vodkasunflower · 10 years
Oh so the Magic Parlor was an eatery of sorts, that did make a lot more sense then some dinky shop selling colorful illusion tricks to children and strange middle aged men. This place did have some creative names for places.
He followed after the smaller girl, laughing under his breath at her excitement. "I am coming. I am coming. No need to pull."
Rising Temperature | Ivan + Eru
"Yeah, summer!" Did this man not know what summer was? He seemed so confused when she said it! Maybe that’s why he’s dressed so strangely; he’s from a cold country!
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"Yes, the Magic Parlor! It’s one of my favorite places to eat!" Her indigo orbs glistened with delight at the thought of all those ice cream flavors they could sample. "It’s a hot day, so it’s the perfect place to eat!"
She grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him towards the door in an excited haste. “Let’s go, Ivan-kun!”
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
Ivan pointed to himself questioningly, looking around to make sure he was being addressed before putting down the large slice he had been making progress on.
"No. No problem. I only was thinking how if someone were to hold a magnet up to you, your face would be pulling to it with all those stupid piercings you have." He laughed.
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P I Z Z A || Open
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Glares at the person looking at him strangely from the their seat. Here he was innocently, waiting for his pizza to be cooked up and this person kept sending dirty looks his way.
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
"Summer..." Ivan repeated aloud, acting as if the word's meaning was something he had never heard of before as he continued to inspect his own clothing. Maybe he should buy one of the fashion magazines beside them, the 'freezing tundra' look was so last season (no pun intended).
"A magic parlour?... That is a strange place to spend one's freetime." He said, mostly to himself. "It would be my honor to escort you, Eru" Ivan smiled wider at being referred to as a friend.
Rising Temperature | Ivan + Eru
"No, it’s just… it’s summer, so…"
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Eru looked down at her own body and the white cotton sundress she was attired in; compared to him, she was so under-dressed, it was a little embarrassing to say the least. With a shy tug of her bag, she bashfully covered herself with both arms.
"Ah, this might seem a bit forward, but would you like to go to The Magic Parlour? A friend of mine just cancelled on me, and I’d rather not go by myself. I want to get to know my new friend!"
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
"It is good to meet you too, miss Eru. Yes, I have only been here for a few months but I have finally done with moving in." Ivan said back cheerfully to the girl. He looked a little lost at her next question, looking down at his attire and blinking. "No. Should I be?" The man answered, the overly warm clothing seeming perfectly normal to him as he adjusted his scarf a bitter tighter.
With an exasperated sigh, Eru took a moment to compose herself before answering the man’s question. The snarl that was present on her face not a moment ago was instantly replaced with a radiant, blissful smile in his direction.
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“I’m Eru!” she responded in a jovial tone, no longer wound up by the magazine that had upset her a minute ago. “It’s nice to meet you, Ivan! Are you new? I’ve never seen you around before!”
The young farm girl took notice of how the man was dressed; a thick wintercoat and a scarf, in the summer heat?
She paused, pursing her lips before inquiring about his odd decision to wear such suffocating clothes in humid weather.
"Aren’t you… hot in that, Ivan-san?"
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
Ivan was snapped out of his trance by the small voice behind him. He turned to look at dark-haired girl and quickly changed his scowl into a smile as not to scare her. "Yes. They shouldn't waste their time with other people's lives." He said with a small nod to the other, watching as she placed her magazine down. "I'm Ivan, who are you?"
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"It's disgusting, isn't it?" a voice squeaked from behind the large Russian. It was a young schoolgirl adoring the SOU uniform, her tiny hands holding onto a gossip magazine with great agitation, and her baby-like facial features scrunched up, showing her displeasure towards the magazine in her hands.
"I don't like it. People should mind their own business." She huffed as she shoved the tabloid back onto its shelf, disgustedly.
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
Open rp
The large Russian stood in front of a row of magazine kiosks with his arms crossed and a dark expression on his face. The covers of the thin loosely bound pages were colorful and cluttered with different titles declaring the names of articles held inside each one. While he could fully speak the English language, it wasn't his native tongue and some of it could be rather confusing. The most aggravating for him though was definitely the more pop culture aspects of it. Case in point: The magazines. Why did they all have to be so irritating to him? how many sex scandals could one celebrity even have?  and, more importantly, why the hell was the public so apparently obsessed with it? He glared daggers at the printed faces in front of him, needless to say it must have been a rather strange sight.
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
30 Days Meme
Day 1: Where was your character born? Ivan was born in the Arkhangelsk region of Russia
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
The on-duty police officer eyed the strange gutter-fascinated man with confusion. He noted the other was dressed too nicely to be a mentally ill homeless man or a drug obsessed criminal. Curious, the tall man walked towards the sighing man, peering over his shoulder to see what exactly he finds so amazing about the dirty gutter. "Need some help, sir?" Ivan asked with a slight condescending note to his voice.
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Arthur stared down at the key dropped in a gutter, never to be retrieved again.
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
((im gonna cry))
“You’re tense, let me rub your shoulders.” He said to the younger girl from over her shoulder, placing a hand on either one and giving a small squeeze and a pleasant smile. This of course was in all accounts a completely and undeniably innocent offer from a concerned adult figure and in no way should have been assumed to be anything else.
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
"Oh really?" Ivan asked in response to the last thing Levi had said, having to lean down to the other’s height level to look him in the eye when he spoke. He of course made the situation worse by placing his hands on his knees during this to make it look as though he were talking to a elementary school child when in fact the shorter man was indeed older then he.
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
“Go on, I dare you.” Ivan said to the other blond, holding virus’s glasses above his head as though he were playing with a dog. “Are you a man? because physically you are looking more like a woman.” He smirked
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
Send me a ★and I will generate a number for what my muse will say to yours.
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
(1. Do ten sit ups)"Only ten?" Ivan asked with a small laugh as he took off his coat, setting it down to keep it from getting wrinkled and lay down on the floor. He put his hands behind his neck and started counting off the situps in russian. as he approached the 7 situp mark he started to breath a little heavier and took a few more seconds in between each one, as they started getting a bit harder than he would ever admit. ‘Had he really let himself go this much?’ He thought to himself as he did the tenth feat of strength and stood. "Easy." the word was accompanied with a confident smile.
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
Send me "Truth" or "Dare" (SFW VERSION)
I’ll generate a number from 1-17 from the appropriate list for my muse to carry out the action!
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vodkasunflower · 10 years
((Well I'm officially part of the group after a few months or so of one of my friends (who has been so very kind and just all-together awesome person helping me setup) telling me about all the fun she's been having and trying to persuade me. Im about 20% excitement to start rping, 30% anxiousness that I'm going to mess up and another 50% total fear because wowie you guys are all really good rpers and while I've been rping for years I've never used tumblr as a method to do so. I swear I'm a very nice person... just extremely shy around new people... But if you want to like plot an rp together or something please don't be shy to message me!!
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