Shelves, Models, & Economics
James Stanczak 11/19/2017
By 2050 the world must feed 9 billion people. The demand for food will be 60% greater than it is today.  Ending hunger and achieving food security while improving nutrition is a daunting task. Promoting sustainable agriculture is something the world must do together. The world must also provide dietary needs that provide longevity and health. Especially for those who have and will be developing food-related illnesses.
The risk of not addressing this challenge is a catastrophic- global- economic- failure, mass malnutrition, hunger, more nutrition-related illness like diabetes, poverty, and worsening global conflict.
By eliminating dietary needs and poverty, we eliminate misery among humans. By eliminating financial misery, we build physical, mental, social, and economic health among all individuals and communities. My passion is utilizing economics and modern technology to adopt efficient small business models that forge global partnerships under asset-backed currencies. Asset-backed currencies help build healthy jobs, real estate, and sustainable food supplies while contributing to solving dietary illnesses and poverty worldwide.
In order to prevent a total global economic collapse, we must allow all forms of agriculture to become the World's new sovereign economies.  The new economy must become sovereign, unlike the old economy that was backed by oil and wars. The new economy, backed by production and stores of agriculture creates an asset-backed digital currency. A currency backed and exchangeable by all forms of precious metals. Trade becomes certified hard-physical-collectors-value coins that support a sovereign blockchain currency that the treasure exchanges for agriculture. Thus promoting a gold rush of sustainable agriculture globally.
Exchange rates will apply to the higher qualities based on sustainability, natural qualities, safe, and beneficial aspects of agriculture. The more individuals in agriculture employ, the more they yield, the more they exchange in-store banks to either sell and distribute agriculture to dealers or to place in storehouses to distribute to those who are in demand. Those who are unable to produce or yield agriculture can find work and use among other means of talents to earn a wage and trade for the asset-backed blockchain. B will not stand for bitcoin but blockchain. You do not mine for it, you produce it.  
Storehouses for agriculture will be set up by sovereign governments, not corporations, like a bank, to trade and exchange agriculture. Like storing corn, wheat, or frozen products. Those in agriculture can exchange product to sovereign government treasuries in government storehouses, in exchange for digital backed currency. The better the product the better the exchange. Instead of stocking up on oil, wars, greed, and legal battles, citizens and businesses will produce agriculture because it will become the most valuable source of trade. All individuals and businesses will always have a buyer and the buyer will always pay a good asset-backed sustainable wage. Assets and exchange will be of quality rather than quantity. Teachers and clerks and programmers will be paid in the asset-backed blockchain according to how much their skill contributes to the betterment of mankind through proving quality agriculture, health, medicine, real estate, education and overall goodness towards mankind. Ultimately precious metals backing the chain never will lose value as for each new coin made it will have collectors value. They will all be numbered and designed with artistic value and be .9999% of any metal copper, silver, nickel, gold, platinum etc...
All forms of small and big businesses will become agriculture based. Form education, to technology and from medical care to communications and mining. We base all forms of monetary backing on agriculture rather than fiat.  By backing a digital currency with quality sustainable agriculture and hard physical precious collectible assets, the main focus of trade becomes interchangeable and exchangeable with asset-backed sovereign blockchain cryptocurrency. This prevents corruption, and benefits every aspect of creating billions of new jobs, majority rule politics, and 99% of all global needs. Once implemented, we discover unity and peace among all peoples. Our goal should and must be benefiting all humans, exploration, science, peace, equality, and happiness for all.
The economies of the world can and will become sustainable by feeding the planet. By doing so we begin to addressing, employing, and keeping track of greenhouse gas emissions, water use, waste, and economic misery. Issues that plague all nations today.
The complexity of delivering a sufficient economy and proper food supply to the whole world’s population shows why sustainable, proper, and affordable meals are a priority for all humanity. We must approach this issue as sovereign nations, globally, and for all nations. For the betterment of all peoples, cultures, traditions, and beliefs. This is no doubt a global hurdle. It is not simply about food and feeding people. This concerns all levels of Planet Earth's economies, businesses, and our world's society as a whole.
The way Americans conduct business today is in a state of gestational birth. The world as a one belt one road society is in a phase of trying to figure out how to make the global economic situation better. In the process, like children managing an allowance in the candy store, the worlds top 1% have amassed nearly 51% of global wealth.  These very people are also the individuals who control corporate activities from store shelves, water supplies, news, and information.
While many things in today's world are positive and can be used to forward the betterment of mankind, the majority of mankind has been left behind and left unable to make an impact for the better. Sadly,  billions and billions of humans live each day worried about how they can amass more wealth to meet the needs of an economic world that can never be met.
By basing currency on beneficial and sustainable agriculture and good healthy equal lifestyles, we can defeat a never-ending battle with economic turmoil, misery, and financial and global uncertainty. Most humans fear the next bill or debt they have to pay because most are in debt. Many can not get medical or dental care that can heal and cure them of illnesses. Most do not qualify for a loan because either the percentages are too high or too low. They are uncertain that they can earn a wage to pay a debt.  By basing currency on agriculture, billions and billions have access to a good income and financial stability.
To solve: I am focusing on business that creates and generates local ways of growing foods that boost families economically and thrive local homes, small businesses and economies.
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