voidslantern · 2 years
I have a couple of things left on this blog that I want to do but otherwise I am moving blogs and don't feel like leaving a link to the new one here
I still love sheith to bits but I also don't have anything more to do for that fandom and I am definitely in a completely new fandom right now so... I don't think there is a need to leave a link behind
not when I want a fresh start
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voidslantern · 2 years
hate it when you want to stop playing videos game but the stupid little videos game challenge says 499/500 scrungles plonked because i absolutely HAVE to plonk that last scrungle before i stop playing videos game and it drives me NUTS
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voidslantern · 2 years
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Shadow and Bone season 1 but it’s just memes
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voidslantern · 2 years
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Anna Leong Brophy -> Tamar Kir-Bataar
Lewis Tan -> Tolya Yul-Bataar
Patrick Gibson -> Nikolai Lantsov
Jack Wolfe -> Wylan Hendriks
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voidslantern · 2 years
appreciation post for kaz’s best one-liners
because he’s the chandler of the crows
about jesper spelling ‘forgive me’ on dirix’s chest in bullet holes: “Compromise”, Kaz said. “I’m sorry does the trick and uses fewer bullets.”
“If you fail, all the world will suffer for it.” - “Oh, it’s worse than that, Van Eck. If I fail, I don’t get paid.”
“I had a question,”, said Kaz. “About your mother and whether the rumours are true.” (he says that to a guard in hellgate 💀)
when he tells wylan to watch jesper so he doesn’t go gambling: “I don’t need a nursemaid”, Jesper snapped. “More like a chaperone, but if you want him to wash your nappies and tuck you in at night, that’s your business.” (captain of the wesper ship from day one)
Kaz replied with a time-saving gesture that relied heavily on his middle finger and disappeared belowdecks. (i know, technically not a line, but still great)
“I’ll just hire Matthias’ ghost to kick your ghost’s ass.” (iconic 👏🏻)
when jesper doesn’t know what to do with the backless book: “Hold it up so we don’t have to look at your ugly face.”
“What is he doing?” asked Matthias. “Performing an ancient Zemeni ritual,” Kaz said. “Really?” - “No.”
“How do we cross? I don’t see anything.” - “Because you are not worthy.” - “I’m also not nearsighted. There’s nothing there.” followed by: “This is only one part of Hringkälla.” - “Yes, I know, then a tree tells you the secret handshake.”
“You can explain why our illustrious Shu scientist looks like one of Wylan’s school pals along the way.”
about van eck’s replacement for the ruby (that HE STOLE): “Nice pin,” Kaz said with a glance at the ruby stuck to Van Eck’s tie, “Not as nice as the other one, though.”
“Let’s go.” - “Me?” - “No, the idiot behind you.”
“How is-” - “Nina is fine. Jesper is fine. Everyone is fine except for me because I’m stuck with a gang of hand-wringing nursemaids. Keep a watch.” (actually it’s because of inej, but sure, kaz)
while petting a dog: “Now why can’t people be this easily trained?”
“I helped as well,” added Kuwei, looking sulky. “He did help,” Wylan said. “We’ll make him a plaque,” said Kaz.
“I need to do this. I’ve never been to my mother’s grave. I’m not leaving Kerch without saying goodbye.” - “Trust me, you care more than she does.” (i mean he’s right but jesus christ 💀)
“Pick up the pace,” Kaz said, eyeing his watch. “If I spill a single drop of this, it will burn straight through the floor onto my father’s dinner guests.” - “Take your time.”
when he breaks that dreg member’s leg: “My leg! My leg!” - “I recommend a cane.” (he’s a bad bitch and he knows it. 10/10)
Jellen Radmakker had fallen to the stage and was bellowing, “I’ve been shot!” He had not been shot.
when zoya tries to reanimate kuwei: “I really hope she gets this right,” murmured Nina. “Not as much as Kuwei does,” said Kaz.
in conclusion: kaz is actually funny as hell
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voidslantern · 2 years
i can’t hate read about the lives of rich people otherwise i’ll have blood pressure problems.. they say shit like “we had to push back our yearly summer europe trip by a month and our normal villa was booked so we had to go somewhere with six bedrooms instead of eight and it’s SO hot in italy this time of year😭” and it’s real to them. like that’s a real thing they’re experiencing and view as “a problem.” that’s what they’re struggling with, right now, in this day and age. what if i killed you with my bare hands
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voidslantern · 2 years
quiet quitting via
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voidslantern · 2 years
[hoarsely] is everyone ok
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voidslantern · 2 years
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MEL & VIKTOR - MORE PARALELLS (the only reason they didn’t interact is because Riot is a coward)
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voidslantern · 2 years
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voidslantern · 2 years
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voidslantern · 2 years
valorant update
- I love sova, he deserves the world (and some rest)
- I suck at this game but I suck at it a little better. even had some aces.
- met some toxic people, met some adorable people. still struggle with voice chat even tho you fucking need to do the comms.
- I have a mighty need to write fic and it is so weird coz I only have ever written fic for like... 2 canon characters right. but now it's more about a canon character and an OC and I just literally have developed a whole ass valorant agent just so that I can hc sova some happiness
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voidslantern · 2 years
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Trying to free myself from heavy art block with my favorite archer boy
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voidslantern · 2 years
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voidslantern · 2 years
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voidslantern · 2 years
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Favourite scene from Any Way The Wind Blows for Baz’s birthday!
And an extra page of Simon playing with Baz’s hair because this is apparently my new favourite thing:
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voidslantern · 2 years
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Hello! Here's another sequential based on the Simon Snow trilogy books by @rainbowrowell. This one is a scene from Wayward Son in Chapter 21 when Simon and Baz are messing around with foam swords at a renaissance fair during their trip to America.
Thanks to the patient Snowbaz fans who leave very kind comments on my previous Simon Snow fanart, hope you enjoy this one!
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