virsamin · 2 years
New MLQC Series!
The world is ending, and there’s no way to stop the on-coming meteor from spiraling towards the earth. Scientists, including Lucien, equate it to the big bang, and can only give an estimated amount of time before it hits. The phrase, ‘Do what you want, while you can’ litters the streets, the familiar graffiti font covering signs and subway stations. You have one week.
Welcome to my new MLQC series! I'd like to do one for each MLQC love interest. Vote on my Twitter to pick which MLQC boy comes first!
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virsamin · 3 years
Hey guys! I just finished my last semester and I’m opening up commissions for Christmas! If any of you are interested, send me a message! You can check out some of my works here.
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virsamin · 3 years
Seeing Victor for the First Time, High School AU Drabble
“Hey, isn’t that the new kid?” Anna’s eyes trail towards the back of the room, skimming over the posters on the colorful bulletin board to find a tall foreboding Asian boy quietly taking notes.
“Hm?” Emci’s head tilts, eyes focused on the vibrant notes in front of her. Her head strays from the papers to look in the direction Anna was facing.
“The one in the back, by Mrs. Carter.”
“Victor?” His brows were furrowed, he wasn’t frowning but he wasn’t smiling either. He’s dressed in dark pants and a dark grey sweater, a crisp white shirt peeking from underneath it. His brows were thick, jaw sharp, his eyes… It was an unnatural mix between blue and grey and piercing nonetheless.
“Yeah, he’s kinda cute. He’s like totally your type.” Anna smiles knowingly to the girl besides her and doesn’t miss the way her eyes graze the entirety of him.
“You’re not wrong.” Emci looks away, her lips pursing in the way she tries to hold back a smile and fails yet again.
“...You don’t sound excited as I thought you would.” It's a question in a statement, though her tone and look makes it seem accusatory.
“Well- He looks like he’s pissed. But like, all the time.” Her eyes glance back up towards his only to find him looking back in her direction.
“Shit we just made eye contact-”
“Emci you’re not supposed to look away right after, then people know you’re talking about them.” Anna stares at her wide eyes before she finds Emci looking away from her. “-DON’T LOOK BACK AT HIM.”
“I’M SORRY,” They’re whisper screaming at each other, they both of their hands flailing in panic, “-NO, do NOT look at me like that! You know I don’t know how to act around boys!” Emci groans and her face flushes red.
“Tsk, I had higher expectations.” Emci rolls her eyes and looks back at him again, a smile plastered on her face as she presses her fingers together and sends him an awkward wave. She turns back to her best friend and gives an exasperated sigh.
“This is why I’m going to die alone.”
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virsamin · 3 years
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virsamin · 3 years
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virsamin · 3 years
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virsamin · 3 years
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(He low-key looks like Levi)
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virsamin · 3 years
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virsamin · 4 years
I was trying to make an OC and all of a sudden I find myself recreating the MLQC boys. Whoops.
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Gavin (they didn’t have his hair color, this was the closest I could get it):
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Me (lol):
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Here’s the website I used if you want it: https://picrew.me/image_maker/191322
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virsamin · 4 years
High School AU: Movie
Kiro Drabble: Fluff
“Alrighty, good morning class! Today’s an easy day, we’re just gonna finish up ‘The Crucibles’. I know it’s only 7 in the morning, but I need you to keep your head up, just because I turned the lights off doesn’t mean that it’s time to go back to sleep!” The class murmurs, a quiet rumble starts as Mr. Smith rewinds the movie.
“Hey.” He says it twice now, tapping on Emci’s shoulder whilst whispering.
"You still got the white pen on you?" She nods, looking tiredly in his direction. With the lights dimmed, the soft white light from the projector illuminated his face, a soft blue painting his usual peach complexion. The dangling faux silver cross clipped on his ear glints, the other half of his face lost in the shadow. She smiled. ‘A cute concept’ She mentally takes a picture, grinning at the way he squirmed under her gaze.
"Why?" She rests her head in her palm and leans on the desk in front of her.
"Can I borrow it?" He’s reaching for her bag and she’s quick to grab the pencil case before him.
"Shouldn't you be watching the movie?" She raises an eyebrow, a small smile playing at her lips.
"Shouldn’t you?" He mimics her movements, tilting his head, his smirk is prominent and it makes her heart stutter.
"What do you mean? I am watching the movie?" Her brows furrow, and her head jerks back slightly. The room quiets down, only the lull of the projector is heard along with the few lines the characters speak and they lower their voices significantly.
“How long do you plan to watch the movie? You always fall asleep.” He’s grinning now, and her face grows concerned. ‘How many times has he watched me sleep?’ “Don’t worry, you’re adorable when you sleep. Nothing bothers you and you look extremely peaceful.” He looks away and the corner of his lips tug outwards. He says this, barely audible yet it’s as if he’s confirming to himself rather than the girl next to him.
“I am not, and I don’t ALWAYS fall asleep.” She’s thankful for the lights being off or else he’d tease her for the way her cheeks were stained a light red.
“How much do you wanna bet that you’re gonna fall asleep within the first 20 minutes?”
“...I’m broke as of right now, but after my next paycheck, loser buys lunch.”
“Deal.” They clasp hands, and he juts his pinky out and seizes hers before she can think about pulling away. The pinky promise and he winks.
‘It hasn’t even been 15 minutes and she's already out.’ He looks at the way she's draped herself over her right arm, her head turned his way, previously watching him draw geometric shapes along his arms. Her coat was wrapped around her shoulders, the fur hoodie tickling her face and she smiles peacefully as she sleeps.
“It’s just too easy with you.” He's quiet, but he leans over, drawing a petal on the part of her arm that slipped out of the jacket. She stirs for a second and he freezes. She sighs softly in her sleep and he smiles. ‘The things I’d do to know what you’re thinking.’
He continues drawing, using quick and light strokes to embellish the lovely skin of her hand, never pushing too hard to wake her up, and before he knew it the bell rings and there’s a rush of people in the hall.
“Hey.” His fingers run through her hair and he massages her scalp lightly. “Emci.” His voice is gentle, he whispers his words by her ear. “Wake up Emci, the bell rang. Also, you owe me lunch.”
A/N: I’m back! I lot of things have happened over the last few months but I’m back for good and if anyone wants to discuss (R.A.N.T.) about the new chapters, HMU! I’ve been watching so many coming of age movies during quarantine, I h a d to write some High School AU MLQC fics! (Be ready for a couple more!)
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virsamin · 4 years
This is amazing, I'm CRYING 😭❤️
In Hushed Whispers | MLQC Victor
Fandom: Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Victor/Reader
Rating: 18+/Explicit/NSFW
Word Count: 5k
Summary: It started out as a mission, as a wicked game–and then things spiralled out of your control. With a past shrouded in darkness and a need to protect him, will you be strong enough to step into the light?
A/N: I’ve been daydreaming about a Black Swan!MC concept for so long and finally found the willpower write something for it. This was was supposed to be a lot cooler and hateful, but I’m not cool and it’s Victor XD MC’s a producer, but that’s more of a cover, or a surface job. 
the title is a quest from DA: Inquisition! I don’t own it, or any of the characters from Mr Love: Queen’s Choice.
(warnings/tags below the cut)
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virsamin · 4 years
This is hella cute too, send me asks!
1. “Yeah, yeah. You’re cute. Just stop smiling at me like that.” 
2. “I love you, but please stop whatever it is that you’re doing.” 
3. “You’re so annoying. Oh my God– I love you so much.” 
5. “Listen, I enjoy this hug and all, but can you stop?”
6. “Give me a minute, I’m going to tickle the shit out of you.” 
7. “Hey, stop looking at me like that– I don’t like how cute you look.” 
8. “Please, stop smiling at me like that. I’m not sure what will happen if you keep doing that.” 
9. “I don’t like people, but you’re an exception.” 
10. “You’re the only one who gets to call me that, you know.” 
11. “I crave your affection, but I crave your silence even more– shut up.” 
12. “Is this your way of subtly hinting that you want to hold my hand because it’s quite cute, but I’m not in the mood to hold your hand.” 
13. “You’re talking too much, just shut up and hold me.” 
14. “Ew. Get away from me. No– not you. You stay.” 
15. “Hi, I’ve been subtle at hinting that I want your attention all day and you haven’t noticed once and now I’m pissed.”
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virsamin · 4 years
I wanna try this, send me asks with the character you'd like!
Here are some things that your characters could argue about:
what to have for dinner
one of them was late to/forgot about an event
one of them spoiled a book/movie/tv show/etc for the other(s)
which one of them gets the window seat on a plane
whether the toilet paper roll should hang over or under
opposing opinions on a movie/book/tv show/song/etc
one of them ate the other(s)’s leftovers without asking
which tv show/movie to watch
how to pronounce a word that they all say differently
one of them didn’t text/call the other(s) back
opposing political opinions
what to name a new pet
one of them lost to the other(s) in a board game/video game/sport/etc and has accused them of cheating
which member of a band/group is the cutest
one of them is really messy and the other(s) is/are tired of cleaning up after them
what the correct words are to a lyric in a song that neither of them can decipher
whether “the dress” is blue and black or gold and white / whether they hear laurel or yanny / other similar memes
one of them had borrowed something from the other(s) and did not return it
whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza
which of them loves the other(s) the most
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virsamin · 4 years
Anthesis | MLQC Victor
Fandom: Mr Love Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Hades!Victor/Persephone|Kore!Reader
Rating: 18+/Explicit
Word Count: 10k
Summary: Your ambition takes you down a path few would prefer to take, to the world where the dead go to rest. But in a place where you expect to find only darkness, you’re surprised to find so much more.
A/N: Better late than never? Happy (belated) Birthday, Victor! Ily. This was supposed to be up on his birthday but, well, I had zero motivation to write at the time lmao. Please keep in mind that this is mostly inspired from alternate versions of the Hades/Persephone tale, and not the original. These are pretty much my own versions of them.
(tags under the cut)
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virsamin · 4 years
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Someone take photoshop away from me, lol
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virsamin · 4 years
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virsamin · 4 years
I'm C R YI N G
Reader x Victor {MLQC} - Runaway
Title: Runaway Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice Character: Victor Genre: angst Warnings: sad Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience  Word Count: 751 words POV: second person Written by: @mythiica​ Request: @stillundecidedusername​ 
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Other comments: u want angst okay here u go
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“When did you say you needed to be there?” Victor growls as he grips the steering wheel. He looks at you from the corner of his eye, but then quickly returns his attention to the road. The words slip past his teeth and he has to keep himself from grinding his jaws together in anger. 
          “It doesn’t matter. I’m late anyways…” You fold your hands over the layers of white lace and cream tulle. It is a struggle to hold your tears back, but you save face and watch the traffic. 
         The two of you are silent, but then again, you don’t really know what you expected to happen. Your dress slips up a bit when you wriggle on the seat, and you realize your silk-clad heels are stained with muddy water from stepping over the gutter. It makes you snort, but at least the long edge of tour skirt will hide it from guests. 
         “What are you laughing at now?” 
         “My shoes are dirty.” 
         “We’re not stopping to get new ones.” 
         “I didn’t ask.” 
         Victor speeds through a yellow light and makes a sharp left turn. Cars honk and you instinctively reach for the handle above your head to grip it. 
         It starts raining again, and the sky looks how you feel. A swirling mound of grey hiding the pretty blue of a bright future. You lean your head against the window, no longer caring for your makeup or hair. Running through the city to Victor’s office building did enough damage to your foundation that it was a waste to put it on in the first place.
         The next time Victor makes a sudden turn, you slide around a bit and nearly hit your head against the ceiling of the car. 
         He clicks his tongue and slows down to the speed limit so that he can reach over your chest. His arm brushes against your chest, and you hope that his suit is thick enough that it muffles the vibrations of your pounding heart. “You’re not wearing a seatbelt. Do you want to make it there in one piece or multiple?” 
         Victor clicks the metal into its place and returns his hand to the wheel. He obviously wasn’t looking for an answer, and you don’t have it in you to make a joke. I didn’t want to mess up the ruffling. It’s custom, you know.
         You bite the inside of your cheek and see the tower of the chapel in the distance. Dread fills you, but you swallow your guilt and sink down in the leather. 
         “Why didn’t you accept the invitation?” 
         The engine revs angrily, seemingly in response to your question. Victor changes his footing and starts to break slowly for the last turn. “Like I said in my email, I had a meeting.” 
         “But when I came upstairs, you were in your office.” 
         He huffs and runs a hand through his hair. “Idiot,” he mutters under his breath. “They canceled last minute.” 
         You know that Victor is lying. 
         He was always a bad liar. 
         A pearl hangs loose from the stitching at your waist, and you tug at it as a child would. Only now do you realize that you are missing one of your expensive acrylic nails. It must have hooked on something and fallen off. 
         “You still could have come, we have extra seats.” 
         Victor’s expression relaxes, like he wants to say something, but he lets it go. 
         He stops in front of the chapel. “No, I couldn’t have.” 
         The car locks click. 
         “You’re late, so go.” 
         Now the urge to cry returns, even if you know that Victor is right. Taking a handful of your dress, you step out of the car and turn to thank him. Victor rolls down the window and finally meets your gaze. 
         “To be clear, this is the last time I drive you to your wedding, so make sure it… counts.” 
         Brushing a few strands of hair back, you pull a flower free from the nest atop your head. You let it drop onto the passenger seat of his car. “Thank you, Victor.” 
         With that, you turn and march yourself up the steps for the second time. 
         You want him to call for you. 
         When you look over your shoulder, Victor gives you the saddest smile you have ever seen. 
         “Congratulations on your marriage.” 
         He changes the gear and takes off, not daring to stay a moment longer and witness the love of his life marry someone else. 
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