virtusace-archive · 10 years
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            “Imayoshi´s the kind of person who gets things                                                                              d o n e,                          especially in situations like this.”
                               [✗     indie Imayoshi Shouichi roleplay]
✗   6+ years of rping experience, one on tumblr ✗   oc, au and most definitely crossover friendly! ✗   multiverse and probably multi ship / <- that however depends on my partner ✗   one liner, icon, para, crack everything rolls with me ✗   will adapt her writing style, depending on the partner    ✗   skype and kik for ooc and maybe ic interaction available on request ✗   mun is a friendly crack turtle                                                 home II                   II  ask                                                              guidelines
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
I´m officially back and running again over here! uvu
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
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There´s no such thing as a  u s e l e s s  player on a team.      Even if you can never play in a match…           I  can´t stand to think that a guy who stays later than the first string…                  stays later than  a n y o n e  to practice is completely useless.
                                    [✗   indie aomine daiki roleplay blog] ✗   6+ years of rping experience, one on tumblr ✗   oc, au and most definitely crossover friendly! ✗   multiverse and probably multi ship / <- that however depends on my partner ✗   one liner, icon, para, crack everything rolls with me ✗   will adapt her writing style, depending on the partner    ✗   skype and kik for ooc and maybe ic interaction available on request ✗   has already roleplaye´d as Aomine before taking a break ✗   mun is a friendly crack turtle                                                 home II                   II  ask                                                              guidelines
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
      Aomine only nodded before he got back to work, trying his best to tend the others wound as good as humanly possible with only one hand and close to zero experience, except the bullshit knowledge from all these dumb soap operas Satsuki forced him to watch. Though, he was kinda glad that she did. He would have absolutely no Idea what to do right now if it weren´t for these things.                             The bluenette might or might not thank her later.      Carefully cleaning the wound on the redheads stomach he let out a light sigh of relief, the cut luckily not being as deep as he first had thought. Everything was gonna be okay. Pressing the wet cloth onto the flesh, randomly hoping that it would help stopping the bleeding at least a bit until he was able to wrap some bandages around it.     "Oi, Akashi."He muttered, wiggling his hand loose. "Kinda need my other hand for this now."
There’s blood. A lot of it -Heterochromatic-king
   Akashi’s eyes widened slightly at the squeeze to his hand, having not expected Aomine to return the affection. Seemed like even Aomine could surprise him in certain situations. Giving a nod of his head at the tanned male’s words, he focused on staying awake – keen on finishing the quest. He wouldn’t fall asleep, especially because he was afraid and because he of some reason didn’t want to disappoint Aomine.
"I won’t," he assured in a mutter, glad that the other male had accepted his request of them sleeping together afterwards. He noticed that Aomine’s skin was warm and it would surely be nice to cuddle up beside him, stealing some of his body warmth. The wound that was currently being taken care of stung a bit, and the pain was kind of numbing – so numbing that he almost didn’t feel it at all. 
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
  The tanned male only let out a slightly irritated huff at that. "I never said that." Was his eventual answer. He couldn´t exactly say that he enjoyed playing in the Toó Basketball team, however, to say that he hated it was far away from being true. He... liked it. No more and no less, and frankly, that was enough for him.  Aomine blinked at the redhead, a bit confused and maybe a bit surprised at the sudden change of topic, but decided to not comment about that fact.                "´s there?"
Kidnapped /The aftermath/ -Heterochromatic-king
    Akashi raised a red brow at Aomine’s choice of words, before letting out a small chuckle. “Oh? So you are saying that you hate it?” he questioned once again, smirk tilting his lips. If anything, then he knew Aomine didn’t hate the school. Just like he knew that Aomine didn’t hate basketball, despite the fact that he was as lazy as he was. 
Akashi had the odd urge to continue the conversation, make it going and then ‘force’ Aomine to stay over. However, if probably wasn’t the best urge – the mere fact that he didn’t want Aomine to leave might be a problem. Shaking his head inwardly, he reminded himself that he couldn’t treat human beings like that and that he shouldn’t worry about the loneliness he felt every time he was alone.
"Daiki, there is some food on your face."
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
Sorreh for the inactivity lately-
     But I had my first Final today so I was kinda occupied the whole time with studying for that damned thing.
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    Anyway- I´m back now and I´ll get to my drafts right away
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
   -Don´t touch me I´m playing Batman
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
    -{Ugh- I am here but I´m not sure if I´ll do any roleplaying atm because I´m in a really bad mood jfc
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
   {My Aomine brings all the Takao´s to the yard
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
Random Sentence Memes (Sickness Edition)
"Have you seen you?" "You look terrible." "When was the last time you ate?" "Are you sure you can handle that on your own?" "Do I look sick to you?" "Ugh, I think I’m going to be sick." "Are you sure that was supposed to make me feel better?" "Since when do you have medical training?" "I refuse to accept that diagnosis." "You look perfectly fine to me." "I think you might be a hypochondriac." "Well maybe if you actually bothered to go see someone about it this wouldn’t keep happening." "We’re going to the hospital." "Are you afraid of needles?" "You need more blood or something." "Just try not to die, okay?"
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
   -The last thing Aomine remembered were vicious red flames licking at his tanned skin, the heat burning, the feeling getting worse with every step he took.      So who could really blame him for thinking that he was in heaven when the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes and everything was frigging shining in a white light?      However he was quickly pulled to the ground of reality again when a dull ache in his head made him groan.       Trying to shield his eyes from the blinding light he noticed how heavy his limbs actually were and quickly discharged the attempt to save his eyelight. It took a while for his brain to catch up with the situation, to understand what happened in the, for him at least, last minutes.       Considering the dull pain and the almost unsettling sterile white room, he figured that he was in a hospital. Great. At least he didn´t die. That was a good thing. The fact that he could answer the Docs questions without much complications was a good thing too, he supposed. The fact that a colleague just stopped by to tell him that everyone was safe and got away with only minor injuries was a damn good thing too.       The only problem left was that there was no busty nurse to aid him back to health. Seriously, what the hell. There was something wrong with that.    So, the tanned male kept on musing on why the heck he had to deal with what felt like 20 Docs but no nurse a few minutes before, almost missing how the door to his room opened and someone entered.   Blue orbs perking up, gaze fixing on the guy he almost muttered; You´re no busty nurse. He however restricted himself as he saw the firefighter uniform. That was one of the guys who had saved him and the others. He should show at least a bit of gratitude.                                "I asked for a busty nurse."                       Yes, that was a way much better greeting.
Virtusace & Basketballbastard || Without Basketball AU
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
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[text] Fuck you, Bastard
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[text] Like your face is?
[text] everyday
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
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[text] Are you trying to blackmail me? Who the fuck would believe you that anyway [text] Shut the fuck up Bakagami. [text] There is none. [text] jeez, I can hear you grind your teeth through the phone, asshat. No one asked you to fucking stick your nose into my business.
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[text] I’d be polite if I were you. Wouldn’t want anyone else knowing about your guy crush would you?
[text] come on don’t be like that
[text] what’s the poor guy’s name?
[text] shut up no one asked you
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
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     -Aomine was pretty sure that a vein popped up on his forehead at the idiots behavior. Why was he dealing with him again?                                    No fucking idea.    The only thing he knew for sure was that he was about to punch that fucking idiot right in the face for dingling around the damn keys infront of his face instead trying to open the door.   Luckily the other turned around and did just that, or at least tried to, before the tanned male got a proper chance to punch him. 
    "Are you finished yet, Bakagami? I´m not gonna stand here to keep you straight up forever."
Virtusace & Jumpingkagami || Celebrations
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virtusace-archive · 10 years
There’s blood. A lot of it -Heterochromatic-king
   When Aomine returned by his side, Akashi gave a small nod of his head. “Of course,” he muttered, just waiting for the slight stinging pain to appear at the wound of his stomach. He was becoming tired, and it was hard to keep his eyes open, but he knew that he couldn’t sleep now. If anything then his fear wouldn’t let him. Reaching out, he grabbed Aomine’s free hand and held it in his own, no words spoken. An odd sense of calmness spread through him at the feeling of having another hand in his, and it made his body relax even more.
"I’m tired…" he muttered suddenly, completely out of the blue. He was so scared of falling asleep, but he couldn’t keep his eyes open much longer. "When you are done… will you sleep with me then?" he added in a low voice, pure innocence in the sentence. He just wanted to someone beside him when he finally fell asleep, because perhaps then he wouldn’t feel as lonely as usual.
  Aomine gave no comment when the other grabbed his free hand. It´s not like he didn´t have a ton of them lying on top of his tongue- it was kind of a reflex to snort and comment about things like that after all- but he managed to shut himself off in time, telling himself to keep them for later.    Squeezing the hand back lightly, blue hues fixed on half lidded red ones. He would be lying if he said that he was not surprised by the words which came out of his mouth in the coming next moments. "Alright.-" But he totally did not regret them either. "-So kindly shut up and concentrate. You better not fall asleep until I do."
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