violettesbooks ¡ 2 months
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A young woman's undeniable beauty leads her down perilous paths when she is tasked with seducing a rival king, gaining his trust and toppling his kingdom from within, even as she falls for another man.
Ann Liang's writing was really beautiful and I enjoyed reading her work. I finished the book in a day, so it's somewhat of a quick read-especially the beginning.
Xishi and Fanli's relationship is well built from the beginning and I found myself wanting to read more about them than the Wu palace politics, though that isn't to say the book didn't keep my interest.
The end was bittersweet but a bit muddled. I think it tried to encompass too long a stretch of time in only a few pages.
Out: now
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violettesbooks ¡ 2 months
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A young woman, raised in isolation by her uncles, yearns for her absent mother and magical worlds. But when her family is revealed to be tragically cursed, she sets off on a journey towards the fantastical- all in hope of finding out the truth about the other, strange world that has beckoned her her whole life.
The writing in this book is absolutely beautiful, clearly written with a lot of thought. It's emotional and desperate, much like the main character, Violet. But where it falls short is the pacing and the overall plot. There were many glossed over aspects of the story and a few conveniences.
By the end I felt like there was no urgency at all, even though the stakes were high.
I would still recommend it to fantasy readers but more for the setting and ambience then storyline.
Out: now
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violettesbooks ¡ 4 months
Nothing is worse than disliking the book you were really excited to read
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violettesbooks ¡ 4 months
I shouldn’t do this here because this is the “no marketing” website and I want it to stay that way but… I have just snuck into the realm of traditional publishing and my weird book about assassins (aka The Murder Siblings TM) focusing on stupid jokes, sword fights, masked balls, 🏳️‍🌈gay sex🏳️‍🌈, mental health issues, and rebelling against the rich isn’t being seen in the jungle of hetero TikTok picks and Sarah J Maas books. (Even tho it’s been sold as Six of Crows meets The Princess Bride.)
If Snowblooded doesn’t start getting noticed by people, I think my career in trad pub might be over just as it started. So during this our pride month could I perchance ask you to signal boost this post to support a lesbian and poly author trying to break in to the trad pub jungle? (Also, the book can be bought HERE )
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Valour and Petrichor are esteemed members of the Order of Axsten, an assassin’s guild tasked with keeping order in the rough city of Vinterstock. Plucked from the streets as children and raised to compete for their guild’s approval, Valour uses her brawn to survive, while Petrichor strives to be a gentleman assassin. When they’re given their biggest job yet—to kill Brandquist, the mysterious leader of the city's illegal magic trade—it’s a recipe for disaster. If they can quell their rivalry long enough, the reward will be enough to settle their debts with the Order and start new lives.
If this job wasn’t dangerous enough, Valour is saddled with looking after a famed hotelier, Ingrid Rytterdahl. Valour finds her dangerously attractive, but the aspec Petrichor can’t wait to be rid of them both. He begrudgingly accepts Ingrid’s knowledge and connections as they navigate the city’s criminal underbelly in pursuit of Brandquist.
As secrets bubble to the surface, the duo must outwit the thugs on their tail, keep Ingrid alive, and—hardest of all—work together without murdering each other.
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violettesbooks ¡ 4 months
Please... PLEASE
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we have GOT to abolish the paperback only being released a year later scheme brother i simply am not purchasing your $40 hardcover book
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violettesbooks ¡ 5 months
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The Hostage of Empire trilogy by SC Emmett is a new favorite series of mine, so let me tell you why it's so great:
Courtly political fantasy set in a historical East Asian world
Super rich in detail and worldbuilding with several distinct countries and cultures
Princess Mahara and her lady, Yala, are sent to a neighboring country in an arranged marriage after a defeat in battle
Both women must navigate a difficult political landscape in a new country, all while the tensions between their countries escalates
Full of politics, scheming families, assassins, danger, and great characters
Many of povs in this series, but focuses on a central drama
Yala is a favorite, and her devotion, intelligence, and skills make her an immediate favorite
A zuko-like Prince and a honorable General try to protect Yala and the princess while uncovering sinister plots within the ruling family
An incredibly slow burn romance
Bursts of action but with a slow pace. Be prepared for the slow-- not much happens until at least page 100 in these books
All three books have big endings, which makes the slow build throughout really pay off
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violettesbooks ¡ 5 months
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It is quite unbelievable, but there are now a little over 3,000 book lovers who follow my little corner of Tumblr and I think that needs something special! So here is a little book giveaway, to give back a little something to the community!
What to do to participate?
you have to be following this blog (duh)
reblog this post (just once is enough)
Send me an ask and tell me about a book you love and why you love it. (I will be publishing all the asks for everyone to share your love, so keep it in mind if you wish to add anything very personal)
The deadline for entering is 4th May, after which I will choose three people.
One of them will be able to choose a book up to ÂŁ15 worth.
The second will be able to choose a book up to ÂŁ12 worth.
And the third will be able to choose a book up to the ÂŁ10 worth
All of the books will be ordered through Blackwell's, so check if your country is available for shipping before entering, please! You have to be OK with privately sharing your address with me if you are picked. If you are under 18, ask your parents!
And if there are any questions, do not hesitate to ask! :)
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violettesbooks ¡ 7 months
“The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
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violettesbooks ¡ 8 months
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Ok, now that it's been a few months I can say what I really thought about the newest installment in the shades of magic series.
Mostly- it was good. I liked where the story was going, the setup looks interesting for the next two books but there was a lot of that. The setup 🤷‍♀️
My issue however was that the white London storyline just didn't hold my interest and neither did the new queen. There was so much backstory about her that I just wanted to skip through, compared to the backstory about the new magic tinkerer (I already forgot their names) Do I want Holland to not be a figment of her imagination or some corrupted piece of magic that is using her? YES. Do I think it will happen? No. There's no way that's his real ghost or essence or spirit or something.
And what was with Lila and Kell acting like they had just met even though it's been SEVEN YEARS how did their relationship not evolve, how did they themselves not change and grow into more. It was like no time passed for them at all.
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violettesbooks ¡ 8 months
Read this book immediately when it comes out next month!
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A nurse, back home from the front lines of WWI, begins to suspect that her missing brother might be alive. But when she returns to find answers, a mysterious figure haunts her days. And when she discovers that this otherworldly being might know where her brother is, she vows to stop at nothing until she finally knows the truth.
Beautifully written and well-paced, Katherine Arden's newest novel is a tender but evocative look at the realities of war, told through the twin perspectives of a brother and sister. Alongside the harshness of conflict, the book peppers in the supernatural and makes a compelling case for how blind humanity can be to it's own destruction.
Easiest 5 stars I've given to a book on ages!
Out: FEB 2024
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violettesbooks ¡ 8 months
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A young woman, raised in isolation by her uncles, yearns for her absent mother and magical worlds. But when her family is revealed to be tragically cursed, she sets off on a journey towards the fantastical in hopes of finding out the truth about who she is and the other, strange world that has beckoned her her whole life.
The writing in this book is absolutely beautiful, clearly written with a lot of thought. It's emotional and desperate, much like the main character, Violet. But where it falls short is the pacing and the overall plot. There were many glossed over aspects of the story and a few conveniences.
I would still recommend it to fantasy readers but more for the setting and ambience then storyline.
Out: Jan 2024
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violettesbooks ¡ 8 months
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A witch, hiding in plain sight, undertakes secret missions to free other imprisoned witches but when she finds herself desperate for information she must pretend to court the deadliest witchhunter of all.
A fast-paced and well-plotted fantasy romance with ample surprises. I had a lot of fun reading this, I think it will likely appeal to a large portion of YA readers. Rune and Gideon are equally matched and their chemistry is easy to root for.
Out: Feb 2024
Poor Alex though, maybe a little too convenient what happened to him.
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violettesbooks ¡ 8 months
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A girl with the magical ability to take lives, struggles to survive in an alternate world where an enemy Rome has taken over her homeland. In a twist of fate she finds herself working with a Roman prince but when war looms, she no longer knows who to trust nor if her choices can actually ensure the survival of her people.
This was a quick read, a bit slow paced at points but emotionally charged and politically savvy. I liked the world and the author did well painting a picture of the desperation of the people of Er-Lang.
Out: April 2024
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violettesbooks ¡ 8 months
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Set in the 1950's, the daughter of an intelligence officer travels back to United States from Germany after her mother's death to find herself embroiled in a conspiracy involving a soviet defecter.
I really enjoyed this story, especially as someone who hasn't read a spy/cold War Era novel before. I couldn't really even tell it was targeted to a YA audience given the well drafted plot and complex characterization.
Out: Now
0 notes
violettesbooks ¡ 8 months
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A young woman runs away from Argentina to Egypt in hopes of discovering the truth about her parent's untimely deaths only to find a conspiracy involving Cleopatra and a young man she can't seem to escape.
I thought this was a standalone, the ending got to me because I couldn't figure out how things would wrap up and then it ended on a sort of cliffhanger.
I did enjoy it, it was a good, YA mystery and I think the setting was well adapted but I wish I had known it was a duology.
Out: Now
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violettesbooks ¡ 1 year
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A young woman sets out to rescue her mother from an enchanted forest, but when the lost resurface without memories and wolves circle she will need to outwit the land of fairytales gone wrong before it's too late.
I hadn't read a non crossover YA in some time so it was interesting to come across a story actually meant for teenagers. I think young girls will enjoy this new take on an enchanted forest and fairytales. The plot isn't too predictable at all and the surprises are well meaning and add to the atmosphere.
Available now!
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violettesbooks ¡ 1 year
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Upcoming books/New release TBR
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