vesperlily · 3 days
By reading my works you are signing an agreement that if you put my works through AI or repost my works or anything like that, i get to hunt you for sport
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vesperlily · 5 days
I made these wallpapers based on different types of magic in TDP!
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Like/reblog if you want to use, then dm or send me an ask about which wallpaper you want. I will then send you a version without the watermark or noise effect.
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vesperlily · 5 days
Please Reblog This If It’s Okay To:
Send questions about yourself
Ask questions to/about your characters
Ask about your headcanons 
Send questions about your works (fanfics, art, music, RPs, etc) 
Ask about popular ships/headcanons
Ask about plot ideas you’ve had but haven’t acted upon yet (snippets of AUs, a scenario you wish to write/draw but haven’t gotten to yet)
Questions about other ships/headcanons that aren’t as popular or are rarepairs
Questions or comments about favorite tropes, headcanons, characters, foods, weather, or anything else you are okay in answering!
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vesperlily · 5 days
Romanticizing your own loneliness and turning it into a cool girl thing only works for like a few months and then it just becomes a throbbing black hole i think. Not that ive ever experienced anything like that
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vesperlily · 6 days
This is me and I'm not ashamed
me planning out my story: this will be so straightforward and easy!
me writing: why is there a subplot about flour?
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vesperlily · 8 days
what do you mean “the ones who SURVIVE season seven will be in arc three”?? if you touch a single hair on the head of RAYLA or CALLUM or EZRAN or SOREN or CLAUDIA or CORVUS or TERRY or ZYM or ZUBEIA or RUNAAN or ETHARI or AMAYA or JANAI or GREN or BAIT or HAT or SNEEZLES or JELLYBUG or ANYA or I WILL RIOT
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vesperlily · 10 days
My mind is racing holy fuck
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vesperlily · 10 days
Im scared :) yayyyyyyyy….
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vesperlily · 12 days
Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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vesperlily · 12 days
genuinely so insane seeing people say shit like “9/11 was justified”. I think that a lot of leftist circles perpetuate the idea that the angriest, most extreme voice is the most morally correct, and encourage staying within an echo chamber and repeating hateful rhetoric amongst one another. Bringing up logic often doesn’t work, as these circles are limited to the thought capacity of “this is BAD” and “this is GOOD”. I wasn’t around during 9/11 but my hometown was directly impacted— people from my hometown died, including my brother’s friend’s dad. Why is that okay? Just because these people were American and America Bad? Mind you, there were immigrants working in the twin towers, people who’d come to the US in pursuit of the American dream. And even if there weren’t, why should any civilian die? What makes you think human lives are so expendable, that they should be sacrificed just to make a point? What gives you the audacity to blame America for not valuing human lives and then turn around and do the exact same thing?
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vesperlily · 12 days
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I hate blending omggggggg
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vesperlily · 13 days
Cleaning my house to procrastinate on studying sure is…something
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vesperlily · 13 days
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vesperlily · 13 days
some of you bitches deserve a nap and a milkshake tbh
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vesperlily · 14 days
What the hell I watched the first 5 episodes of The Acolyte and not only did it not “kill Star Wars” or “break canon”, it’s honestly pretty rad!
It shouldn’t have been cancelled. The Star Wars fandom is the worst.
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vesperlily · 14 days
I just need to start studying, but now I’m scared soooooo I guess I’ll be stuck in limbo
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vesperlily · 17 days
@firerose I thought you’d like this :)
Hate AI, but love writing contests?
Want to take part in a global, fun project to write a Novella in one month?
Grab some friends, and take part in Novella November, by writing 1,000 words a day for the month of November, ending with a 30,000 word Novella to test and stretch your novel-writing skills!
Your goal is not perfection, but merely getting into the habit of writing a litte bit every single day :D
No website, no sign-ups -- Just a community initiative to write using only your own word!
What are the rules? Just Three so far!
#1 - No AI
#2 - No Plagiarizing
#3 - Wordcount for the month should only come from what you write during the month.
What does that mean?
Only words written during November should go towards your Wordcount for the month... but! Feel free to use your 30k words as a continuation of previous writing, or just make it the first 30k words in a longer novel!
Don't think you can write a whole entire 30k word story? Write a series of short stories that total up to 30k!
Not ready to write original works yet? Write a 30k word fanfiction that you can post at the last day of the month!
Share your writing experience, tips, encouragement, and questions in the #Novella November tag!
EDIT 1, from the tags: Want a progress tracker? Track your progress with TrackBear!
Or, create some custom progress cards in advance you can fill out as you reach word goals!
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