venctxr · 5 years
When Archer came out of his usual bar, he was wiping a bit of blood off the corner of his mouth, unsuspecting that he was being watched. As he stepped out, he straightened a few wrinkles off his clothes, frowning. He had been feeding off someone for the evening, leaving them in their private booth where staff would clean the mess; from the corner of his eye, Archer could see the unconscious body being dragged by the backdoor inside an obscured alley by an employee.
The raven ran his fingers through his ebony hair, the silky bangs falling right back atop his forehead like they couldn’t stand anywhere else. A long, tired sigh before he took a sip of liquid from a flask in his inner pocket.
And like that he was on his way, walking alongside the cold road, his dark appearance making him unnoticed in the decor, his longcoat flowing behind his form like a shadow, footsteps unnaturally entirely silent.
Wherever he was heading to, he didn’t want to be noticed.
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————  A plan was better than winging it. This was just ridiculous. 
  A blank canvas to paint on. One thousand ways of approaching this (even though not all of them had been realized yet). How many of those ways screws this up?
  The fact this guy had been able to evade the eyes of the agency just shows that he’s probably already seen everything. Should he try and shoot him? No, no... there was order to these things, the handbook said so. A few scenarios played in his head, most of them cliched and definitely not going to go the way Gray was thinking. 
1. Gray goes out and accuses him of doing the big bad: He gets laughed at so hard that the vampire doubles over and dies.
2. Guns blazing, just shoot him: Smart, shoot at the regenerative vampire.
 He was tempted to just stay down in his seat, already feeling exhausted from thinking despite not doing anything. It would be better if he ran, if he looked suspicious. There was no bone thrown, he looked like a normal bloke out for a stroll. He resented it.
  Fuck. Gray better think quick because this guy is going to get away---
    “ 不好意思,请停一下!” He nearly shouted out. 
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venctxr · 5 years
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     “A normal human wouldn’t be capable of murder in the first place. Isn’t that why we’ve all established the universal agreement that murder is unacceptable and needs to be punished?”– that and she was starting to get a little miffed with this man– she was the medical examiner here and deciding the time frame was her job. A matter of seconds? She’d laugh if she didn’t want to thoroughly offend him and send him out on his way, devoid of her further assistance in whatever storm was to come. 
     She turns away to wash her hands and discard her coat, setting aside the soiled garments to be sterilized for later before sitting down at her desk, withdrawing the forms and sheets to fill regarding details of the autopsy. 
     “I doubt you’ll get your permit here. There’s a lot of internal politics involved in this city” she says, carefully writing down the date and identification of the body, rummaging around the drawer to withdraw the stack of photographs printed from the crime scene. “Maybe they’ll let you temporarily join the force if you heckle them enough– operate under supervision or something”
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———— He already sensed some hostility in the way she spoke. Gray held back the urge to simply sigh again, cursing his superiors for sending him to Japan. Truthfully he didn’t have any bad intentions and his attempt at trying to joke about was taken poorly. The line was drawn, it was too late to go back. All he could do now is get this over and done with.
   Though the hostility jolted his suspicions, maybe the Japanese were not friendly in general with their no-nonsense attitude when it came to their work or perhaps it was something more. It wasn’t uncommon to have supernatural be part of law work but it was almost unethical to have the majority be supernatural.  
   “As long as I get to bring my little monster back home, I don’t mind who I have to bow my head to here. Thank you for your assistance.”
  He made a mental note to try and get permission to do a spot check on the area around here. If he could just get evidence that Japan was neglecting bias, they could possibly be under review by the international powers. Though it might not have much effect in getting them to change, it could share the same humiliation as being debagged in public. Not to mention speculation by tabloids could hurt their tourism industry. 
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venctxr · 5 years
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———— “I’m pretty sure a normal human doesn’t have the skill to turn a man inside out and create a Pollock painting in the span of seconds.”
  Dimitri disliked the stubbornness of the Japanese and yet their tenacity and obsession with perfection is something admirable. He realized he was stepping into a whole different territory when he was given a hot towel on his flight here. (The fact that they didn’t practice the art of overbooking is also amazing.) 
  The reason he was sent here in the first place was to extradite a run-away criminal and though the human government had a treaty with America...in the supernatural world, it was a little more difficult. Relations in Japan were a little more tense as they had an annoying habit in keeping the criminals unless there was an exception. Truthfully, Dimitri was also here to investigate that behavior as well with or without the Japanese Hunter Association or Metropolitan Police Department on his side. One could say he was also involving himself in espionage.
  He sighed heavily, “The New York branch as reason to believe it’s one of ours...though right now I’m a sitting duck without a permit. I’ll be staying in Tokyo for a while.”
@necrophagic x
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venctxr · 5 years
Self Knowledge Questionnaire
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NEEDINESS Being affirmed and nurtured by others is a central requirement for you to feel safe. This means you can be slow to warm up to other people, which is difficult because what you most need from them is their warmth. Yet you know how to be vulnerable: to let down your defences and accept that you need another person. This lack of pretence is a valuable trait, and ultimately more endearing than the macho efforts others make to deny their childlike sides.
REVERENCE One part of you dreams of giving yourself up – perhaps just for a while – to a hero or mentor. In the right circumstances you can flourish by letting go of your ego. In your inner life, reverence plays out as a willing submission to your own conscience. In the outside world, you might get frustrated searching for something worth believing in – a country, a person, a company – but you will always be open to feeling respect, admiration and wonder.
MISANTHROPY You have seen the darker side of human nature, even in daily life. When you look beneath the surface everyone is pretty messed up; there’s more selfishness circulating that others admit. You are never surprised by the stupidity of others, even though it annoys you. Your streak of misanthropy is, in fact, a requirement of remaining sane. You’ve wisely come to terms with your need to sometimes confidently reject people.
tagged by: @sonderrow (thank u!) tagging: anyone! steal this from me if you see it!
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venctxr · 5 years
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———— ‘Just amazing.’ -Miss XX  from ◯◯ company. 
       “Ugh, ew. What kind of description is that?” Gray cringed. 
  Well, it was always those types of people you never really suspected. Gray hoped to keep his disappointment on the low-end when he was given this file but as soon as he saw the profile photo, his face couldn’t help but wrinkle. Vampires made his skin crawl and honestly all of vampires he met so far were egotistical, difficult to negotiate with and not to mention just creepy. Now obviously jumping to your personal stereotypes was never good, when it came to monsters, surely there was no reason to be considerate.
   This guy probably eats people for fun or something. He thought, sinking into the leather seat of his car and tossed the target’s case file into the back seat of the car. He saw this guy walk into the establishment two hours ago and left Gray with no choice but to sit here in the dark for that long.
   Come on...what’s taking you so long anyway?
@sonderrow (uwu)
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venctxr · 5 years
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———— Rael wasn’t the type to care if crime happened before his eyes, in fact, he himself dabbled in it every once in a while due to boredom. He prided himself in not being a snitch too. However, he was territorial, especially to newcomers who didn’t understand what ‘fuck off’ meant, and that was a bigger priority than his snitching policy.
  The opportunity fell into his lap when he saw the petty pickpocket who insisted on ‘sharesies’ and he pounced on it. The pickpocket was walking right towards Rael, smiling at the wallet he stole and that expression motivated him to kick the other hard between the legs and the pickpocket crumpled to the ground in a groan. 
  The teen picked up the wallet, taking out one or two bills (but not everything) out of the wallet and stuffed it into his pocket.
   “Mister! Your wallet!”
@sonderrow (got too excited ;u;)
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venctxr · 5 years
  What’s with that look?
———— Even as an adult, he held on to that childish picky behavior when it came to food, especially those that had strong scents. He thought artificial scents were just as bad, he would purposely try to go to a different car on the train if a woman or man reeked of it. His hand moved to shield his nose even though it wouldn’t do much to help. The scent was strong enough that he could even taste it in the air.
  Dimitri eyed the pill suspiciously but at this point he could hardly care what it did to him. As much as he hated the parasite within him, it helped out in a pinch, especially when he was about to die. He wondered why it held onto him so stubbornly when there were a number of hosts that were much better than he was. 
   He relived the other of the pill and forced himself to stand to the coffee table nearby were a jug of water sat. He did as instructed and didn’t hesitate to take a sip.
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  Predictably, a little sprayed out out of instinct but his hand kept the rest in and forced himself to swallow the rest down. He looked at the glass. I have to drink all of this?
   “Tastes lovely. It’s a hit.” He tried drinking again.
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———— “ The little demon dislikes your presence, I think he’s upping his game just for you. Don’t you feel special? ”
He could laugh but ultimately the mocking tone he decided to use only worsened the angry wounds on his body. A small whisper in his ear urged him to recover a knife from the kitchen to cut himself again.
As the other’s hand thumbed his bruise, he might as well drive a nail through his arm. Like a shrimp, he curled over himself and let a low groan escape his lips. “ Ouch, fuck– ”
  “ Give me anything that eases the pain. Even if it has the possibility to kill me. I’m a lawyer, name your price and I’ll give it to you. ” His words, though the content sounding desperate, his tone and expression made it seem like he’s done this before. Dimitri wasn’t in love with the idea of living but he’d rather the universe send something to end it for him rather than he take matters into his own hands.
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           MALEFICUS— DRACO DOES LITTLE IN RESPONSE to the accusation that his presence makes the demon inside them act up; honestly, it was about as much as he expected. There was no way that the demon would take his presence quietly, considering that he could be one of the few sorts of people who could get rid of it if he had been trained in that sort of thing. However, it was lucky that he had no such skills and therefore could only ease the pain. 
A grin spreads on his lips as they accept his offer,  a slight twistedness on his features as they answer him. “Good~” And before the word even had fully finished coming from his lips, hands had already disappeared into his bag as he starts digging around in it, picking out various bottles with powders and herbs in them. Within moments, a mortar bowl was already being filled with all sorts of stuff and oils and such, a strong herbal smell unlike anything most would have been exposed to coming from it. 
“I’ll give you a drink that should help with any internal pains, and some special ‘plasters’ that should help with any skin-level pains. Like those bruises.” Eyes flit towards them, as he then offers him a pill that seems to have appeared out of nowhere, was round and entirely black. “Put this in a glass of water and drink it. All of it. Even if it doesn’t suit your tastes.” He adds, knowing well that the watery spicy flavour was something very few enjoyed.
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venctxr · 5 years
          bloodied knuckles and a dull pain, a common mix the rogue had often engaged with when participating in strenuous conflict with others. his current opponent, however, was beyond his expectation—fluid movements, powerful blows, and an exceeding stamina. he could sense the overwhelming difference in strength, and he was inferior to his rival.
          there was no time to think, but to merely react through instinct, adrenaline coursing through pulsating veins, lungs heaving, exhaustion clear on his mien. yet there was no luxury to halt—it was a brawl for animals, for one to emerge as victorious and for the other to fall in shame. however, in the blink of an eye, claws had emerged, stunning the miscreant for the moment, unsure of what he was witnessing.
          he quickly came to realize: his opponent wasn’t human, and with an effort to retract from danger, he stumbles back, claws grazing him by the temple, missing his eye by a mere centimeter or two. the following seconds ended in mayhem—the activities disrupted and the area decreased in human presence, and suddenly, he’s on the floor, immobile and dumbfounded. the situation dwindled to nothing, leaving him with nothing to grasp of what had just occurred.
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          ❝ …what? ❞ he fails in meeting eyes with the one who expressed concern to him, yet he is quick to whip his head to the direction of the voice, eyes instantly narrowing and tone sharpening with a particular hostility, mistaking his companion to belong to law enforcement. ❝ i don’t need it, and you can fuck off, too. ❞
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———— Perhaps it was the long, dragged out investigation that wore his patience thin. Sure-- his hard work did pay off in the end but exhaustion didn’t do him any favors. If they didn’t catch their target today, he would’ve been inclined to kick the person lying in front of him.
   “ If I fuck off then the police will be on this place soon and you’ll be thrown in the slammer. ” His pronunciation wasn’t perfect but hopefully it’s enough to get the message through. Gray only considered taking the man with him out of pity for how the fighter was a victim of the investigation but he wasn’t obligated to. 
  Even if he babbled to the police about what happened here, it would be dismissed as mere rambles of an insane person. Unafraid, he reached forward and grabbed the other’s arm.
   “ C’mon, stand up. You’re coming with me. ”
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venctxr · 5 years
( venctxr | reply. )
“ Welcome back — ” Kai replied, unable to help a wide smile the moment he saw Dimitri. though he didn’t visit as often, given his job’s need to travel, the detective still managed to drop by every so often that he made himself well remembered by Kai and his coworkers, and even a few of their regulars.
“ Pain au chocolat for your black coffee, good sir, ” he announced as he served the bread and beverage, with a few biscotti on the side, “ not just because it’s good, but also because i made them today. ”
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———— “It’s like you already know what I feel like having. ” 
   Well, it wasn’t rocket science, considering that he ordered almost exactly the same thing every time he came back. With a smile, he sipped on the coffee, enjoying the burn that came with it and the bitter aftertaste. Coffee had no effect on his body, it couldn’t make him more awake and he could drink it like it was water without any side effects. At this point he drank it for fun. 
  As he picked up the pastry, he swallowed nervously before taking a bite.
   Ah-- good...it tastes normal. If the demon was feeling particularly mischievous, it would’ve tasted like ash in his mouth.
   “ What’s on your agenda today? ”
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venctxr · 5 years
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        MALEFICUS— A SLOW BLINK IS ALL the response they get towards their statement that they did it to himself. “I believe you.” He states, matter-of-factly, “Humans have done stupider things willingly. I would have been surprised had you not caused it yourself, one way or another.” He presses a thumb into their bruise, examining their response as he places what was left of the spiced cigarette between his lips, inhales, and makes the rest of it disappear with a simple flick of the hand.
“Most people who summon me will know that I’ll appear pretty much instantly. It doesn’t happen all that often that someone summons me without knowing what they’re getting into.” Smoke escapes his lips as he talks, spreading a calming scent throughout the area around him. A smile spread on his features again, although it is simply a resting expression, nothing else.
“You haven’t answered my question though, would you like my help in at least lessening the effects of your possession? The bruises and burns, for now at least?” He asks, “I won’t do it for free. I still need to make a living.” He adds, examining their response. 
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———— “ The little demon dislikes your presence, I think he’s upping his game just for you. Don’t you feel special? ”
  He could laugh but ultimately the mocking tone he decided to use only worsened the angry wounds on his body. A small whisper in his ear urged him to recover a knife from the kitchen to cut himself again. 
  As the other’s hand thumbed his bruise, he might as well drive a nail through his arm. Like a shrimp, he curled over himself and let a low groan escape his lips. “ Ouch, fuck-- ”
  “ Give me anything that eases the pain. Even if it has the possibility to kill me. I’m a lawyer, name your price and I’ll give it to you. ” His words, though the content sounding desperate, his tone and expression made it seem like he’s done this before. Dimitri wasn’t in love with the idea of living but he’d rather the universe send something to end it for him rather than he take matters into his own hands.
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venctxr · 5 years
@blithened (loNg overdue--)
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———— “ 小杨, 我回来了!”
    Dimitri called out, feeling a little cheerful today. With the various branches around the world, it’s not uncommon that he visits the shops in the area, settling on the best ones and always paying them visits when he came for business. He liked to form relationships with the locals (as an added bonus they were always useful for information in the area).
  Though he never would be able to call or predict when he would visit next, he always brought souvenirs whenever he did. Before he left, he bought a few pricey hand soaps from Ohio and placed them in a nice paper bag as a gift. 
       “Can I have a black coffee? And something to eat. You choose.”
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venctxr · 5 years
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An unfamiliar face. The bookkeeper couldn’t help but be drawn to his visage, golden hues keeping an eye on the raven the moment he entered her library. It was still early in the morning, so the scent of coffee was constantly filling the air. 
She smiles at the book he’d chosen to acquire, amused at the fact that he’d picked it up. Was he a single dad, or something? Eirene places her elbow against her desk, pushing her cheek against the palm of her hand as she waits for him to come up to the front.
He’ll have to, anyway. Every new patron needs their own library card and a customary passport.
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 ———— Dimitri was easily sold, thoroughly amused by the book that he was going to buy it even if he wasn’t much of a baker...or in fact he hardly cooked for himself at all. He turned toward the counter, flashing a winning smile at the cute lady standing behind it. This morning was coming off a to a great start. 
      “ Hi, can I get this book? Do I need a card or something? ”
  The book was gently laid on the table, he treated it with great care as he took out his wallet for an ID or credit card in case the other needed it.
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venctxr · 5 years
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Efrain sat calmly, gaze focused on the same spot in the distance. This was their best chance of catching the rare species, whose existence the hunter organization only discovered about two hundred years ago. Little was known about them, except that the concept of time was entirely different to them. 
    “They could appear in the next few minutes or the next few days. I simply do not have the means to find out.” He grabbed his coffee, rotating the top until it came off. “Say, what was your name again?” 
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———— “ Why do people want to experiment on this thing so badly? If it doesn’t want to be found then we shouldn’t need to go and find it. ”
  Granted, Gremlins caused a few problems, being the source of aviation trouble back in the 30s but they’ve hardly made an appearance other than TV shows. Gray was started to think that they didn’t even exist at all and was just a subject of shifting blame. 
  They resided in forests or hangers (be it abandoned or not) and the two were camped out at the latter. It didn’t help that they were shy creatures.
     “ It’s Gray. Should I wear a name tag? ”
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venctxr · 5 years
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     “Mercy is to be given by the holy mother, or an angel.. or a good judge of character. What makes you believe I am any of those? Isn’t that what you humans believe? Angels are good, mothers merciful, humans being humane? How very selfish of you..” 
His grip tightened, crimson eyes wide from excitement and adrenaline. These were the moments the Hinn felt alive. “Why should I show you mercy while you lot decided to play god over countless species? Why would I keep you alive knowing you will kill us anyway? Words are meaningless. Actions are what shapes a person.”
This human must be desperate. Didn’t he know what he signed up for when choosing this profession? Death was part of life. The two went hand in hand. Expecting to stay alive while ending countless others… it was truly selfish of the humans and meaningless to Zafir. 
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———— “ Y-You’re-- misunderstanding! I came here to rid of the hunters, I’m not a part of them! I have proof, here-- ! ”
   Though he was wearing the uniform, he still insisted in being not a part of the organization. He struggled to roll up his sleeve, a black five pointed star surrounded by strange symbols were apparent on his skin. It was the mark of hell’s king. הֵילֵל ‘ Lucifer. ’ 
   Demons or followers of the occult were the most sought out after. They were believed to be real by ordinary humans who knew nothing of the existence of supernaturals which made it crucial to keep them in check.
  “ Why...would I help hunters if I’m a supernatural like you? I can help you! ”
  Gray’s eyes were beginning to loll to the back of his head, his trembling lips had turned into a shade of blue. This was it. He was going to suffocate to death.
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venctxr · 5 years
@heavensforbid super overdue?? Thanks for waiting !!
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————  “ Wait, wait, wait...does that mean I can ride you to save up on travel costs? Because that will be amazing. ” 
   Gray was just trying to make conversation, he honestly did not want to ride anything winged that didn’t have seat belts. Airplanes were already scary enough but the thought falling off the back of a wyvern was terrifying. Even without knowing he could turn into a huge beast, the height that the other stood at was pretty intimidating already. 
   Often the company would pair humans with supernatural hunters for the sake of balance even though in Gray’s eyes, he could be squished at any moment and it was definitely not balanced even the slightest. 
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venctxr · 5 years
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  [[ just so no one gets super confused, i put up a little page with the difference between private and government hunters. dimitri works as a government hunter rn!! and are subjected to their regulations. thanks for reading!! ]]
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venctxr · 5 years
@saevus | Thank you for the follow !
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———— There were many places that a supernatural being could hide. It could be in plain sight, posing as a human or underground. Both could prove to be a challenge if the target was careful enough. 
  This time it was an illegal fight club happening in the depths of Korea’s main city and under Gray’s district. Now if he were working with the police, he would kill two birds with one stone and arrest both the rouge shifter and the participants of the fight club but he was really only here for the shifter. He received the tip from disgruntled betters when the shifter refuse to lose on purpose and as if to rub salt on the wound, continued to win the fights. 
  After purchasing a ticket to go in, he waited for the right opportunity as he needed the proof to make an arrest. It seemed normal for the moment and then-- the claws appeared, threatening to rip the opponent to shreds. He allowed the shifter to rough up his opponent for a while then signaled to his colleague who pulled the fire sprinklers and blank shots rang out with the exception of one which was a tranquilizer that had been aimed at the shifter for a while.
  Thinking this was police raid, it was every man for himself and they all evacuated quickly. 
  Gray approached the shifter and cuffed it quickly and then-- his eyes shifted towards the shifter’s opponent, feeling sorry for him that he had to take a beating for the sake of the investigation. Once the shifter was restrained he knelt beside the other.
   “ Are you alright? Do you need medical attention? ”
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