voltron-ld-rebirth · 8 months
I don’t wanna leave you guys in the dark for a long time so here are some more teasers featuring everyone’s favorite black paladin!
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Shiro will go through a lot of changes in this rewrite!
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voltron-ld-rebirth · 8 months
Heyo peeps! I am so sorry We did not notice earlier that our ask box was closed. I have now opened it and allowed anonymous asks.
Ask us anything about the rewrite or ask any of our mods stuff!
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voltron-ld-rebirth · 8 months
To start this blog off let’s show off some teasers for redesigns of the lions and paladins, starting off with fan favorites, Keith and Lance 
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Yes they will be a “thing” is this rewrite.
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voltron-ld-rebirth · 8 months
Voltron Legendary Defender Rebirth is a reworking of the original 2016 show. This rewrite aims to remake the show and give it the potential that it somewhat had. By either completely remaking or even removing some parts that drove it down or expanding things that could’ve been used to drove the story upward. The making of this blog aims to record concepts for this rewrite. Please note that this will never become an actual show, obviously. None of us are professional anything and that this is a simple writing project that at most will become either a fanfic or a comic.
Blog “moderators” introductions!
Heyo peeps! I am AlexKat (@katstuckintree), the main artist and creator of this blog project. I loved Voltron when it first came out in 2016. My younger self really grappled onto the show and all its characters. But as show went on it started showing its cracks; the missed potential of the characters , lazy writing, and the whole of season 7 and 8. I wanted to make this as a small project, as well as hopefully bring back some of the endearing moments the show once had. My favorite characters were Pidge and that one background galra
Hi! My name is Amari aka @amaricreates and I’m the background artist and co writer for Voltron Legendary Defender Rebirth. I also draw some character assets and props as well. I love telling stories and creating characters so being asked to be a part of this project is really awesome. I’ve been a fan of Voltron since season one so I’m really excited to contribute to this retelling. My favorite characters are Coran and Hunk.
Hey, my name is Frunkle (@frunklestungle) and i'm one of the writers for Voltron Legendary Defender Rebirth. Telling stories has always been a fun pass time so I figured why not have some fun and rewrite a show my friends watched. Disclaimer: I have not watched Voltron. This is for fun. This being said my favorite character is Pit. (Goddammit Frunkle)
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