veronasunmademods · 7 months
Occult Children
There's... not really a lot for children in the Sims 4, occult or not. But nothing has bothered me more than the fact that even if you make an occult child, you won't see any effects of it until that child is a teenager. From my experience, anyway. So, a bit of an idea to how one might change that.
Accidental magic. I'll say it again and again, Spellcaster children, toddlers, and infants should have accidental magic. Especially when they're experiencing big moods.
It could be any mood other than "fine" for a toddler and/or infant; turns objects into flowers when happy, bubbles when playful, makes an earthquake when angry, makes it rain when sad, etc. Not every time or that would impede gameplay and be annoying.
Children instead would do it only during the extreme emotions. Hysterical, mortified, enraged, scared. Sadness as well, but that one doesn't have an "extreme" version. They'd have pretty much the same as the toddlers and infants as what would happen.
Potions stations would level up the potion making skill. That, or they have their own mini cauldron. Or both. One of the potions would be turning the giant stuffed animal toy into a proper Sim if the friendship level is high enough.
A few simple spells available to them, with Mischief the most accessible seeing as kids as mischievous.
Bring back the hair dye prank, but make the child have to craft it at with their potions skill.
In tandem with a boarding school mod, a magical boarding school just for Spellcaster children. Maybe two. One so they can learn to hone their powers, and one to hide them.
Spellcaster parents gain the option to inform their partners they are a Spellcaster if the other parent is not. Or not reveal. It's not mandatory.
Also an option to automatically hide heritage or reveal heritage to children, in case all children are normal Sims. Can later reveal Spellcaster heritage as desired.
Sims raising Spellcaster children and not knowing about it because they were not told can have different reactions when they find out. Anger, fear, excitement.
Spellcasters or normie parents could send child Spellcasters to the boarding school to free them of their abilities if they're trying to hide it or simply can't stand the magic. (Inspired by a throwaway line in the Children of the Lamp series where djinn children were sometimes put through such rigorous education it basically killed their magic)
Child sized broom that's closer to a rocking horse because it can't be used for travel. It just goes in a circle and can do loop-de-loops and other small trick shots if the motor skill is high enough.
Candies like those ones from HP that make you sound like different animals.
Obviously, let them be mermaids.
For toddlers/infants make them stay in whatever form the birther had when going in labor. If starts giving birth while mermaid, toddler/infant is full mermaid and has to learn to take human form. If human, has to learn to take mermaid form.
If in mermaid form, there could be special items made for an underwater nursery for them. If a mod can't do it on its own, it would probably require cheats.
Like, think a large lilypad floating in the water for a newborn, giant shells for infants and toddlers.
Mostly just everything found here, The Expanded Mermaids from SpinningPlumbobs. I like it, it fits what I want but can't have because I can't use the computer. 😭
Just wanted to add my own two cents about younger than children.
Full vampire children should age slow, just like their parents. Half vampire children can stay the same when it comes to aging.
A breastfeeding parent to a vampire baby should occasionally get bit and get moodlets about uncomfortable bleeding.
On that same note, while I hate Twilight, I think the pregnancy and vampire children thing would work well with the Sims. Weakness during pregnancy (Sims can't die while pregnant, but a general higher need for sleep, apathy, a dazed mood, puking, etc), craving for more raw meals, normie sims able to digest plasma without getting sick.
Child vampires can eat both regular food and plasma but start finding regular food unappealing.
Toddlers and infants can eat both as well, but tend towards regular food. But if they get a craving for plasma and they don't get it, they'll go bite anyone and everything, including family and pets.
If a child vampire has a high enough relationship with a normie child, the vampire can offer to turn the normie.
This turned vampire child does not age. Is stuck in the child state. Insatiable hunger, all the time.
Born child and under vampires don't die in the sun, but they'll get a nasty sunburn. Perhaps some rashes, like they're allergic to it. Turned children will die from sun exposure.
Turned children can only eat plasma.
Child sized coffins decorated with stickers, with colorful fabric and pretty wood designs. Open casket that's styled like a princess bed with a canopy.
Teething toys for infants that will occasionally burst and get them messy.
Plasma bags made to look like cute juice boxes.
A randomly chosen trait for how the vampire child comes across. Unsettling, enchanting, strange, etc.
Wolf form, wolf form, wolf form
Toddlers and infants can sleep in pet beds
Another situation where toddlers/infants/newborns are whatever the birther was at the time of birth. If in wolf form, they're born like a puppy. Switches uncontrollably human sometimes, but default is dog. Same for the reverse where the birther was in human form; human default, uncontrollable wolf.
Kids can dig holes with their hands in the backyard.
Can play with dog toys like dog.
Chase cats
Dogpile older Sims
Ability to chew on toys when not in wolf form
Excitement, playful, and embarrassment will turn children into their wolf forms
Can learn to control the wolf, but only that perk
Can "pack bond" with friends. Good things like raising skills, better moods, etc will be easier when packmates are around, but will feel distressed when they're not around for a while.
All of them could probably have the ability to "reveal or hide heritage" honestly.
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veronasunmademods · 3 years
The Founding Era - Year 2
One thousand years ago this story starts
There were four sorcerers with strong and wise hearts
Bold Gryffindor from wild moore
Fair Ravenclaw from glen
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad
Shrewd Slytherin from fen
- The Sorting Hat Song (RiddleTM)
And then… there’s you.
Begin your years at Hogwarts and grow up into a fine witch or wizard, make your way through challenges, make last friendships, and delve into a deep(ish) story.
This is the year you meet the werewolves (side quest, not main questline) and start to hear rumors of wizards kidnapping children during the night.
After receiving your school supply list for the year, you’ll meet a classmate in Diagon Alley. Terry Fiddlewood (Gryffindor), Leigh Bunyip (Hufflepuff), Xenophilius Kershaw (Ravenclaw), or Lyrisa Lassar (Slytherin).
If this sort of coding is too difficult, then just Xenophilius.
Anyways, your classmate will ask about if you’ve heard the rumors going around the street. (You haven’t.)
This classmate will follow you around Diagon Alley as you collect your school supplies and you’ll hear rumors from the witches and wizards about. Your classmate will comment on the rumors afterwards.
Once you’ve gotten everything, your classmate will express worry about the kidnappings, but will express that it’s getting late, so they’ve got to head back to their parents.
You are now free to head to Hogwarts!
Same as the year before, go to each core class twice. This year, you must level at least twelve times among any skills you like before you can move on.
Your first time going through the courtyard, for whatever reason, you’ll come across your flying professor, Geraldine Lockett, talking to a Ravenclaw student. If you snoop, you’ll heard them arguing about Professor Lockett keeping things from the student that she should know. The student will then run off and Professor Lockett will also leave and refuse to answer any questions about the argument, claiming it’s not your place to know.
Your first time going to your dormitory, two of your housemates (differing on house; G: Hugh Carrington & Oakley Elks, H: Avery Buckling & Aqua Pinescrew, R: Fletcher Hotty & Margaret Willerby, S: Bruce Onrey & Ruth Fawns) will come to talk to you about Quidditch. You’re probably not going to be joining anything anytime soon, but you’re willing (or reluctant, but still doing it) to help them.
One will need a new broom (which will be made through the equivalent of smithing) and the other may or may not have let the bludgers go during practice by accident and now all the balls are missing.
You can complete both objectives in whichever order you wish, but finding the quidditch balls will lead you into the Forbidden Forest and possibly into a large spider den in search of them. (don’t ask the logistics of this, the bludger flew in there by itself)
Return to your classmates and tell them everything’s back in order in time for the big game.
One day you’ll find Amina Abberley, the Ravenclaw student who fought with Professor Lockett, crying in either the infirmary or the library, being comforted by fellow Ravenclaw Eustace Truman. Just listening to their conversation won’t divulge much, and you’ll have to confront them. Amina received a letter from her family that her sister has been kidnapped.
Either Amina or Eustace will tell you that the teachers know more, but aren’t telling her “due to her age” and asks you to try to find out.
You can choose to either talk to Rowena Ravenclaw or Professor Lockett to try to convince them that Amina deserves to know everything, or sneak into the Transfiguration teacher’s office and steal the letters of correspondence between Ravenclaw and Amina’s father.
If you’re successful in your persuasion, the teacher you’ve talked to will explain that Amina’s younger sister was found… but not in one piece. She had her heart carved out. It’s something that the teachers didn’t want to tell Amina yet, since she was already so scared and brokenhearted.
Unfortunately, Aurors haven’t figured out much else yet, like the perpetrator or why this happened, so the teachers also cannot tell her more.
The letter will basically tell you the same thing. However, when stealing the letter, you can get caught. If caught, there’s a chance to persuade the teacher who caught you that Amina should know the truth. If successful, it’ll be the same as just doing that outright. If it fails, you’ll be sent to detention.
With this information, go back and find Armina. You can choose to tell her the truth or lie to her, either by saying there was nothing to find/tell or that they still haven’t found her sister yet. Lying to her will make her mournful and bleak, but ultimately slowly start to get cheerier over the years. Telling her the truth will drive her to do much studying and research onto dark magic and such. It will also make her available as a follower from Year 3 and on.
The Quidditch and Armina quests can be completed in whatever order you like, but both must be completed in order or you to move onto your next year.
But with both done, classes attended, and levels raised, you’re ready to move on.
Previous year
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veronasunmademods · 3 years
The Founding Era - Collection
People have wanted a Harry Potter game that's like Skyrim for years. I don't think I've even heard of a mod that tries it. So, here's a rudimentary idea and plot I've got.
Year 1
Year 2
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veronasunmademods · 3 years
The Founding Era - Year 1
One thousand years ago this story starts
There were four sorcerers with strong and wise hearts
Bold Gryffindor from wild moore
Fair Ravenclaw from glen
Sweet Hufflepuff from valley broad
Shrewd Slytherin from fen
- The Sorting Hat Song (RiddleTM)
And then... there's you.
Begin your years at Hogwarts and grow up into a fine witch or wizard, make your way through challenges, make last friendships, and delve into a deep(ish) story.
Start off by creating your character. Instead of races, choose blood type and house. Depending on what blood type you chose is what family you go to, your house will influence your stats.
Blood type
Purebloods will obviously go to a wealthy pureblood household with an elder brother in a purely wizard town. Has several ‘acquaintances’ with other pureblooded children.
Halfbloods live on a Burrow like area, far away from other people, though near enough to a muggle town to buy supplies. Has a younger, muggle sister.
Muggleborns live in a highly dense muggle village. Not the nicest of settings, though not too terribly poor. Only child, but has a muggle friend from town.
Gryffindors will find themselves leveling skills like Heavy Armor, Two-Handed Weapons, and Blocking more easily.
Ravenclaws will find themselves learning skills like Speech, Light Armor, and One-Handed Weapons more easily.
Hufflepuffs will find themselves learning Sneaking, Archery, and Restoration more easily.
Slytherins will find themselves learning Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing more easily.
MC wakes up in their bed, mother standing over them and waking them for their birthday.
They are told their first birthday present is on the dining table. Go to the box, open it, and inside is a book titled Player’s Guide, which will be helpful by explaining how some things will work in the mod in relation to Skyrim mechanics and plot things so they don’t contradict.
Is then sent out for their first quest to collect something from town.
Return home to their parents and sister/friend(s) waiting for them and a large meal set out on the table.
Are given a list of things around the house to find in a game.
When finding one of the items, MC’s Hogwarts letter is found.
Gets to Diagon Alley and more things find quest.
Trains wouldn’t exist in this era, so we’ll have MC taken away by a custom model carriage for Hogwarts. Obviously, driven by Threstels and therefore the horses are invisible.
On to Hogwarts!
Year 1
MC goes to Hogwarts.
Has to find the way to the Great Hall where the other students wait.
Once MC arrives, groundskeeper Sid Lambkins will lead them inside.
Cue cut scene where MC follows the rest of their class to the front of the great hall. Up front are the four legendary figures themselves.
Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.
Perhaps a speech from one or all of them. Applause, applause. Yes, yes.
Then MC comes up front and sits on the seat and gets sorted.
Cue little survey or just single question of where you’d like to go.
Bam! MC is in the house. You go over there and sit down. No need to wait for the others to be sorted, right? Or maybe they could be, but that’s a lot of wait time to get back to game play.
Moving on.
Most of first year will be boring from here on out. Most will be miscellaneous quests to fill up your time.
Go to every required classes class at least twice in order for the year to be finished is the first thing. This will take you around the castle so you can easily learn the layout and short cuts.
A few nights after your sorting, one of your year mates will approach you for some reason or another depending on your house.
Hufflepuff: A classmate has lost something precious in one of the classrooms and asks your help to find it. You will need to lockpick your way into the classroom where they lost it or learn the spell unlocking spell and try to locate it without being caught.
Gryffindor: A classmate wants you to go exploring the dungeons at night, because it seems like fun. (this will lead to a small ‘dungeon’ crawl if you’re not caught)
Ravenclaw: A classmate needs your help to find a particularly difficult to find book in the library, seeing as they need it for class the next day and can’t find their copy.
Slytherin: A classmate dares you to go get something from the DADA professor's office… without getting caught. There’s money bet on this, so you’ll earn something for your troubles if you succeed.
In order to complete your year, you must complete this quest.
It can also be completed by telling your head of house. Only Hufflepuff’s will not give you a bad relationship with the student who asked you to accompany them.
In order to complete the year out, you must have gained eleven levels total in any skill.
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veronasunmademods · 3 years
The Dawn-Raiser - Song of Chaos
There was but a maiden, as fair as could be
With pale snow skin and eyes of the sea
“Be wary of this one,” the men would all plead
“She is a Chaos Bringer, this fair lady.”
Chaos, they say, downs the mightiest foes
And where she steps no one should follow
And the breath from her lips, though it comes out slow
Will leave you in drowning in the river’s shallow
A god, or perhaps so they claim
Deatric could be, so seen in her reign
Do not meet her eyes, unblinking, remain
The ice in her stare will leave you with pain
“Be wary of this one,” even Chaos would claim,
“Far better than thee have I slain.”
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veronasunmademods · 3 years
The Dawn-Raiser - Characters
Name: Nyx "Dawn-Raiser" Veraaram
Race: Dunmer
Skin: Palest shade possible
Hair: Blackest black
Eyes: Black as fuck
Preferred weapon: Great axe or sword
Preferred armor: Heavy armor
Magic: Yes, uses destruction
Has a unique armor and weapon set. Is unkillable until after her questline has been started.
Named after the Greek goddess of Chaos, she is indeed a force to be reckoned with. There are rumors going around about those she has killed and the kind of destruction she has wrought. In an inn you can find some of her belongings in a rented room. One is a list of those she has killed or will kill. A few are names of characters already in game, but none that would mess with quests. If you help her with a short quest to go through a dungeon and retrieve an artifact that was stolen from her, you will obtain her as a follower, get a fancy-shmancy sword, and get the knowledge on how to build the same kind of armor she wears. Adversely, you can kill her once her questline has begun and earn a reward of a few hundred gold, a unique weapon, and less cool armor set for your troubles.
If you complete her kill list as a bonus quest, she will become a marriage option with unique voiced lines for your gender, the house you live in, and the children you adopt. I would also like if there were also voiced lines for what you specialize in (like the guards commenting on your speech, bow proficiency, or other skills, ect), different quests completed, locations visited, and how long you’ve been away. Her ‘shop’ after marriage is basically whatever goods she got off people she killed. She is not shy about this.
If you travel with her long enough, you might discover her history and how she got her moniker, the Dawn-Raiser. She became a follower of her patron early on in life vastly due to her need for revenge. She and her brother were raised by a single father after her mother was killed, but the father was killed too in a messy, bloody attack by a cult. A still young Nyx, then called Idelosa, was so desperate to save herself and her brother and get revenge for their father she made a pact with Mehrunes Dagon. However, the power she was granted consumed her and she destroyed not only the cult, but her brother and their hometown. She escaped and lived as a sell-sword for many years, traveling form place to place, eventually making her way to Skyrim.
She was renamed Nyx by Mehrunes Dagon. The Dawn-Raiser moniker comes exclusively from Borrrygg.
The Bards
Name: Meerla Caslus
Race: Argonian
Gender: Male
Skin: Red scales with yellow colorings. Piercings, because I think those are available? (it's been a while since I've played an Argonian)
Preferred instrument: Lute
Meerla is the husband of Zahrrasha and together they travel with the Khajiit tribe that frequents Riften and Dawnstar. While at Dawnstar, Meerla spends his days at the inn. Will sing the “Age of Oppression” though claim he wants no place in Nord conflicts. Is marriageable whether you marry him or Zahrrasha. It will be a polygumous relationship if Zahrrasha is alive, and will refer to you as ‘Husband’ or ‘Wife’ no matter which you marry.
Name: Zahrrasha
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Female
Hair: Entirely white fur with black markings.
Preferred instrument: Drums
Zahrrasha is the wife of Meerla and together they travel with the Khajiit tribe that frequents Dawnstar. She spends most of her time watching Athea around the tribe. Might be pregnant. Will sing “Age of Aggression” though will claim she wants no place in Nord conflicts. Is marriageable whether you marry her or Meerla. It will be a polygumous relationship if Meerla is alive, and will refer to you as ‘Husband’ or ‘Wife’ no matter which you marry.
Name: Athea Sky-Heart
Race: Nord
Gender: Female (child)
Skin: Tanned
Hair: Bright red
Eyes: Green if you will
Preferred instrument: Flute
Athea was not originally named Athea, but took on the name after she was saved by Nyx. She doesn’t like the Stormcloaks or the Imperials, as it was fighting between the two that killed her parents, and will give you hell if you’re wearing either faction’s uniforms. She was taken in by Meerla and Zahrrasha and has basically been adopted by them, much to the disdain of others. Is adoptable if you kill her pseudo-parents (out of her sight) or if they’re killed during, say, a dragon attack. They are only killable after Nyx’s quest is done. Will refuse to be adopted if she sees you kill Meerla and/or Zahrrasha. If you adopt her and marry Nyx, they will have unique dialogue. She is technically adoptable if you marry Meerla and/or Zahrrasha, because she will follow them to your home and will act like you are a parent. In this way, you can have three kids adopted!
Name: Borrrygg Broken-Heart
Race: Nord
Gender: male
Skin: Dark brown
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Preferred instrument: drums
Is enamored with Nyx, though he only saw her by moonlight. The way he talks about her is like a man in love, and I might have to write another song so he can have a special love song just for her. The 'Dawn-Raiser' moniker was inspired by his view of her as she left with the dawn, sparks of bright red blood still on her armor. Will have unique dialogue if you come by him while married to Nyx. Afterwards, he will break into his “Lover’s Lament” sorrowfully and extra dramatically. He’s called ‘Broken-Heart’ for a reason, my dudes.
Name: Shufob Bugaat
Race: Orc
Gender: female
Skin: Green
Hair: Black
Eyes: Yellow
Preferred instrument: Lute
Does not have a high opinion of Nyx. Doesn’t matter if what she was doing was right or not, Shufob only sees it as wrong. The person Nyx killed was someone very close to Shufob, and even though their dark deeds came out afterwards, Shufob doesn’t condone what Nyx did.
Names: Kell & Nazina
Race: Reguard
Gender: Males
Skin: Black
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Preferred instrument: Flute & drums
The ones who will start the questline. They saw a vicious woman kill a man before their eyes, shouting something along the lines of “You will regret crossing Nyx Veraaram!” and ask you to see if anyone knows who she is. The other bards mentioned will all have something to say about her. After talking to all the bards, you return to these two and Nazina will ask you to talk to Nyx herself about why she did what she did, while Kell will basically be like “Uh, no, why don’t you just kill her instead?” and you’ll be given the choice to do either, resulting in two different endings for the quest. I suppose Kell could be a marriage option too, and Nazina would basically live with you as well. If you adopt Athea, they will also have unique dialogue, but not as much as Nyx. Athea will get into a conversation with Nazina and call him ‘Uncle Zina’ if you marry Kell.
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veronasunmademods · 3 years
The Dawn-Raiser - Storyline
This is a very much "I-wrote-a-song-and-wanted-multiple-people-to-sing-it" mod, thus, bards.
Start the Questline
After mod is installed if you go to the Riverwood Trader, Lucan will mention that a pair of travelling bards have come to down, heading to Whiterun. Sven will also mention them if you come across him, complaining about them stealing his spotlight.
Meet Kell and Nazina in Sleeping Giant Inn. Listen in on their conversation regarding the horrible thing they witnessed on their way to Riverwood to begin the questline. Afterwards, you can go and talk to both separately.
Talking to them will let you garner information about what exactly happened and they’ll ask you to find out if this Nyx character is actually that dangerous.
They confirm they had left Riften and ended up in Iverstead, just in time for them to find Nyx in the middle of killing her victim.
Second Step
Go to Iverstead and find Shufob in Vilemyr Inn and question her about Nyx.
Asking about the Song of Chaos will have Shufob explain that she learned it from a cad in Riften named Borrrygg Broken-Heart.
Shufob will be nice up until you ask about Nyx, then she will be mad.
Nyx straight up murdered Shufob’s brother dishonorably. You can leave it at that and head to Riften under Shufob’s advice to seek out Borrrygg to find out more.
Or you can go out to where her brother was kill and investigate. There will be a discarded satchel with a few notes, some gold, thieves guild style boots, and other miscellaneous, expensive items in it. It will be obvious that Shufob’s brother was smuggling stolen goods, and one of those goods was something he stole from Nyx.
If you do this, you can go back to Shufob and press her for answers, and she will reveal that yes, her brother was in leagues with the Thieves Guild, but she only found out after his death. She doesn’t know what was stolen from Nyx, but it couldn’t have possibly been important enough to kill him over. She will remain angry at Nyx and will advise that you kill her like she killed Shufob’s brother.
Third Step
Whether you pressed Shufob for answers or not, it’s onto Riften!
Borrrygg Broken-Heart can be found in the Temple of Mara, often kneeling in front of her statue when not playing his music.
After asking about what he knows about Nyx, he will go on to talk about how they met on a fated night and shared a night of beautiful passion after he’d washed her clean of the blood covering her body and armor.
She was not a gentle woman, and only quiet enough about her kills that she wouldn’t get arrested. All terrible people; thieves, abusers, other killers. She’s a hero, a vigilante, just perfectly amazing.
Borrrygg is more than a little in love with this dangerous woman. He explains that the first time he met her, she defended Riften from a dragon, practically alone, and stabbed it in the eye.
After their night of passion, Borrrygg doesn’t know where she went because she disappeared before dawn, but he’s heard rumors that there are some people in a Khajiit caravan that might. They frequent the path from Riften to Dawnstar, but he otherwise doesn’t know where they’d be.
It’s now time to move on.
Fourth Step
There will be a marker on Meerla and Zahrrasha, so you can find the caravan no matter where it is.
Meerla and Zahrrasha will admittedly know very little about Nyx besides the Song of Chaos, and will say that it is Athea who knows more.
Athea will be close by, and she will excitedly talk about her savior Nyx.
She talks about how after parents died she was sent to Honorhall Orphanage in Riften and tried to run away like Aventus Aretino, but ended up getting caught by a group of slave traders who tried to sell her.
Nyx came and rescued her in the process of killing the traders and dropped her off with the Khajiit traders she’s with now. Meerla and Zahrrasha took her in as their own and now she’s happy again, all thanks to Nyx.
Athea says that she doesn’t have to go by any name anyone else gives her. It’s all up to her to take and create her own name. So that’s why she goes by Athea Sky-Heart.
She says that she’s worried about Nyx, because she looked like she was looking for something, but was frustrated because she couldn’t find it.
She says last she knew, Nyx was headed to Falkreath. She might not be there anymore, but she could be.
Fifth Step
Go to Falkreath and you’ll find Nyx by a river or other body of water. She will be in the process of killing a man. If you go into town before looking for her, you can snoop in her room and find more answers like her kill list, her journal, and and other stuff… but most of the stuff will count it as stealing if you take it.
Your mission description says to either talk to Nyx or kill her. Either wait for her to kill the man, finish him off yourself, or attack her. For this bit, we’re going to assume you didn’t kill Nyx.
The man is dead, she retrieves a journal form his person and flips through it. Approach her and question her.
Through your questioning, you find out that she is mostly a contract killer out of necessity, but will also go out of her way to kill terrible people, like Sissel’s father. (Hasn’t done that yet, but he’s on her kill list)
Recently, however, she was robbed of a powerful artifact given to her by her patron, and she needs to get it back or all hell will break loose.
So, you can help her get it back and get some awesome rewards, if you want to. She doesn’t care one way or another.
She gives you the journal of the man she killed before heading back to her room at the inn, where she’ll be for the next couple of days before going off to the dungeon entrance where she’ll be until you decide you’re going to help her.
Sixth Step
Go to the dungeon where those who stole the artifact have gone.
Going through, there will be dead bodies littering the ground the entire way along the path.
Some skeletons, daedra, and probably some other weird things connected to Mehrunes Dagon. It’s not a long dungeon, but at the end there’s gotta be some big bad guy that I don’t know what it’ll be. I’m thinking necromancer? Can’t forget the reanimated corpses of his fellows to add some extra spice.
Anyways, big bad guy gets beat, you retrieve Nyx’s necklace from the leader guy, and she reveals that her patron is Mehrunes Dagon, Daedric Prince of Chaos. So, you know, that’s fun. (yes, I know he's already part of a questline, yes is Nyx is with you when you go complete that quest, she will have comments about it)
Anyway, she finds it understandable if you never want to speak to her again after this discovery, but she offers her aid as a follower if you decide to. Getting the necklace back with her is something that can’t possibly be repaid.
Step 7
Return to Kell and Nazina to tell them what happened with Nyx. Depending on if you helped her or spared her will change their dialogue.
Extra Quest
After completing the main quest, if you have her kill list, you can ask her about it and Nyx will explain her reasons for killing those on it.
People on her kill list: Grelod the Kind (an official mission from the Assassins Guild), Thonar Silver-Blood, Lemkil, Nazeem, and Sibbi Black-Briar
After completing this kill list, you’re able to marry Nyx.
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veronasunmademods · 3 years
Full Mod Collection
Welcome to the blog. As it says on the tin, I have mod ideas, I have no way to make them, nor any know-how. I do not have a lot of games on PC, most of them on the PS4. Having said that, I think mods are a neat idea and will add all affiliated links to whatever comes to mind to this post right here.
The Dawn-Raiser
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