vulcansarecatsbb 3 months
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vulcansarecatsbb 4 months
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Illustrations done for the beautiful fic by Borealisblue "Catspaw of Another Kind" during the Vulcans are Cats BigBang
Absolutely recommend, it's such a good read especially if you like purring Spock 馃挏馃悎鈥嶁瑳
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
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Last day, last works.
For the third and final day, we have three fics and six drawings!
Catspaw of Another Kind
By @thetimetostrikeislater with art by Purple Enma and @sevceedovee
Rating: Explicit
Words: 25,481, 5 chapters
Summary: Terrifying Sphinxes? Catians? Cats? Oh my.
On a planet that claims to be the origin of all feline species in the galaxy, Kirk is nearly killed by the rulers of the planet who do not allow anyone who is not a feline descendent from their planet to live. Unless of course they are mated to a descendent.
Spock quickly discovers his ancestors might have come from such a place and so a lie was told to keep Kirk alive, but only because he shares a bond with Spock.
Kirk finds this notion ridiculous until Spock confirms that they do indeed share a bond right before the planet affects the Vulcan and he becomes feral.
Now Kirk must find a way to get a wild Spock who wants to both cling to him and run away and two other crewmembers back to the Enterprise before they decide they want to remain forever.
From the Destruction, Out of the Flame
By @allstarnotrek with art by @twakiju2
Rating: Teen
Words: TBD
Summary: While Enterprise is still recovering from the destruction at Azati Prime, Trip and T鈥檖ol each try to heal the scars from their personal battles. Together, they help each other realize that they don鈥檛 have to face their enemies alone.
Vet Visit
By @jawnwatsonkinnie
Rating: Explicit
Words: 3,993
Summary: After the death of Sybok, the Enterprise is in disrepair. McCoy takes this as an oppurtunity to get as many check ups done as possible while the crew is stuck grounded, and that includes giving Spock a proper look over! He looks different since coming back from the dead after all, and are those... whiskers on his face?
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
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(ID: two digital drawings in an organic style of characters from Star Trek. The first shows Michael Burnham and Sybok as children, dressed in casual clothing and both looking at something in surprise. Sybok has whiskers. The second drawing shows Sybok, Michael, and Spock lying on top of the sehlat I-Chaya, who is resting his head on Sarek's lap. Sarek is scratching the underside of the sehlat's chin with a pensive expression. Sarek has a tail.)
My contributions to the @vulcansarecatsbb! These drawings go with a fic by the absolutely lovely @twakiju2, which can be found here on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46486561
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
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Day 2!
Today we have two fics and three drawings.
Man on the Moon
By @roundtriptojupiter with art by @jawnwatsonkinnie
Rating: Gen
Words: 10,878
Summary: When the Enterprise is dispatched to Nimbus III to retrieve the Vulcan Sybok, Leonard anticipates a routine (and likely life-threatening) adventure with his closest friends. What he gets, instead, is a revolutionary transformed into a cat by an ancient Vulcan ritual... and he's the only one able to look after him.
And then, of course, everything gets more complicated when Sybok starts appearing in his dreams...
Cat Got Your Tongue
By @dahyeltal with art by @uss-genderprise
Rating: Teen
Words: 10,732
Summary: Leonard gets an emergency call from Jim informing him that Spock never showed up for his shift. The logs don't show Spock leaving the ship, and the computer says he's in his room, but when he checks...all he can find is a black cat.
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
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After completing an away mission, Spock beams back up to the Enterprise. Only, what shows up in the transporter room isn't Spock. Well, it is technically Spock. Just one from another universe. One where Vulcans are cats.
Written for the Vulcans are Cats Big Bang, with art by @daggerofthemind (go look at his art right now. do it. do it now.)
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 10874
Fandom: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Relationships: Crew of the Starship Enterprise & Spock
Additional Tags: Vulcans are Cats Big Bang, Cat!Spock, Transporter Malfunction, Fluff, Illegal Tribble, cat shenanigans
@vulcansarecatsbb <3
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
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hey y'all! This is my entry for the Vulcans Are Cats Big Bang! I had such a good time working with @space-dog-from-space to make a piece for their fic, Spock Swap, which you can find under the Vulcans Are Cats Big Bang Collection on ao3 as well as 6 other great fics! I participated along with 20 other really awesome artists and writers and i highly encourage everyone to check em out!! Thank you to @uss-genderprise for organizing, and happy trekking everyone!
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
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The fics are here!
First day of posting brings us three fics and five drawings! Be sure to check everyone's works out.
Spock Swap
By @space-dog-from-space with art by @daggerofthemind
Rating: Teen
Words: 10,874
Summary: After completing an away mission, Spock beams back up to the Enterprise. Only, what shows up in the transporter room isn't Spock. Well, it is technically Spock. Just one from another universe. One where Vulcans are cats.
Vulcan Cuddle Piles
By @twakiju2 with art by @sydneygremlins
Rating: gen
Words: 1,130
Summary: What it says on the tin.
In which Spock gets overwhelmed, sehlats make awesome beds, and this family is having a functional moment (for once!)
Across the Ocean
By @uss-genderprise with art by @brookbee and Falco_Cassini
Rating: Teen
Words: 7,318
Summary: As a defense mechanism against a mind sifter, Spock closed in on himself, hide everything that he is behind mental walls, leaving only a shell of himself behind. A shell that is touch-starved, remarkably cat-like, and in love with Jim.
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
Last chance to sign up as an artist!
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Sign-ups open!
Do you like Vulcans? Do you like when Vulcans purr? Do you like when they act like, get turned (whether partially or fully) into, are, or are generally like cats? Do you write, draw, or edit fics? Well this is the big bang for you!
10/11/2022 - sign-ups open
10-15/12/2022 - check-in #1
10-15/1/2023 - check-in #2, author sign-ups close
10-15/2/2023 - claims check-in
20-25/2/2023 - claims, artist sign-ups close
10-15/3/2023 - check-in #4
15/4/2023 - posting begins
Sign up!
Please read our Rules and FAQ before signing up.
Authors || Artists || Beta Readers
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
I'm so sorry I keep accidentally reblogging things to this account this is why I don't do sideblogs lol anyway only one month left to sign up as an artist!
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vulcansarecatsbb 1 year
Only two weeks left to sign up as an author!
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Sign-ups open!
Do you like Vulcans? Do you like when Vulcans purr? Do you like when they act like, get turned (whether partially or fully) into, are, or are generally like cats? Do you write, draw, or edit fics? Well this is the big bang for you!
10/11/2022 - sign-ups open
10-15/12/2022 - check-in #1
10-15/1/2023 - check-in #2, author sign-ups close
10-15/2/2023 - claims check-in
20-25/2/2023 - claims, artist sign-ups close
10-15/3/2023 - check-in #4
15/4/2023 - posting begins
Sign up!
Please read our Rules and FAQ before signing up.
Authors || Artists || Beta Readers
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vulcansarecatsbb 2 years
I see some of you saying you're considering signing up but you don't have any ideas. Well, good news! You can always sign up, hang out a bit to see if inspiration strikes, and leave if it doesn't! As long as you drop out before claims there won't be an issue!
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vulcansarecatsbb 2 years
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Sign-ups open!
Do you like Vulcans? Do you like when Vulcans purr? Do you like when they act like, get turned (whether partially or fully) into, are, or are generally like cats? Do you write, draw, or edit fics? Well this is the big bang for you!
10/11/2022 - sign-ups open
10-15/12/2022 - check-in #1
10-15/1/2023 - check-in #2, author sign-ups close
10-15/2/2023 - claims check-in
20-25/2/2023 - claims, artist sign-ups close
10-15/3/2023 - check-in #4
15/4/2023 - posting begins
Sign up!
Please read our Rules and FAQ before signing up.
Authors || Artists || Beta Readers
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vulcansarecatsbb 2 years
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Please read this thoroughly before signing up or sending an ask.
What is a big bang?
A big bang is a fandom event meant to create a lot of content for a fandom, ship, or theme in a relatively short amount of time. In this case, the fandom is Star Trek, and the theme is Vulcans being, getting turned into, or acting like cats.
How can I participate?
All you need to do is sign up and follow the schedule! All updates will be posted both here, on our tumblr, and on the Discord server you will be asked to join upon signing up. Discord will be our main way of keeping in touch with you, so you will need to have an account there.
Can I sign up for multiple positions (Author, Artist, Beta Reader)?
Yes! Just make sure you鈥檒l have time to do it all. When signing up as both artist/author and beta reader, you don鈥檛 need to fill in the beta reader form - instead, simply select the role in the server.
How do claims work?
Authors will be asked to check in with a fic that is at least 75% done, including editing (we selected this as the sweet spot to avoid most drop outs, so no artist gets left with art but no fic to post it with). During claims, artists will choose the fics they鈥檙e most interested in working on (based on a synopsis and tags, but no author name), and will be assigned a fic using an algorithm, to avoid the first-come first-served method that most bangs use and better account for different timezones, so that everyone鈥檚 happy.
Where do we post?
Fics will be posted on AO3 and added to the Vulcans are Cats Big Bang collection. Art will be posted here, on tumblr. A masterpost will be shared on this account, linking to both the fic and the art. On posting day, you will be allowed to share your creations on other platforms.
What if I鈥檓 a minor and I don鈥檛 want to be paired with an adult (or vice-versa)?
During claims, authors will select whether or not they want to work within their own age group, and artists will be asked to respect that while claiming. No one will be forced to work with someone they鈥檙e uncomfortable with.
What if I need to drop out of the event?
As long as you drop out before claims, you will experience no penalties. Life often gets in the way, and getting a fic/art done with a deadline can be hard. The important thing is to let us know. If you need to drop out after claims, let us know ASAP so that we can let your artist know they won鈥檛 need to get the drawing done and we can assign them a new fic, or so that we can get a pinch hit artist for your author.
I can鈥檛 write/draw, can I still participate?
If you鈥檙e confident in your ability to spot typos or plot holes, we could always use more beta readers! Other than that, reblogs help spread the news, so that more people can participate!
Is there a minimum/maximum word count?
The minimum is 1,000 words. We want to keep the barrier for entry as low as possible. There is no maximum word count, and we would gladly accept novel-length fics!
Can I write more than one fic?
Yes! You only need to sign up once, but you will need to check in with every fic individually. We may put a cap on the amount of fics a single person can participate with according to how many people submit multiple and how many artists we end up having. No matter what, you can only go through claims with no more than one unfinished fic, to avoid having artists left with art but no fic to post with.
Can I write a multi-chapter fic?
Yes, multi-chapter fics are welcome, but the entire fic needs to be posted on your posting date.
Does the fic need to be a new one?
Yes. We will have a collection available to any fics you have written in the past which fit the theme of this bang, but only new fics will get art and be shared in the main collection. If any part of the fic has been previously posted we won鈥檛 accept it for this event.
Fics for this bang can be sequels, but should be able to stand on their own. Epilogues and sequels can be written and added after the bang, but should not be necessary for understanding and enjoying the fic.
Is there anything (ship, series, theme, ect.) that isn鈥檛 allowed in fics for this bang?
This is a multi-ship, all-series event, and as such, all Star Trek series are welcome. We don鈥檛 accept incestuous or pedophilic ships, but other than that, everything goes. Adult themes, whether sexual, violent, or triggering in nature, need to be properly tagged and should follow AO3 guidelines.
Other than that, please write in English, as pairing you with an artist who speaks the same language could be difficult.
Are crossovers allowed?
Crossovers between different Trek shows are allowed, but crossovers with other, unrelated media are not.
What about AUs?
Absolutely! If the best way for your Vulcan to be a cat is in an alternate universe, go for it!
What about OCs?
OCs are allowed, but they shouldn鈥檛 be the focus of your fic. Keep in mind that you will be working with an artist who is most likely unfamiliar with your OCs.
Is Explicit content allowed?
Yes, but you must be over 18 to create it, and you鈥檒l be required to work with an artist who is over 18. If, by claims, you鈥檙e uncertain whether or not your fic will be explicit, you will be asked to select that it is.
How much control do I have over the art?
None - this isn鈥檛 a commission, and you鈥檙e not paying your artist(s). If the artist asks, feel free to offer your input, but don鈥檛 expect anything.
Do I need a beta reader?
Beta readers are a requirement for every fic in this event. We have signed up beta readers, but you can get your own, as well. You will be asked to credit them in the notes of your fic and on the tumblr masterpost.
Can I be a solo author?
For those of you who don鈥檛 know, a solo author is an author who is not paired with an artist. Yes, we accept solo authors, and authors can switch to the solo track at any point before claims. The benefits being that they have more time to complete their fic.
Can I work with an artist outside the bang?
Yes, but only after the bang is over, and only if your artist(s) agrees. We can鈥檛 stop people from making fanart, but reaching out to another artist and asking for it isn鈥檛 a great look.
Can I claim more than one fic?
After the first round of claims, if there are any fics left without an artist, you will be allowed to take on an extra, on a first-come first-serve basis. If more people want to take on another fic, we will allow two artists per fic. During the first round of claims, we will ask which artist is willing to share.
What types of art can I make?
We accept digital and traditional art alike, as well as animation, 3D art (both digital and traditional), and comics. Manips, edits, playlists, moodboards, podfics, ect. are not accepted. All art needs to appear completed.
How much art do I need to make?
Depending on the length of the fic, you might need to make more or less art. Fics under 10k will only require one piece, but over it we ask for two pieces. Other than that, create at your discretion.
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vulcansarecatsbb 2 years
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To participate in this event, you must:
Be older than 13.
Join our Discord server.
Follow the schedule and check-in on time.
Communicate with your partner(s) and the mods in a timely fashion.
Finished fics must be at least 1,000 words long.
Fics must be edited by a beta reader.
Your fic may be an existing WIP, as long as no part of it has been shared before.
Details of the fic should not be made public until after posting, however promotion posts will be allowed after claims.
The fic must be posted in its entirety on your posting date.
Fics may be a part of an existing series or a sequel, however they should be able to stand on their own and not require the artist to read prior works.
NSFW content should only be written by authors over 18, and any triggering content must be properly tagged and warned for.
Artists will create at least one drawing for a fic under 10k, and at least two for a fic over it. All art must appear completed.
Digital and traditional art, as well as animation, 3D art, and comics is welcome. Edits, manips, collages, playlists, podfics, moodboards, ect. will not be accepted.
You may register as both author and artist, but you may not claim your own fic.
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