euesworld · 5 years
"The thing about the stars are that they sit amongst the heaven's, just like you.. cause you are such an angel."
I wish upon this star, to see your beautiful smile every single day without fail - eUe
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thexuntamed · 5 years
starter for @heavensforbid
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“Pizza...is that the yummy food you promised me?”
 The soul dragon’s nose wiggled as he sniffed at the large square box, his eyes bright with curiosity as he tilted his head side to side. Food always made the dragon excited. Stomach growling loudly, he moved to open the box, pouting when it was moved out of his reach. 
“Razeeeeee! I’m hungry!”
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sepulcine-blog · 5 years
@heavensforbid (you didn’t ask for this, but Zoti needs to be poked immediately by Aim)
“You reek of the sea, yet we must be hundreds of miles away from even the briefest meeting of sand and tide...  I wonder why that is?”  Cue the smirk that crawls so slowly across Aim’s face as he stares down this man.
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kapisola-archived · 5 years
Someone: What was your daughter like?
Damian: *INHALES*
Damian: How much time do you have?
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soulsxng--a · 5 years
He startled at the sound of his name, pulling away to see just who had- “Sivel!” He licks at his lip before mouth stretches into a wide smile, hand around Oli’s wrist to pull him along and away from the one that wouldn’t take no for an answer before the hyena did something drastic. “No, no, don’t go, I wanted to see you.” There’s a faltering of grin when he catches sight of frown proper, a tilt of his head in confusion. A moment, until it dawns on him. “Oli? Ring the mutt to come get you.”
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Raz looks up when he’s called, and though the way he calls out to the king eases the jealousy and possessiveness some, it’s not enough to make it completely go away. Especially not once the other male started to be pulled over, as well. “You can see me any time. I’d rather not interrupt.” Sivel replies, one brow quirking in confusion when the magpie’s expression changed, and he suddenly turned to send the other shifter away. Ah, he must have noticed something off. Not that it would be hard to do so-- the Vasyrus wasn’t exactly trying to hide it.
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atlaslain · 5 years
let kit salt    /    @heavensforbid
☀ what’s your rp pet peeve?         ‘but you’re so intimidating uwu!’ then we’re not gonna rp lmao. if you can’t stop and consider how shitty it feels for another human to be told they’re intimidating you just by existing or by writing in a way you perceive as ‘better’, then pls don’t bother me. ( except those of y’all who enjoy being intimidating, i guess. ur valid. )           just. stop placing other rpers on pedestals???? it’s not healthy. we’re all equals. being told you’re ‘intimidating’ can be a very distancing feeling. like,,,, it’s not my fault you’re placing yourself beneath me for some reason. you could just, idk, talk to me like a fellow human. i’m sure we’d be great friends and i’d actually really love to know you! but cool. and before we start with ‘but some people are anxious / find it hard to reach out!!’ -- cool, me too! but you’re not gonna solve that by telling another person how scary they are. 
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mapawder-blog · 5 years
@heavensforbid    /    here.
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         sirius only grins, pushing aside a tapestry and flitting through first, fully expectant that raz will follow him. for all his whingeing, he seems remarkably keen on the idea of a good midnight snack. “i skinny dip in that lake all the time,” he brags, voice pitched quiet and soft, “doesn’t bother me. gonna have to find a more creative way of expressing your distaste if we wind up scrubbing out cauldrons again.”            good thing the marauders have so much of the castle mapped out; he could find his way down to the kitchens blind. and if any prefects come along, he and raz have their handy little trick for sneaking off. he’s fairly confident there’ll be no disasters tonight.           “hurry up. i’m proper craving a pumpkin pasty now.” 
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beastreign · 5 years
He feels the snap crackle of lightening reacting to like as snaps head around, eight glamour hidden tails drawn in tight and ears flatten atop skull, visible to those able to see other. A moment to figure out if he's kin or foe, relaxing as aura flares as yako. "Huh, samesies." Kami laughs, the nogitsune holding a hand up for a high five. (kami & jou?)
( @heavensforbid )
          the storm had been caused by nothing else but the fox overflowing with energy.  every now and then, he’d had to come out to let those wild sparks out —  and if anything were to be damaged in the process…  well, more entertainment for him.
          the relief he felt from releasing the pressure felt almost cathartic, so much so that he hadn’t even notice another standing nearby —  and when he did, ears perked up only to promptly fall back threateningly.  eyes narrowed into a sharp scowl, the tyrant ready to fight the fellow fox —  only to be caught off guard by his attitude.
          it didn’t matter to him whether or not they were of the same kind, same element.  to him, another kitsune was  just another threat.  still, rather than fighting, he’d choose to simply  disregard  the male —  glancing at the gesture offered with a disgusted expression.
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     ❝ fuck off, ❞     a gruff snarl, violet hues averting from the outstretched hand  —  leaving him hanging  —  and swiftly walking past the other.
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venctxr · 5 years
@heavensforbid super overdue?? Thanks for waiting !!
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————  “ Wait, wait, wait...does that mean I can ride you to save up on travel costs? Because that will be amazing. ” 
   Gray was just trying to make conversation, he honestly did not want to ride anything winged that didn’t have seat belts. Airplanes were already scary enough but the thought falling off the back of a wyvern was terrifying. Even without knowing he could turn into a huge beast, the height that the other stood at was pretty intimidating already. 
   Often the company would pair humans with supernatural hunters for the sake of balance even though in Gray’s eyes, he could be squished at any moment and it was definitely not balanced even the slightest. 
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sansloii-a · 5 years
potential ships!!! ( all ships welcome ) || @heavensforbid( no longer accepting! )
Wynn and Locke - Uncertain
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        “…I’d rather not.”
Joseph and Hannibal - Nope
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Evan and Zotikos - loud sigh
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        “He looks like he could be a lot of fun. If he has time to spare, I’d love to get to know him better.”
Dakota and Oleander - Hard Nope
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          “Mmmm… Pass.”
Penny and Salem - ???
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        “Is the whole “Vampires and Werewolves hate each other” trend still a thing? Does that apply to like… wolf shifters too ‘cause if so, you probably wanna give me a pretty wide berth. It’s more for your safety than mine.”
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shackledsculs-a · 5 years
R E N ( you know who lmao)
A-Z NSFW Headcanons || Accepting! @heavensforbid​
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As a creature of mischief, Ren is always down to take a particular risk. Especially considering his taste in women. Given that he’s dating the first vampire in canon, well...he gets to teach her about a lot of things related to sex. Seeing as she spent a good couple of centuries asleep due to what happened in her past.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Ren has slept around a lot. He lost his virginity around the time he was in his 20s. Given that he’s in his 400s, he’s had a number of partners and as such, knows how to please both men and women quite well.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything involving non-sexual bodily fluids, as well as something that basically has him hitting and abusing a partner. That makes him fairly uncomfortable.
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thexuntamed · 5 years
heavensforbid replied to your post: “Dragons live in tribes and devour each other,...
“Do you- how many hearts do earth dragons have?”
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“I only have one heart, as far as I know. Other dragons might have more? I don’t know for sure, I haven’t met many dragons.”
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thompson-archive · 5 years
"do you ever find yourself nostalgic for the life you never got to have?" (locke @ misfortune )
from the work of  amanda lovelace  ,  the mermaid’s voice returns in this one   (  consider supporting the author  ) .  pronouns  (  he , she , they , i , etc  )  &  tenses can be adjusted as needed @heavensforbid
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  “Don’t make me laugh. What life? I have had a long life and still living a long life. Despite the little problem I have now. It is still a feeling that does not make me nostalgic. All the life I have seen were heading downhill and really nothing to want nor desire. Though I do miss my old ways.” He missed just being a cat and resting upon Despair’s saddle while Death was either away or while around them both. 
   Misfortune missed those days and hope that one day he will be able to return to it. To his relaxation and the calming atmosphere that the realm of the Dead provided. 
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kapisola-archived · 5 years
(( I stan one magpie today and his name is Raziel ))
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soulsxng--a · 5 years
@heavensforbid Sivel & Raziel from here
The King blinks once, then again, one brow raised as the person in front of him burst into a small mass of feathers and darted up into a nearby tree, chest heaving rapidly. Great. A shifter.
At least he was just a bird. Sivel by far preferred that to some mangy beast  
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“I can assure you that I’m nothing of the sort, little bird. Though, I do apologize for startling you. I was simply going to go for a walk, that’s all.”
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atlaslain · 5 years
@heavensforbid    /    from here.
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          okay, the tail-wagging is a good sign. that means zack’s welcome to pet the ears, right? doesn’t know where he got the idea from that he wouldn’t be welcome or that it’d be rude, but --- never hurts to make sure. 
he reaches out, gently scratches the base of one ear. soft. fluffy. he could do this all day! maybe this is how people like frankie show affection? 
“i’ve been wanting to do that forever!”
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