villainous-imagine · 5 years
can i get uh... some HC of the summoner playing wingman for Lyon?
GASP! An ask thats just a platonic relationship between summoner and villain? I like it!
You had been friends with him for a while
You were always ready to have his back when it came to the whole demon king stuff
Being friends you were quick to realize Lyon had a major crush
Of course this poor boi was far to shy to actually say anything about it
So you took it upon yourself for operation:wingman
Setting them on the same team, making dure they were training at the same time
Being the summoner who got to control such things had its perks
Not to mention just hanging out and pointing out to him how great his crush looked
Or encouraging him to go speak to her
Despite all that the bou was still to nervous to say anything
So you went with the drastic plan
You approached the crush and hinted at them
Then watched as they walked up and straight up kissed the boi
Operation Wingman was a complete success!
Now who to set up next...
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villainous-imagine · 5 years
Headcanons for Berkut and the Summoner sparring?
This is going with the assumption the summoner is new to this
Berkut/Summoner sparring
Its hard for him to take it easy on you
He was raised to absolutely dominate and destroy
However his care for him stops that
That doesn't stop him from being strixk though
He will make sure you know how to defend yourself
Though will insist he is your only sparring partner
The matches will almost always end up with you pinned under him
As he gives you a cocky smirk
However when you do get the jump on him
The blush on his face is immensely cute to see
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villainous-imagine · 5 years
Witch! Rinea and a warlock summoner headcanons? Studying dark magic, etc.?
Sounds like a fun bonding time.
She was suprised yet excited when you asked for her help
In her new form she knew plenty of dark magic
She would eagerly teach you how to summon and control various types of terrors
Given the chance she would eagerly have you summon a legion of them
A personal army for the two of you so you could conquer in the name of Duma
And of course thats just the start
There are plenty of other dark magics she would love to teach you
Especially one that tends to restrict movment....
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villainous-imagine · 5 years
"Oh my apologies." He replied, arching an eyebrow. He quickly knelt to the ground, bowing lower than before. He took her offered hand and placed a chaste kiss on kt before letting go, a slight smirk on his face.
"I have heard of your great power. Being an angel must have its perks." He replied, trying to act casual.
A red haired young man quickly approached the other summoner. Dressed in black leathers, a dagger in his belt and a cape he gave a quick bow. "Hello, my name is Max. I am a... mage of sorts. I tend to study dark magic. Its a pleasure to meet you." He says, trailing off as he looked up at her.
Lucifer barely spared the mage a glance, only caring to look at him for a mere second, “Oh? You dare enter my presence without kneeling? How foolish of you~” She sighed, leaning forward and shoving her branded hand closer to his face, “Well then Max, you should feel honoured to be in my grace. After all, it isn’t common to be in the same room as an angel~”
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villainous-imagine · 5 years
So how do you feel about the new heroes villains?
Perfect question to come back to!
First of all they all look fucking cool. I don't give a shit how 'edgy' they look I freaken love it. Give me more jelly skellies pls!
Thrasir looks like a freakin badass. Plus she has a green tome! Plus being Veronica's great great... great grandma!
Lif looks like the edgiest of bois and I am so down for it. Now that the cyl3 is going on it even proves people love him! Step your game up alphonse.
And now for Hel
My god I freakin love Hel. She is a all powerful dark goddess, and anyone who knows me thays exactly the type I fall for. If she gave me the chance I would gladly let her kill me so she could keep my by her side for all eternity.
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villainous-imagine · 5 years
Yeah its been over a month of complete silence. Things may have gotten a bit crqzy dealing with college, christmas and a whole bunch of other stuff.
So I went and deleted all my old asks because I barely remembered and half of them would be christmas themed when its no longer christmas.
So asks are officially going to be answered again! Feel free to send some in!
Just... pls remember the rules.
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
300 Follower Raffle
So because I’m never happy with prompt lists, we are going to do something different for 300 followers: a Raffle!! If you want a chance to enter reblog this post UwU. Hearts are nice, but they will not count as entries. Today is 12/6 and you have till 12/13 to reblog this post to have a chance to win. I plan to do 3 winners since that seems fitting. 
1st prize: 1000 word drabble 
2nd prize: 500 word drabble
3rd prize: 1 set of headcanons
I will let the winners know they have won the 14th officially and make a short post on the blog about it. We can discuss the details of your prize then. 
Note: I will be willing to catch up on One Piece or FGO if you are interested in your prize being over those series. Also you need to be following me for your entry to count.
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
Hello ! If you're open may I request a Darios/Velezark (if not him than Berkut?) With an oblivious crush, confession headcanon ? 💕 you're doing amazing sweetie !
Darios/reader hcs
He couldn't help himself
You were just so strong and cute, he had fallen head over heels for you
Even Velezark, always tslking in his head, approved and called you their "treasure"
However... no matter how many hints he dropped you just didnt notice
He could be offering to hold hands, hug and stay close to you
But you never realized it
Finally Velezark got tired of Darios trying to be subtle
He completely took him over, before cornering you outside your room
"Listen mortal. He is to soft to admit this, but you are my treasure. We both admire and want to be with you."
He would then give you a someehat aggressive kiss, leaving you dazed and giddy
Of course, you finally realize and happily agree
Velezark smirks and continues kissing, before fading and leaving a blushing yet happy Darios
Who is suddenly rather shy
Of course you pushing him over with a kiss is all he needs
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
I just sent in an ask for Surtr, and I think it autocorrected to sort 😅
It did and I love it no worries
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
If they don't specify which version of Rinea they want, just assume they mean normal Rinea. Most blogs assume that so its probably what they meant.
Yeah but I do what I want so do what I ask
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
Good luck with your blog! As for my request, how would witch!Rinea react to being summoned to askr?
Witch Rinea being summoned!
It happened right before her life was over
She appeared in a big flash of warmth, her body floating above the ground
Her first instinct was to attack but...
She sensed the power flowing from you
Not to mention the contract
However as a witch of fuma she now respects power and will follow you
Constantly reminding you could get more power if you offer your soul to duma
Summoning quote: I... have been summoned. In the name of Lord Duma... I will serve the powerful..
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
May we please get some cuddly headcanons for a chilly Ms. Rinea? Preferably when the summoner could use some warmth after a day in the snow?
Aw this is adorable!
It was after a mission in Nifl
You and some heroes had tsken time off to play in the snow
And now you were feeling very chilly
Of course you weren't the only one
Rinea look so cute, with her clushed cheeks and bright red nose
After you made it back to your room it was immediately time for some cuddling
Warming each other up with quick little kisses
Gathering up under blankers to cuddle the night away
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
HEYY CAN I UHHHH get some berkutxreaderxrinea headcanons??? with a male reader if possible??
How did you know one of my fav poly pairings???
Prepare to be dotted on
Rinea will always be by making sire you're feeling okay
Berkut would try to not be as obvious, but hovers 10 times more
One will always be near you, keeping you company
Prepare to help de-stress at the end of the day
You and Rinea working together trying to keep Berkut calm when he interacts with peasants
You and Berkut with Rinea cuddled between the both of you
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
So, I got drunk last night and I had an idea. Can I have some headcanons on how Arvis would react to Sigurd giving his smol s/o a little bit too much wine at a Christmas party and is drunk and is giggly, forgetful, and clingy?
Pffff that sounds hilarious
At first he was upset with Sigurd
However he was now far to busy doing his best to take care of you
He can't help but sigh as he guides you around
Of course you clinging to him would be rather nice...
Though he makes sure you're always clinging to him
However your giggling is really cute
Despite himself seeing you so relaxed and smiling would make him smile
He would be by your side the entire time
...including the next morning when he is patting your back when you deal with the hangover
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
Might I ask for a headcanon of Ishtar with a s/o that's always putting themselves endanger in a fight
Oh poor girl
She does not approve in the slightest
She is constantly worrying, and trying to keep you from being in danger
She would make sure other heroes are around you so you can be kept safe
She would always try to annihilate any enemies getting close to you
It would have her on edge, with memories about worrying for julius and reinhardt
It would make her sad anon, quit being dangerous!
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
How are there already 100 of you??!?!??!?!?!!
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villainous-imagine · 6 years
Sorey for not answering anything today pr yesturday, got busy with college and family stuff! Ill be back at it tomorrow!
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