venenorum-archive · 2 years
​things on here have grown outdated, if i’m being perfectly honest, and i want to start fresh. catch me at the same url @venenorum
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
​things on here have grown outdated, if i’m being perfectly honest, and i want to start fresh. catch me at the same url @venenorum
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
​things on here have grown outdated, if i’m being perfectly honest, and i want to start fresh. catch me at the same url @venenorum
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
The moon was bright tonight, shining down on the shop he approached. He wasn't much of a talker, his Aunt knew that but he's curious about the one who held her heart in their hand. He's never seen her in love, this meant she let someone in and he's elated for her. Entering the shop, he's greeted by warmth, and there's a feline at the counter gazing at him curiously. He returns that gaze, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. After a moment, the demi-god reclines his head respectively before turning his head at the footsteps coming toward them. "Iovita?" Somehow it feels impolite to simply say their name so casually but he'd rather not be rude.
"I...uh, I'm Hekate's nephew...AJ. " The last thing he needs is to have magic thrown around especially given how they were looking at him. Olympus forbidden, his Aunt would kill him for making them suspicious. " I just wanted the chance to meet you. In all of my centuries being raised by her, I've never seen her so...smitten. If it were up to her, you'd be the world's only wonder. " He shrugs, folding his arms over his stomach, tipping his head down. " You have her loyalty, her heart and her trust. Things not easily attained. For that, you have my loyalty as well, please take care of her for me, she gets really lonely sometimes but she zmiles whenever she mentions you...I worry that all these years alone have taken a piece of her. A piece you've given back..."
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          IT’S NOT OUTLANDISH FOR INNOCENT people to come in to inter mundos already knowing iovita’s name. after all, they’ve had eighteen centuries to make a name for themself, and they have. among supernaturals and hunters both. even so, it still makes them instinctively tense up, shoulders rising and gaze narrowing into steel slits. they’re about to ask how he knows who they are when he forges forward, not giving them the chance.
          hekate’s nephew.
          “ oh, ” they say, simply. “ I’ve heard of you. ” truly, they would be more surprised if they hadn’t. hekate clearly adores him as her family, and if she trusts him then…
          their shoulders relax, and they give him a slight nod, moving over to the counter to stroke their fingers through lucrezia’s long, pale fur as aj continues. he is one of those few people in this world that carry a mountain of power with them, iovita muses silently. not as immense and all-consuming as hekate’s, but she is a goddess. and perhaps it isn’t a mountain that he carries with him. it’s more like a thunderhead, building over distant peaks. it intrigues them, but this isn’t the time for prying, curious questions.
          “ smitten, ” they echo, tipping their head. the world’s only wonder. you have her heart. it may not be coming from hekate directly, but it’s still romantic enough to bring heat to their cheeks. even the thought of me makes her smile, huh? coughing, they turn their head away from him, trying to hide the flush they know is visible on their face. sweet words like these are often the only things that can make them react like this, and it’s embarrassing every single time.
          “ I feel much the same way about her, ” they say when they think they’ve regained enough composure, slate gaze flicking back towards him. “ certain things are best kept between your aunt and I but… I trust her in the ways that I can. I love her, too. not many people can match me like she can. and not many people remind me of the things I’ve lost to time like she does. I’ll take care of her. ” // @solaoccasum
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
Hekate is many things and observant is one of them. She likes to pay attention to small details because it helps when knowing when someone needs something. And truthfully, love makes her that much more observant and willing to give. " Hey, no peeking. It's a surprise. " There's no particular reason for this other than she just liked watching them working with their hands. And honestly, it fascinates her. " I actually had to do some research but...I figured you'd like to have your own space to work freely. "
Considering how they frequented certain spaces, it was only right to Hekate to build Iovita their own forge. It was actually quite fun considering it could be accessed through Inter Mundos by opening any door, all they had to do was simply desire to go there. One of the fee spells she indulged herself in when it came to Inter Mundos and of course she explain that. " It's yours to do as you please. Do you...like it?"
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          “ NO PEEKING, ” IOVITA PARROTS BACK, despite how badly they want to. what has she been up to? has run through their head more than once in the past couple of minutes - that deep-seated curiosity a familiar, persistent curl in their chest. it’s not like they could ever guess correctly with her, anyway. after all, this is the goddess who let them see rome again.
          when it’s okay for them to do so, they crack open their eyes, and take in what’s in front of them. at once, their gaze widens. “ oh… hekate. ” their surprise lasts only another moment, however, because, looking over their shoulder, they realize they can see the dim-lit bookshelves of their apartment, and the old camel-back couch against the wall, lucrezia still lounged out across it. stepping back, they stare at their home, then at the room in front of them. if they had opened this earlier, it would have been a closet.
          “ how…? ” they hold up a finger, grab the knob, and close the door. when they open it again, it’s the normal closet, blankets and sheets piled. somewhat neatly, on the shelves. frowning, they close it, then open it again. when they do, it’s the room hekate has built, and the goddess is still there, looking amused. “ did you make a… a… ” they shake their head, at a loss.
          (the words they’re looking for will certainly come to them later, standing in their new forge only to shout ‘pocket dimension! you made a pocket dimension!’)
          “ hekate… ” they step back into the room, absorbing everything in it. there’s everything they could need, from hearth to anvil. they already have most of the specific, finer tools from downstairs - from the long-running effort to build themself this but on a smaller scale. curious, they reach towards the hearth and light it, bright reflection of both flames and delight in their eyes. whipping around, they grab her by the wrists and pull her in close. “ you spoil me rotten, do you know that? ” an unsure flicker cross their face. “ someday I need you to tell me why you do but… ” they won’t ruin this moment. instead they let a hesitant smile rise and pull her in, kissing the side of her lips. there’s tears pricking at their eyes, they think, so they kiss her again so she can’t see. “ thank you, luculenta. ” // @solaoccasum
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
a low chuckle resonate deep in his throat, a flick of his wrist and water douses out several patches of fire and watching them getting more and more irritated. and who doesn't need to cool off when they're practically blowing steam out their ears, right? so marcellus simply splashes cool water in their pretty features.
❝ unprompted.
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          IOVITA IS, QUITE QUICKLY, GOING from irritated to furious. especially because now, they’re dripping wet with cold water, and the fire that had been not-so-carefully nurtured by their fury is just as damp - out with a sizzle and now nothing more than faint wisps of smoke.
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          “you... are so annoying,” they grit out, shuddering as a drop of water runs down their neck. the demon’s water doesn’t stay cool long, bowing under the pressure and heat of iovita’s ambient magic until it’s starting to steam. it was one thing to douse their fire, but to go ahead and do the same to them, too?
          and he’s laughing about it. talking about adding insult to injury. 
          they take a stride forward, pressing into his personal space, glowering up at him. “ what did I do to get your attention on me? if you keep this up, I swear on my own magic that I will not rest until I find a way to send you back to hell and keep you there. ” // @solaoccasum
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
She's gonna hold her arms out for the best girl, she might have some treats but.. it's planned bribery.
❝ unprompted.
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          for several long moments, the feline simply stares at gabriella, amber eyes as impassive as iovita’s own. she even yawns, all sharp white teeth and curling tongue. she’s thinking about it. and she’s taking her sweet, sweet time. 
          truthfully, she’s not entirely sure what to think of this witch. iovita has indulged her, perhaps even taken a curious sort of interest in her. but lucrezia does not wield power (she would be unstoppable if she did) and lucrezia often only cares about that which serves her.
        gabriella does have treats.
        lucrezia can smell them. tickling her nostrils. taunting her. it makes it even harder to sit here like she simply cannot be swayed except on her own time.
        with a massive, and truly dramatic, feline sigh, she gets up, sniffing loudly at the witch’s hands before staring at her expectantly, even going so far as to rub her cheek against gabriella’s fingers. now dole out the treats, please. // @nexarerum
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
tbh, no matter how much someone else is io’s weakness, col is always just as much of one. and he knows this.
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
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That willingness to bleed, I will get it back (x)
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
hekate has only ever seen her witch bruised once, but it had been enough. someone would have put it out of their head, not given it a second but the goddess wasn't that person. truth is, she could be rather obsessive when it came to the people she cared for. they had returned to a particular patch of woods, scenic and peaceful but something felt off. the thought flits through her mind as she's on her way back to their little camp. and it's not so much a sound that alerts her of their presence, but the disturbance of animals. a stray rabbit skittering on by and chaos descends.
she doesn't want to keep track of the ones who were obviously here for io. the goddess didn't know a lot about those hunting io but she knew enough that she was ready to defend io and get them out of here and somewhere else. and truly, that was her plan as she waded into the thick of it, and watch io get hit. and then she lost her mind. all the noise drowned out immediately, and a wave of her power flashed outward, reality itself flickering as several bodies fell, choking and attempting to draw oxygen in, blood pouring from their eyes and ears. a low rumbling filled the ears as she walked forward, eyes flashing from pale moonlight to gold and back and again. shadows rose behind her, neema's hellhound form pawing from the darkness, fur covered snout pulling back over rows of razor sharp teeth. ❝ ━ get rid of them. ❞
milky gaze toward the lone man and io's voice rings out, nearly stopping her. but she doesn't, the goddess gets close, meeting the other's gaze as a feral smile splits over her expression, and she's sure there's not a sane quality there. ❝ ━ for them....you live. should you cross my path again, i will floss with your bones...❞ a hand rises and she snaps her fingers, and io, her and inter mundos were in positano. her hands shake, her entirety trembling with the need to go back and finish them off, but she doesn't. instead the goddess moves toward io, crouching infront of them, gently brushing fingers over their cheek, the bruise fading away. ❝ ━ that was him, wasn't it ? ❞
❝ unprompted.
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          INTER MUNDOS FEEL LIKES IT’S groaning. and it makes iovita’s stomach turn. they moved fast, and the witch, before hekate, had been the only to ever use the magic that makes it move. for several long seconds, they’re quiet, eyes closed tight as they let their magic filter back into the rooms. slowly, quietly. reclaiming it. and the magic clinging to the shop’s walls nudges back. hekate’s hand is on their cheek, but they don’t register anything except for the adrenaline-fueled pounding of their heart.
          it goes through their head, though, the events of the past twenty minutes.
          the hounds tracking them down no matter where they are is nothing unusual. it happens. iovita is often well-equipped to take care of them. and if they don’t then… col wins. sometimes they think that would be the worst death for them. other times they think it would be the easiest.
          this time, however, is the first time hekate has also been present.
          they want to explain the loose circle of hunters around them, because they don’t want bloodshed. not because of the hounds in general, but because he is there. straight-backed and cold-faced. they know the force of hekate’s anger, and they are desperate that col does not get caught in the crossfire. but the hounds don’t make it easy. iovita thinks they recognize the one who comes forward, burn scars on her face. she’s quick as a snake, pain flashing across iovita’s cheekbone before they know what’s happening.
          and that…
          it’s a blur. there’s blood, they see. there’s screams, they hear. there is a hellhound, stalking among the hunters with ruthless efficiency hekate is powerful, and the force of it makes them dizzy, swaying back and then tilting forward to land on their hands and knees, jaw clenched tight. there was no warning to her might. no tremble in the earth like the shudders before a volcanic eruption. it simply is. vision tunneling, they watch the woman who had hit them die, in some sort of morbid slowness and bubbling humor. I guess not everyone gets their revenge, they think, struggling back to their feet.
          it’s then that they see hekate move, and their heart drops to their stomach. “ NO! ”
          to his credit, col doesn’t waver, even though hekate looms over him in all her seething fury. his gaze is unreadable, and simply flicks between hekate and iovita before his dark brows raise, as if to say oh, will you? he’s brazen, and it makes iovita want to laugh. he got that from me.
          and then the world is gone, and the warm sun of positano is peering through the windows of inter mundos.
          reaching up, iovita moves her hand away from their face, fingers tightening around her wrist. their gaze is as inscrutable as col’s was - cold steel to his icy blue. “ I heard what you said to him, ” they say, slowly. heat is starting to prickle into their fingers, warming against her skin. as much as they love her, and as much as they know that col is capable of terrible things, it doesn’t make anything sit easier within their mind. it’s more like the feeling of being pulled in two different directions, until they think they might tear right down the middle. 
          “ I don’t ever want to hear you threaten my son again. ” the heat in their hand is growing with their frustration. the pool of light of the floor lamp nearby is starting to slink from ceiling to wall to floor as the metal stem of it softens and droops. “ if you did anything to him… I’d… I’d… ” what? break completely? grieve, properly and finally? they let go of her hand, shoving it away as they do. it’s blatantly obvious what kind of place they’re in, confused and circling like a lion in a tiny cage, looking for anything to take their frustrations out on. 
          “ ... you wouldn’t even give me something to bury. ” // @solaoccasum​
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
ambie i’m dishing hella angst right back to you
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
O : ODE. does your muse have a way with words?
❝ (very late) valentine’s day alphabet.
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          yes! although… they’re not good at keeping shit short’n’sweet because they’re naturally (obnoxiously) verbose. they’re not the keep adding words because they’re fumbling kind of verbose, though. I’ve said before it isn’t a surprising opinion to think that io really likes to hear their own voice... because they do. but at least it’s made them great with their words.
         they’re pretty good at making compliments unique to individuals - picking up traits and comparisons the longer they know someone. it tends to make them a good flirt, too. sauve and charming when they want to set aside their usual blunt indifference. they are remiss that most people no longer speak their mother tongue, however, because they think that everything sounds better when they don’t have to translate it first.
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
it’s going to be a few days before its actually active bc i’m still finishing stuff up here first but if you preemptively want to follow it
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
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“You’re basically seeing all of the sunrises and sunsets across the world, at once, being reflected off the surface of the moon” – NASA
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
I’m finishing asks tonight so help me god and then moving completely bc i feel! so cluttered lmao
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venenorum-archive · 2 years
me when i first wrote io: idk what they want when it comes to n.sfw stuff. i don’t think they want anything really?
me now: OH IO FUCKS
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