viixx00 · 1 year
Looking for some Mha Oc quirk help
I have a handful of quirk ideas here, but I feel like they might be a little bland; the names might not be great, and just stuff like that. I just think they could probably use some improvements, but I'm not quite sure what to do to make them better. Aaand, that's why I'm here. Just hoping anyone will give quirk name suggestions/better descriptions/hero name suggestions/anything like that :]
Deadly Venom - the user’s blood contains a substance that will cause excruciating pain to anyone who makes contact with it. While this works with simple skin to skin contact, direct insertion into the body of the victim is most effective.
Below Zero - The user is able to create liquid nitrogen that can be released from their body. The user can also internally create the substance to allow their breath to freeze.
Teleport - The user of Teleport is granted the ability to teleport within a certain radius of them self. If they are touching another person, that person will be teleported with them. If Teleport is used too much, the user will endure drastic nausea and severe nose bleeds.
Black Ooze - The user creates a dark goopy substance that collects together and anthropomorphizes itself into its own creature once it's gotten to a certain mass. Creating the monster takes a large amount of energy from the user.
Puppet Master - By controlling strands of their hair and poking them into the middle back of another person, they can make them their human puppet. They can control the puppet as long as their hair is still poked into their back. Puppet Master only allows you to control a certain amount of puppets at a time, based on the user's ability to focus on all of the puppets, and while the hair will not pull out from the user's head, it can still be cut, burned, or damaged by any outside source to cancel the control.
Burning Shock - The user can shoot out an electric shock that has the traits of electricity, but moves like fire. It is a very quick current and will 'pop' at the end and actually start a fire. The user can slightly control where the electricity will move and when it will set off, but it is very difficult and can often get out of hand.
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