venomcoursed · 4 years
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            All my fears dissolve. Come take what you want. All these walls are down.
                             Indie RWBY OC | Selective | Private | Mutual Exclusive 
Personals do not interact.
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venomcoursed · 4 years
Not a huge fan of my headcanons being taken and used, not gonna lie.
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venomcoursed · 4 years
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   How unfortunate--the Human had survived. It seemed the rumors of the crime boss’ demise had been just that; woven from tall-tales and speculations of what had transpired on the night of Beacon’s downfall. Dojan could curse whatever gods allowed for one of such ilk to still walk the face of Remnant, but, seeing as his own found ‘home’ was debunked, perhaps the man of street-talk could be useful.
   Though, even for the adder was it dangerous to wander with the symbol of fang obscuring scarred features. Word of their own corruption had reached the streets and brought Faunus of poor will together to now fight against their cause--casting aside those who adorned the face of Grimm as traitors. Though irritating, Dojan found one positive in treading with caution; that his true visage was still unknown to his name. 
   Fingers clasp to mask of ivory, piece removed and tucked to belt-line, coloration of crimson and white shrouded by the hemming of a grey vest. Serpent breathes out, gnarled features now exposed; and teeth not meant to be seen are clenched together when approaching the man of persuasion. 
                 I was lead to believe you had PERISHED.”
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venomcoursed · 4 years
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Tidbits to be properly written up later.
From the age of fifteen to nineteen Dojan worked in a Schnee Dust Mine.
He was ejected from work when the Dust Mine exploded, leaving him with his facial scarring.
Joined the White Fang directly after, now that he had an opening to escape Mantle. 
Wants nothing more than to get his revenge on the company for not only mutilating him, but for being the cause of his kin’s injuries and demise. 
Quickly proved himself in the Fang, using brute force alone to prove his capabilities, and was highly recommended to become a Lieutenant. 
Would die by the Fang if he must; his undying loyalty made for them and no one else. 
Highly respects Sienna Khan, and by extension, Adam Taurus, agreeing that their violent methods against the Humans was the only true way to gain respect from them.
Continued to support Adam even after he murdered Sienna Khan, believing it to be the only true way for their cause to move forward.
Was not apart of the attack on Haven, instead, leading a mission elsewhere to gather intel on their next attack. While unsure of how to proceed with word of Taurus’ disappearance, leaving the remaining Fang without leader, and that the Faunus of Menagerie were responsible, he still believed in the mission; and that Humans will never be worth more than Faunus.
If in a verse where Adam’s demise is canon, Dojan is apart of a small splinter group still attempting to push the word of the new White Fang.
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venomcoursed · 4 years
the beastly mask clatters along the table split in two. for only but a moment the stillness between them is eerie; much too quiet for a pair who reveled in chaos with one another. a gloved hand reaches to pinch the bridge of his nose, collapsing heavily into the chair below him in a sloppy motion. adam does not even need to peek to know what sort of expression the viper is giving him at this very moment. he can feel its weight, fixated and heavy upon his weakened state. 
he didn’t like that one bit. 
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“ … why are you still here.”
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   There were no words--such a weakness of voice unneeded as adder’s shadowed eyes follow his superior, absent in their stare as Taurus slumps and withers. Never would Dojan dare speak his concerns, to question the bull on motivation and being, but still did words sit on the back of tongue; all that he wanted to say, in the end, swallowed. Serpent knew better than to further his superior’s plight.
   “--Where else would I be?”
   Question simple, tone flat, Dojan’s form then shifting if only enough to drag toned arms up to settle and cross over a hefty chest. 
   “Until the orders I am handed command otherwise, I am to stay close.”
   Shift of shoulder, crane of neck, and a beat of pause weasels its way between his speech.
   “Until you say otherwise.”
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venomcoursed · 4 years
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Really sexy of me to draw Dojan new art.
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venomcoursed · 4 years
Au in which the White Fang was actually relevant and Dojan finally got to kill a Schnee (Jacques).
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venomcoursed · 4 years
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                           Bare your fangs, do not allow them to see you as weak.
   Independent. Private. Mutual Exclusive. Heavily Headcanon Based. White Fang Lieutenant.
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venomcoursed · 4 years
Tag dump.
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venomcoursed · 4 years
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Me, digging up my old Dojan art: And I--
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venomcoursed · 4 years
Me, sighing, as I log in and begin to clean up this blog.
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venomcoursed · 7 years
kk last one for tonight….
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venomcoursed · 7 years
     raksha doesn’t break her composure—back straight, hands folded, hood tucked up over her head (because the very last thing she needs is someone she knows seeing her here, on the white fang’s doorstep). instead, she lets him speak, and even waits for a few moments to make sure she doesn’t talk over him. if she’s uncomfortable, she’s not showing it.
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    ‘a contact of mine informed me that my previous issues with your organization will soon be resolved, and that any help i could provide would not only be beneficial to me, but to my family.’ simple, but to the point—any more elaboration might get her in a bind. to make good on her words, she stretches out her arms, turning around slowly. ‘i wouldn’t worry, i’m hardly a threat. i’m unarmed; and,’ she smiles, canines showing, ‘hardly a threat to someone as formidable as you.’
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   Dark eyes slow their scour of the wolf, flickering upwards then in an attempt to match one hooded gaze with a masked. While perhaps trust does not come EASY, he is not scrutinizing to his fellow Faunus, taking her show of good faith without question. 
       “Yes, we are having a change of...LEADERSHIP that is more to our taste.”
   Tongue flicks out from between his teeth, trailing along elongated fangs with an absent mind; the compliment of his stature the only thing that draws suspicion. A chuff, the sound UNUSUAL--the amusement that lilts in his tone not quite fitting the statue-esque man.
       “Compliments will get you no where, it is best you know where you stand. Now, I am sure that you have a NAME.”
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venomcoursed · 7 years
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so it was purely recon then. it had been a while since she’d been sent out on a more delicate mission, she was more used to raiding storehouses and train shipments for dust and weapons. those were easy for her, she didn’t have to worry about holding back or slipping under the radar nearly as much and she preferred those sorts of missions. but orders were orders, and she wasn’t going to argue with the lieutenant on her assignment.
“i got two contacts that i know have been on the island in the past, one set up shop there some years back. i can tap her for info, see if she got anything useful to share. any names i should look up or stay clear of?”
the island might not have been very large, which meant there were less places to hide, but from what she’d heard in the past it was packed pretty tight. if there were those that she could go straight to upon arriving to compare information with it would lessen the amount of leg work she had to do- otherwise she could be stuck there for weeks if not months trying to figure out who the target was.
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   Fingers curl and twitch absently, each arm bending at the elbow and raising to crisscross in a tight curl atop his chest. For the moment, the adder merely listens--taking note of what Kahili had to offer him, mulling over the possibility of inside contact. His tongue clicks, one arm uncurling just enough to raise those fingers and card them across the bridge of his nose. 
        “Talk to your contacts, learn whatever you can from them. Anything that seems array, you WILL know about it. Any unwanted guests? You will know about it.”
   His tone snaps with a bite, arms dropping completely then to scoop plaster up off the desk, the mask clipped back on to cover up those shadowed features. Names--? The serpent can’t help the low hiss that seethes passed his fangs, a loose fist downed against the old oak with an audible slam, irritations leaking throughout.
        “The BELLADONA family is to be avoided. They cannot know of our branch on the Island, keep to town, and you should not have problems with this. What I fear, is that our secrecy has already been found, keep to the shadows, and do not adorn your mask. You will act as a visitor in the public eye.”
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venomcoursed · 7 years
livid pools narrow, plated digits only tightening around the hilt to his weapon. the vest means nothing to him, but jaune can only glower at the sight of the headwear; he can vividly remember the last time he saw a white fang mask, &. he’s not about to take orders from one of them.
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      “what, so you can strangle me?” he exchanges,       “I think I’ll keep the weapon right where it is, thanks.         better safe than sorry.”
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       “Strangling isn’t really my STYLE.”
   With a scoff the fang’s head canters, his own narrowed hues flickering across the young huntsman with judgement; with amusement, even to his defensive stature. On the contrary, Dojan’s own form seems to almost settle, shoulders rolled back with trailing pops to loosen stiffened muscles. Clearly, no fear nor otherwise was held for the cowardice cub.
       “How about we come to an agreement--
                     You didn’t see me, and I, in return, had not seen you.”
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venomcoursed · 7 years
❛ It’s a nice idea but it reeks of hope. False hope. ❜
Book Starters - accepting
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       “Why do you think I DISAGREED with it?”
   The serpent scoffs, gloved fingertips slipped beneath white and crimson plaster to pinch along the bridge of his nose. 
       “They THINK that the Humans will work with us; that they’ll be our allies, our partners–but how did that work for us in the past? We became their PETS.”
   One could be relieved the scowl Dojan bared was masked, the sharpened glare exchanged with Hazel showing the hatred that boiled; questioning himself on why he spoke to the man at all. How would a HUMAN understand? They wouldn’t. 
       “Hope is for children, real change comes from DOING, not from hoping.”
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venomcoursed · 7 years
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Not that anyone asked for this, but I’ve been thinking about Dojan on a “romantic” (Used VERY loosely) level. He has NO WANT to ever get himself into a ‘romantic’ relationship with someone, and honestly, it would be extremely toxic; thus, he leaves it to more “Friends with benefits” (cough @rougetxurexu cough) . He’s very much a one night stand kind of guy, along those lines of you need to let out some steam, so do I, sure, lets fuck if you want. He’s not about the fluff of it, he doesn’t care to stay after, doesn’t sleep in the same bed, he cleans himself up and leaves with little word. He’s not a lover by any means, and anyone attempting to cling to him and try to gain his affections as such will quickly get a mouthful or the coldest shoulder he could manage. 
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