venusandeartharegfs · 7 months
I really don't understand why most people absolutely refuse to name the problem: hatred of women.
Like... As a kid I learned about the tests men used to do to figure out if someone is a witch. Apparently they used to throw women off of high buildings or into water tied to something heavy. And if they survived they were witches and if they died they weren't.
And I remember saying something along the lines of "that's stupid af, because the women dies either way and after the 10th women dying why didn't they ask themselves" maybe we're wrong about that witch thing?! ""
And the adult just answered something along the lines of "yeah people were dumb af back then"
Like... No... I'm pretty sure killing the women was the intent and the whole witch story was just a reason to go through with it.
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venusandeartharegfs · 7 months
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venusandeartharegfs · 7 months
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venusandeartharegfs · 7 months
I will always remember the true story of a woman whose newborn died in her arms while she lived. She described how she helplessly put him to her chest, but no milk was being produced due to her own malnutrition. The horrific feeling of failing your own child.
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venusandeartharegfs · 7 months
I am so fucking scared. I feel that... you know it's not about death. I'm not so scared of death. I'm so scared of being displaced. I want to go back to my home--and I'm so near, by the way... Gaza is so small. But I can't go there because the Gaza Strip is cut into pieces, and vehicles and tanks are in the borders between these pieces so I just can't go anywhere inside my homeland. My place. And... it's unacceptable. It's unimaginable. You know I have never imagined before that one day someone would just grab me from my... my homeland. My place. And just throw me away and prevent me to come back.
By the way, we don't know if we could go back. If we could go back again. Ever. And I'm so scared that they could displace us from Gaza Strip to the desert. [Bisan's voice breaks, she breaks into tears] We will die in the desert because of hunger. They displaced us to Egypt. To the north of Egypt, to Sanari desert. People just die. We will die.
[Sob] I don't know why do you guys are watching without doing anything to end this. Just in the... just stop it. Just stop it. Stop it in any price, stop it in any cost. Just stop it for anything. Just stop this. It's a nightmare. I can't continue just thinking about the displacement more and more. It's a nightmare. And I can't-- I can't keep it alive while thinking of being displaced more and more.
I just wanna go back to my home.
-- Bisan in a heartbreaking voice memo on Instagram, 2.14.2024
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venusandeartharegfs · 7 months
And it just happened—Nasser Hospital, the main hospital in southern Gaza, is completely out of service. Only 4 staff are left taking care of the patients, of whom there are hundreds. This leaves Palestinians curled up on the floor in agony waiting for medical help—only there aren’t even enough medical supplies to tend to them even with healthcare workers on hand.
Israel actually did it. They have blatantly targeted a hospital, abducted its healthcare workers, and left it entirely out of function. And nobody stopped them.
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venusandeartharegfs · 7 months
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sjp.columbia: Having to constantly post graphic images of mutilated and dead Palestinian bodies in order to prove Palestinian suffering has made us realize the extent to which this racist dehumanization persists — where even thousands of pictures of dead Palestinian children are not enough for the Western world to step up and condemn genocide. This photo of Sidra Hassouna has been haunting us since we saw it upon the Israeli bombardment of Rafah.
It is hard to adequately express the whiplash we face when people complain about protests inconveniencing them when, just an hour before a protest, we are staring at these images. We often wonder if everyone is seeing the same news as us. How is it possible to view an image like this and continue to stay silent?
Say her name. Palestinians are not collateral damage. Palestinians are not numbers. Palestinians are humans who deserve to live, dream, and laugh. Rest in peace, Sidra Hassouna.
La hawla wa la quata illa billah
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venusandeartharegfs · 7 months
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venusandeartharegfs · 8 months
the fact that Israel can precisely target ONE apartment in an entire residential block in BEIRUT to kill two hamas leaders, proves once again that they CHOSE to carpet-bomb Gaza and murder 31.000 Palestinians to "defend themselves" against Hamas. Israel CHOSE to kill civilians, they CHOSE to bomb every hospital, every school, every refugee camp, every residential block. israel does NOTHING to spare the lives of palestinians, they want to thin out the population of gaza so they'd be able to settle their citizens there.
this is a genocide it's an ethnical cleansing PLEASE WAKE UP don't stop talking about Palestine it is not a trend, people are still dying, Israel has no plan to stop if WE don't force it to, through public pressure and protesting and boycotting. it's the least we can do.
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venusandeartharegfs · 10 months
What to boycott NOW to help stop Israel’s unfolding genocide of Palestinians in Gaza
Reminder that boycotting DOES work, there is historic proof! Don't let anyone discourage you otherwise!
The BDS movement uses the historically successful method of targeted boycotts inspired by the South African anti-apartheid movement, the US Civil Rights movement, the Indian anti-colonial struggle, among others worldwide.
We must strategically focus on a relatively smaller number of carefully selected companies and products for maximum impact. Companies that play a clear and direct role in Israel’s crimes and where there is real potential for winning, as was the case with, among others, G4S, Veolia, Orange, Ben & Jerry’s and Pillsbury. Compelling such huge, complicit companies, through strategic and context-sensitive boycott and divestment campaigns, to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid and war crimes against Palestinians sends a very powerful message to hundreds of other complicit companies that “your time will come, so get out before it’s too late!”
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venusandeartharegfs · 11 months
A girl in gaza recognizes her mother among the dead bodies on the ground.
Anyone who wonders what she's saying:
"That's my mom, that's my mom. I know her from her hair. I know her.
Why did you take her from me? Mom. Please, mom.
Show her to me, please let me see her, I beg you. We have to bring my brother Ahmad. Mom, I can't live without you why did you leave?
Didn't they have enough? They already killed my grandparents and my aunt and cousins, as well as my sister and now my mom? I wish they killed me with them."
The grief is paralyzing me. How would these kids continue their life?
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 So why aren’t we allowed to criticize something that actively leads to an increase in violence against women, 88% of it contains violence against women, it literally changes brain chemistry, it contributes to sex trafficking, and often isn’t allowed to be further studied due to irreversible and damaging effects?
Oh that’s right, because porn is more important to men than women’s safety.
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venusandeartharegfs · 2 years
Hey, Depp Cult: It’s over, and you got nothing that you wanted.
The appeal is settled.  That means Depp’s case is dismissed with prejudice and he signed a settlement in which Amber Heard denied liability.  After spending 26 million dollars on lawsuits in two countries, all Depp has to show for it is a twice-upheld ruling that he’s a wife-beater and also a piece of paper that says seven idiots agreed with him.  He can wipe his ass with that or roll a blunt, it’s his choice.
Amber is free.  He can’t relitigate their relationship anymore.  She has no gag order, no injunction, no NDA.  She did not accept guilt.  On Instagram today, she stated that the UK court found she had been subjected to domestic and sexual violence, and he can’t touch her for saying that.  He’s toothless.
She’s not paying a cent; her insurance is.  Depp spent 26 million and got one million back.  What a deal.
Oh, and her countersuit still stands.  He still owes her two million.  So let’s take a tally:  Judge granted Heard a restraining order, UK judgment (upheld twice on appeal) found Depp was a wife-beater and rapist, VA jury found that Depp defamed Heard through Waldman, and now Depp’s verdict against her no longer matters and isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on.  That’s Amber: 4, Depp: 0.
Depp will never have a career resurgence, because in his own words, he’s “never getting clean and sober.”  Big studios won’t touch him.  He’s out of Pirates.  He’s out of Fantastic Beasts.  He’s already ruining his reputation in the European indie scene with his horrible behavior on set.  His music is shit.  He looks like his liver is trying to claw its way free of his body.
Meanwhile, Amber’s still Mera in Aquaman.  She has about as much screen time in the sequel as she did in the original.  She has another film, In the Fire, coming out in 2023.  She’s free to resume her activism work.  And one day she’ll write a tell-all book and be the star of multiple documentaries about how she was vilified and wronged, and maybe you remoras will feature in those documentaries, dressed as poop or giggling over a victim describing her rape.
(Don’t forget, the Internet is forever!  One day your kids will see that, and then they’ll go no contact.)
And let’s not forget that now, thanks to your efforts to unseal court documents, the whole world knows that Depp’s dick doesn’t work.
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venusandeartharegfs · 2 years
If you didn’t take pictures, it didn’t happen. If you did take pictures, they’re fake. If you didn’t tell your friends, you weren’t injured. If you did tell your friends, they were part of the hoax.
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venusandeartharegfs · 3 years
My roommates just spent like thirty minutes victim blaming women and girls who get unwanted/unplanned pregnancies. They conceded that sometimes the man may be manipulative or the condom can break etc... but still said that she's stupid for not knowing that the guy she's having sex with is manipulative (??? how would she know? SHE'S BEING MANIPULATED) or for having sex with a guy she wouldn't want to have a baby with in the event of a condom breaking.
I hate everything I hate misogyny I hate that PIV is basically synonymous with sex I hate that abortions aren't free and available and seen as normal healthcare.
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venusandeartharegfs · 3 years
Saw this post from a young woman:
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and it reminded me of a passage from Beauty & Misogyny:
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In this section Jeffreys compares wearing the veil and wearing makeup as being two sides of the same coin (women ‘covering up’ in whichever way men deem culturally appropriate in order to appear safely in public). She makes the connection that wearing the veil in some Muslim countries is often culturally enforced by religious leaders, while in the western world, celebrity culture has a similar function. Some women and girls really do worship celebrities, and those celebrities are constantly selling young girls beauty products, makeup, hair vitamins, shapewear, you name it. Girls see their favorite celebrities wearing pounds of makeup, having plastic surgery, wearing ultra-revealing clothing — and girls want to copy that behavior and be like them. Celebrity culture has far more negative influence on women than is often realized because liberal feminism loves to posit those practices as ‘choices’. Yet there is absolutely a religious fervor to it; “celebrity worship” is not hyperbole.
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venusandeartharegfs · 3 years
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this is exactly what i mean. these white people can handle treating us like shit our whole lives but when we ask for more decency and point out their racism in hopes they’ll be better to us, they become more racist and then claim they’re being called racist for ~just being white~. no you’re being called racist for saying “asians are ruining my country” and saying “you expect me to care about some shit happening to asians?” in reference to 6 asian women being killed in a mass shooting
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