viatorcor · 7 years
“it’s just a cut, really.”
improvisation | accepting | @asktheswabbies
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     Just a cut, he said. Ha. " Oh, of course. So I take it you'd be more than thrilled to get right to swabbin’ the deck like I told ya to hours ago, hm? " There was a challenge within her eyes. Within the hands cocked upon hips, & broadening of shoulders pulled taut. A g g r a v a t i o n radiating from stern features.
     Ah, though that may indeed be the case, if one looked close enough one might just see the concern from which it stemmed. For the swabbie, crew mate, family she would not allow to undertake those daily chores even if the challenge were to be accepted. As the wound, it was deep. Lethally so? Not quite, not unless left unattended for & open to infection.
     " What even happened? "
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viatorcor · 8 years
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     I am so sorry for vanishing, everyone! Life and health happened, and then botw ( i’m not the only one that can’t be pulled away from this game right ). I’m still alive though! I’ll be around working on things here today ^^
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viatorcor · 8 years
have you ever met someone who’s smile looks like it could make flowers grow
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viatorcor · 8 years
Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War (via fyp-philosophy)
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viatorcor · 8 years
I’ve never cried about it. The pain was different than anything I’ve ever felt before. Almost like it hurt so badly that it didn’t. Like my feelings shut down to keep my alive.
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viatorcor · 8 years
If I fail it is only because I have too much pride and ambition.
Julius Caesar, ENTJ (via thatentjbitch)
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viatorcor · 8 years
I just want to be alone with the moon and the ocean
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viatorcor · 8 years
five word prompts
[inspired by this]
“actually… i just miss you.”
“alright, i’ll leave you alone.”
“and slowly… i was forgotten.”
“and then everything just disappears.”
“and where do i go?”
“anyone could tell from here.”
“are you finishing that or…?”
“are you stupid or stupid?”
“anything, just call me, okay?”
“bitch better have my money.”
“bro… that’s so… not cool…”
“but did you do it?”
“call me now. it’s urgent.”
"can’t you listen to me?”
“cross that. don’t answer that.”
“don’t even think about it.”
“don’t you dare walk away.”
“do it. i dare you.”
“did you think i forgot?”
“eventually… you just move on.”
“even if you still do.”
“everything will fall into place.”
“fight me, you attractive stranger.”
“for once, i need you.”
“for once… i was right.”
“for once… i was wrong.”
“forget i even asked you.”
“forget it. you fucking suck.”
“fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?”
“fuck off. i mean it.”
“give and take. that’s life.”
“great. perfect. nice. fuck this.”
“have you lost your mind?”
“hello? it’s me. i was-”
“hey… that wasn’t so nice.”
“here’s a glass of whatever.”
“how about a hug, hm?”
“how about you make me?”
“i haven’t forgot you yet.”
“i can’t be around you.”
“i don’t need you, really.”
“i don’t need this now.”
“is this your first time?”
“it’s just a cut, really.”
“it wasn’t me, i swear!”
“i said i love you.”
“just don’t fuck it up.”
"just… come back alive, okay?”
“just make sure you’ve eaten.”
“kick his ass for me.”
“killed him? wait, what, literally?”
“life really sucks. feel better.”
“letting go hurts… a lot.”
“let me live, will you?”
“no, i don’t need you.”
“nothing can hurt me now.”
“nothing matters anymore to me.”
“okay it was me… so?”
“people lie all the time.”
“pipe the fuck down, asshole.”
“please, you can’t die now.”
“please don’t leave me alone.”
“quiet. they can hear us.”
“quick! give me your phone!”
“quicker, you freaking piece of-”
“quit it or i’ll bite.”
“quit staring! they’ll notice us!”
"really? do i look stupid?”
“real smooth, tripping over air.”
“rise and shine, sweet thing.”
“rise and fucking shine, motherfucker.”
“seriously? give me a break.”
“so… what are we now?”
“so… did you miss me?”
“so… can we go eat?”
“so… when’s the next flight?”
“so… how did everything go?”
“sometimes, i wish you died.”
“so what? you did it.”
“time passes slower without you.”
“then what do you suggest?”
“the fuck? who are you?”
“then you tell me why.”
“this is not working out.”
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
“this is all a fucking disaster.”
“when did it all happen?”
“who knew you’d be here?”
“why do i even bother?”
“why do i love you?”
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“you’re just… so, so stupid.”
“you can’t be here now.”
“you look like an accident.”
“you really need to go.”
“you know who to call.”
"zero fucks given. next please.”
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viatorcor · 8 years
                                              I don’t mind                                   not getting a happy ending                                   if it means ——————–
                                                                                 you get yours.
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viatorcor · 8 years
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viatorcor · 8 years
Greek Godly Parent Quiz
{Repost! Do not reblog!}
Tagged By: @harthfire ( thank you! ) Tagging: s weats ummmm you! yes, you! if you’re reading this, you’re tagged.
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Your godly parent is Hades, The God of the Dead and Wealth, Lord of the Underworld.
Children of Hades usually are isolated and used to doing things alone. Your solitary existence makes you susceptible to being very wary about strangers, and while you appreciate and crave kindness, you might feel offended as you believe you don't need any special treatment. Children of Hades appear calm and quiet, but can be passionate with joy, love, or rage when situations arise. Because Hades oversees law and conduct, children of Hades tend to have a set definition of acceptable morals, and require a lot of help to change their perspectives. You are extremely protective of the small circle of people that you trust, and any insult against them is an insult to you, which you will not forget anytime soon. Despite being honorable, misunderstood, lawful, intelligent and hardworking, children of Hades can have a darker side too, warping these traits into cunning, ruthlessness and deviousness. More often than not, the good rules over the bad, and children of Hades operate in grey areas to ensure that they achieve their end result.
solitude, intelligence, diligence, protectiveness, honor, lawfulness, bitterness, cunning
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viatorcor · 8 years
📝 aaaand... harry potter or fullmetal alchemist?
send me “📝 + (fandom)” and I’ll reply with a character I would RP from that fandom | accepting | @duskhero
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     I actually don’t know anything at all about Fullmetal Alchemist? I’ve heard good things! I’ve just not read it myself. However, from Harry Potter? Luna Lovegood, hands down! It’s been so long since I’ve picked up the books, but her character was always the one that struck me as one of the most interesting.
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viatorcor · 8 years
arent you like 5'2?
i self identify as tall 
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viatorcor · 8 years
Send me “📝 + (fandom)” and I’ll reply with a character I would RP from that fandom
On a personal note: my friends, this doesn’t mean I will RP any of these characters.
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viatorcor · 8 years
isn’t it IRONIC ? you take care of everyone      ( except yourself. )
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viatorcor · 8 years
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     I’m not going to lie, I’m shy. I’m incredibly shy. Although I would personally love to interact with all of you lovely people who follow me ( seriously, you’re all so amazing, I can’t believe all of you follow this silly blog what ), I am an anxious writer who is forever doubtful of who’d genuinely like to interact with me as well, or who wants to see me in their inbox or IM’s, ect. So! With that said, here’s a permanent starter call. By liking this, it will mean that you are comfortable with getting launched out of a canon me jumping into your IM about plots, sending you memes or even just random things, writing you random starters when inspiration hits, tagging you in posts, & all that fun stuff.
     Along with that, it’d mean that you’re cool with talking ooc as??? What are we all doing here if not having fun & making friends through this beloved hobby of ours???
     If all this is something you’re interested in, no matter what fandom you are or anything of the like, then you’re more than welcome to hit that like button!
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viatorcor · 8 years
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quick tetra sketch bye
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