#( ❛ ʜᴜɴᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ. ❜ // main ic. )
venctxr · 5 years
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———— “I’m pretty sure a normal human doesn’t have the skill to turn a man inside out and create a Pollock painting in the span of seconds.”
  Dimitri disliked the stubbornness of the Japanese and yet their tenacity and obsession with perfection is something admirable. He realized he was stepping into a whole different territory when he was given a hot towel on his flight here. (The fact that they didn’t practice the art of overbooking is also amazing.) 
  The reason he was sent here in the first place was to extradite a run-away criminal and though the human government had a treaty with America...in the supernatural world, it was a little more difficult. Relations in Japan were a little more tense as they had an annoying habit in keeping the criminals unless there was an exception. Truthfully, Dimitri was also here to investigate that behavior as well with or without the Japanese Hunter Association or Metropolitan Police Department on his side. One could say he was also involving himself in espionage.
  He sighed heavily, “The New York branch as reason to believe it’s one of ours...though right now I’m a sitting duck without a permit. I’ll be staying in Tokyo for a while.”
@necrophagic x
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venctxr · 5 years
Thanks for the follow @featherex !!
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————  “ Ah, Ali~! Just the man I was looking for! ”
    Whether or not the other liked it, that nickname was just for familiarity and pure laziness. Three syllables was much too much for a name, he would rather call him ‘A’ for short if he could but ‘Ali’ would have to do. 
  It was not uncommon for hunters to work with anyone in the police force, detectives even. Normally, supernatural hunters simply worked under the guise of bounty hunter and his company had all sorts of excuses to get the police to help in their investigations without the department from finding out about the supernatural at all, even wiping memories if need be.
    “ I need some help solving some pieces of a puzzle. I’m sure you already heard of the homeless killings happening around your area? ”
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venctxr · 5 years
 Thank you for the follow @heartquestion !!
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———— “ No money, no money! ”
  He kept repeating in Korean (hoping they would understand despite his horrid pronunciation), hands up in surrender. Seoul was a relatively safe place, every time he visited he never had a problem with the locals. In fact, he mostly visited the tourist populated sections of the country so to the locals, seeing a foreigner was not an uncommon sight. However, being a foreigner also meant having plenty of money and so-- Dimitri found himself in this uncomfortable situation of being mugged. 
   For God’s sake, don’t make me hurt you.
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venctxr · 5 years
Thank you for the follow @snoweternal !!
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 ———— “ Come get me you bitch! ”   
       “ KRWAAA !! “
  The creature screeched and swooped down to clawed at his shoulders and head, it’s talons stained with the blood of her victims, stray bits of flesh still hanging on her claw from her last meal. When he came close enough, he swiftly buried his knife into her chest and her heavy body collapsed onto his own. 
   Dimitri used the last of his strength to shove her off him, groaning as he sat up. He produced a small metal canister of liquid and dunked it right onto the harpy’s body. Instantly, her body burst into flames, melting the snow around her. 
   Relieved, he lay back down, allowing the snow to hit his face. The itching sensation from his side moved his hand to scratch at it, only to find blood pouring out of it. He was too spent...maybe he should just die here? The way the snow fell was strangely...calming.
   The hunter closed his eyes, giving into sleep.
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venctxr · 5 years
@saevus | Thank you for the follow !
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———— There were many places that a supernatural being could hide. It could be in plain sight, posing as a human or underground. Both could prove to be a challenge if the target was careful enough. 
  This time it was an illegal fight club happening in the depths of Korea’s main city and under Gray’s district. Now if he were working with the police, he would kill two birds with one stone and arrest both the rouge shifter and the participants of the fight club but he was really only here for the shifter. He received the tip from disgruntled betters when the shifter refuse to lose on purpose and as if to rub salt on the wound, continued to win the fights. 
  After purchasing a ticket to go in, he waited for the right opportunity as he needed the proof to make an arrest. It seemed normal for the moment and then-- the claws appeared, threatening to rip the opponent to shreds. He allowed the shifter to rough up his opponent for a while then signaled to his colleague who pulled the fire sprinklers and blank shots rang out with the exception of one which was a tranquilizer that had been aimed at the shifter for a while.
  Thinking this was police raid, it was every man for himself and they all evacuated quickly. 
  Gray approached the shifter and cuffed it quickly and then-- his eyes shifted towards the shifter’s opponent, feeling sorry for him that he had to take a beating for the sake of the investigation. Once the shifter was restrained he knelt beside the other.
   “ Are you alright? Do you need medical attention? ”
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venctxr · 5 years
Thank you for the follow @eyecovered !!
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———— CAW!
  Oh, how annoying those birds were. Their intelligent eyes stared down at him, cocking their heads in curiosity. Today, it was a werewolf, and the body was already destroyed but Gray continued to lay there next to a few bodies of crows that he had killed by accident and with the way he was lying in the dirt, it looked like he had joined them in the afterlife. 
   His suit was ruined, he knew that much without looking. One of his golden cufflinks were gone, he noticed its disappearance when he lifted his wrist to check the time on his watch that was webbed with a crack.
      Darn. It was Rolex too.
  Deciding to nap, he closed his eyes and resumed his corpse-like position.
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venctxr · 5 years
Thanks for waiting @univentorem !!
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———— “ Eugh...what time is it? ” 
  Gray opened the conversation with a complaint as the women’s magazine slid off his chest. He was more than capable of checking his own phone for the time but the question was expertly directed towards his colleague (working on whatever it was he was working) to give the impression that he was doing something other than napping.
   “ Any sign of our guy? Or do we have to relocate? ”   
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venctxr · 5 years
Thank you for the follow @maestrobe !!
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  ————  New York. The stench of warm bagels and hot-dogs on the street and the sweet scent of piss in the subway. For some reason, Dimitri loved it...it was a treasure chest of scents, a box of chocolates. Will you smell pizza? Or sweaty clothes?
  Still, among the faced paced citizens of this city, he did crave for something to balance it all out. Some consistency, something slow paced and calming. Perhaps that was why he was drawn to the tranquility of the books sitting obediently in categorized rows behind the display window, perhaps that’s why he pushed open the door. 
  Woody and with a faint coffee smell...that would be how he described it. Immediately, he moved to pick up the nearest book that was displayed.
     How to make cake flowers: Family Edition. 
  “ Looks like I’ll be doing that tomorrow. ” He muttered to himself.
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venctxr · 5 years
@thevvolf // thank you for the follow!
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———— “ Relax, most of the monsters are already gone. You don’t need to be so tense. ” The raven chuckled, crushing a cigarette butt under his foot. 
   “ I’m Gray. I was assigned to an area nearby and just finished my checks. Just thought I’d check on you and make sure you were not dead. ”
  Gray himself was skeptical of supernaturals joining the hunt in eliminating other supers, after all it was like making friends with the enemy and posed many risks. What if the supernaturals turned against the humans? Sure-- they were safeguards to prevent this, they were never allowed to rise higher in the ranks in case of an information leak but even the common foot soldier was dangerous.
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venctxr · 5 years
Thanks for the follow @aestuavis !!
———— It’s no surprise someone like him cycled through his partners fairly quickly. They rarely ended badly and often it was a mutual break up. Sometimes it was only two weeks or some months, but maximum a year before they realized he didn’t really love them. Thinking it was unfair, he’d never chased them or asked why, finding it selfish to keep them around to help him solve the problem that wasn’t theirs. His motivation for all those relationships? Simple. He just wanted someone to kill time with, someone to provide him with a hug or a kiss, maybe the occasional bedding but that was all. 
  This time, it had been a week and a half. Dimitri met her at a park and thought she was cute. Even bought her coffee. They were barely friends before they started ‘dating’ about a month later. Even now, he barely knew anything about her either, it was as if they were cuddle buddies but nothing more. 
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     “ What are you thinking about out here you airhead? ”
  He approached her from behind, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and laying a gentle kiss on her temple. “ Sorry, did you wait out here long? ”
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venctxr · 5 years
@heavensforbid super overdue?? Thanks for waiting !!
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————  “ Wait, wait, wait...does that mean I can ride you to save up on travel costs? Because that will be amazing. ” 
   Gray was just trying to make conversation, he honestly did not want to ride anything winged that didn’t have seat belts. Airplanes were already scary enough but the thought falling off the back of a wyvern was terrifying. Even without knowing he could turn into a huge beast, the height that the other stood at was pretty intimidating already. 
   Often the company would pair humans with supernatural hunters for the sake of balance even though in Gray’s eyes, he could be squished at any moment and it was definitely not balanced even the slightest. 
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venctxr · 5 years
Thanks for waiting @vessuvius !!
———— Not everything about a hunter’s job was glamorous and full of exciting fighting action. There was paperwork, false trails and some days were wasted just sitting in a car watching a person who could be a werewolf or a really hairy guy. 
  For today, it was just paperwork. This time it was to renew a birth certificate. His colleague had gotten too old for the job and after he retired, his work was evenly distributed among the rest of the hunters in this district. 
  Gray had mixed feelings about supers under the company’s protection. Though they promised to not cause trouble, there were always one or two who would take advantage of this special protection provided by the company. Needless to say, Gray was especially harsh with the rule breakers, even going as far as execution without proper trial.
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  With a sigh, he rapped onto the door with a heavy fist.
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venctxr · 5 years
tag dump
( ❛ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴏғ ᴍᴇ. ❜ // main musing. ) 
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