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scbrvght · 5 months
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sherry lee watson & bryn chapman parish
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bloodbruja · 13 days
rpc truths no one wants to talk about…the fact that white female muses and face claims ( whether oc or canon ) who are popular in current media will still always get more attention than women of colour and trans muses. it’s the exclusionary feminism that’s always been prominent in the rpc since the 2010s and hasn’t really changed because nobody wants to talk about it. to be honest, while the struggles of everyone are valid …they’re not even close to what poc’s and poc lgbtq+ face on the daily. I think it’s just genuinely been making me so sad lately. The conversation towards inclusion of female muses falls in the realm of white women the majority of the time. So yes, always always always write with female muses…canon or ocs and LGBTQ+ muses please, I beg! but please include POC’s in the equation cause it’s getting really fucking exhausting pushing the lines between being erased or fetishized. THANKS
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lawhurt · 6 months
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seems like yesterday . . . i lay down next to your boots and i prayed. for your anger to end. oh father, i have sinned
a private &. selective rp blog, for jamie (james) michael dutton of [ 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡'𝑠 ] 𝚢𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚎. (somewhat headcanon based, especially post season 4). wrangled by : morgan ©
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tarnishedxknight · 8 months
{out of dalmasca} Can we just please talk about Judge Drace's set of armor in FFXII for a second? Because... um...
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She... she has a skirt. Made of metal. Why have I never fully noticed this before or given it the proper attention it was due?
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It looks to me to be in the shape and style of like a Victorian bustle (worn under the skirt of a dress to give shape) or an overskirt (worn over a skirt for fashion purposes or sometimes for added warmth. In this case, of course, it's just part of the armor, but even so...
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They're literally hinged metal plates designed to look like frills or ruffles. She even has matching spaulders? Also made to look frilly? That's... so cool?
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Nothing says, "I am a force to be reckoned with who can easily kill you and also I'm going be a fucking lady while I do it," like wearing skirt armor. She's not at all shying away from the fact that she's often the only major female Judge Magister in a room full of enormous, posturing male egos. She's handling her shit and looking good while she does it.
I love this because it smashes that horrible "strong woman" trope in writing whereby, in order to be or seem strong among men, women must become more masculine. Or conversely, that by being strong women, they are somehow less feminine. As if, in order to achieve one, you must give up the other. Nope, Drace is here to say that's total crap, heh. She's such a badass and I love her. I really wish they hadn't killed her in the game. Would've loved to have seen more of her. T_T
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heircurse · 1 month
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happy munday from your metal mommy, 80% of you have already seen these, but i have nothing new to offer!! don't forget to drink some water. or else.
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freewillacquired · 2 months
PSA: Some important OOC things I need my RP partners to know
{out of mutations} Hello, everyone. I was just made aware by a (now former) friend that I unintentionally hurt them very badly to the point of them ceasing to write with me and to block me. That is absolutely their prerogative, and I don’t blame them at all for doing so, nor do I bear them any ill will for their choice. Everyone needs to cultivate their own safe spaces on this site and to do what is best for their own mental health.
However, the points that they raised in their final message to me were important and very much opened my eyes to how careless I’ve been with how I’ve conducted myself as an rper and a blogger, and as a friend in general. It also made me aware that things that I’ve been trying to handle on my own offline and to not let affect how I run my blogs or manage friendships… are things that I really need to make my friends and rp partners aware of, because they are having clear consequences.
You all deserve to understand how I work as an online person you connect with, so that you can each make individual choices on whether or not you wish to continue writing with me or interacting through messages in the future. I’ll place this below a cut, and if you read all of it, I thank you for your time.
I mean for this simply to be an informative post that will explain a little bit about what I’ve been going through lately and how it is affecting my ability to function online. Life has gotten very crazy for me, I am having memory problems, and I have way too much activity/muses/blogs. All of these things together have created some problems with how I interact with folks on this site, and so I want to explain a little so you all understand. If, after reading this, you decide that I am too high maintenance for you, that I can’t give you the level of writing or messaging interaction that you prefer, or if you have any other issues with what I say, I fully understand and support any decision you make going forward. I hope that by beieng a bit embarrassingly candid that I can prevent what I inadvertently did to my friend from ever happening again, because I feel absolutely horrible about it. Alright, let’s get into this.
I don’t go looking for new people to interact with on any of my blogs anymore. I’ve stopped following new people unless we actually start writing together, I never message new people because of my anxiety, and I don’t want to attract more activity because I’m not managing what I have now well at all. The past few years of my life have been disastrous for many reasons (work, family, health, etc.), and I am looking to downsize muses and blogs, so I don’t reach out to new people anymore. If they reach out to me, I do my best to accommodate them, because I have never been good at saying no or disappointing people as a consequence of my social anxiety. But otherwise, I don’t want to attract more activity when I know I already don’t have enough time and focus to maintain the activity I already have. So if you have followed me because of the rp etiquette of “if I follow I want to interact,” and I don’t follow back, it doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t want to write with you. Sometimes that is true. When I get followed I read the person’s rules. If I can’t find your rules, or if I see a rule that I feel I violate or would easily violate unintentionally, then I don’t look to write with you. However, there are times when someone follows and I think… oh wow, I’d love to write with them. But as I said, I have too many blogs/muses right now, so I feel it’s irresponsible to go looking for new connections when I don’t really properly maintain the ones I have. I don’t want to close my blogs for new interactions, per se, but I don’t go seeking out more activity either.
But the main reason I wanted to write this is to explain some issues I’ve been having with my memory lately. In the past four years, I’ve had Covid twice and I’ve been put on medications for an immunodeficiency illness, and both of those things have very much made my memory and my ability to keep track of things very poor. I am getting people confused on this site that I never did before, I weirdly repeat myself in posts, I am forgetting what I said in one thread vs. another, I’m forgetting to message people back, or I’ll promise to send in asks or whatever and then never do it. I also tend to get very confused between people who write the same characters, since all I have to go on is a url and an icon if I don’t know the person in real life. I’ve gotten rpers mixed up before because it’s all very jumbled in my head. Sometimes that makes people feel like I am being rude, inconsiderate, or that I don’t care about them, but that isn’t true. I genuinely just can’t hold onto thoughts and memories the way I could a few years ago. I’ve even had to leave my career field, for safety reasons because making stupid mistakes or forgetting to do things since my memory has been affected by Covid and my medications.
The issue of my memory is something that I’ve been in denial about because it’s a scary and upsetting thing, and I guess I’ve been trying to chalk it up to stress or whatever, but clearly that’s not the case, and I need to accept that I have a real problem. In recent months, I have not only gotten people mixed up, but I have done things like list the top 5 people of something and leave someone out, or say someone was the best or only person I wrote with when others write the same character, or replied to one person’s thread thinking I was writing to different person. Sometimes they are close friends of mine, or I’ve been writing with them longer than the ones I listed. Why would I not remember them? How could I screw things like this up? I don’t know. It’s disturbing to not be able to trust your memory, it honestly is.
When I don’t know people in person and all I see is a url and an icon, I sometimes get very confused. This has always been true for me, since way back with AIM in the 90s, but in recent years it’s been compounded by my memory issues. Thread plots and things get all jumbled in my head. I just wrote a thread the other day where I replied to someone and I thought I was replying to another person’s same version of that character. It was mortifying and I felt really bad. If this happens to you, or if I get your version confused in an OOC post, or if I compliment someone else’s version but not yours, it doesn’t mean your version is crap or doesn’t mean anything to me, it’s just that I’m having some focus and memory issues that are causing me to forget versions sometimes or to blend them together in my head. I will take greater care not to make such mistakes in the future, but when dealing with something like a buggy memory, it’s really hard.
People frequently change urls too, which is another thing that often throws me off, because then in my mind, it’s a totally different, new person until I have enough repetition to associate the new url with the person behind the old one. The number of blunders I’ve made recently with saying to people, “I’m sorry, who is this again?” has been staggering and very embarrassing for me. Like just having to ask that question is incredibly mortifying, but I need to do it more instead of trying to reply on my memory and then making very hurtful mistakes.
I have not been keeping up with things on this site as well as I should have in recent years, and that is a failing of mine. Personal relationships have suffered. Connections I’ve made here have fallen apart. I feel like it’s very much getting away from me in an overwhelming manner and I’m not sure how to fix it, other than downsizing blogs and muses, which I’m trying to do now. But that won’t fix my memory, so I’ll likely keep making mistakes even if I downsize. I ask that you please be patient with me, and if you think I’ve made a mistake or haven’t remembered something, please let me know. If doing that is too much trouble for you or you feel like you shouldn’t have to, I totally understand, and if you would feel more comfortable not interacting with me anymore, I respect your decision.
A word about how bad I am with messages… I have very bad social anxiety and messaging people sometimes causes me to have panic attacks or to feel very jittery or overwhelmed. For like, no reason. Even with good, close friends. It’s like…. brain, why. Because of this, I will usually not answer messages until and unless I am in a good headspace to do so. Or it could just be that I don’t have the time if it’s something I’m writing a really long reply to that I want to put adequate thought into. Whatever the reason, I frequently won’t answer right away because I need time to think of a response, or something else is making me anxious so I don’t feel up to replying. I fully intend to reply later, but then the poor memory kicks in, and I forget. Before I know it, I’ve sometimes got people angry that I have been ghosting them for months when I completely forgot I even got a message in the first place. I am kindly asking you to not take this personally. I’ve been doing a lot of this lately. Sometimes, to compound issues, this site doesn’t even tell me that I have messages in the first place, which for someone whose memory is screwed up, is seriously frustrating. I never ignore people unless I think they’re a bot, heh. So please, if you messaged me and I seem to just have completely ignored you, it's okay to message again and ask if I saw it. In fact, I encourage you to do that, because between Dumblr and my own memory, I have really been forgetting to message people back a lot lately, and it’s something I do feel badly about.
One thing I want to make very clear, is that I NEVER fault anyone for taking a hiatus, whether it’s three weeks or three years. Real life comes first, this is a hobby not a job, it should be fun, and if it ceases to be fun or feasible to keep up with then everyone needs to do what’s best for them, and I am perfectly fine with that. Hell, I’ve been taking more hiatuses in the past year than I’ve actually been around to write, because of various work, health, and family issues/obligations. I’m on a partial hiatus right now and likely through next week for jury duty, in fact. I never fault anyone for needing to step away. I’ve had people come back after like five years and still want to write and that’s fine. So if you’ve come out of hiatus and I’m “ignoring” you, it might be that I didn’t see your message, that I don’t remember who you were because of a url change or if it’s been many months or years, or that I don’t even know you’re back. Jog my memory as to what we were writing about, some of our plots and things, and I’m sure that I will remember. Unfortunately, my memory is just not great anymore, it’s a reality that I’ve struggled to come to terms with in recent years.
Also, and this is going to sound very rude I know, but it’s again… just my new normal and reality with regard to my memory. I really don’t have the time or focus to keep track of when everyone leaves or comes back from hiatus or for how long. Maybe this is bad rp etiquette on my part, but I don’t frequently read other people’s blogs or even scroll my dash that much anymore. I just don’t have the time. If I think of it for certain people that I haven’t heard from in a while or that I want to check in on, I may pop onto your blog, but most of the time I do tend to miss a lot of everyone’s OOC posts. I come on to write and then I go back to work (my current job is entirely online), or I go about my family obligations (I take care of my grandmother around the clock). Gone are the days when I used to keep in better touch with people or read all their OOC posts. It’s a combination of not having enough free time to do so and that I’ve really gotten crazy with the number of blogs and muses I have, and so I write with a multitude of people that I just can’t all keep track of. This is a problem of mine, I know, and I am in the process of whittling down my schedule and number of muses to help correct it as much as possible. But just because I didn’t know it was your birthday, or I didn’t like your hiatus post, or I didn’t respond to that post you wrote that said you were really sad and needed someone to talk to… doesn’t mean I don’t care. I do care a lot about people. I tend to soak up people’s problems and sadnesses like a sponge, unfortunately. I just don’t have the time to keep up with all the people I write with all the time. If there is something you really want/need me to know, message me. I know I said I often postpone replying for when I feel more up to doing so, but if it’s something very urgent or important, I will respond ASAP.
One last thing I was to address… please don’t let something that is upsetting you fester to the point where you’re seriously hurt by it. I never intentionally mean to hurt anyone. If anything, I am the most nonconfrontational, people-pleasing person you’ll meet. So if it appears that I’ve done or said or not done something that was really rude, or upset you, or that you feel was very wrong of me to do to you, I promise you it was not done with intention to hurt you. Please come talk to me about it. Don’t let it just sit for a long time and make you angry because I’m likely not even aware that you’re upset. I would like the opportunity to look at what happened and to address it, so that you can feel better and I can be made aware of what I did so as to try to avoid doing so in the future. The last thing I ever want to do to someone is make something into a painful thing they’ll carry with them for a long time. Believe me, I’m the kind of person who still remembers things from early childhood that hurt me and have stayed with me forever. Things have happened on this site, some my fault and some not my fault, that have haunted me for years because I end up feeling so terrible about it. I know that’s probably a product of my chronic anxiety, but even so, it doesn’t feel good at all and I would never want to do that to another person. So please bring something to my attention as soon as it happens so that it can be addressed, fixed, or at the very least explained.
Alright, I think that’s everything I wanted to address. I've tried to be as open and honest and I could possibly be. If this post changes your mind about wanting to interact with me, I understand. You all have to do what is best for you. I just wanted to be transparent with people because hurting someone badly really made me realize that this isn’t something that I can just dance over and hope it’ll all be okay. I’m now aware that it’s affecting real things and real people in negative ways, and so I wanted to make everyone aware.
Sorry for all the word vomit, but I thought this was very important to do. Again, if you’ve read to this point, thank you for taking that time to do so. I will continue to try to do as much as I can to conduct myself in a respectful manner with all of you, and I look forward to writing with those who still want to.
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radioaf-a · 19 days
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{After very long debate with myself for the last three days I chosen to start fresh again with this blog and to archive it. Everything I sent up verses wise and ship wise with people are still very much in play and will taken over with me to the new blog. I just wanted to new start and just tog et away from the negatives I feel with this blog.
The new blog all set up with the same URL but yeah you can now find me and Al there now!! if you'd lie to keep rping with me like to this post so I know who to follow}
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gerudospiriit · 10 months
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[Proof that Ganondorf will love Nabooru in every era: he's wearing her pants. 🤣 (Thank you @divineprank for the meme fodder and the shameless promotion of the best ship out there).]
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hatchetsfield-arch · 5 months
y’all look at my birthday cake! do you think if we sing the summoning instead of happy birthday the lords in black’ll appear
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playbarbies · 12 days
i know parents shouldn’t have favorites, but there’s something about writing robin that just feels like coming home
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ocuradora · 5 days
okay, i must go lay down and doom scroll a bit before bed so catch me on discord! that being said, like this for a wee starter tomorrow while i work on inbox.
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tarnishedxknight · 29 days
If Soryn and Maris were a couple, would he want to try and bring her to Archadia when he decides to work with them after his capture?
{out of dalmasca} Tagging @wovenwaves for this one, of course! =) And below the cut as always, because I ramble on forever. XD
Oh... my goodness. That's such a complex and difficult question to answer and I love it. XD I'm honestly not even sure how to answer it because it would be such a nuanced thing for him. It would depend on how long they'd been together, are they just starting to court or are they lovers, are they married, do they have any children, like... level of commitment would play into his decision.
And then the exactly circumstances of his capture and eventual deal with Gabranth would also matter. At first, he would be a prisoner, then he'd be under duress to cooperate, then willingly cooperating but under probation for a while, and then he'd be more trusted and free to do what he wanted, especially after becoming a Judge Magister.
But then that begs the question of whether Soryn would even want to make a deal or pursue becoming a Judge Magister if he has obligations to Maris to return to her. Not that he doesn't have obligations to his king and to Dalmasca, but the arrangement offered him in Archadia will actually long-term benefit Dalmasca significantly and possibly help to end the war, which is good for all of Ivalice.
So... this would really result in a painful internal battle between Soryn's personal commitment to and love for Maris and his dedication to the greater good and having a chance to help end the war. Personal honor, morality, and faithfulness would clash with his selfless desire to be a means to an end to improve Dalmasca and help stabilize Ivalice. He cannot in good conscience choose Maris over all of Ivalice or even just all of Dalmasca, but he would want to. That battle between heart and mind, love and duty, personal desire and selflessness... would be a very tough one for him.
And... sorry to just lead you off a cliff here, but I don't have any answers, heh. It would really depend upon the nature of the thread, what the status of his relationship with Maris is, and how exactly Gabranth strikes this deal with Soryn. For example, if they've only just begun courting, then he might be inclined to stay in Archadia himself and let her think he was dead, only because to ask her to move to Archadia after what they did to Landis, and for someone she's only just begun seeing, would be too much to ask.
But if they've been seeing each other for a while, if they've been at all intimate, or if she might be pregnant, etc., that's a different level of already-established commitment that he has to her. That might deter him from even thinking about not returning to Dalmasca in the first place. But if he still did make the deal, then sure he'd want to bring her to stay with him, but... there's just no way he could ask that of her. It's too much to ask, really. Then again, making that decision for her would be wrong, so he probably should at least ask her, but... he'd already be in Archadia, because he's starting out being a prisoner with no rights/privileges. So it would be some time before he would even be permitted to send word to her at all.
And that brings up another interesting facet of all of this... Soryn's timeline. So in Maris' verse where she follows Basch to Dalmasca and she and Soryn strike up a romance before he's captured, when he's captured and how long it takes before he's free to contact her again would also affect whether or not he'd want her to join him in Archadia. If I go with the Battle of Nalbina Fortress, which is just the easiest and most consequential battle to have Soryn captured during, that would be two years before the events of the main game. It's up in the air as to how Soryn's involvement would change the course of the main game's events, and whether it would shorten or lengthen the time until the eventual end of the war.
But assuming it's about the same time, Maris would be waiting almost two years for Soryn to get to the level of trust with Gabranth, Drace, Gramis, etc. to be permitted to contact anyone in Dalmasca. After that amount of time, would she still want to be with him? Especially once she hears he's working with/for the Archadians? I can't answer that for Maris, but maybe Midge wants to weigh in on that at some point, heh. So it may change the dynamic of whatever relationship they have going on for him to be away that long. If she thinks he's dead but then turns out in Archadia as a Judge Magister, she might feel betrayed or might just not want to be a part of any of that. And I think Soryn would realize how bad that would make him look to her, given her history with Archadia after the fall of Landis.
And then there's... after the game. I'm not sure if he'd want her to join him in Archadia if he's in this precarious position and the war is still raging, but... his desire to eventually return to her in Dalmasca if he decides not to ask her to move or if she refuses to move... might also have a wrench thrown in it with Gabranth's death. Soryn's participation in things could potentially change some major events of the game, but assuming they remain mostly the same and Gabranth still dies, there's a chance he would ask Soryn to protect Larsa instead of Basch. Rather that perpetuate "Gabranth" after his death, it might be better to pass protection to Soryn, especially if he's managed to establish himself as a trusted associate of Gabranth's. He would then have Zargabaath's support and would be able to keep the others at bay. Maybe he wouldn't have the same level of influence, but he'd still be an added placeholder that might change whether Basch impersonates Gabranth after his death or not.
If Soryn is asked to watch over Larsa, he would have to accept. It's too important a task to refuse. So... that would mean he would not be able to return to Dalmasca for at least a decade, since we know that Basch was still impersonating his brother eleven years after the end of the game. There's one year in between the main game's end and the epilogue, and then there's another decade between that and the events of Fortress. So that means even eleven years out, Larsa still requires protection and/or the Judge Magisters are still prone to considering fighting amongst themselves to warrant a peacekeeper being there. Would Maris even wait that long for Soryn? I doubt it, but once again, I can't answer for Midge here, heh. If it looks like he won't be free to return to Dalmasca after the events of the main game, Soryn might want Maris to come join him, but it would be up to her as to whether she does or not.
But... going back to when he's initially making this deal with Gabranth... Maris might have to be a stipulation in it heh. Soryn may be like look, I need her provided for and kept safe or there's no deal. Whether that means that she's taken to a safe location or guarded in Dalmasca or she moves to Archadia with Soryn, I'm not sure, but if he's really involved with Maris, he may consider her family, and in that case he'd want to make sure that she knows what's become of him and that she's taken care of.
I think the upshot is that, sure, he'd want her to come stay with him, but the reality is that it may not be very easy, safe, emotionally ideal, or logistically possible to do that. It would depend on the details of the thread, the AU, and how everything turned out with his deal/position in Archadia before any of that could be determined. This was a really interesting question, though, thanks for sending this in! =D
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heircurse · 1 month
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| | | | | | | | ( ... ) 𝑾𝑨𝑺 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑻 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹 𝑽𝑶𝑰𝑪𝑬? —— OR WAS THAT ME?
#𝗛𝗘𝗜𝗥𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗦𝗘. a private and highly selective harold theopolis osborn , removed from the marvel universe and written as an original character. reimagined and headcanon driven. established in 2016 by alyssa.
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freewillacquired · 2 months
PSA: A note on exclusivity for my blogs…
{out of mutations} My blogs are not exclusive, and I am not an exclusive writer. Clarification of my exclusivity policy for all of my blogs is below the cut, just FYI, to avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings in the future.
Just to be perfectly clear, my blogs are not currently, nor have they ever been, exclusive. How I define “exclusive” is… only writing a muse with a single writer and not allowing multiples once one has been chosen. I am not exclusive with any writers on any of my blogs. I do write with multiple writers and multiple versions of muses.
As long as you are respectful and we get along, I am willing to write with you. If, however, the idea of me writing with other people who write your same muse makes you in any way upset, angry, or uncomfortable, feel free to unfollow, block, cease interaction, whatever you choose. That is your prerogative, and I respect your decision. If you need to block other versions that I write with so you don’t see their posts on your dash, again, that’s your deal, you do you. We all need to cultivate our own safe spaces in our little corners of the internet.
Do not tell me who I can and cannot write with, what I can post, or try to make me feel guilty that we aren’t exclusive. I am entitled to choose who I write with and why, what I post and why, and how I run my own blogs. I don't tell anyone else how to run theirs, so don't tell me how to run mine. I know many blogs are exclusive, or have “mains,” or have blogs/partners they prioritize over others, but I choose not to do that. I like to see people’s different versions of characters, and if it’s a canon character I really love, I want as many interactions as I can reasonably have time for.
Please be understanding and aware of this, and again, if you really don’t like that I write with multiples, it is your prerogative to decide not to write with me or interact with my blogs. Thank you for reading.
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bloodbruja · 7 days
The realization that most of her one night stands are not with men because you can be a vampire, you can be a ghoul, a monster even but there’s nothing more terrifying than a cis man who’s a stranger.
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gerudospiriit · 2 months
[when you hear EoW will apparently have the gerudo again but you're not excited because of how poorly they were handled in botw/totk. :/]
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