volkolak · 18 days
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volkolak · 25 days
mutuals.... would any of you be interested in joining my own art server at some point? i want to cultivate my own little art community on discord to share like TTRPG OCs and stuff, as well as art, particularly of said characters, but i wanna gauge interest.
i was planning on doing this kind of thing when i gained more of a following but i just wanna see what people think
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volkolak · 2 months
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artfight attack/long overdue revenge for @zinthings because i wanted to do SOMETHING before it ends and who can resist a xenomorph in converse
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volkolak · 2 months
When I was a kid edgy alternative teens/tweens used to draw scary gory demented vent art and it was literally fine cause it was just kids trying to act ~sick and twisted~ in like a quirky way to cope with the world like literally just reading JTHM and going “that’s so cool I wanna draw like that” but nowadays a kid can’t draw like a Nightmare Before Christmas-esque creepy face without a bunch of true crime girlies going “oh my god they’re literally the next Jeffrey Dahmer their parents need to put them under observation or something before they start murdering animals or something”
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volkolak · 2 months
Hey I need to warn you about a fascist blogger who is spreading some serious bullshit here in the vtm fandom on Tumblr. Normally I would say you could just block this loser, but his takes are some of the worst I've ever seen or imagined.
I know there is a lot of wiggle room in world of darkness due to the massive amount of lore produced over the years, but this r4cs0 guy is taking his fascist fantasies to the extreme. First of all, he hates everything other than mummies, because he says mummies are "less whiny" than all the other supernaturals and that every other type of supernatural believes that everything went wrong when we invented indoor plumbing. He explicitly hates all werewolf content, but only because he thinks the writers stole their ideas from Captain Planet and werewolves are therefore "woke!" And he really hates bisexuals, not just in the game, but just in general.
But the end goal of this guy seems to be recruiting people to play a game he plans to run, but he's going to force the players to enact his fascist bullshit. He wants the players to play as mummies, but impersonate a coterie of anarch Kindred. The mummies will secretly team up with the Society of St Leopold to create a program through the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa to grant a "special dispensation" to bisexual Catholics that agree to send DNA samples to the Vatican Bank in Rome. The SI will use these blood samples with a new technology they developed to determine who in Ottawa is being fed on by vampires, which the mummies will then use to overthrow the Camarilla and seize praxis for themselves.
But the kicker is that the real goal behind all of this is to capture sheriff Qui, who r4cs0 wants to punish for being bisexual. He plans to enact a ritual to banish him to the underworld by burying him upside down and allowing wolves to eat his lower legs, which apparently means you can't run away from wraiths anymore or something. This dude is literally only playing vtm so he can engage in homophobia, transphobia and dendrophobia!
this ask is absolutely insane and i would ask for sources because how the hell could you possibly know this but after a short scroll through this guys blog he's an definitely annoying right-wing piece of shit regardless so i'm blocking thank you 👍
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volkolak · 2 months
to my mutuals that leave nice comments/tags on my wips: ily and they mean everything to me
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volkolak · 2 months
mfw i look back on the version i drew 2 years ago and actually see improvement 😱
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girl help
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volkolak · 2 months
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the weight of all the things you (haven't) done.
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volkolak · 2 months
the kids online safety act passed the u.s. senate.
long story short (for anyone who hadn't heard of this before) the kids online safety act, aka kosa, is a bill that will censor online content and resources for lgbtq+ matters, reproductive healthcare, activism (INCLUDING PALESTINE AND LIKELY OTHER CRISES GOING ON LIKE IN CONGO OR SUDAN), mental health, etc. everywhere--its effects likely won't be contained to just america.
today, july 30th, 2024, the senate passed it 91-3. it has officially moved to the house of representatives.
is this a pretty massive setback? yes. do you have every right to be scared, sad, angry, or whatever else about this happening? absolutely. but should you give up hope completely? NO!
even though kosa passed the senate, the house is on break/august recess at the moment. we have around an entire month to get emails, calls, and faxes in to house reps, maybe more depending on when they decide to vote on it.
should it pass the house and get signed into law, we still have a whole 18 months before it actually goes into effect. this is plenty of time for digital rights orgs (e.g. fight for the future, the electronic frontier foundation) and other groups that oppose it to file a lawsuit against it. even if, worst-case scenario, it flies through the house immediately after the recess ends, we can still fight this up to march 2026.
so, yes, remember what's at stake here, but also remember that it's not over yet. we lost a battle, not the war.
below are some resources to learn more about kosa and how to contact your reps (first link) + a page that lets you directly contact progressive house reps, sign an open letter opposing the bill, and view others' testimonies against it (second link):
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volkolak · 2 months
You know, when you really think about it, just looking at their founding principles, the Sabbat are kind of right. Like, sure, going full evil death cult is probably not great, but they’re right about the Antediluvians. Like, every single Gehenna scenario revolves around the 3rd generation ruining absolutely everything for absolutely everyone (and once in a while Saulot does try to help, so I guess there’s that). Like, it’s wild that, in modern nights, with elders literally vanishing due to *mysterious* forces and kindred having literally seen some of them, nobody* else connects the dots and goes, 'hey, maybe we should, like, find and destroy these ancient evil vampires that are definitely going to try to kill all of us?'
*Nobody with a lot of sway
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volkolak · 2 months
girl help
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volkolak · 2 months
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volkolak · 2 months
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Gift art for @snoodls of Chief Pact Medical Officer, Doctor Ophyrra Faithrazor. I love that Ophyrra is friends with Vax, because any time they inhabit the same space it’s like this.
I love nothing more than to listen to one or two songs on repeat when I’m drawing, so this July’s gift art came with government-assigned playlists. guess which one matched to which… LOL:
Let’s Get This Over With by They Might Be Giants
Various Kitchen Utensils by Skybox
Lollipop by MIKA
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volkolak · 2 months
the important thing is to make characters who are fucked up in similar ways to u and then to give them the strength to keep going. so that even by thinking of them u may be able to gift urself this strength too. the other important thing is to make hot women
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volkolak · 2 months
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volkolak · 2 months
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visit the wiki page for wave (audience) for more fun facts!
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volkolak · 2 months
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— (varric)
you dont understand as soon as he appeared onscreen i burst into tears and couldnt stop crying it was baaad. i missed him so much gwah :")
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