really like him...but in s2, he's very sweet and piques my interest. Then I was mad that they made him mean again post-Crisis for no reason, but...he had a cool aesthetic (unfortunately, he still insulted/devalued Cisco 💀 also unfortunately, the show proved how much they didn’t care about his sexuality by giving him a sexy-lamp boyfriend with no personality). And I liked him in s9—it felt like they finally settled into how to write him well, and even Roderick, poor guy, finally got some personality. Just a smidge, though
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Roderick, sometimes Cisco (the s2 version of Hartley). Also I'm intrigued by the Singhaway ship (comics canon) 👀 ofc the show destroyed that possibility by having Singh be married from s1 onwards, but if they'd kept him single...👀
My non-romantic OTP for this character: His sister, Jerrie (comics canon) 💞 also Cisco (I don't ship them all the time 😂). ALSO Wally and Linda (comics canon)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Him insulting Cisco isn’t funny or cute and never was ✋ and any Hartmon fic (romantic or platonic) needs to start off with an apology for that (either one directly stated or implied)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he’d gotten to keep his s2 characterization (without reconciling with his terrible parents), and that he’d gotten to be more present in the show and met/befriended Wally and Linda. The post-Crisis retcon never happened in my mind idc
character ask game!
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brionyjae · 3 years
Hey there
Favourite flash episodes from any season?
hi!!!!! thank you for taking the time to send me an ask, i barely ever get them :D and about the flash, no less! ugh i have to admit, i am so behind on all of the arrowverse shows which makes me sad... i really have to get onto catching up. (i literally watched the crisis on infinite earths episodes, and then stopped watching for..... a while, lol. that crossover was just A LOT okay? xD)
my favourite seasons of the flash are the early seasons, probably the first 3 seasons? idk, i just really love the original team flash dynamic, when barry was more innocent and awkward and the whole show felt a bit lighter? i mean i'm gonna keep watching bc i don't usually give up on a show unless i really hate it, but there's just something about those first seasons that i really love.
okay so you wanted to know what my favourite episodes are! it's been a while since i've seen them, so i may be a bit rusty on the details, but here's my top 5 fave eps...
1. 1x16 "Rogue Time" OMG this one is hands down my fave of all time. mostly bc it gives me all of the cisco feelings!! cisco and dante being kidnapped together, talking thru some of their issues. excellent cisco and caitlin brotp times at dante's party. the most perfect flashvibe scene at the bar, they just both look really pretty and "go ahead barry" CISCO STOP I CANNOT. my fave flash rogues, captain cold and heatwave ;) PEAK barry and cisco hug!! also just great in general bc of the time travel storyline that means barry Knows Stuff, yep, i love this episode so much.
2. 2x13 "Welcome to Earth 2" need i say more??? barry and cisco are such adorable dorks in this episode, geeking out over earth 2, it's just too good. iris on earth 2!!! AMAZING. i mean, i adore iris in any universe, but DUDE. also. cisco and reverb meeting! YES.
3. 1x23 "Fast Enough" SO MUCH DRAMA, SO MANY FEELINGS! like, what an excellent season finale tho?? i mean. barry deciding to go back in time to save his mother! eddie!!!!!! (i'm still sad about that, bring back eddie ugh). AND i can’t resist mentioning the deleted flashvibe scene bc it will forever be seared into my brain.
4. 2x06 "Enter Zoom" i have a soft spot for linda and lowkey ship linda and iris, so this episode where linda impersonates Dr Light is defs one of my faves. plus cisco is kind of a badass and saves Barry from Zoom, so :D
5. 3x01 "Flashpoint" yet another rift on barry travelling back in time to save his mother, and i'm still here for it xD but mostly: WALLY!!!!! KID FLASH!!!! god i love wally so much. BRING BACK WALLY lmao.
wow, okay. so there you go! hope you find these ramblings entertaining hahaaa. and actually, you've helped to remind me why i love the flash so much... and i also just realised that it's basically the fandom i've written the most fanfic for. idk, writing these characters always felt easy and natural to me. so who knows. maybe i'll get all inspired and write some more fic. (if i have time, ughhh.)
thank you again for the ask!! <3 xx
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flashfuture · 3 years
Jai and Irey should most def call Iris and Barry grandma and granddad there is no way in god’s green earth the twins will ever meet Rudy and Mary if Wally can help it.
Barry getting emotional bc he sees the twins zooming around and remembers when Wally was that small. Now his and Iris’ baby has his own babies.
Yes please okay like Barry and Iris taking these kids out to the park and remembering when they did it with Wally and Iris tells Barry what their twins were like playing too.
And Jai and Irey have always had a big family. A happy family. No way is Wally gonna let his bio parents get in the way of that. Wally having Barry and Iris in his corner probably saved him as a child. So making sure Jai and Irey never go a day being scared in their home with their own family is his top priority.
Also I don’t really remember but I think Linda was on good terms with her family so they should show up too sometimes.
Barry also didn’t really have a family growing up it was just his mom and dad. After they died there was no family that was willing to take him in if he had any so he lived with Darryl. But Iris was his family. And she introduced him to Wally who became his kid.
And then he met the League and Hal became family. Barry met Dexter, Ralph, and Sue. And suddenly Barry had this massive family and all his friends but to save every universe he had to die.
So he missed seeing his little family become massive. But he has grandkids. A whole bunch of them cause Jenni is showing up sometimes too cause I love her and said so.
Plus it just means he has more people to use his dorky jokes on
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For the superhero asks, 6, 7, 10, 15?
6. Favorite side character
Psssh, half the time the characters I like get regulated to being side characters or started out that way. I deeply love the sidekicks so that should tell you something. But I guess Lian Harper who really is just kind of there most of the time or Pied Piper. I am still on that Hartley kick and since n52 he’s def been stuck as a side character. 
7. Favorite loved one of your hero
Linda Park-West! She’s a badass! Got accepted to med school, decided to become a reporter instead, turned out to be an AMAZING investigative reporter, essentially single-handedly took down Kobra and his cult (Piper, Iris, and Wally were her backup), went back to med school, is the mother of speedster twins, smart and sassy and taking none of anyone’s bull. Not to mention all the actual Weird Shit she puts up with by being married to the Flash. Like. Linda Park is an Icon. 
10. Favorite identity reveal
This is going to sound really bad but I don’t remember any? Like, I really rotate around the Teen Titans so like take those characters as my base and then branching out. Meaning everyone either knows that like Dick is Nightwing and so the rest of the Bats by extension or no one knows depending on the decade. And like Wally just straight up didn’t have a secret id for a WHILE there, Donna, Roy, and the other Titans really don’t use them. So like? *shrugs* Um, when people learn who Oracle is and they’re like “wow you’re not what I was expecting but you’re somehow even scarier.” I like that Steph hit Tim in the face with a brick when he tried to pull her mask off. Oh! And that one Titans panel from the 90s where Roy goes to call Nightwing a dick but Wally cuts him off and says something like “You’re not supposed to use real names” and Dick is all pissy cause it’s both justified and hilarious. 
15. Here’s your chance to rant about how your fav deserved better. Just go for it.
Hey anon? I love you for this. You opened up a Can Of Worms. It is the year 2020, I didn’t even really start reading comics until I was in middle school, so 2011ish. You know what happened in 2011 that I am still pissy over? New52. There I am, 13 and awkward and reading the DC Comics Encyclopedia that I got out of the school library from cover to cover as I watch Young Justice. I was just getting into comics and I was So Lost but I knew one thing and one thing only- “I like Robin.” So, once again I read that stinking encyclopedia legit cover to cover and then friends started lending me the bound volumes of The New Teen Titans from the 80s (I still have vivid memories of reading them freshman year during musical rehearsal as I sat in the pit waiting for our cue) and then my mom started driving me to the comic shop and I started buying Titans comics from the 90s and early 2000s and Batgirl and Birds of Prey from the time too. I was determined to know as much of the characters’ histories and backstories as I could so I could enjoy the comics I got my hands on. But low and behold, as I was doing all of this DC rebooted their entire universe and the characters that I had learned so much about, had come to care for so deeply, just... no longer existed. That time and energy and passion was just. Useless. Heck, the Teen Titans that got me into comics in the first place no longer even existed! I have read a frankly OBSCENE amount of comic since 2011 and have come to be even more pissed that they did such a spectacularly bad job rebooting. So it’s not so much that I have one fave that deserved better as A LOT. The entire history of the Teen Titans, the Birds of Prey, the Bat, Flash, Arrow, and Wonder fams all deserve better. Tam Fox deserves better. Lian Harper certainly deserves better. Wally West and Linda Park and Hartley Rathaway deserve better. Bart Allen, Tim Drake, Cassie Sandsmark, and Conner Kent deserve better. Barbara Gordon? The all powerful Oracle? Deserves SO much better than being sent back to Batgirl (even if I love the Burnside suit). The next gen of teen heroes who got erased deserve better. And I read comic now and like sure, there’s some I like and for a while there Rebirth (esp Titans) looked like they were headed in the right direction! But now we’re just back to square one and no one likes each other or even knows each other and the friendships and families that got me into reading comics just full on do not exist. Like all of DC’s characters and history deserved so much better than what they got and what they continue to get as they try and desperately backtrack without admitting they messed up. Except for the Joker. Fuck the Joker. 
That was def not what you were probs expecting but it was cathartic for me so thank you! Feel free to send me more!
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backtothestart02bts · 6 years
I low key want to write a multi of westallen adapted to To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, but idk how to assign parts b/c both Peter and Lara Jean (& Josh for that matter) share qualities/bg details/personality traits of westallen. lol.
best friends since a young age (Lara Jean & Josh) didn’t share how they felt so they pined when they got in a relationship w/ someone else (Lara Jean & Josh)
Iris: popular ~prob (Peter) mom left (Peter - dad left) hung up on someone else they think they want to be with (Peter - Jen) develops feelings after finding out other has them (Peter)
Barry: not popular (Lara Jean) mom died (Lara Jean) goes out of his way to prove he wants to be with her (Peter)
To add to this... neither Iris or Barry have had massive crushes on anyone else. I mean, I suppose Barry could be allowed with Linda, Patty, and Felicity...oh, maybe Kara, I suppose. And Iris could just have history with Eddie...who used to be bffs w/ Barry but then got petty when he & Iris kissed?
Iris has Wally, so...maybe siblings could be covered there. But Barry doesn’t...and which crush could he feel like he couldn’t date b/c an unknown sibling dated them for centuries? Felicity with Oliver? Not going down the Mon-El route. Or James b/c then he’d...well, obvs they couldn’t be related. lol. Unless, it wouldn’t have to be a sibling thing. Maybe a bff thing. That could maybe be a Felicity/Oliver thing... or maybe a made up ship... like Cisco/Linda? Def can’t sneak Caitlin into the crushes (though that would work a lot better w/ options... Ronnie, Cisco, Jay, Julian...). So figuring out who “Josh” is in this role reversal scenario - along w/ the siblings (or besties)... IDK.
Maybe Lara Jean’s younger sister could be Barry’s bestie, Cisco. And Lara Jean’s older sister could be Oliver with Felicity? Or...Ray with Felicity?
So, LJ’s older sister & Josh are problematic roles to figure out. And I feel like LJ’s dad would better fit with Joe than Henry, but idk.
Also, LJ’s bestie at school...that would also be anti-Jen b/c of reasons is a thing. Like, maybe that should be Cisco if Barry is LJ.
And ik, ik...I can put my own spin on it and not have everything exactly the same as whatever I’m adapting Flash/westallen to... But I like to keep things as close as possible, so I can envision it!! Haha. And so other people can too.
But I’m just rambling. This prob won’t ever happen. I just like to envision it. :P
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