deebyfeeby · 11 months
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artwarrioriii · 2 months
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Some Fire Emblem dragon art I started back in high school.
Mila, Duma, Medeus, Idunn, Velezark, and Garon.
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And some more Fire Emblem dragon art I started back in high school.
Grima and Anankos.
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Honestly as a HUUGE Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem fan, Fire Emblem Warriors (1) should've just been Fire Emblem Fates and maybe Fire Emblem Awakening.
The game clearly wasn't interested in Shadow Dragon given the info on the game was often blatantly incorrect, representation was below bare minimum (Camus is said by the writers to be in many ways the real main character of the games and he was absent), and it didn't get a stage like Awakening And Fates did.
Almost none of the Shadow Dragon characters added anything to the game either with the vast majority of them being, the only real unique one was Tiki and she could've easily been Awakening Tiki, Dragonstone moveset Corrin, or Lilith among others.
Gharnef was of course redundant to with Validar and Iago existing.
Meanwhilst if they'd stuck to Fates, they would've been able to get Fire Emblem staple classes like Armored Knight, Lance Cavalry, Bow cavalry, Axe Fighter, ETC. We also could've gotten more unique villains like Hans (Axe Fighter) and Garon (Armor axe). Anankos would've definitely been cooler than Velezark.
Also best of all, there's alot of stories you could tell with all the major characters of Fates as well as the villains and nations as oppossed to just having a bunch of crossover characters, many of which occupy the same archetypes.
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emblemxeno · 2 years
I'm admittedly disappointed that Three Hopes characters and the persona crossover characters got into FEH, and yet the first warriors games characters haven't. It'd be neat to have Rowan, Lianna, and Darios in FEH, and Velezark. Also, the entire fell discourse is stupid given that in Japanese Grima is referred to as a evil dragon, same as Velezark was in Japanese. Nothing wrong with fell being used for the new evil dragon.
On one hand I get it that the FEW1 OCs weren't included cuz they weren't terribly popular.
On the other hand, the fucking smugness that people have when they celebrate 3Hopes characters getting in and saying that the Aytolis twins were garbage and never had a chance is really fucking annoying.
Yes, we get it, their story is a simpler retread of FE8's and focused primarily on the crossover fanservice, but jesus. God forbid that people found them even just a bit endearing and had fun with the game as a whole. Not to mention the fact that it came out in 2017, the same year where Heroes was finding its footing, so really I'm pretty sure at the time including stuff from spin off titles wasn't a big priority. TMS in 2020 and 3Hopes in 2022 on the other hand? Heroes was already making bank at those points, so there's no harm in giving them some attention in the long run.
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iturbide · 2 years
Gotta say though, I never expected the Grimleal lawyers to have to make a comeback after the restraining order on Alm and Celica😂 And if it turns out the new Fell Dragon™ is another version of Grima and they accidentally sued themselves I will laugh SO HARD
I would be very curious what the final title for this dragon comes out as. They've had other cool names before (I mean, Velezark was the Chaos Dragon, that's badass, and I feel like they're already drawing on Warriors for inspiration), but reusing 'Fell Dragon' for the English localization when Grima is right there and they've done so much legitimately interesting stuff with that lore.
please though Grima don't sue yourself unless you know you can win get them on that technicality you can do it
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owainbradys · 1 year
Characters whose vanilla selves I wish would debut in feh this year
Archanea: Warren, Frey, Midia, Lorenz, Etzel, Arlen, Frost
Valentia: Jesse, Marla, Hestia, Nuibaba, Jedah
Jugdral: Diarmuid, Patty, Lana, Lester, Beowulf, Brigid, Ishtore, Édain, Saffy, Linoan, Amalda, Ralf, Aida, Bleg*
Elibe: Vaida, Isadora, Harken, Marcus, Brendan, Murdock, Nergal, Athos, Juno, Zelot, Lance, Sigune, Lot
Magvel: Ismaire, Morva, Artur, Vanessa, Syrene, Moulder, Garcia, Gilliam, Franz, Glen
Tellius: Lucia, Greil, Renning, Heather, Callil, Boyd, Lyre, Kieran, Ena, Gareth, Giffca, Ulki, Largo Almedha **
Ylisse: Kellam, Laurent, Pheros, Validar
Hoshido and Nohr: Scarlet, Sophie, Mitama, Reina, Yukimura, Izana, Fuga, Mikoto, Sumeragi, Anankos
Fódlan: Caspar, Dorothea, Leonie, Lorenz, Raphael, Alois, Manuela, Cyril, Rhea, Judith, Nader, Randolph, Matthias, Leopold, Waldemar, Thales
Zenith: Henriette, Freyr, Fafnir, Elm, Bruno ***
Cipher: Shade, Yuzu, Niamh
Aytolis: Darios, Lianna, Rowan, Velezark
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grandsonoflightike · 1 year
Warrior-Elise-X-Warrior-Sakura, Warrior Pzaga, Warrior Bezav, Warrior Michelle, Warrior Arnick, and Warrior Maria VS Warrior Validar, Warrior Iago, Dark Warrior Xander, Dark Warrior Camilla, Warrior Darios, and Warrior Velezark In The Warrior Interspace
Dana The Writer:  Welcome to a battle between Warrior Hylia's Fire Emblem Chosen and The Chaos Forces of Warrior Velezark in The Warrior Interspace.
Warrior Elise:  Warrior Velezark is going down today.
Warrior Sakura:  The C-Chaos D-Dragon Is Tough and we will need h-help.
Warrior Pzaga:  That is why Warrior Hylia's Fire Emblem Chosen is here.
Warrior Bezav:  That's for sure.
Warrior Arnick:  The Warrior Interspace is a controlled space Of The Chaos Forces Of Warrior Velezark and we need to save the woman inside.
Warrior Michelle:  Yeah, Warrior Maria Is Inside the area.
Warrior Pzaga:  Warrior Maria is in trouble in the area?  We got to save her.
Warrior Bezav:  There are enemies in the Warrior Interspace that are Dark Versions of Our Normal Non-Chosen Allies.
Warrior Elise:  They are Dark Warrior Xander And Dark Warrior Camilla, Right?
Warrior Sakura:  T-Those two were born thanks to W-Warrior P-Phantom G-Ganon.  They are cruel to Dark W-Warrior E-Elise.
Warrior Pzaga:  That makes them all the more dangerous and Worth Fighting.
Warrior Bezav:  I Will Stop Those Beings loyal to the Creepy Writers.
Warrior Arnick:  Those Few Chaos Forces will be stopped.  All Warrior Emblem Characters © tAll3Shyguy On DA Or tAll3Shyguy Skull Land On Fan-Fiction/Youtube/Tumblr or tAll3Shyguy_Skull_Land on Archive Of Our Own or Skulkerman on PSN or DavidTWr On Nintendo Network or KalligLegacy On Discord.  Grandsonoflightike is an Writer's Earth fanbase Tumblr Account For tAll3Shyguy Skull Land on Tumblr.
Dana The Writer: Ah there we go.  Thanks for the disclaimer, Warrior Arnick.  Background Song is This Precious World from Fire Emblem Warriors.
Warrior-Elise-X-Warrior-Sakura, Warrior Pzaga, Warrior Bezav, Warrior Michelle, Warrior Arnick, and Warrior Maria VS Warrior Validar, Warrior Iago, Dark Warrior Xander, Dark Warrior Camilla, Warrior Darios, and Warrior Velezark In The Warrior Interspace
The final battle of the current Adventure map is about to be done now.  The Battle marks the currently known Final Battle With Warrior Velezark but his Creepy Writer Friends will continue to revive him and his generals as Warrior Velezark is a Creepy Writer Now.
Warrior Elise says "Time to take him down for now.  Come forth Warrior Pzaga and Warrior Bezav."
Warrior Sakura says "V-Very M-Much Agreed.  Warrior Arnick and Warrior Michelle, Check the local villages for news."
Warrior Pzaga and Warrior Bezav Appear and prepare for battle.  Warrior Arnick and Warrior Michelle Appear and Check the local Villages.  This has Warrior Arnick and Warrior Michelle run back to get their news delivered.
Warrior Arnick says "The Local villagers saw The Chaos Forces Of Warrior Velezark take Warrior Maria into The Warrior Interspace."
Warrior Michelle says "Scouts report Warrior Maria's detachment being forced down this tunnel.  This is the confirmation of Her Capture into The Warrior Interspace."
Warrior Pzaga says "Then we got to save Her."
Warrior Bezav says "That is objective 1.  Objective 2 is Defeat all character commanders.  Objective 3 is defeat Warrior Velezark."
The Warrior Hylia's Fire Chosen enter the caves.
Warrior Soldier says "The Altar Is At The Bottom of The Stairs.  Some say when you enter you can never leave so be careful."
Warrior Bezav says "This place is giving me goosebumps.  Listen--Do you hear that moaning?"
Warrior Pzaga says "Could be Warrior Maria.  We need to hurry and rescue them."
They run in and Find Warrior Maria under attack by infinite Warrior Mogalls.
Warrior Bezav says "Do You See that? Over There! Warrior Maria is under attack."
Warrior Maria says "Agh! Why... is this happening?"
Warrior Pzaga says "What are we standing around for?  Let's go to her rescue!"
They defeat the swordmaster causing the infinite Mogalls.
Warrior Bezav says "Are you alright, Warrior Maria?"
Warrior Maria says "I-I am.  Thank you.  Why are you here?"
Warrior Elise walks up and says "They're Under our orders to rescue you."
Warrior Pzaga says "Everything's Fine now.  I'll beat this guy to a pulp."
"Good luck with that.  The enemies been able to brush of every attack I've made." Warrior Maria says.
Warrior Darios, Warrior Gharnef, Warrior Iago, Warrior Validar, Dark Warrior Xander, And Dark Warrior Camilla appear.
"Why are you doing this, Warrior Darios?  Tell me -- what are you after?" Warrior Bezav says.
Warrior Darios says "Hand over the girl.  Now."
"Is something wrong in your head?" Warrior Pzaga says "We're taking her out of here! Move it!"
Warrior Maria says "I can't believe you two would fight for me like this...  But if we want to free this man from the darkness, all of us must fight!"
Warrior Elise and Warrior Sakura say "You know it!"
They start the battle.
"Wicked child...  Whatever will we do with you?" Dark Warrior Camilla says.
They defeat the swordmaster.
"Oh dear, I failed, didn't I?" Dark Warrior Camilla says.
Warrior Elise says "What are the dark sides created by Warrior Phantom Ganon doing here?"
Warrior Darios says "They are following their true master aka Warrior Velezark's Orders."
Warrior Sakura says "T-Then you c-command them?"
Warrior Darios says "That's Right.  Warrior Iago, destroy Warrior Pzaga and Warrior Bezav if they get in your way of regrouping."
The wyvern lord was defeated weakening Warrior Validar.
"What a disgrace." Warrior Validar says.
Warrior Iago says "Oh Such Insolence."
"We must do something!"  Dark Warrior Xander says as he calls reinforcements to protect Warrior Iago.
Warrior Pzaga defeats Warrior Iago.
Warrior Iago says "Ugh...  I can't die like a common grunt!"
Dark Warrior Xander says as he is weakened "Ugh...we've accomplished nothing."
Dark Warrior Camilla gains strength and says "Shall we begin?" She starts to advance to the base of the Warrior Hylia's Fire Emblem Chosen but is intercepted by Warrior Elise and Warrior Sakura.
Warrior Validar gains strength and says "This is a suitable time.  Let's begin." He starts to advance to the base of the Warrior Hylia's Fire Emblem Chosen.
Dark Warrior Camilla says "You're strong.  It's true... That puts you first on my list of people to kill next time."
"You won't kill me, Dark Warrior Camilla!" Warrior Sakura Shouts.
Warrior Validar says "It can't be... It can't be..."
Warrior Elise says "It must be."
Dark Warrior Xander gains strength and says "Are you ready to begin?"  He starts to advance to the base of the Warrior Hylia's Fire Emblem Chosen but is intercepted by Warrior Pzaga and Warrior Bezav.
Dark Warrior Xander says in defeat "Damn!  I have no choice but to flee!"
Warrior Pzaga says "Take that, you evil dark side."
Warrior Darios says "Handle my copies!"
A villager appears that they must boost the courage of as well.  They have Warrior Elise and Warrior Sakura Boost the courage and Warrior Pzaga and Warrior Bezav handle the copies.  The villager gains some courage and becomes a wyvern rider.
New Warrior Wyvern Lord says "I'm ready to take it to them."  She advances to escort the allied commander.  Warrior Pzaga and Warrior Bezav finally defeat all the copies.
Warrior Darios says "Facing me is pure folly."  He then says in defeat "After Everything... Is this... Not enough?"
Warrior Velezark appears and says "I will destroy you!"
Warrior Elise, Warrior Sakura, Warrior Pzaga, and Warrior Bezav face him to finish this.
Warrior Velezark says "No You can't be this strong!"  He disappears in defeats.
Warrior Maria says "Time to get out of here."
Warrior Pzaga says "Agreed."
The end for now...
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blaiddydsaurus · 3 years
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superbashsistersart · 4 years
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the velezark i drew for the second opening of the fire emblem compendium!
(drawn 19-10-16)
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deebyfeeby · 11 months
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incorrect-aytolis · 6 years
Velezark: apparently ‘spite’ is not an appropriate answer to 'what motivates you?'
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All i ask is one good reason not to love this man
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gameotheque · 6 years
Chapter 20 thoughts:
*”No matter how bad things may seem... don’t lose heart!” Corrin is a sweetie :]
*I don’t care how little sense it makes. I’m glad we’re back at the World Tree. It’s pretty and it’s got the battle remix of You Have Power... Like Mine.
*Owain and Caeda actually make a great team... When you and your grandma beat down some fools together.
*Lol, at one point I completed a side-mission immediately upon activating it. Rad.
*”Corrin is fighting Shadow!” Wow, Super Smash Bros Ultimate sure is looking cool!
*Actually... being the dragon of Chaos and producing Shadows to kill us... wow, Velezark really is Shadow the Hedgehog’s dragonsona.
*”Sis has an impostor? One of her is more than enough!” You’re in time-out for this, Rowan.
*Gotta say, Velezark, lame and space-flea-from-nowhere as he is... has a really rad design.
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emblemxeno · 2 years
He was Evil Dragon in Japanese as well. So Grima, Snek, and Velezark are all the same dragon.
On one hand I appreciate the clear cut title, on the other hand "Evil Dragon" will always be funny as fuck
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iturbide · 2 years
So uh....we got a new Fire Emblem for the Switch? Another Fell dragon defeated, you actually play as a Divine dragon though and the game's gimmick is summoning past Heroes a la FEH style - dunno about this one, not gonna lie.
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I have definitely seen the trailer but in case anyone hasn't, have a link:
You know, I've seen a lot of comparisons to Heroes, but I don't really see it? It doesn't really seem like there's a gacha or chance element in the summoning of Heroes -- more than anything, it reminds me of the original FE: Warriors game, where legend has it that heroes from other worlds arrived to help push back the forces of Velezark, some of whom carried Gleamstones within them that allowed the royalty of Aytolis to awaken the Shield of Flames and seal the Chaos Dragon away. Heck, even the premise lines up: Velezark's is sealed away, but then the seal weakens, allowing him to influence the king of Gristone into speeding things along -- and the trailer states outright that the seal is weakening and the narrator "senses a resurrection."
The trailer seems to imply that there are a limited number of rings (at the 2:49 mark of the trailer, the main character says "she asked me to gather all of the rings and bring peace back to Elios"), presumably the 12 shown in the tapestry in the trailer opening (Marth, Celica, Sigurd, Leif, Roy, Lyn, Eirika, Ike, Micaiah, Lucina, F!Corrin, M!Byleth) and given that each ring seem to be set to a specific character, my guess is that the 'summoning' is going to be keyed into major story events where rings are acquired, rather than being a summon at leisure thing.
(Slightly incidental note, but I find it very funny that the close-up of the rings focus pointedly on the stones set within them -- again, the heroes from other worlds in the original Warriors carried the Gleamstones that made it possible to awaken the Shield of Flames...and on top of that, two of the five characters implied to be Heroes in this game were also in Warriors: Marth and F!Corrin.)
I think it's kind of interesting how the ring system works, though. It looks like the general use draws inspiration from the Adjutant mechanic from Three Houses, where you pick one character before battle to accompany another as a non-playable support unit (and possibly one of a suitable class -- Sigurd being a mounted unit and pairing with a cavalier character might imply that rings are only compatible with units who hold a particular class). But then there's that fusion mechanic that reminds me of Tokyo Mirage Sessions (complete with the super fancy outfits), where the hero associated with the ring merges with the character they're paired with for a power-up. It's neat to see a mechanic from a side game getting drawn into a mainline one.
(Speaking of reusing things from other games, though, I'm reeling that they're re-using Fell Dragon for this cobra dragon. Not gonna lie, it looks super cool, but it's gonna have to work hard to usurp Grima's throne -- and it's hilarious to me how many people have decided that Grima would be righteously pissed and ready to fight for the title.)
The main character's actual appearance is ridiculous, though. I had completely forgotten about the leaks earlier this year, but as soon as I saw the trailer the memories came rushing back. I've seen so many jokes about them being Pepsi and toothpaste -- and thanks to the tags highlighted by one blog I follow, I cannot think of them as anything but Colgate-chan and Pepsi-kun.
So far opinions I've seen are highly polarized: some people seem excited, some people seem pissed. I'm on the fence so far! It could be interesting, but I'm going to hold off on any judgment for now until more information comes out -- and given that it's due for release in barely more than four months, I expect that they're going to give us more sooner rather than later.
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Fallen Dragons
Velezark: I have a incredible power!!
Grima: Well me too. And a cult.
Grima's followers: HAIL GRIMA!!!
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