very-green-void · 4 months
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Happy 20th Anniversary D.Gray-Man!
Here is a project made by fans for the 20th anniversary of D.Gray-Man. It is viewable for free and can't be downloaded and sold in any way. 175 artists, from determined beginners to seasoned pros, signed up to redraw the first volume, illustrate 18 iconic moments, and sketch 73 doodles (presented alongside 36 silly questions) in their own style!
This fanbook has no affiliation with the official DGM in any way. The contributors claim no ownership or right to the DGM work, which is the sole property of Katsura Hoshino and Shūeisha. Each artist is the owner of and responsible for their art. Reposting any of the artwork is strictly forbidden without direct permission from the artist who made it.
Only look at this Zine if you already know DGM! It wouldn't be as interesting otherwise. We hope that our work will prompt new and old readers to take interest into D.Gray-Man. Please buy the manga to support the author!
The Zine
And the password to see it : DGM20thAnniversaryFanProject! You can put it in full mode in the top right corner, the four squares there are also a table of content.
This project is our way to celebrate this manga we love and we hope you readers will enjoy our art as much as we loved making it!
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very-green-void · 5 months
Here is finally the last part of the two-hour- stream Hoshino sensei made on April, 28th about D.Gray-man night 251.
Here is the link of the stream:
Here is the link to my live tweet:
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Here is the link to the first part
Here is the link to the second part:
There are not many real spoilers in that part, but still, I would advise you to read chapter 251.
-As usual, my sum up is not the same order as the way she spoke. The stream was really messy so I created categories to make it easier to read.
-I didn't translate everything, I skipped all the comments where she just said "Thank you"
About Tyki
Q. Tyki has some piercings but is it because he likes piercings?
A. Yes, probably. But, you know, I don't think Tyki is really interested in fashion...so anything you'd give him and tell him to wear, he would wear it.
Q. Tyki can change his skin colour when he is a Noah, but can he only make the stigmatas disappear?
A. I think he could, yes.
Q. When Tyki is a human, he only has two earrings (one on each side) but when he wears his Noah clothes, he seems to have two piercings on his right ear: is it because he had two holes?
A. No, actually, I think it's an earring that looks like there were two piercings.
Q. How are the Noahs's rooms?
A. Are they clean? No, I'm sure they are very dirty.
About Allen
Q. How good is Allen at cooking?
A. Maybe it doesn't look good but actually is? I'm pretty sure Allen is really really bad at cooking.  That's the reason why in his list of potential candidates for marriage, there is the chief Jerry. I'm sure he wants to marry him. If his partner can cook, anyone is fine. I'm pretty sure Cross can cook better than Allen.
Q. Will there be a day when Allen and Chaoji can become friends again?
A. I hope so too.
Q. If Allen, Lavi and Kanda lived now, what kind of socials would they use?
A. Lavi would be sort of nerd. Allen would be the nice guy who uses it sometimes and Kanda...He would not have a phone or any socials. He would use Lenalee as a cellphone, asking her to call instead of him. And Lenalee would be like "have a phone yourself!"
Q. What kind of general would be Allen? Would he have a pupil of his own?
A. Allen.. I don't think he will ever be a general... I can't imagine. Can he become a general? I think he lacks a lot...but I am sure he would be very nice with his pupil. I think his pupil would be a girl.
Q. Would Allen hug me?
A. Yes, he would, I'm sure. But he would be a bit ashamed, not as enthusiastic as Lavi. So if you want a real hug, go to see Lavi.
About Lavi/Bookman/Bookman Junior
Q. What kind of cakes Lavi like?
A. Lavi...I think he likes pistachio.
Q. You said in this chapter the knowledge of Bookmen is shared by their blood. Does that mean every Bookman knows what the other Bookmen have recorded?
A. No, they don't.  It's not like a superpower. They only share their blood to transfer it to the Junior. It's not like an Akuma: you know, if an Akuma sees something, every Akuma knows it and the Earl too. It's not like this for Bookmen.
Q. Can Lavi cook?
A. Yes, he is pretty good, I think. Lavi is good.
Q. Has Lavi any weaknesses?
A. Yes, of course he has.
Q. I would love to see Lavi cooking and Kanda/Allen being so surprised about it.
A. Ah, yes they would. Like, Lavi is someone who doesn't look capable but who is actually very capable.
Q. I am tired because of my work, would Lavi hug me?
A. Yes, he would, I'm sure. Kanda would never. If Kanda hugs you, it's the art of Kanda.
Q. Would the old Bookman hug me?
A. Yes, he would. I'm sure it's pretty ok in the Bookman clan to hug people.
Q. While reading the latest chapter, I remember Bookmen cannot have a girlfriend but can have children.
A. Yes, you are right. But you know, if you ask me if Lavi has already children, the answer would be "No, not YET".
Q. Does Lavi has a lot of bandanas?
A. Yes.
Q. Did Lavi make friends with other girls before coming to the Order?
A. I think he did, but he was never a very profound friendship. He knows he cannot have a girlfriend but having children is ok...so...
Q. Did you decide all Lavi's past names?
A. Not all of them, no.
Q. The things Bookman Junior has on his ears, is it piercings? Earrings?
A. It's piercings. But there is no real reason behind the shape, it's just I found it was easy to draw.
Q. Lavi looks very stylish, how many piercings does he have?
A. He has a like, a LOT. I think one of the reasons he wears a lot of accessories, in a eccentric way, is because he tries to protect himself and his heart. I think he changed accessories depending where he goes as a Bookman.
Q. Does Lavi wash his scarf himself?
A. When he was travelling with Bookman, yes, of course he did. Now, in the order, I don't think he does, someone washes for him.
About Kanda
Q. If a girl is only 1.50m, what do Allen, Lavi or Kanda would think?
A. I think Lavi and Allen would be okay with that, but Kanda, no.
Q. Can Kanda cook?
A. When it comes to Kanda...well...he has been doing missions since he was young, so he is used to camp outside. So, I'm pretty sure he can do open air cooking/camping cooking. He is the one picking herbs and being like "Hmmm I think this is edible." And even if it is not edible, he can cure himself with his blood, so he thinks it's fine. That's why he can even eat poisonous mushrooms, if he gets his stomach full, that's fine for him. But, I'm pretty sure Tiedoll told him many times he couldn't do that. So, he learnt which herbs can be eaten and which herbs cannot. Now he can make the difference bewteen them, but sometimes he is just so fed up he does care. Probably (ahah) but I feel he would be interesting to see Kanda peeling a potato. He also fishes.
Q. The others would have stomachache if they ate Kanda's food?
A. Yes, I'm pretty sure. Allen would be like "Wait, can you eat this herb? Really? You are sure?" And Kanda would be like "just don't eat then, Baka moyashi". And Allen "No, I am going to eat it but eat it first. If I see your blood curring you, I won't eat it"
Q. When I read the light novels, I felt Kanda's powers to regenerate himself were not that strong?
A. Well ..how should I put it. It's a shonen manga rule. A immortal character is a kind of taboo in shonen mangas. Because if he is invincible, he will never be in trouble, right? So, that's why when I decided to make him able to regenerate, I decided to put a limit to his powers. And this limit becomes smaller with time, that's how I made Kanda to be able to be in trouble as well. But yes, usually invincible characters or characters that can heal themselves are not very well perceived by the editors, especially as main characters.
Q. What is Kanda and Allen's biggest fight?
A. Probably during Alma's arc.
Q. Does Kanda has piercings?
A. No. He doesn't.
About Link
Q. What kind of flowers does Link like? 
A. Link's favourite flowers...? Flowers? Actually, I think he would prefer small grass that people walk on...like small flowers that grow between buildings and walls? All the flowers crushed by people, I think Link would identify to them
Other characters 
Q. Can I expect some improvements in Marie and Miranda's relationship in the next chapters?
A. Yes, I'd like to draw it too...
Q. How does Emilia call the teens?
A. I think she calls him by their names, except for Kanda. For Kanda, it's Kanda-san.
Q. Can Bak cook?
A. Hmm..I think he can't cook that well.
Q. Does it hurt Wisely when you touch is magic eye?
A. I'm sure there is a kind of laser that comes out one you try to touch it (laugh)
Q. If there is a kumite tournament (a sort of Japanese martial art) Bookman would be the first, Kanda the second and who would be the third?
A. Probably Lenalee.
Q. If Bak Chan had SNS, if would definitely have a secret account.
A. Yes definitely, he would have his main account and then, a secret locked account.
Q. I want Alma to hug me!
A. But, Alma is not here anymore (💀) wake up!
Q. Would Lenalee hug me?
A. Probably she would do a friendly hug but for men, you should be careful to the Sciences division.
Q. I want to be hugged by the Earl.
A. Hmmm, I see...but wait, which one? The fat one? The human one?
Q. I want Apo to hug me?
A. For real? Are you alright?
Q. And what about Link?
A.Link would use his powers to restrain the moment you get close to him. And he would say "Why are you trying to get closer?"
Q. I want to hug Road!
A. If Road hugs you, you'll get killed.
Q. Bewteen Mana and Nea which one would hug you back?
A. It's Mana, of course.
Q. There are a lot of DGM characters wearing piercings, right?
A. True. It might be because I can't have piercings so I'm trying to make my wish come true on my characters, ahaha. If I could, I would have many piercings on my ears, but I can't so...
Q. Will there be a character wearing a piercing on the lips?
A. No, there won't be. It's impossible for the XIXth century.
Random TMI
Q. You said before the Sakamoto Maaya's song was D.Gray-man's origin*, but was it a coincidence if she was chosen to play Ro Fa? Did you ask for her?
A. It's really a coincidence. Actually, I can say it now, but, at the beginning, for Allen's voice in the first anime, the staff made a list of potential voice actors,  but one of them was actually Sakamoto Maaya.
*actually, I want to make a blog article about this.
Q. I do understand you need to move on with the plot, but I wish we could see more some domestic/every-day life scenes?
A. Yes, I know, me too.
Q. Please tell me your ranking of the best 3 huggers and the worst three huggers!
A. Ok, so my ranking is :  Bookman, Lavi and Allen. But Cross would also enter in the top three so, Lavi, Cross...ah but Tyki would hug you too. Tyki is a bit like Lavi, they do not have any bad I'll intentions , so if you ask them to hug you, they would be "ah alright, come here!" And even if you asked, the ones who would never hug you would be Kanda, Krory...and ? Levellier. But you can shake hands with Krory ahaha.
That's the end of this English sum-up in three parts. Thank you to everyone who read it. I hope you had fun and you learnt many things !
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very-green-void · 5 months
As some of you may know, I have live tweeted Hoshino-sensei's stream, which took place on April, 28th. She answered many questions and talked about the new chapter.
Here is a more detailed sum-up of what has been said. At first, I wanted to make a transcript but I realised the stream was too messy to do so, that's why I decided to create "categories" and to sum-up what she said for each category. Hence, this is not in order (in comparison to the way she spoke in the stream).
There will probably be two or three parts, I'll publish them in a few days or weeks. This is the first part, summing up until the 40th minute, in a total of two hours of stream.
Of course, beware of spoilers from chapter 251.
Have a good reading, because it is a long post.
-in italics are the questions asked by the fans
-I didn't write down EVERYTHING, I selected what I thought was the most interesting
-I didn't write down every comment she read and to which she said "thank you" or "Alright"/"I see".
Very long post ahead...
The beginning of the stream
Hoshino Katsura: "So, last week was my birthday. I wanted to do this live stream on my birthday and talk about DGM, but, sadly, I was under pressure with all the deadlines, I didn't have time, so I decided to do it this week.
So, about today! I said I wanted to talk about DGM but I haven't really decided what I was going to talk about. I don't have any idea of what I should be telling you, but look, it was Lenalee's birthday recently, and then, it will be soon Kanda's birthday and Lavi's birthday. After that, a small break, a few minor characters and then the main character, Allen's birthday. It's like a full calendar. I can talk about their birthdays if you want, or the new chapter, or answer your questions, I can do anything! If possible, I would like to avoid talking about things that I have talked about 100 times, for instance how did I became a mangaka. Of course, if you want to ask, please do so.
Q. Kanda's birthday is important...
A. Yes, it is. June, 6th right? It's soon..hmmm, that's kind of scary. On this day, I'll have soba, so please spare me. If I don't, I feel it would be unforgivable.
Q.I'm taking my paid leaves every year for Kanda's birthday :
A. For real ? Kanda... seriously...
About the new chapter (overall)
Q. I want to hear about the latest chapter! Or some characters like Lavi...
A. Lavi-chan? Yes, I would like to talk about Lavi but you know...I can't...Ah, but if it is TMI or random stuff, I can.
Q. Where is Lavi?
A. (Small laughs) Hmmm, you are right, where is he?
Q. I would like to ask what was you favourite panel from the new chapter and what panel was the most difficult to draw.
A. Right. So let's talk about the latest chapter. Did you read the latest chapter? I'll talk about it so please be careful. And I won't be explaining page by page, but more like overall.
The panel which I put the most efforts in...let me see ...Well, I can tell you for sure it's not the first page. The first page was drawn by my assistants...let me think...let me start by my favourite. It's the one where Lucia raises her finger and says "please answer one question from the master". I love this part. I think I drew her in a cute way. Besides, it has been a long time since I have drawn a girl...it was so fun to draw a girl. So this page, I love when she smiles while raising one finger, I really like it.
And the one I put the most efforts in...Well, there are a lot of them but it would be when Allen literally jumps toward Lucia and takes the poison, and drinks this kind of disgusting seed. I was a bit stressed when drawing it. I tried to put all my feelings. There is no dialogue here, so I wanted you to concentrate on the characters'movements. And when Allen says "thank you", I really love his facial expressions. It has been a long time since I have drawn that well Allen's expression. Allen is a difficult character when it comes to drawing his expressions. He smiles, but he has  a lot of different types of smiles, even for me who has created him, I am sometimes wondering what hides behind his smile. I feel I can't get his feelings right, so it's hard to draw him. However, this time, he really drank the poison without hesitation, he was determined. Hence, his smile was sincere and I feel I drew him well.
Q. I loved the chapter but yes, it was emotionally hard to read
A. Yes, it was. My editor and assistants told me it was going to be tough one, I was like "ah, really?" and when I was drawing it, I realised it was. But it's a kind of win-win, right? It's hard for you but it is also hard for me.
About Lavi
Q. All the fandom was so excited to see those two small Lavi panels.
A. Aaah, yes. I drew Lavi this time, it has been a while since I drew him in the story. If course, I draw him a lot outside of the story (for instance, for her Instagram) I feel my training has paid, because I drew him very easely. Yes, Lavi, dude, you're so easy to draw. I love you. Besides, please take a look, he has a very serious look. I'm not used to that but I succeeded in writing in one shot, I am very happy.
Q. When did Lavi get his ears pierced? Is it Bookman?
A. Hmmm, no I think it's his parents. He got his ears pierced when he was a child, maybe a baby.
Q. Was Lavi raised by Bookman ?
A. No, well, Lavi is human, he has to be born from a mother.
Q. Didn't he become a Bookman when he was born?
A. Like I told you, I can't answer. I'm sorry. I can't tell you now.
Q. When Lavi changes uniform, he got new earrings (bigger ones), is it because he wanted it or is it Johnny who gave him?
A. It's totally from him, ahaha. He wears the accessories he likes
About Lucia
Q. Comments about how cute is Lucia
A. Yes, it has been a while since i have drawn a real lady. My assistant, who is a guy, told me Lucia was very cute and that he could marry her. She is so cute that she could be Lenalee's rival?! Actually, Lucia is a character that I had in mind for a while, and she is going a to have a part to play in the plot. This time, she appeared as a scary character who gave poison to Allen, but please understand, Lucia had her reasons. I'm sure you are going to like her. So please, be nice with her. 
Q. Did you decide Lucia's hair colour?
A. Of course, I did. But I want to to see it in colours! For instance, if I told you "her clothes are green" you would not know if it is a light green, a darker green, or kaki etc. So that's why I want to see her in colours.
Q. I don't get why there is a small Lucia and an adult Lucia.
A. yes ... Of course you don't.
Q. How old is Lucia, is she older than Allen? A. yes, she is older.
Q. You said in a stream there was a character you liked drawing this time, is the master?
A. No, it's Lucia. Lucia helped me the lot, whether it is her smile, her clothes, her expression, everything is easy to draw. It might be because I had her in store for a long time, so I knew exactly how she should be. I was a bit stressed to draw her at first, but it was very easy. And actually, I love Lucia's clothes. They are easy to draw. If you want to train, please try drawing her clothes ahaha.
Q. How much is the correction of Lucia's glasses?
A. Arrrrgh, I didn't think about this, sorry. 
Q. Her clothes are so cute, what did you use as a reference to draw?
A. Actually, I didn't have any, it's really from my head. You know, when it comes to the Noahs or to Lenaleew they have to fight so I draw their clothes accordingly to that. So, their clothes are a bit tight because it's easier for action scenes. But I love clothes that hide a bit your body, so that's why I used it for Lucia.
Q. you sometimes drew only one eye for Lucia because it's hidden by the reflect of the glass, is it easier this way?
A. Hmmm not really, I prefer drawing the two eyes, it's easier.
Q. I love the medieval-like style of Lucia's clothes
A. yes, me too, I love European medieval clothes.
Q. How tall is Lucia, I feel this is quite tall right?
A. Yes, she is a bit taller than Allen.
About Bookman Junior
Q. What is JB's hair colour?
A. hmmmm hmmmmmm, I see. I'll be drawing him often from now on so, you'll see. I'll reveal it.
Q. Junior's scar on his eye is a bit suspicious
A. ah, you mean his right eye? Hmmm yes.
Q. Junior's piercings and earrings look like Lavi's. Is there a reason?
A. So, now there is no reason, I think each Bookman has their own taste and wears what they want, but...How should I put it? They kinda have the same tastes...ah but no, maybe they don't. But, this time, because I showed Junior, I wanted to show you he belongs to the same clan as Bookman and Lavi, so that's why I chose the piercings. 
Q. I was so shocked to see Allen and Bookman Junior were two different people.
A. Yes. I know. Thank you.
About Bookmen in general
Q. I didn't expect explanations about Bookman at this state
A. Yes, it says a bit unexpected. But the thing is, if I don't draw it and explain it now, I can't keep drawing the story in the present timeline. I had this problem. And by explaining you about Bookman Junior, I wanted you to understand very clearly, do that's why I spent a lot of time drawing the storyboard and thinking about the dialogues. You know, for me, it's pretty obvious in my head but it's difficult to explain to other people. And the other problem is that I am limited by the page number, so I had to make it very clear. It was difficult.
Q. How many Junior is there by generation? A. Only one. I explained it in the chapter.
Q. So recently, a lot of characters appear to have round glasses, is there a reason?
A. Yes, I made it purposely so they had the same aura/atmosphere. But actually...(Silence)hmmm, how should I put it...those round glasses...Well I have something in mind with the round glasses.
About Allen
Q. I feel Lenalee and Allen are very similar now..
A. Aah, you mean when she drank her Innocence. Got it. You are right. Exorcists have a lot of determination. This way of drinking seems the most beautiful and the most determined for me.
Q. I was so surprised Allen has already arrived at the bookshop
A. hmm, you know, I could have drawn some scenes in between, but it would not have been plot relevant.
Q.What was the snack Allen had before coming to the library?
A. ah, thank you. I think it's a kind of baked sweets they are selling in town.
Q. Allen looks great in blue. What's the fabric if his jacket?
A. I know, I love him in blue, he looks good. And it's pretty rare to see him wearing blue. But sorry, I didn't think about it. Please imagine what you want.
Q. Allen wrote the story of his life, but how long did it take ?
A. Aaaah, so they arrived after 3PM at the bookshop because they had a snack, so he started around 4PM? Then, he writes his story and goes to the master's room where you can see the moonlight...so that means it took 3 to 4 hours? Maybe.
About the seed of the truth
Q. How did you come with the design of the seed of truth?
A.I  just wanted to draw something disgusting.
Q. I thought Allen would just swallow the whole seed
A. Actually, I thought that too! But then I realised it would not look good, so I changed the storyboard. On my storyboard, he was swallowing the whole seed but I realised it was not that great...and Allen is cute...so you know, I don't want to draw Allen having this disgusting thing in his body. I decided to break it in half.
Q. Did you have any model for the seed?
A. I just wanted to make it look disgusting, like you should really NOT drink it. So I decided to add a "face", it's kind of scary, right? But to be honest, I didn't have a lot of time, so I could not take time to design it. It's also a bit too big to be swallow as a wholew that's why I should have drawn it smaller if Allen were to swallow it. But making it higher makes it look more disgusting but I realised Allen could not have swallowed it.
Q. Will Nea also learn about the truth Allen is going to see because of the seed of truth?
A. : hmm, well, yes but listen, I know you are all very curious but please understand I can't really answer such questions. Please ask random stuffs. Besides, I'm not sure you want to hear spoilers. So please just ask things like "why does Lucia have her bangs on the right side?" Or ask about the clothes? The design? Lavi and Bookman's piercings? Junior's piercings? Please ask things that aren't plot relevant..
About the publication pace and the upcoming chapters (flashback arc)
Q. Will there be a sign event this year?
A. No, there is not.
Q. Are we going to enter in another flashback/ past arc?
A.No, I won't make it long. I think. It hope. You know, I want to draw the present so I can't afford spending too much time on the past. I'm sure you think that too. So yes, it won't be long, probably.
Q. I thought we are entering in a flashback arc
A. Don't worry, it won't be long. I can't afford making it too long, I'm sure you also want to see the present time, right? I've really thought a lot about how I should draw it. Of course, what happened 35 years later is very important, as important as the present, but I want the characters who are still alive to keep on moving. Right now, I'm discussing with my editor about how we should show you.
Q. I thought the 35-years-ago arc would come.
A. It will, it will. But ummmm... How to explain...it's a pretty long story (what happened 35 years ago) so...like, you want to them to go the Campbell mansion right?
Q. I feel the story pace is getting faster and faster since the end of the circus arc
A. Yes, it's something we decided with my editor. We need to move forward.
About the design of the bookshop
Q. How did you decide the design of the bookstore?
A. So, I told my assistants what I wanted but I let them do it. I was busy drawing the plot, and they were in charge of the backgrounds. What did I ask them: well, since it's about Bookmen, I wanted a place as dirty as Lavi or Bookman's room. I don't want a cute and pretty bookshop but a dirty one. I think they made a good job.
Q. Last time, it was your assistant who drew the symbol of the bookshop, he really made the whole bookshop right?
A. Yes, indeed. My chief assistant is the one who drew the interior of the bookshop, but recently, I had a new assistant joining us, even if is still a newbie, he has a lot of skills, he looks like a veteran. He is the one who drew the symbol.
Q. I was amazed by the difference between the room where Allen was and the room where the master is, after the elevator.
A. Really ! I actually meant to make the atmosphere a bit different, that's what we decided with my assistants. We wanted to have the lower floor full of books, and then, the upper floor, like an empty room. Also, we decided to make the last scene taking place at night. When Allen arrives at the bookshop, it's around the end of the afternoon and when he goes up to meet the master, it's the moonlight.
About the master
Q.If the master and Lucia know about Apocryphos, does it mean they're exchanging information with Lavi?
A. Ah, I can't tell you.
Q. Does the master wear shoulders pads?
A. Hmm, yes, I think he does. Actually, I love men with shoulders pads. And the Master doesn't wear socks, he is barefoot!
Q. How tall is the master?
A. Probably tall, like 1.90m or something? DGM men are pretty tall. I mean, when you see the master, you are like "He can't possibly be around 1m60!"
Q. Is the master a minimalist ?
A. He is, probably ahaha.
Q. Does the master live in this room the whole time? Or does he have a house?
A. well, the master is a human so, you know, he probably doesn't live here.
Q. Why does the master is barefoot ?
A. Hmm, that's just because I wanted to draw a man barefoot ahaha. I loved drawing him, he was so easy to draw. I felt giving socks would ruin his fashion. It's sexier this way.
About other characters and TMI
Q. I am waiting for Bak Chan
A. He will appear, please wait! There will be an important scene with Bak Chan, so please wait.
Q. I want to see what happens to Allen but I can't help to be curious about the Noahs.
A. Oh yes, and especially because Wisely has taken off the seal. So, what will happen?
Q. How do Kanda, Lavi and Allen sleep?
A. Eh ???? How do they sleep? Lavi, well, he falls prostate. As for Allen, he sleeps facing forward and Kanda, he sleeps while turning sideways.
Q. What were Link and Johnny doing while he was writing?
A. they were just waiting.
Q. I love Nea, I would love to have more info about him
A. Hhmmm I get it but like, I can't tell you. About Nea, I can't really tell you sorry.
Q. Is the bookshop far from the place Allen and Kanda got separated ?
A. Of course, I decided it but it's in my computer so I don't remember. Sorry. But there is a lot of distance, yes. But it's not that far, but more than two days of walking.
Q. Is there any famous people who, you think, has a face similar to Allen or Kanda?
A. no, there is not.
Q. What is Kanda eating right now? Probably Soba?"
A. What is he eating....? Actually, I have no idea where Kanda is right now. This chapter was about Allen and only Allen, so Kanda...
Thank you for reading and see you in a few days for part two !
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very-green-void · 11 months
As you may know, there was a D.Gray-man fan meeting with Hoshino Sensei on November, 5th. I've written a small thread for the ones who wanted just the essential information, but here, I'll do a more detailed translation of what has been said during the event.
How did the event take place ? The fan who were present selected their favorite panels from the manga and Hoshino Sensei would comment them and explain them in front of the fan. Then, she answered some fans' questions.
There is no real spoiler
I. Manga panels explanation
1. Kanda and Allen speaking after the Mattel mission "I want to be an destroyer who can save people"
She insisted on the fact that broken things like, Lala, don't come back to their former state. This includes Timcampy as well (😭). So did Allen really save Guzol and Lala ? That's up to the reader.
She wanted Guzol to say "I love you" (Ai shite iru) but it ended up in "Daisuki" because at this moment, Guzol was like a small kid.
2. Lenalee drinking her Innocence during the Invasion ark
She wanted to draw Lenalee as beautifully as possible. Like if she were drinking holy water. It's almost a religious type of drawing.
Hoshino sensei said she will write again about the relationship and the past of Komui and Lenalee. It was a very hard scene to draw. The words "I'm off" (Ittekimasu) "I'm home" (Tadaima) "Welcome home" (okaeri) are very important words in D.Gray-man
3. When Allen tries to save Suman
At this time, Hoshino Sensei was not very sure how to draw Allen.  It was the first time she was drawing Allen in such a weak state (physically and psychologically). However,  Allen is at his weakest, it is the reason why he wanted to help Suman. It's very Shonen-manga like.
At first, Hoshino Sensei wanted to save Suman as well, but then, Tyki came out and she understood she had no other choice but to kill him.
4. The first activation of Clown Crown 
She wanted to show Allen becoming less and less human, almost like a saint. Also, it's the very first change of Allen : he changed from being a boy to being a man. For Hoshino sensei, it was her first goodbye with the former Allen. It was difficult (psychologically) to draw.
A fan asked why it was an AKUMA, and not a Noah himself, who attacked the Asiatic branch. She answered Allen can feel AKUMAS, so if it were a Noah, Allen would have taken more time to realise he was there. Besides, AKUMA can report to Noahs, so they would have known what happened anyways. At last, for Allen, AKUMAS are one of his reasons of living, so she made AKUMAS attacked the Asian branch.
Also, she knew the Allen and the Earl would face eventually and she decided that it would be the occasion to show Allen is the counter part of the Earl (Good clown/Crown Clown VS the Earl)
A fan asked if Hoshino Sensei was first thinking about the Innocence, or the character ? And does the Innocence have a personality ?
She answered the Innocence is like a character for her, it has its own personality and its own will.
5. The scene between Alma and Kanda in Mattel
From the moment Kanda and Alma were in the Order together, Kanda has always wanted to tell him to run together. Kanda wanted to run away, from a very a long time. It was the first time Kanda was really honest with his feelings. Hoshino Sensei was literally screaming while writing this scene.
Q. Why is the background white for this scene ?
A. It is white because Sensei wanted to show it was only the two of them in their world.
Q. Where does the children from the Second exorcist project come from ?
A. They are male babies, abandoned by their families, that the Order picked up. Because it is a project from the Asian branch, it is mostly Asian kids.
6. The scene with master Zu and Kanda (when he comes back)
For Hoshino sensei, this was the moment Kanda became Kanda Yu. Until this moment, Kanda was caught up in his past, but he got free.
Q. Do Lenalee and Kanda have a romantic interest?
A. They don't ! Actually, for Hoshino Sensei, Lenalee thought it was kind of disgusting when Kanda drank the Innocence from her hand.
7. The scene with Lenalee and Allen when he runs from the Order : Allen-kun, where are you going ?
So, for this scene, Hoshino Sensei had really a lot of  troubles to think about the dialogue. It is easy to write empty but cool dialogues, but she didn't want to do that with D.Gray-man. When she writes a dialogue for Allen, it needs to match to Allen personality. You have to think that a bit of Hoshino Sensei is within Allen as well.
Q. When you were writing the characters's ressources at the beginning, did you know Allen would run away from the Order ?
A. Yes, I knew it but since it was a long time ago (when I first wrote the characters story lines), I realised it didn't match what I was writing so I had to change a bit.
Q. When will Lavi appear ?
A. I won't make you wait five more years. Probably next year, I'm preparing it. Lavi will appear soon, please wait ! However, I don't know if he will appear in a form that everyone wished for (!)
Q. Recently, Allen has not cried a lot even though he is going through a lot. When it's hard, he is smiling. Will he ever be saved ?
A. Allen is wearing Mana's mask, if he is not wearing it, he could not live on. This is the reason why I feel Allen is cursed in many ways. I think Allen will really cry a lot when he will have to face Nea. In the future, Allen will definitely cry a lot.
8. I thank you Allen Walker (by Kanda)
This scene is the last moment of Kanda before he comes back as Kanda Yu.
When he said those words, he was 80% his old self, when she means his old self, she means the base of the Second exorcist project.
9. The scene where everyone says to Allen "Welcome home" after the ark
To be honest, she is not sure Allen will ever be told "Welcome home" again. Allen never thought in the first place he would have a life where someone would tell him welcome home as he is an orphan.
Q. Do you think Kanda will call Allen by his name again ?
A. For me, for the moment, there is no chance.
Q. Did Road know Allen was the host ?
A. Yes, she knew it from the moment they met.
Q. Has D.Gray-man ever encountered the risk of being discontinued?
A. No, never. During the meeting for the 10 years of the publication, I was afraid it would, but the editors never talked about it. I was so happy and I understood I had still a long ride to go.
II. Random facts (fan questions)
-Cross Marian purposely chose a name that sounded too good to be true, like a perfect name. It is not his real name. We will discover more about him, but it will be probably after Lavu appears.
-Kanda uses soap, Cross made his own shampoo and Tyki has someone washing his hair for him 
-If Allen has a bad mouth, it is because of his education and environment when he was young. For Kanda, it is just because of his personality.
-Road has good grades at school, as she lived fro many years. She asked other Noahs to help her with her homeworks just because she didn't want to do it.
-Cross likes determined women. Allen likes women who can cook and who can make him feel at home.
-Jasdevi don't wear underwears.
- Obviously, there is a reason why Tyki looks like Nea
- Kanda doesn't eat what Link cooks because he hates CROWS.
- In the chapter where Allen is trapped within Nea's world and talking with Cross, Allen has a kid represents his anxiety and worries. As an adult, he embodies his will and determination.
Well, that's all ! Maybe there are things that I missed but it is because this sum up is a patchwork of different Japanese sum up, as there is no transcript of the talk show.
Thank you for reading !
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very-green-void · 7 years
Blooming from the Mud pt. 7 (Bleach/DGM)
“You don’t talk like you’re from the 11th Division,” the shinigami says suspiciously.
“I don’t value these directions enough to not kill you,” says Kanda.
“I’m Asuka Katakura.”
Kanda stares at him.
“I’m Kanda,” he says.
“Of the Katakura clan,” emphasizes the shinigami.
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very-green-void · 7 years
Blooming from the Mud Pt. 6 (Bleach/ DGM)
“I’m pretty sure that this is not okay, Kanda-sama–”
“Call me that again and you won’t be okay, pipsqueak,” Kanda snaps. “You know how to read, correct?”
“Yes! But–”
“Then read these.” Kanda shoves three quarters of the stack over to Hanatarou.
“You have to be at least Lieutenant level! To even touch these!”
Kanda jammed Hanataro’s hand down onto the paper.
“There. You touched them. Now read them.”
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very-green-void · 7 years
Blooming from the Mud Pt. 5 (Bleach/DGM)
Kanda draws his sword. This won’t take long.
It doesn’t.
Kanda enters through the gate alone, ignoring the groans and whimpers behind them. They’re alive, he doesn’t know why they’re complaining. Well. As alive as anyone is, in this strange place beyond the living world.
The first thing he sees are the dogs. They run up to him, lick the blood off his skin. Someone has fed them, brushed them, bathed them. They smell better than he does.
Beyond the dogs are four people, arrayed around the dusty courtyard.
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very-green-void · 7 years
Blooming from the Mud Pt. 4 (DGM/Bleach)
“Unsheathe, Mugen,” Kanda growls, and the words aren’t right but they’re close enough. His sword ignites with blue flame and he slashes again at the shinigami, sending a wave of indigo to burn the same spot where he had gutted him.
The Shinigami gives a short scream in surprise and pain, and then licks his lips, grinning.
“Do you know what an even more beautiful number than 51 is?” He asks.
Kanda thrusts forward with his sheathe, now also enveloped in flames.
“Second Illusion,” he states, this time feeling the right amount of give as he manages to pierce a lung.
“It’s three,” says the Shinigami smugly, ignoring the blood pouring from his mouth.
“Quit playing around, Yumichika,” A voice growls from behind him. “We weren’t meant to come this far in.”
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very-green-void · 7 years
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very-green-void · 7 years
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Original Artist: KIRA Permission to scanlate granted here.
This is a non-profit, fan-made translation. Please do not redistribute without permission.
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