w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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i slept in today because i had a super fun game night with my school newspaper friends that lasted till 1 am! now i’m enjoying some productive alone time working on requirements for my study abroad application, planning the coming week, and reading for my classes :-) i also added a few photos to my corkboard, yay!
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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Saturday, 17th October, 2015 16/100 
16th day of productivity 
 Today was a good day: wrote a critical letter for my English class and a text about my holiday for my French class. I still need to make a revision sheet for History class.
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
December Studyblr Rollcall!!!!!
After the popularity of the other rollcall posts, and how many people told me they’d gained active studyblr followers from following people that had reblogged it, I figured I’d do a December one!! 
Reblog/like if you’re an active studyblr so that we can all follow each other and get motivated to study and succeed!!!
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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11.11.15 my bullet journal system! it looks more like a to-do list system but it works for me
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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12/6 || 11:06a
Finishing up the week here…thought I’d post a photo of this week’s spread! 😸
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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12.8.15 // biology final Thursday 😅😅😅
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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08.12.15 I’m not the happiest bunny today but on I go. We have a group project to develop and finish in 3 days, no stress (!)
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
To all those with exams this week and next week:
-No matter what grade you get, it does not define your intelligence.
-If you feel like giving up when you are studying because it is too difficult, remember that you lived through the entire semester. And, you will get through this. When the last exam/paper is over, then your winter holidays shall begin. Just keep fighting.
-If you dislike studying for a subject, take note that during the school year, study for the school. During the holidays, study and do the things that you are passionate about.
It will all be worth it. No matter how hard life is at the current moment, remember that nothing last forever. You will overcome it.
Best of Luck and Happy Holidays.
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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Skyping with a friend while taking down some Biology notes for next week’s end of year examinations!! Good day today other than the haze ☁️☁️☁️
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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Back to school in two days and I can’t be more excited!!!! Honestly, the last time I was this enticed to go back to school was in my third year in high school. Now as I am entering my third year in university 4 years after, I’m feeling it again. Maybe there’s just something about third years. Haha. Anyway, here’s a little something from my first semester last year!
This is an 8-page bullet reviewer from my HST 201B (Mainland Southeast Asia) class on the country of Laos. Basically, I annotated and highlighted a lot which made it easier for me to understand everything. I don’t really do this to other subjects (forgive my bias) as I take my history classes VERY seriously for everything about history will always be my favorite subject. 
ANNOTATIONS & HIGHLIGHTS: I printed it with a 4-inch (not sure) space at the left side which is where I will place details about the bullets. For example, the first bullet states “LDR: The Lao People’s Democratic Republic”, and my job is to highlight the main point which is “Lao People’s Democratic Republic” and put what it’s about on the left side of it. In this case, the answer is “Official name”. So if I decide to test my self, I will simply cover the right portion and try to answer them myself.
COLORFUL POST-ITS: As you can see I placed colorful post-its for mnemonics or figures or additional info about the bullet. For example, the second bullet pointed out the countries that share borders with Laos– Thailand, Burma, China, Vietnam and Cambodia. So my job is to put a small post-it underneath and place the first letters of the countries– “T-B-Ch-V-Ca” for easier memorization.
YELLOW POST-ITS: I put those yellow post-its at the bottom right part of the reviewers labeled as “POINTS TO REMEMBER” to put anything that I think would be significant answers on the exam in that particular page. They could be people, dates, doctrines/treaties, etc.
VOCABULARY: I basically underline (with a black pen or any pen) a word that I don’t understand and put its meaning beside it.
Color-coding content:
ANNOTATIONS & HIGHLIGHTS: I use two colors to highlight the bullets. Nothing is color-coded bec I just want to use them alternately so that words would be easier to find and everything won’t make me feel dizzy. As for the annotations, two colored pens were used as well, which were then partnered with a corresponding highlighter. 
yellow highlighter on the right side, blue pen on the annotations on the left side
orange highlighter on the right, green pen on the left
black for the chapter/titles and vocabulary
COLORFUL POST-ITS (mnemonics):
pink for mnemonics
green for figures (land area, population, stats, etc.)
blue for additional info
YELLOW POST-ITS (important terms):
green for general state description/events
blue for politics
orange for places
violet for important people
That’s it! This is how it works for me but I’m pretty sure it looks messy for others. Anyway, it’s been a while since I posted so I wanted to share this, and if it helped/something isn’t clear, just let me know! 
P.S. They have captions.
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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day 3/100. 15/10/15
bit of a boring photo but all of my stuff is currently packed away in boxes, can’t wait to get this move over & done with ! trying to sort out my life & organize my bullet journal which is looking a bit messy at the moment. haven’t done much work lately but I will hopefully be getting back on track after the doctors tomorrow.💪🏼
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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Need references? Don’t worry
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
college!! is!! so!! hard!! I have an exam and a quiz and a paper due this week that I haven't started wow!! I've studied for almost 10 hours every day since Thursday!! and I'm still not prepared!! omg!! softball practices start again next week!! being a student athlete is hard!!! ah!!!
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w0rk-n-pr0gress · 9 years
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10/18/10 [6:13pm] i downloaded a super cute pomodoro timer app for my phone!!! currently listening to this kick butt study playlist on my 8tracks bc it gets me WERKIN and also studying!!!!! i have so much to do!!!!! i want to sleep!!!!! [ 10/100 days of productivity ]
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