vitaoasis · 2 years
It’s allowed.
You can’t expect the same of yourself every single day. There are so many factors that impact how much you can give on any given day.
Yes, you’re trying to build better habits.
Yes, consistency is important to build those habits.
If you do less exercising today it’s okay.
If you don’t do any of the dishes it’s okay.
If you meditate half your usual time it’s okay.
I’d you do half/a quarter/skip the thing it’s okay.
Don’t berate.
Don’t catastrophize.
Pick it back up tomorrow at whatever level your energy/spoons/time/mental&emotional capacity allows.
Don’t give up.
You haven’t failed.
You’re honouring your limits and working within them.
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vitaoasis · 4 years
No matter where I go, I still end up me. What's missing never changes. The scenery may change, but I'm still the same incomplete person. The same missing elements torture me with a hunger that I can never satisfy. I think that lack itself is as close as I'll come to defining myself.
— Haruki Murakami, South Of The Border, West Of The Sun
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vitaoasis · 4 years
My weird yet effective writing routine
To me, writing is quite an intuitive process. I basically just follow my gut. Nevertheless, throughout the years, I’ve been able to develop a pretty effective routine, and I’m going to share it with you now!
Writing circuits. I don’t know about you, but I’m super lazy, and I also love to procrastinate. So, instead of writing for three hours straight, I split this time into little circuits and plan them throughout the day. Let’s say I’ll write for an hour in the morning, then an hour and a half in the afternoon and so on. It’s also incredibly beneficial for your health – both mental and physical.
Have a plan.  I’m a discovery writer, and I don’t really outline that much. But as I go about my day – eg. when working out, or running, or cooking, or eating, or sitting and doing nothing because of this procrastination right – I think about what I want to accomplish. And I usually ask myself the following questions. What is the purpose of this scene? Which characters should appear in this scene? Should it be more visual or more internally-focused? What actually happens? How should I describe it? Thanks to this, I have a general plan, and I’m much more motivated to actually write instead of visualizing that scene in my head (we all know this, don’t we?).
Write. Then I write. I write whatever pops into my head. I don’t care if it’s logical. I don’t care how many times I use abruptly, saw, felt, etc. I just allow my imagination to create this story.
Notes. When I end my final little session, I usually leave some comments for myself. What’s going to happen next, what’s the next big thing I want for my characters, etc. Having these notes makes everything easier; I immediately know what I’m supposed to do.
Having fun. I don’t care about the word count, deadlines, or anything like that. I enjoy the process, and I’m always very grateful for everything I write. I actually have this cute/weird habit: Whenever I end my writing session, I say ‘thank you’. Out loud. (Yeah, awkward, huh?) Thank you for my amazing imagination which allows me to create places and people in my mind! This kind of approach always makes me happy and even more motivated for my next writing session.
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vitaoasis · 4 years
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when you’re trying to write and your last two functioning brain cells start yelling at each other
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vitaoasis · 4 years
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it’s for you
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vitaoasis · 4 years
May the scars from your past be forever filled with growth and healing.
Nicole Addison | thepowerwithin
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vitaoasis · 4 years
#longweekend #groovy
Looking at the long weekend like:
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vitaoasis · 4 years
#me #rightnow #independenceday
When it’s a long weekend
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vitaoasis · 5 years
All jokes about being an introvert aside, humans are naturally social creatures and we need stimulation. Whether you're self isolating or your city/town/country is on lockdown, this will affect your mental health if you don't take care of yourself. I know we all joke that we never go outside anyway, but the fact we can't go out, even if we want to, is going to affect us. So I've compiled a list of things to do!
Clean. Cleaaaaaaan. Being in a clean house will make this so much nicer. If you're stuck in your house all day, being in a clean home will help. Plus, it's good exercise.
If you have a garden and can go in it, do! Plant some stuff for spring, tidy it up, feed the birds, whatever.
If you have a Netflix watch list, go through it. Watch stuff in the background while cleaning or something.
If you're sick, change your bed. I've been in bed a lot and I just changed it and it's nice to have fresh sheets instead of my sweaty ones.
Take up a craft. Go on pinterest and diy some shit.
Watch documentaries
Change out of your pyjamas, even if it's just into a hoodie and some sweats. You'll feel better.
If you have schoolwork to do, do it. I know, it's boring, but itll kill some time.
Paint, collage, sketch. Try and improve your skills. Get creative!
Call your family and friends! Facetime or phone. Call your mum, your auntie, your best friend, whoever. We're human and we need contact.
Rearrange your furniture, create a new environment.
Have a clear out of clothes you don't wear anymore
Read!! Read books you haven't read yet or reread your favourite books. Get lost in a different world.
If you're not in school, perhaps teach yourself something. I like to study stuff in my own time. Botany, human evolution, space, anything. Learning stuff is fun when you're not getting graded on it.
Fuck it, learn a new language. Go on omegle or something and talk to people from different countries and test your skills.
Bake, cook, make something. I recommend bread. I have a recipe under my #angie talks tag.
Support small businesses. I'm on a group chat with fellow shop owners and they're all worried about the sales going down. I know, right now you're worried about needing necessities, but shop around on etsy and buy birthday presents, diy kits, jewellery etc. You'll make their week.
If you're sick, open the windows. Its recommended for coronavirus anyway but its nicer to be in bed with the window open.
Watch nature outside your house. For like half an hour today I watched birds. I counted 56 this morning.
Make your own natural remedies for your symptoms. If you're on any medication, as always, check for interactions.
Put on loud music and dance. Get your blood flowing
Check out home workouts on YouTube. Keeping active boosts your immune system and itll pass the time
Make stuff out of trash. Pinterest is full of diy crafts, my favourites are bird feeders out of bottles and planters out of bottles.
Get into your sewing pile and mend clothes
Embroider funky patches
If you're quarantined with family, chat to them. Suggest a family movie night or break out some board games. My husband refuses to play chess with me because I'm too good at it, I've never lost a chess game in my life
Chat to people on tumblr
Journal how you feel or vent to someone. Its frustrating being stuck inside
World build! Make maps of imagined places
Upcycle your clothes and make them look cooler
Make a bucket list
That's all the suggestions I have for now. If anyone is interested in more recommendations for books/movies/shows/stuff to learn, let me know!
Please, look after your mental as well as your physical health. Stay in touch with people, we need togetherness in these times, not isolation. Stay safe, stay healthy♥️
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vitaoasis · 5 years
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im very grateful for the lessons in photography i was taught in stop motion class because just now they made it possible to photograph the stars with my phone in spite of the camera usually not detecting the light of stars because theyre so dim,,,, enjoy these shiny motherfuckers
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vitaoasis · 5 years
We must learn to reawaken and keep ourselves awake.
Henry David Thoreau (via icreatewhatibelieve)
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vitaoasis · 5 years
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vitaoasis · 5 years
take your time, just breathe. the world may be moving fast around you but that is no reason to loose your inner peace. just breathe and be still. you are loved in this moment.
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vitaoasis · 5 years
Be content where you are planted, and the abundance you seek will follow.
juansen dizon (via juansendizon)
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vitaoasis · 5 years
I am deeply loved by the Universe. All my desires are given to me in perfect timing.
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vitaoasis · 5 years
If you can just appreciate each thing, one by one, then you will have pure gratitude. Even though you observe just one flower, that one flower includes everything.
Shunryu Suzuki (via aspiritualwarrior)
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vitaoasis · 5 years
The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.
unknown (via samxcamargo)
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